Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-08-29 12:14:32
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Thats a really great comparison and summary Sirris... Though I will disagree slightly with one part:
On the master-focused side, since the addition of Dolichenus/Kaja Axe, beastmaster melee is decent. Decimation is easy to gear for and does extremely consistent damage. Beast lacks good DD job traits but it gets access to some decent damage dealing gear.
Dolichenus is really nice for Melee, but it did not step up the game for me. Just changed the flavor a bit. So that is my Nitpick. Dolichenus is certainly easier to obtain, but master melee could already reach that level. i just think most bst only focus on their pet. (which you should certainly do FIRST)
Then again, i have Aymur (R15 now), Tri-Edge, and Pangu. (Though I will say that Tri-edge is a bit disappointing (Bst, cannot make double light from master) when you already have Pangu, and probably not worthwhile if you have Dolichenus either). Which all these axes are a big difference from anything NON-REMA
I could already hit the damage players see with Dolichenus, using Pangu/Ankusa axe and Fernagu tp bonus offhand. (The offhand is merely so I don't have to wait for 3k tp. it makes a better comparison to Dolichenus which more tp does NOT add more damage to decimation).
Beastmaster is rather attack starved, so ignoring attack and boosting Magic damage (easy when in party w/ corsairs who want to spame leaden salute) is pretty common setup to find.
Honestly, I prefer to focus on Magical Damage when I melee on Bst. Between a pet like Bredo or Arthur, and R15 Primal Rend, you can blast out alot of magical damage.
I would also add the bst's magical aoe is just as impressive as physical. so they are both excellent.
I've been meaning to get a pet party together to practice Apex Cleaving.... need to work out the details though. thinking bst x2, smn x2 (for stunga and some aoe damage or maybe sleepga) cor and geo. (bst and smn need geo more than pup does).
I don't doubt that Pangu (path B for the multihit?) with Fernagu is very viable with Mistral Axe. I'll just say that Doli/Decimation, just like on warrior versus say Upheaval or Savage Blade, is easier to gear for, and the fact that you just spam it at 1k has great synergy with beast, being a low tp gain job. Mistral Axe does scale with TP so it has its situations where you'd rather use that versus Decimation.
You are absolutely right about BST being attack starved. It makes our gear choices a little bit different than say WAR or DRK. And then most of the time we aren't getting extreme buffs, so attack bonus on gear can be very competitive even with stuff that has better base stats or whatever.
Magical WS are a good fit, for sure. I'm working on Aymur and maybe Farsha, to do double duty on both WAR and BST for a Cloudsplitter build.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2019-09-05 18:18:14
Has anyone done an aeonic run/HELMs lately on BST? If so, could you share how you're doing compared with SMNs and what pets/sets you used?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-05 21:50:02
Has anyone done an aeonic run/HELMs lately on BST? If so, could you share how you're doing compared with SMNs and what pets/sets you used?
Sadly, only Reisenjima helm I've used bst on is Onychophora.
Not terribly suited for the other fights. though I guess I've used it some with Erinys, but only suplementing the summoners.
you can see all the pet sets on the front page of the guide.
Used Randy for easy high attack and avoiding skillchains on worm.
Ofcourse, teir 1~3 on all the zone Bst rips up the Geas Fete NM's quite well, with few rare exceptions.
Quote: I don't doubt that Pangu (path B for the multihit?) with Fernagu is very viable with Mistral Axe. I'll just say that Doli/Decimation, just like on warrior versus say Upheaval or Savage Blade, is easier to gear for, and the fact that you just spam it at 1k has great synergy with beast, being a low tp gain job. Mistral Axe does scale with TP so it has its situations where you'd rather use that versus Decimation.
You are quite right. though I'm using Path A Pangu.
Between Moonshade earring and Fernagu offhand I only need 1750 tp to cap, and being only at 1000 tp (2250) is quite fantastic already.
Calamity does more damage than Mistral axe. And either one of them compete with Decimation from Dolichenus, but with tp bonus axe, you don't have ONLY Decimation doing high damage.
Really damage for Calamity, Mistral Axe, Primal Rend, and Cloudsplitter will all be greatly improved at lower tp levels. and the skillchain benefit of that is fantastic.
