High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-26 14:47:33
With af+3 I don't think founders really worth it now but might be if you have it maxed out
If it's +13% Damage then it's BiS for both TP and WS reguardless.
If you have 51% WSD without body adding another 10% is a 6.6% increase for one hit WS's while the +13% would be a +13% damage as it's a SDT modifier (think piercing / blunt weakness). If the 13% is cut in half then the AF +3 body is going to be better on one-hits and maybe not BiS for multi-hits.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-26 15:15:06
With af+3 I don't think founders really worth it now but might be if you have it maxed out
If it's +13% Damage then it's BiS for both TP and WS reguardless.
If you have 51% WSD without body adding another 10% is a 6.6% increase for one hit WS's while the +13% would be a +13% damage as it's a SDT modifier (think piercing / blunt weakness). If the 13% is cut in half then the AF +3 body is going to be better on one-hits and maybe not BiS for multi-hits.
Oooooo that's very interesting. My founders is 14 on all but macc13 but I honestly don't know how I would go abouts testing that if you have any suggestions I'm more then willing to test things to assist
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-26 15:16:07
Maybe go find an arcana and use spirits ws? Preferably an NM is imagine?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-26 21:11:41
Maybe go find an arcana and use spirits ws? Preferably an NM is imagine?
Yeah it would have to be on a NM and Spirits within should be a good enough WS to test, otherwise Herc Slash or other magic WS that doesn't scale with TP.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-26 21:31:04
Ok ill see what I come up with late tonight when and if I get online lol
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Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-09-27 16:00:32
I'm looking for some very detailed information on the Scythe Weapon Skills, specifically Catastrophe, Cross Reaper, Entropy, Quietus, and Insurgency.
Information like when to use them, against what types of enemies, how to optimize performance (like only catastrophe once every 3 minutes to keep up AG, or only use Entropy on Darksday). etc.
If someone could point me to a wiki, forum article, detailed analysis, etc, then I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-09-27 16:14:56
Bahamut.Witchbane said: »I'm looking for some very detailed information on the Scythe Weapon Skills, specifically Catastrophe, Cross Reaper, Entropy, Quietus, and Insurgency.
Information like when to use them, against what types of enemies, how to optimize performance (like only catastrophe once every 3 minutes to keep up AG, or only use Entropy on Darksday). etc.
If someone could point me to a wiki, forum article, detailed analysis, etc, then I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance. If you have Apoc, and no other REMA, I would stick with Am3 then cross reaper unless you see higher damage with Cata. As far as when and on what to use It depends on your setup. I would check the Drk forum as they have a lot of active posters and Lots of sets and WHY they use them, and not a blanket "HQ ALL THE THINGS" though if you can get HQ abj gear will suggest that.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-09-27 22:05:58
Thanks for the reply, Brotherhood.
Before I posted here, I browsed the threads in the main section, but everything's pretty out of date (months since last post). Is there another DRK forum somewhere?
I've got my trusty Caladbolg, but with the introduction of the Ratri set, was thinking I'd build one of the REMA scythes for kicks. I mean, I know there's a TON of scythe hate out there, but, what the hell?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-09-27 22:09:26
Months? Last one was yesterday and earlier this week. Yes they may not be Daily or hourly but most are up to date with sets and gear + augments. Some have GS and others Scythe, and always can pose questions to the major posters. They play and often will get back to you within the day if not right away.
Well looking back, I did notice Set wise, very specific sets are lacking on the WS you asked about. My mistake on jumping the gun. However my sets are far from ideal and though I have gear I'm not +3 set yet and the current sets are actually very solid. I'm gona do some indepth checking when vedder gets his butt online so could be a few days/weeks at this point.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-09-27 23:34:54
My sets are still fairly up to date, and in 2 months when i have vacation ill do some updates and 'pretty' it up. All the sets you asked about are there though.
In terms of when to use and what, well thats where your personal skill and understanding will come into play. There is no cookie cutter response sadly.
Need light sc's? probably best to use GS
Need darkness? Well scythe is your king.
I havent seen any scythe hate really anymore. With introduction of ratri its actually be more popular than I have seen it for a long long time. Anguta can almost keep up with GS on pure dps spamming CR, and if you can do some umbra sc's it will actually be your best dps weapon.
make a list one questions numbered, and ill do my best to answer them also numbered :D
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-09-28 00:37:26
Hopefully tmw actually lol, fn net issues since I moved.
How you use the ws's and in which order/situation is highly based on being able to make the sc's 3step or higher and if souleater is up and your tp level and if consume mana is up and if you need hp/mp.
