Pokémon GO! - (Savage)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-27 23:19:51
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial said: »Valefor.Prothescar said: »How much are they charging :p
if it's anything like Mew in February, free
Gamestop? Free? wait what? Event pokemon like this are pretty much always free. I got a Diancie for a friend back when X&Y were still fairly new because I happened to be out and he couldn't leave his house. Can just go in and ask them for it and they'll grab a code for you.
Thats in game, though. Thats not costing GS anything more or less to host. This is a plush, which means loss of money somewhere.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-27 23:22:13
Ughhhh so I was walking around this rather large park stocking up on items the other day when I noticed the silhouette of a Dragonite in my tracker. I'm like oh shitttt, a Dragonite! So I start hauling *** across every corner of this park until the Dragonite silhouette is the first thing in the list. It also somehow had one footprint at one point, which made me think it probably wasn't really there. Real or not, it disappeared before I could find it. Would've checked pokevision, but there's about a 50/50 chance I get logged out of the game if I switch apps. :/
Anyway, this park is a pretty popular spot because it has a lot of stops (including a group of 3 that are right on top of each other and next to a public power outlet). At night it's usually full of high school kids who bring a ton of lures, so I go pretty often to catch stuff and charge my phone. Last night, after spending about 10 minutes transferring extra pokemon, I closed the menu and saw it again: ***' Dragonite, y'all.
This time it was personal, so I took the risk of checking pokevision. The Dragonite was real and about a block down the street. Shyeeeet. 6 minutes on the clock. I yelled to the high school kids, who legit stampeded behind me as I ran down the street and around the corner. Changing apps had logged me out of the game (because of *** course it would), so I was frantically closing and relaunching the app trying to get back on. All 12 of these kids caught the Dragonite and then stuck around to watch the drama unfold as I raced against the clock to log in.
Just as I was thinking how terribly unfair it was that I'd be the only one not to catch the damn thing, I made it back on with about 40 seconds left and finally got it! Only 566 CP, but it has somewhere between 80-86% perfect IV scores. Its moves are Dragon Breath and Hyper Beam, so I can't decide if I'm happy because of the stats or disappointed because it has Hyper Beam instead of Dragon Claw. XD
This guy makes the best pokemon go stories
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 765
By Sylph.Kuwoobie 2016-07-27 23:31:26
Been trying to find one of these guys since day one. Finally corner one and it runs away after two ultra balls. It just barely broke out of the last one.
I need to practice curve balls. I hear it improves catch rates and on a target this huge it shouldn't be too hard.
By Bloodrose 2016-07-27 23:44:35
Ughhhh so I was walking around this rather large park stocking up on items the other day when I noticed the silhouette of a Dragonite in my tracker. I'm like oh shitttt, a Dragonite! So I start hauling *** across every corner of this park until the Dragonite silhouette is the first thing in the list. It also somehow had one footprint at one point, which made me think it probably wasn't really there. Real or not, it disappeared before I could find it. Would've checked pokevision, but there's about a 50/50 chance I get logged out of the game if I switch apps. :/
Anyway, this park is a pretty popular spot because it has a lot of stops (including a group of 3 that are right on top of each other and next to a public power outlet). At night it's usually full of high school kids who bring a ton of lures, so I go pretty often to catch stuff and charge my phone. Last night, after spending about 10 minutes transferring extra pokemon, I closed the menu and saw it again: ***' Dragonite, y'all.
This time it was personal, so I took the risk of checking pokevision. The Dragonite was real and about a block down the street. Shyeeeet. 6 minutes on the clock. I yelled to the high school kids, who legit stampeded behind me as I ran down the street and around the corner. Changing apps had logged me out of the game (because of *** course it would), so I was frantically closing and relaunching the app trying to get back on. All 12 of these kids caught the Dragonite and then stuck around to watch the drama unfold as I raced against the clock to log in.
Just as I was thinking how terribly unfair it was that I'd be the only one not to catch the damn thing, I made it back on with about 40 seconds left and finally got it! Only 566 CP, but it has somewhere between 80-86% perfect IV scores. Its moves are Dragon Breath and Hyper Beam, so I can't decide if I'm happy because of the stats or disappointed because it has Hyper Beam instead of Dragon Claw. XD
Firstly, congrats on the catch!
Second, don't worry so much on the secondary move; you won't (shouldn't) use it unless you're low on HP and using it before death.