I tried with Tri-edge, Fernagu and Moonshade for even easier capped TP. However I found Pangu did better damage anyway.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2019-09-05 22:49:02
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Has anyone done an aeonic run/HELMs lately on BST? If so, could you share how you're doing compared with SMNs and what pets/sets you used?
Sadly, only Reisenjima helm I've used bst on is Onychophora.
Not terribly suited for the other fights. though I guess I've used it some with Erinys, but only suplementing the summoners.
you can see all the pet sets on the front page of the guide.
Used Randy for easy high attack and avoiding skillchains on worm.
Ofcourse, teir 1~3 on all the zone Bst rips up the Geas Fete NM's quite well, with few rare exceptions.
Issue is ready range I assume on the harder HELMs?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-05 23:12:21
Issue is ready range I assume on the harder HELMs? exactly
could pretty much do any of the fights on bst that are done with summoner (maybe not the zerging though.. tp gain and time limits on albument, schah, etc)
but maybe coudl work. but yeah, its the range nerf
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-09-05 23:16:38
So, the range nerf really doesn't hurt you that much. I've done BST burns on Kouryu, we just used a SMN to Alex the beasts. I'm sure you could do the same thing to reisenjima if you tried. it's not idiot proof, but concept exists. Did it for Yakshi too
4BST GEO SMN (or something of the like, with drop cor)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-05 23:23:59
So, the range nerf really doesn't hurt you that much. I've done BST burns on Kouryu, we just used a SMN to Alex the beasts. I'm sure you could do the same thing to reisenjima if you tried. it's not idiot proof, but concept exists.
thats a pretty good idea.
but only reisenjima helms I can think of using it on is Vinipata and Albumen maybe.
can't get the height advantage on Teles. not enough time on Schah, or Zerde... won't get the right damage type or enough of it.
then again if a ready move had a reliable enough stun, maybe it would work on zerde... Raptor has a good stun, but I've never actually tested its reliability for something like that.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-09-05 23:28:59
Teles should just get flattened (take a larceny just in case, maybe)
Zerde maybe do it with SCH + Fireballs
I was thinking impossible on Albumen (no tank, guarded damage and high HP) If you took a RUN to 2hour after alex wears, or a COR to pray for a wildcard... (that's how we did superman 5 years ago lol)
but Schah should be possible. (maybe, I don't know bsts output potential anymore)
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Tearxx 2019-09-05 23:55:05
I'd mainly just be looking to carry myself and maybe another person if that's even possible so I don't have to gear SMN or make a Nirvana for aeonic runs. Will probably give it a shot using Randy for most things unless there's a suggestion on pets to use for each HELM?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-06 10:27:04
if bst's are damage for zerde, then you definitely use Warlike patrick. nice thing about patrick is it can make fusion and burst fire. Thing is, on a short skillchain burst, you will only do about 30k damage probably with fireball off of fusion. Its hard to say with HELMs. and frankly I've never had gambit up while bursting with bst pets. then again I burst 32k fireballs on apex mobs while doing some solo testing. so if you floor enemies' mdb and get rollls it can go higher, but I don't know the numbers for helms really.
Need puppet roll and companions roll to help maximize magical damage on pets.
Geo-Malaise is also fantastic.
However, the biggest difficulty will almost always be protecting BOTH master and Pet at the same time. Specifically from enfeebles. and over a longer duration of time. for zerde that means at least reliable stuns.
For a simple example:
Paralyze on both pet and master is completely evil. You need to win 2x rolls for every Pet command to succeed. Either master could be paralyzed and not execute command, or pet could be paralyzed and NOT execute command.
The same problem happens with several other enfeebles also.
then youu need to remove from master AND from pet. which could take pretty long also.
Actually that would be really nice to have a lua function for pet status removal
IF reward is up, use that
if not use Clear Salve I
if not use Clear Salve II
1 macro is alot better for that than 3
but still, being close range means you battle all the enfeebles. so maybe you need indi-attunement or other magic evasion bonuses more.
the support requirements get pretty high this way.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-09-06 11:04:29
I'd mainly just be looking to carry myself and maybe another person if that's even possible so I don't have to gear SMN or make a Nirvana for aeonic runs. Will probably give it a shot using Randy for most things unless there's a suggestion on pets to use for each HELM?