Cross, entro, cata, infernal, quietus and insurgency all get used at dif times. Kinda hard to describe otherwise depending on scenarios
By kithaofcerb 2017-09-29 21:36:05
Hey DRKs!
Just hit master, but I realised I hadn't touched my LUA in awhile so going through to fix things up, stumbled upon my Gavialis Helm rule.
Is this even worth it on days it applies or has modern gear blown it away? DPS Spreadsheets intimidate me
Thanks in advance
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-09-30 01:10:11
still BiS if you can take the acc hit.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-10-02 10:10:15
1. for your Apoc 5-hit gear set, do you use StoreTP on Ankous? What's your total StoreTP just from gear (including augments)?
2. what's your preferred umbra skillchain?
3. is it worth picking up Insurgency if I don't have a Liberator?
4. why Ignominy+3 (head, hands, legs) instead of Ratri for Entropy (and why Valor body & feet)? Isn't double attack important for Entropy?
5. Why not Floestone in ammo slot for Entropy?
6. Why Brutal Earring in Catastrophe set?
7. How do I get my Lugra+1 earring to only equip at night?
8. What's an acceptable replacement for Knobkierre in WS sets until I finally get one?
9. What's the 2nd best grip (Utu being 1st)?
10. I'm only missing 3 pieces from your Cross Reaper set, yet I'm not hitting anywhere near 30k dmg. What am I screwing up?
Thanks in advance.
By Lorax 2017-10-02 11:15:47
Bahamut.Witchbane said: »Azagarth,
1. for your Apoc 5-hit gear set, do you use StoreTP on Ankous? What's your total StoreTP just from gear (including augments)?
2. what's your preferred umbra skillchain?
3. is it worth picking up Insurgency if I don't have a Liberator?
4. why Ignominy+3 (head, hands, legs) instead of Ratri for Entropy (and why Valor body & feet)? Isn't double attack important for Entropy?
5. Why not Floestone in ammo slot for Entropy?
6. Why Brutal Earring in Catastrophe set?
7. How do I get my Lugra+1 earring to only equip at night?
8. What's an acceptable replacement for Knobkierre in WS sets until I finally get one?
9. What's the 2nd best grip (Utu being 1st)?
10. I'm only missing 3 pieces from your Cross Reaper set, yet I'm not hitting anywhere near 30k dmg. What am I screwing up?
Thanks in advance. 1. Theres no need for STP on Ankou's if your 5hiting apoc spamming Cata, you need 46 STP to maintain your 5hit. AZ's total STP is 50 on the dot.
2.I like CR>Insurg>Entropy>CM CR>Entropy, which I think is what most DRKs use
3.I would pick up any and all WS's seeing as you never know when you might need to Skillchain or something, Ive been using Insurgency a lot lately(Outside of the fact I own a liberator) for the rat Ambu this month
4/5.Im not to sure his reasoning behind his entropy set was but I dont quite see why not floestone either, as far as the Valorous goes you can augment it with INT/DA but thats alos a giant pain in the *** lol, so I assume /inset Ignominy +3.
6. I assume you mean why brutal instead of moonshade, the only thing more TP would affect on Cata is AM duration, thus a bigger net gain from Brutal.
7. if world.time <= (7*60) or world.time >= (17*60) then
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,{ear2="Lugra Earring +1"})
end 8.Try and pick up a Seething Bomblet +1
9.I honestly dont know what grips are out these days, but I would say bloodrain? Somebody can correct me on that~
10. More WSD is only thing I can say I guess, or more TP in your case
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-10-02 21:22:34
Bahamut.Witchbane said: »Azagarth,
1. for your Apoc 5-hit gear set, do you use StoreTP on Ankous? What's your total StoreTP just from gear (including augments)?
2. what's your preferred umbra skillchain?
3. is it worth picking up Insurgency if I don't have a Liberator?
4. why Ignominy+3 (head, hands, legs) instead of Ratri for Entropy (and why Valor body & feet)? Isn't double attack important for Entropy?
5. Why not Floestone in ammo slot for Entropy?
6. Why Brutal Earring in Catastrophe set?
7. How do I get my Lugra+1 earring to only equip at night?
8. What's an acceptable replacement for Knobkierre in WS sets until I finally get one?
9. What's the 2nd best grip (Utu being 1st)?
10. I'm only missing 3 pieces from your Cross Reaper set, yet I'm not hitting anywhere near 30k dmg. What am I screwing up?
Thanks in advance.
