So I am confident that I will only be a minor let down at best.
Easy to be better than previous ones, all you have to do is:
- Show up more often than just on christmas
- Don't ban everyone who asks you something in PM
- Don't try to replace the rest of the staff with family members
- Don't get involved with the serbian mafia
more tips later.
This may be more difficult than I thought...
So ew crusts, but poop is fine?
Maybe they have a really bad iron deficiency.
To Dameshi:
Some people strive to understand the question instead of knowing the answer. That being said. Does a "made up" question require a "made up" answer?
I believe that all questions deserve a made up answer. After all, isn't everything made up at some point? I mean if you told the Romans that zero was a number, they'd look at you like you have two heads. Possibly because they didn't speak English, but point remains. So to answer your question, yes.
I used to be a big tea drinker, but last year I got into coffee more. So now I find myself drinking coffee far more often than tea, however, I do still enjoy tea in many varieties. So I cannot choose just one. (I also just drank a 24oz coffee, for reference)
Will you be King in all threads now?
Expansion: Kingdom of FFXIAH

Only if I'm voted in. Every vote counts people!
will you rename ban hammer to ban claymore?
Hmm... I haven't thought about that yet. I'll come up with some long, boring name for it.