It's probably possible but you are looking at a harder run than using summoner, not an easier one. It's not a shortcut. Beastmaster might be easier to gear up in some ways than summoner but you have to work around a couple of challenges- being in range, lower dps but longer zerg duration, and a lack of really strong lightning nukes. This would be something you do because you love BST and want to play it over SMN.
Falkirk has a section on Geas Fete than includes HELMs. Just adding my 2 cents, from my own experiences using pet strats:
Anything below Kirin, including all of Zi'tah, can easily be done with beastmasters. Use tiger or, for fairies, grasshopper, lizard for T2 hydra and Vir'ava.
Mixed groups of SMN and BST should work on all HELMs with same strat as SMN, ratio might be a little different.
Kirin (and I'd add Warder of Courage) I like Eiryl's idea of using Perfect Defense. The dps requirements on these aren't super high and beastmaster should be fine for both.
Oncyphora is easy with beast.
Teles can be done, she has so little health you can zerg her down, maybe with Vickie and Sweeping Gouge. Erinys you will want a SMN for Mewing and a rune fencer, probably RUN for all of these tbh.
Zerde would be dependent on stuns just like with any strat we use for him. Use lizard, have Rayke/Gambit, one BST does Unleash and constant Fusions, others MB Fireball.
Vinipata will need that initial sleep of course but Vickie and Sweeping Gouge should tear him to shreds. PD here too.
Albumen and Schah, I don't know. Albumen you won't have enough dps to zerg him in time, I think. Same with Schah. You'd have to do longer strats.
By DononofSylph 2019-09-06 12:23:43
I used to be a hard core BST player during the 75 cap Era. Had BiS equipment and had some very nice solo's. I have finally finished DRK and I want to work on BST.
What are the top sets I should focus on first?
Beast affinity gear for max level call beast and PDT for BST?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-09-06 14:03:02
I used to be a hard core BST player during the 75 cap Era. Had BiS equipment and had some very nice solo's. I have finally finished DRK and I want to work on BST.
What are the top sets I should focus on first?
Beast affinity gear for max level call beast and PDT for BST?
Physical Ready set, Sic/Ready recast down gear plus first 100 job points, pet PDT/DT. Those three first (might as well do Beast Affinity since that's only one piece). Then Reward, magical Ready, multihit Ready, and master melee/WS/hybrid sets.
That's how I would do it.
By DononofSylph 2019-09-06 15:55:47
I used to be a hard core BST player during the 75 cap Era. Had BiS equipment and had some very nice solo's. I have finally finished DRK and I want to work on BST.
What are the top sets I should focus on first?
Beast affinity gear for max level call beast and PDT for BST?
Physical Ready set, Sic/Ready recast down gear plus first 100 job points, pet PDT/DT. Those three first (might as well do Beast Affinity since that's only one piece). Then Reward, magical Ready, multihit Ready, and master melee/WS/hybrid sets.
That's how I would do it.
Do Monster's Gloves +2 have the same affect as Ankusa Gloves +3?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-06 19:23:13
Do Monster's Gloves +2 have the same affect as Ankusa Gloves +3?
They have the same effect on Beast affinity, if that is what you mean.
However, there is obviously a huge difference between the 2 in every other way.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-06 22:06:24
How do I add gearinfo codes into gearswap for DW haste check?
I think you want a different thread.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-10 14:11:01
Malignance set and BST:
This is an Awesome set of gear for the new battlefield and I'm glad BST is on it.
The Malignance set is a very peculiar blend. so I'm analyzing just where to use it for Beastmaster.
Potentially it could be a great space saver for Beastmaster, and several other jobs.
The obvious place to fit this set is the Hybrid tp/Dt set for master only. This set is obviously made to Engage on Master on high level content. However, for pure tp set, it is not quite as good as we can get in other slots. It does not mix both multi-attack and store tp like we can get in the BiS pieces already listed.
However, it IS really easy to make this the High Accuracy TP set.
The MAX Accuracy for Master comes from the Totemic +3 set. There is a total of 300 Acc with the set bonus. However, I rarely tp in this set. I rarely engage something that demands THAT much accuracy without enough support to demand I use totemic +3 bonus.
My High Accuracy set usually means I'm wearing alot of the Heyoka set.
Heyoka +1 and Malignance sets have the same boost in Accuracy.
Heyoka +1 (NQ also) has MORE Dex, however Malignance is still a high Dex set.