1. I do not use stp mantle for 5 hit, but I do on 4 hit. If your /sam and you have ratri legs on minimim (7 stp) then you only need 31 stp on during tp phase for 5hit. Reason mine has more is because you would want 35 if your getting a sam roll to move up to a 4 hit, though I actually now have it geared different in my lua, but for most players I think thats a fair set to aim. My lua accounts for sam roll now so I have even more changes, but I am not making a million sets to post :D
2. for umbra I do CR>Insur>Entro>CR>Entro.
3. Yes you need insurgency.
4. My valo body has 4 DA 38 acc and 8 int, there is probably better but I dont have anything better with those augs. Same deal on feet they have high acc and 15 int aug(no feet have int really fyi). Really theres no clear cut way to gear for entropy but for how I use it (sc) the sc+10 bonus is huge from ingnomy hands, the DA10 is unmatched for legs woth its high int, and the head has high int though that spot easily can be changed (bis may be HQ lustraio D). The new su3 craftable hands might out perform now though idk.
5. Honestly the best ammo may be the 6 int one you can buy for 2m off ah (when everythings capped) simply bc it has the highest int value, probably knob if your not attack capped, or seething if you need acc. I just use what I got because I have inv issues and 2 ints not a big deal atm, but floe is fine if you have it.
6. Cata gets no dmg benefit from extra tp, only duration on am, and your going to be using cata a lot more often than once a min anyhow so no biggy to keep AM up, so brutal offers highest DA in that slott and a DA add a good chunk of dmg on cata. You could use a str base earring like zwaio or w/e its called. has acc too so a good choice tbh.
7. lua stuff, just check my posted luas they both do it.
8. Honestly Seething bomblet is great, you will want it regardless if you have knob or not for stuff like Reso. You can slo this also.
9. bloodrain is good, and the haste one. All depends on your other gear.
10. Lots of variables on that. You wont get 30k spamming at 1k, it starts to get around that dmg when your closer to 2k+ and very easy when you hit 3k. Like any dd, you wont do crazy dmg w/o a cor/geo/brd etc. However with anguta you can virtually spam at 1k and get high avgs of around 30k in a zerg scenario since you will have an effective 1750tp min, and with warcry or shiva... it just gets silly. Id say if your getting 20k in a normal non zerg setting your doing decent.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-10-02 21:43:37
tp bonus doesn't affect am timers anyways
By Lorax 2017-10-02 21:58:21
Meh didnt know how to word it better but I hope it got the point across lol
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-10-04 17:59:36
Excellent replies. Thank you.
Some clarifications:
5. what is this "attack cap" of which you speak?
6. i never thought moonshade was right for catastrophe. i wondered why brutal over lugra+1 (at night) or kokou's (in daytime). i was unaware that DA was useful for catastrophe.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-10-04 18:10:16
7. if world.time <= (7*60) or world.time >= (17*60) then
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,{ear2="Lugra Earring +1"})
Do I need to repeat this code in front of every single equipset? Feel free to point me at a lua/gs wiki.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-10-04 18:11:25
attack cap depends on the mob's defense. you want your attack to be 4.125x the mob's defense. if a mob has 1000 defense, you need 4125, if you reduce it with defense down to say 500, you only need 2063 attack.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Ballzack 2017-10-04 18:39:53
Bahamut.Witchbane said: »7. if world.time <= (7*60) or world.time >= (17*60) then
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,{ear2="Lugra Earring +1"})
Do I need to repeat this code in front of every single equipset? Feel free to point me at a lua/gs wiki.
Thanks! AZ's lua on the front page has a example of it @ line 1344
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-10-04 20:29:19
Bahamut.Witchbane said: »7. if world.time <= (7*60) or world.time >= (17*60) then
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,{ear2="Lugra Earring +1"})
Do I need to repeat this code in front of every single equipset? Feel free to point me at a lua/gs wiki.
Thanks! AZ's lua on the front page has a example of it @ line 1344
Ah, I see that. Cool ty.
I couldn't find his augments file linked anywhere. Is it buried somewhere in this thread? I skimmed but didn't see it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-10-04 20:30:58
attack cap depends on the mob's defense. you want your attack to be 4.125x the mob's defense. if a mob has 1000 defense, you need 4125, if you reduce it with defense down to say 500, you only need 2063 attack.
Is there a way to on-the-fly follow a mob's defense value? Or you just gotta memorize that all Apex Crabs have 1000 defense?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-10-04 20:34:26
non-nms you can get an idea with the /check command, and can get more exact by switching around your attack and /checking again. but mobs also may vary by a level or two. best would be to find the highest level one, narrow down it's defense with /check without any buffs or debuffs on, then from there you can adjust your sets based on buffs and debuffs.