Third, I know the feels with pokevision and crashes. I wish that (at least for jailbroke phones) there was a way to overlay pokevision on top of in game map so that wouldnt happen :( Thanks! ^^y I'm definitely happy with it for attacking purposes, just felt like Dragon Claw (or even Pulse) would make it a more dangerous defender.
Ugh, had to go and replace my laptop adapter, but damn glad I did.
Because I found an Eevee... (not exactly rare around here, given all the Eveelution* controlled gyms ini my area), but it was a 326CP starter Eevee. Which is pretty rare considering my trainer level is only 12.
Not as dramatic as the dragonite story a few posts up, but happy none the less. And of course, in front of my house, an egg hatched... I got a magikarp... and it takes... 400 candies to become a Gyarados... Grats! I have like 4 of each Eeveelution and I'm still always really excited when I find an Eevee. XD Hatching a Magikarp is definitely disappointing, but the silver lining is that you get a good chunk of candies towards Gyarados!
I got a whopping 8 candies...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 00:33:10
Thats catching and grind...er... transferring 2 magikarp! worth it to me!
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-28 02:47:10
Found a 1262 Clafable, went to catch it. Game crashed... Logged on, it wasn't there, checked pokevison, it despawned.
Now I have 2 less pokemon caught than seen again 110 caught, 112 seen. Missing a bunch, don't feel like I will ever catch them all.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 03:47:51
Chin up, ol' chap. You can do it. I'd trade you one if I could.. we have a billion clefaries here.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-28 03:59:27
Yeah I have clafairy, but to see a 1262 clafable.... damn game
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 04:18:58
Every pokemon has their own base stats (Nidoqueen for example since I have it up already, has base stats of ATK184 DEF190 STAM180 CP2140 HP142. That increases with individual IVs) If you have that clafairy, you can easily get him/her to 1200 just by leveling it up. The differences between pokemon are the IVs.
That 1262 might have seemed high, but had an IV of 20%, where the clefairy you have may have an IV of 80%. Sure its lower, but fully maxed vs the other one, that will be higher.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-28 13:38:37
This hurts.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-28 13:55:49
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts....
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2016-07-28 14:13:03
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts....
Serebii.com has a whole section on pokemon GO! where they have a list of the stats of each Pokemon, as well as their max CP.
By Gruknor 2016-07-28 14:18:20
By Gruknor 2016-07-28 14:19:11
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts....
Serebii.com has a whole section on pokemon GO! where they have a list of the stats of each Pokemon, as well as their max CP.
it is serbii.net
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 382
By Shiva.Carrelo 2016-07-28 14:45:02
They should make an anime about our lives playing this game. Cameos by the cast of the original show. I'd watch it!
I got a whopping 8 candies... lol >< I feel like you should always get 10 minimum. Maybe the Magikarp has good stats at least? My last 4 eggs in a row have all been Ponyta, each one between 70~80ish% perfect. The last one was 84.4% perfect with 15ATK/13DEF/10STA, so it kinda feels like hatched pokemon are stronger on average? I'd die if I had an 80%+ Gyarados lol
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts.... If you're talking about IV (Individual Values, i.e. the hidden stats that make a pokemon stronger or weaker than other members of its species at the same level), you'll need to use a calculator. I use this one in google sheets. "Make a copy" and add it to your own drive or shop around for a different one that looks good.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-07-28 14:51:15
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 14:56:41
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts....
Pokeassistant is the easiest one I've found thusfar.
By Bloodrose 2016-07-28 15:55:26
44%-82% perfect magikarp... too many combinations currently to pin it down as it is.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2016-07-28 15:57:53
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts....
Pokeassistant is the easiest one I've found thusfar.
How important are IVs to the overall power of each pokemon for pokemon go? In past pokemon games, IVs are important but really only for very competitive battles. i.e. in comparing a perfect 31 IV dragonite vs a dragonite with IVs ranging 25-30, its not that big of a difference unless you're planning on competing in tournaments or something like that.
I'd be curious to see a 15/15/15 dragonite vs a 1/1/1 dragonite and see how much of a difference the IVs actually make. Maybe it's a drastic difference in power, or a small difference, but it would be helpful to know. For example, would it be worth it to stick with powering up a low CP dratini with perfect IVs, or power up a dragonair/dragonite with 80% perfect IVs?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 898
By Phoenix.Morier 2016-07-28 16:00:43
My cousin's son was killed in a head on crash playing this while driving last week, killed the other guy too. Be careful people. Not blaming the game, just be careful while enjoying it.