The main differences for TP phase are that the Heyoka set gives alot of Crit + and pet accuracy, while the Malignance set gives alot of Store tp.
We are caught in a Master vs pet situation again. however, I'm going to Opt for Malignance because ofcourse, the pet does NOT need TP.
If I were in a solo, pet-tanking situation, ofcourse I would use Heyoka instead. but for master, HIGH Accuracy TP set, Malignance is an Awesome upgrade from the store tp. Especially for those Aymur users getting alot of Multi-attack form am3.
However where Malignance shows incredible power is in the defensive stats.
The Defense and HP bonuses are completely average. 585 Def and 249 HP. These are completely mediocre compared to all our other high-end sets (ankusa, totemic, heyoka, taliah, Meghanada, Emicho, Valorous).
However nothing comes close to this:
EVA 509
MEVA 674
DT 31
MDB 29
Def 585
HP 249
The closest set defensively, is Heyoka +1
EVA 322
MEva 586
DT 0
MDB 34
Def 595
HP 399
Heyoka has a nice hp advantage, and minimal advantages in Def and MDB.
Malignance has HUGE advantages in Damage Reduction Evasion and Magic Evasion.
This means Malignance set replaces Heyoka for all Meva/MDT set pieces.
But really, if you want to save inventory, You can EASILY consolidate your pdt/mdt/meva/dt sets all into one now.
Using Malignance set, it is VERY easy to cap Damage Taken -50%. at the same time as capping out Magic Evasion.
Really Pangu or ankusa axe path C + Malignance set is incredible already. No accessories whatsoever, and you are always capped for damage reduction, Magic Evasion, and very high MDB, and Evasion as well. Shell 5 is completely unnecessary. No need to fear dispel.
even if you DON"T sport Pangu, you only need 19% damage reduction to cap when sporting Malignance. in Hybrid tp set, that could be Moonlight rings, and Ambuscade Cape.
Sure, if you are a BST nut like me, who will even want a full tanking set for master, you might keep some of your other defensive gear. Combinations with other sets can get you shield block rate +, and higher physical defense, but you will lose out on the magic evasion which I think is probably much more valuable.
Defensively i think this makes it easy to put the "Occasionally absorbs damage" pieces into the emergency defensive set.
the real ODD stat for this set is ofcourse the Physical Damage Limit + Stat. and as a set, it goes up to +20%. Its funny because this is ONLY beneficial when Attack is Capped. This set is LOW on Str and absolutely no attack + at all.
... so... only in very specifically buffes situations is that going to be helpful. We only have 2x Dex moded physical weaponskills (Onslaught and Bora Axe) I'm honestly not sure yet if any of these pieces will help for that. I think the PDL + is only helpful for white damage when in max buffed situation on high Evasion content... So Wave 3 Dynamis if you can get enough attack+ and target def down.
I melee'd with bst on wave 3 in dynamis in Heyoka gear. I had no trouble surviving up close to the wave 2 bosses and their nasty AoE's and auras, Mijin Gakure, Fell Cleave, Blu spells, etc.
However, my ws frequency was pretty poor. This set would mitigate that ALOT. I would want fighters roll instead of Samurai roll using this set ofcourse. but survive-ability on high end content should go WAY WAY up for anyone with this equipped.
I just wish we could boost pet Meva while engaged.
Malignance also offers a good set to play around with if you ever wanted to bst/rng with pet engaged and you shooting. use the Ullr bow and pew pew away :P LOL. removing ranged nerf would let you open skilchain for pet this way ;.;
Malignance set is the Super High Quality, Inventory Economy Defensive and High Acc TP set for master only.
If you have decked out your pet sets and starting out on master, you can skip ALOT by just using this set.
disclaimer: Does NOT cover weaponskills.
By shamgi 2019-09-10 19:44:29
I think an important thing to consider in regards to the new set is Guttler and Onslaught. The set has very high DEX, and the lack of attack is offset by the relic AM. And if you can cap attack, the huge pDIF bonuses it provides might allow for some pretty damn high Onslaught hits.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2019-09-11 08:57:47
Does Guttler perform well outside of R15/is it worthwhile to have as a pet+master fighting mainhand?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-11 12:10:50
Malignance set has 185 Dex
Heyoka +1 has 249
NQ Heyoka has 224
Ankusa +3 has 178 Dex
plus alot of Attack and WSD
Unless you have ALOT of attack from other sources to take advantage of the PDL, I don't see Malignance being that great for Onslaught.
