The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
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By 2019-05-09 18:25:29
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By soralin 2019-05-09 18:29:33
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Thats a great question actually.

I think I might do some testing tonight on how much of an edge spamming BPs from the menu performs compared to using third party stuff to manually send JA packets and bypass UI locks.

I have a strong feeling it will be a non-negligible gap, clientside locks can be pretty hindering.

Could very well make or break the difference between killing a target in a single Conduit vs the monster having 10% leftover after conduit and getting a chance to *** your day up.
By 2019-05-09 18:32:48
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By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-05-09 18:33:29
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I haven't counted and its based on your total mp, But with favor up, I burn thru all my mp, convert and get 3-4 more off before it ends. 10-14?
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By Autocast 2019-05-09 19:07:05
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I usually get around 14 BPs from conduit BPs alone when I remember to look, assuming the mob lives through full conduit, so was just checking to see if I was missing out on any/a lot.

I multi box the smn so not as quick as someone playing just the smn would be,usually squeezing in send macros to other chars mid conduit, so curious how far from maximum potential I was, I do the bloodpacts manually as the auto BP on luas do indeed suck.
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By Asura.Pergatory 2019-05-10 09:52:33
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14 is definitely not bad especially if you're multiboxing. I usually shoot for 15-18. Another way to gauge is how much MP you get through, as mentioned before, but it should be FAR more than one single MP pool. On a good Conduit with low Blood Boon procs, I can burn through 2 full pools. I've actually run out on my 2nd pool before and had to use a second elixir.

At the very least though, I can always get through at least 1 and a half MP pools if the mob doesn't die before Conduit ends.
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By Drorond 2019-05-12 05:38:44
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I recently returned to the game and i'm starting to gear up my SMN.

Should i aim for a perpetuation idle set with pet: Haste on it (like gear set on this guide) or is it outdated ?

I dont know if it's worth it to have pet:haste or if melee hit from avatar is pointless and i should only count on BP to deal dmg.
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By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-05-12 08:21:57
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Drorond said: »

I recently returned to the game and i'm starting to gear up my SMN.

Should i aim for a perpetuation idle set with pet: Haste on it (like gear set on this guide) or is it outdated ?

I dont know if it's worth it to have pet:haste or if melee hit from avatar is pointless and i should only count on BP to deal dmg.
you can throw haste on the smn cape if you want over regen. But it really doesnt matter. Avatar auto attacks are ***. and sacrificing perp/refresh/pet regain neck for it in gear will only yield subpar results. BP is where the damage is at, and pet tp only really matter on magic/hybrid BP's both of which your likely not going to reach pet 1000tp before your next BP is ready. (unless you manacede)
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2019-05-12 19:18:12
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I've updated my SMN Lua to better reflect how Elemental Siphon works.

For anyone looking to apply the new changes to their Lua, there are two new weather-based sets that are currently at lines 138 & 140 that you'll also need to add.

Server: Shiva
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user: Hiepo
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By Shiva.Hiep 2019-05-17 13:40:22
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What exactly does Draumstafir Path C do? Does it double potency of buffs or double the duration?
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Bangla 2019-05-17 13:54:16
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By Drofrehter84 2019-05-20 22:06:59
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Hello! Quick question for all you SMN types around these parts. Does AG affect BP Dmg at all? The pre-Nirvana says "Increases BP Damage" but the AG item says BP Dmg +40.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-05-20 23:10:37
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Drofrehter84 said: »
Hello! Quick question for all you SMN types around these parts. Does AG affect BP Dmg at all? The pre-Nirvana says "Increases BP Damage" but the AG item says BP Dmg +40.
both are +40, AG only helps your fellow smn when your get aftermath. Basically your paying 60mil for blue glow
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2019-05-20 23:40:46
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afterglow is a step in the direction of rank 15. +30/acc/macc
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-05-21 00:42:28
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nirvana r15 is a let down. 130~mil for pet: 30acc/macc isnt worth it imo. But to each their own.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-06-04 02:39:21
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By lordjigsaw 2019-06-04 03:31:26
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is this a good augment for MAB set for blood pact

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By Wotasu 2019-06-04 03:34:13
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lordjigsaw said: »
is this a good augment for MAB set for blood pact

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It's a good augment so keep it~
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-06-04 03:34:29
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lordjigsaw said: »
is this a good augment for MAB set for blood pact

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I know that's likely a brag but hell yea, good for flaming crush too.
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By Asura.Frod 2019-06-04 06:05:38
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Asura.Chaostaru said: »
nirvana r15 is a let down. 130~mil for pet: 30acc/macc isnt worth it imo. But to each their own.

Some of us have spent much more for much less.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [34 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-07-08 09:27:16
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new BIS for flaming crush and magical bp?
-10points for using phone picture I know.

Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2019-07-08 10:14:11
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Yup it looks that way.

Ring is also BIS for Volt Strike.
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By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-07-08 10:15:21
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
Yup it looks that way.

Ring is also BIS for Volt Strike.
for both afac and none afac?
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2019-07-08 10:36:19
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With AM3 up it's basically a wash, but Varar+1 should be slightly ahead (by a small fraction of a percent). If your accuracy isn't capped, Cath's 2 extra acc will make a much bigger difference than the BPD vs Pet:DA.

However, in all other scenarios I ran, Cath beat Varar+1. That includes a Gridarvor build with Shulmanu instead of JSE neck, Relic+3 body, Kyrene's Earring, and Helios head/boots, which is all the Pet:DA stuff I could think of to reasonably cram in there with it.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2019-07-09 07:32:14
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Earring looks nice too, replaces one of our oldest pieces of gear, Smn earring. Too bad it can't replace evan's earring for a perp set, instead taking over for the wotg earring's refresh slot.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2019-07-09 09:56:27
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It can if you use Lucidity Sash. Means no more swapping into Fucho-no-obi under 50% though.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2019-07-09 12:35:27
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
It can if you use Lucidity Sash. Means no more swapping into Fucho-no-obi under 50% though.

so a slight gain, the only other slots we could use would be neck or back anyway...
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2019-07-10 18:41:08
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I don't know if anyone else besides Frod actually uses my damage calculators, but I made a few minor QoL changes to them. Just figured I should throw a note so people can update their copies if they want.

The main thing was adding a "last total" box beneath each set you create so you can quickly see the totals of each set you're comparing.

Link to Pastebin
(Save them as ".html" and open them.)
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