Forum Moderator
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-28 16:04:37
My cousin's son was killed in a head on crash playing this while driving last week, killed the other guy too. Be careful people. Not blaming the game, just be careful while enjoying it. Sorry to hear. Yeah, I worry about it. People drive around the park I go to at high speeds between stops.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 16:23:40
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts....
Pokeassistant is the easiest one I've found thusfar.
How important are IVs to the overall power of each pokemon for pokemon go? In past pokemon games, IVs are important but really only for very competitive battles. i.e. in comparing a perfect 31 IV dragonite vs a dragonite with IVs ranging 25-30, its not that big of a difference unless you're planning on competing in tournaments or something like that.
I'd be curious to see a 15/15/15 dragonite vs a 1/1/1 dragonite and see how much of a difference the IVs actually make. Maybe it's a drastic difference in power, or a small difference, but it would be helpful to know. For example, would it be worth it to stick with powering up a low CP dratini with perfect IVs, or power up a dragonair/dragonite with 80% perfect IVs?
In order:
-Pretty important. They help a ton and since gym battles are the
only thing you use pokemon for here... every bit helps!
- Lv 40 Dragonite:
Worst Possible (0/0/0): ATK250 || DEF212 || STAM182 || CP3088 || HP144
Best Possible (15/15/15): ATK265 || DEF227 || STAM197 || CP3525 || HP156
-It would honestly depend on your supply of Dratinis. Parts of Cali are swamped with Dratinis, therefore if you're near one, I'd say level from a baby. If they're kinda rare, stick with the 80%.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 16:26:41
My cousin's son was killed in a head on crash playing this while driving last week, killed the other guy too. Be careful people. Not blaming the game, just be careful while enjoying it.
Geez, my condolences.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2016-07-28 16:33:56
K, I am sure I missed it, but how do you know the stats on the pokemon? Keep seeing people talk about it. Maybe I am just not seeing it somewhere.
Losing mr. mime, that hurts....
Pokeassistant is the easiest one I've found thusfar.
How important are IVs to the overall power of each pokemon for pokemon go? In past pokemon games, IVs are important but really only for very competitive battles. i.e. in comparing a perfect 31 IV dragonite vs a dragonite with IVs ranging 25-30, its not that big of a difference unless you're planning on competing in tournaments or something like that.
I'd be curious to see a 15/15/15 dragonite vs a 1/1/1 dragonite and see how much of a difference the IVs actually make. Maybe it's a drastic difference in power, or a small difference, but it would be helpful to know. For example, would it be worth it to stick with powering up a low CP dratini with perfect IVs, or power up a dragonair/dragonite with 80% perfect IVs?
In order:
-Pretty important. They help a ton and since gym battles are the
only thing you use pokemon for here... every bit helps!
- Lv 40 Dragonite:
Worst Possible (0/0/0): ATK250 || DEF212 || STAM182 || CP3088 || HP144
Best Possible (15/15/15): ATK265 || DEF227 || STAM197 || CP3525 || HP156
-It would honestly depend on your supply of Dratinis. Parts of Cali are swamped with Dratinis, therefore if you're near one, I'd say level from a baby. If they're kinda rare, stick with the 80%.
Oh wow. That's a pretty large difference. How did the CP jump from 3088--> 3525 though? That's just how it scales depending on IVs? Thanks for the info, with CP being altered that much by IVs, its definitely worth it to level a dratini with good IVs than say leveling a higher CP dragonite with 30% perfect IVs.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 16:52:28
Oh wow. That's a pretty large difference. How did the CP jump from 3088--> 3525 though? That's just how it scales depending on IVs? Thanks for the info, with CP being altered that much by IVs, its definitely worth it to level a dratini with good IVs than say leveling a higher CP dragonite with 30% perfect IVs.
Yeah, just the scaling. Not 100% sure the CP formula personally, or how they come up with it, but somebody seems to xD.
And most definitely. I held on to my low level dratini because it was 95.6% perfect. Got enough candies to fully evolve and the things growing to become a beast. 1841 atm with about 15% left on the bar at lv 23 and Dragon breath/claw. Dragonite is lv. 18.5, so quite a few more power ups to go, and figuring at about 50CP/power, I'd be thinking about another ~450 CP before level cap.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-28 18:25:05
Every pokemon has their own base stats (Nidoqueen for example since I have it up already, has base stats of ATK184 DEF190 STAM180 CP2140 HP142. That increases with individual IVs) If you have that clafairy, you can easily get him/her to 1200 just by leveling it up. The differences between pokemon are the IVs.