NMs, not really without doing controlled tests.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-10-04 21:02:55
attack cap depends on the mob's defense. you want your attack to be 4.125x the mob's defense. if a mob has 1000 defense, you need 4125, if you reduce it with defense down to say 500, you only need 2063 attack.
Wait, my understanding was that ratio cap was 3.75 period. Then there is a random +/- added after the cut then another random 1.0~1.05 tossed in just to *** with people.
The actual cap should be 3.75x it's defense, the 4.125 value was just getting a high roll on an another capped ratio.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-10-04 21:07:06
4.125 puts your lower limit at 3.75 and your upper limit at 3.75, so you only have the secondary random multiplier of 1 through 1.05, if you don't have 4.125, then you have a random one between lower and upper before the secondary one
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Ballzack 2017-10-05 01:27:55
Bahamut.Witchbane said: »Bahamut.Witchbane said: »7. if world.time <= (7*60) or world.time >= (17*60) then
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,{ear2="Lugra Earring +1"})
Do I need to repeat this code in front of every single equipset? Feel free to point me at a lua/gs wiki.
Thanks! AZ's lua on the front page has a example of it @ line 1344
Ah, I see that. Cool ty.
I couldn't find his augments file linked anywhere. Is it buried somewhere in this thread? I skimmed but didn't see it. You'd have to ask AZ himself I'm not sure, you could always define them inside the lua itself or just export them and copy/paste
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-10-05 01:58:45
Well I dont paste it because it literally will help no one, since I doubt you have my augs haha. Just delete that line or make your own augged file with the same name. It's pretty strait forward.
I Just prefer not having an extra 100+ lines in all my jobs luas, better to keep it all in one place and not worry. I am all about not replicating code if need be. Plus the way I have it when I update that include file I dont have to update 24 others luas :D just a bit less work on my never ending path of getting perfect augs from oseem.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-10-05 07:27:00
4.125 puts your lower limit at 3.75 and your upper limit at 3.75, so you only have the secondary random multiplier of 1 through 1.05, if you don't have 4.125, then you have a random one between lower and upper before the secondary one
That doesn't work that way, the cap is applied before the random -0.375 ~ +0.375 is added. That's why we can still have such large variances on melee hits when attack capped. Attack cap being applied prior to pDiff min/max was confirmed years ago.
300 base DMG would translate into 1012.5 ~ 1299 damage per hit range at attack cap.
#1) Ratio = attack/defense
#2) Ratio cap is then applied (3.75 for 2H)
#3) If crit add +1.0 to it.
#4) Then randomize a value between -0.375 and +0.375 (for people near attack cap) and apply that to Ratio.
#5) Then randomize a value between 1.0 and 1.05 and multiply by that.
Having a 4.0 Ratio would just get reduced to 3.75.
Welcome To advanced drk thread! Read spoiler if its your first time here. So I have been contemplating to start a new thread like this as it seemed redundant, but Some people have suggested/asked if I would. The drk guide is great and getting updated quickly, so this is by no means to replace or even compete with that. If your new, have fun reading this guide, but post Q's in the normal forums for beginning things. The focus here is true endgame such as Helms, etc.
The idea of this thread is for HIGH END sets only. We can theory craft about other sets too for such content. I highly suggest that if you plan to post/comment in this Thread that you also Post your sets for people to see. Less pages of crap posts is better (fighting), I hate panning through 117+ pages of dark thread to find an answer, lets not do that here.
I will personally try and keep my sets as up to date as possible, with augment remarks. I feel this wil help alot more than "Its to variable!", that helps no one asking. While augments are a pain in the butt, non-DM augments can be closely replicated between players, it does require a lot of stones/time, but if you're here its bc you have said gil/time probably. I find that between high end drks, augs start to look closely the same. Maybe DRK A got 5 acc 1 stp more on said piece, but 7 acc 1 stp less on another compared to DRK B, so in the end they are nearly identical. Don't include DM augs when making suggestions without mentioning its a DM aug.
I also have included below after my sets my lua, the gear sets will not match what I post here and what is there since one (probably lua) or the other could be out of date. However the basic format of the Lua is what matters, so use that too. Lets talk and code in some needed things and get a really good Lua built for the community too. I would love to have someone who has the know-how to make a DRK spreadsheet and I will publish it here too. Nearly every forum at least has one and I have yet to find an up to date spreadsheet for drk.
Enjoy and be nice!