That 1262 might have seemed high, but had an IV of 20%, where the clefairy you have may have an IV of 80%. Sure its lower, but fully maxed vs the other one, that will be higher.
After that loss, turned off the computer for work for the day. Turned on my phone found a 1233 rapidash in my office.
Edit: I lied, 1232
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-07-28 19:00:58
I see pictures of people's pokemon collections and some have stars next to them.
What do the stars indicate...?
Also, I'm guessing the starters and Pikachu are super rare? Haven't seen any of them since I started the game about a week ago. I'm level 9 now.
Stars are favourited pokemon.
I wouldnt say "rare", more uncommon... depending on where you live
I'm level 20 and have more than half my Pokedex completed and Ive only seen one Pikachu ever and I ran out of balls. I'm so sad that i stopped catching the majority of common Pokemon now because its not worth the balls.
I drive by the spot I saw the Pikachu every day hoping to see it again...
Edit: Also as for the shop, I get my coins from Gyms, but I've never needed to buy Inventory space... ever... I can't keep enough balls or items to need it lol.
I purchase Lucky Eggs, Incense or Pokestop Lures... those seem to be the most valuable for me.
Catch them pidgeys/weedles/caterpies! As you level up from the 20s it gets insane to level. 50k/75k/100k/150k/200k etc. ALL of them lucky egg evolutions are going to be your friend. EVERY ONE!
Besides, modules/incense without catching them?! WTTFFFF?!?#@!#!
I did that to get to level 20, doing the evolve method, as I wanted to reach 20 for the egg cap and Ultra Balls. At this point I don't care about 25/30 game isn't about leveling up to me its about filling my Dex.
Don't get me wrong, Its a very VERY good strategy to reach 30 and so on but I'm just not in that big of a rush that I risk running out of Pokeballs when I find a Pokemon I don't have. No Pidgeys will be worth running out of Balls on a Venasaur or something.
But I should clarify If I have a reasonably good stock of Pokeballs somehow I'll catch some of the "evolve fodder". As for the Lures/Etc, It goes without saying if I use a Lure its with plenty of balls and the intent to catch what pops regardless.
Edit: Also I forgot to Mention Egg Incubators are a big thing for me too as I'm swimming in Eggs most of the time...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-28 20:10:13
I did that to get to level 20, doing the evolve method, as I wanted to reach 20 for the egg cap and Ultra Balls. At this point I don't care about 25/30 game isn't about leveling up to me its about filling my Dex.
Don't get me wrong, Its a very VERY good strategy to reach 30 and so on but I'm just not in that big of a rush that I risk running out of Pokeballs when I find a Pokemon I don't have. No Pidgeys will be worth running out of Balls on a Venasaur or something.
But I should clarify If I have a reasonably good stock of Pokeballs somehow I'll catch some of the "evolve fodder". As for the Lures/Etc, It goes without saying if I use a Lure its with plenty of balls and the intent to catch what pops regardless.
Edit: Also I forgot to Mention Egg Incubators are a big thing for me too as I'm swimming in Eggs most of the time...
protip: Save infinite incubator for 2km eggs, disposable ones for 5/10k eggs
Forum Moderator
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-28 20:18:15
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »This hurts.
 We don't get Mr. Mime here. So.. that feel, I do not know. >.>
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-07-28 20:30:20
I did that to get to level 20, doing the evolve method, as I wanted to reach 20 for the egg cap and Ultra Balls. At this point I don't care about 25/30 game isn't about leveling up to me its about filling my Dex.
Don't get me wrong, Its a very VERY good strategy to reach 30 and so on but I'm just not in that big of a rush that I risk running out of Pokeballs when I find a Pokemon I don't have. No Pidgeys will be worth running out of Balls on a Venasaur or something.
But I should clarify If I have a reasonably good stock of Pokeballs somehow I'll catch some of the "evolve fodder". As for the Lures/Etc, It goes without saying if I use a Lure its with plenty of balls and the intent to catch what pops regardless.
Edit: Also I forgot to Mention Egg Incubators are a big thing for me too as I'm swimming in Eggs most of the time...
protip: Save infinite incubator for 2km eggs, disposable ones for 5/10k eggs
Yah... doing that already. Its a good tip though.
So they just announced this:
YouTube Video Placeholder
I realize the game itself won't look anything like this until maybe a decade or two of updates, if ever. Even so, I am happy to be alive in this day and age.
For perspective, it is very reminscent but NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Google's April Fool's joke:
YouTube Video Placeholder