Heyoka would be better.
Even so, WSD pieces will make a bigger difference methinks.
I think Aymur is much better than Guttler, so I haven't bothered getting Guttler. Not sure if I want another toy like Tri-edge taking up inventory atm.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2019-09-11 13:17:09
I agree aymur would be more ideal because of TP bonus for Ready and AM3 for master, but was curious if people had input on Relic AM with Master+Pet attacking things, since in that case usually Master will see all the buffs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2019-09-20 19:40:28
Run Wild & Pet MAB
We've known for years that Run Wild gives +25% to a pet's Attack, Accuracy, Evasion, and Defense.
And in practice we've also seen that it increases Pet magical attack damage...
So what is Run Wild actually doing for Magical Ready moves?
Since item level adds a certain amount of Pet:MAB, we'll be using Level 99 pets for most of this.
Here are 3 scenarios to illustrate what is happening when we use Run Wild and a magical Ready move:
Warlike Patrick's Fireball (1540 TP)
w/Pet:MAB+0 Fireball deals 1692 damage to Wild Rabbits.
w/Pet:MAB+0 & Run Wild Fireball deals 1692 damage to Wild Rabbits.
w/Pet:MAB+100 & Run Wild Fireball deals 3806 damage.
w/Pet:MAB+125 Fireball deals 3806 damage.
w/Pet:MAB+200 & Run Wild Fireball deals 5922 damage.
w/Pet:MAB+250 Fireball deals 5922.
It's quite evident that we're seeing a 1.25 multiplier to the Pet's total MAB from these tests.
Using this method, and testing with every jug pet that has magical Ready moves, there emerged several special cases where pets had innate MAB that wasn't directly linked to their given job combination.
Jug Pet | MAB |
Gooey Gerard | -20 |
Generous Arthur | -20 |
Lucky Lulush | 0 |
Droopy Dortwin | 0 |
Pondering Peter | 0 |
Bloodclaw Shasra | 0 |
Crude Raphie | 0 |
Audacious Anna | 0 |
Warlike Patrick | 0 |
Attentive Ibuki | 0 |
Swooping Zhivago | 0 |
Brainy Waluis | 0 |
Sunburst Malfik | 0 |
Aged Angus | 0 |
Herald Henry | 0 |
Spider Familiar | 0 |
Gussy Hachirobe | 0 |
Redolent Candi | 0 |
Alluring Honey | 0 |
Mosquito Familiar | 0 |
Left-Handed Yoko | 0 |
Mailbuster Cetas | 0 |
Headbreaker Ken | +30 |
Acuex Familiar | +30 |
Fluffy Bredo | +40 |
The slug family was the most unexpected, and I would liken it to the situation dasva encountered years ago when conducting Pet MDB testing. If you have no sources of Magic Attack Bonus while using the slug pet, then Run Wild actually makes his innate MAB penalty even more negative, thus reducing damage.
w/Pet:MAB+0 Corrosive Ooze deals 2707 damage.
w/Pet:MAB+0 & Run Wild Corrosive Ooze deals 2538 damage.
Using this information it was possible to confirm that Fireball actually has the same fTP as Cursed Sphere. ( Dust Cloud/ Snow Cloud too.)
Cursed Sphere: 3291
Fireball: 2689
Fireball w/Pet:MAB+30: 3291
Alternative proof, since Mailbuster Cetas doesn't have innate MAB like its upgraded version Headbreaker Ken:

The Cursed Spheres deal the same amount of damage as Fireball in the earlier example.
And similarly Purulent Ooze has the same fTP as Foul Waters/ Pestilent Plume. It was just never evident before, due to the 60 Magic Attack Bonus difference between Slugs and HQ Fluffy Bredo.

Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-09-24 16:11:19
Anyone done their Aymur to R15 and want to speak to Primal Rend damage in buffed situations?
By Jetackuu 2019-09-25 21:27:13
AG'd my alt's but haven't unlocked the JP or done a bastok clear yet on him to even start throwing dets on it, neck is like r19 though :D
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-26 05:53:06
I have R15 Aymur. I don't have the numbers though.
What do you zerg in 3 min in an 18 man alliance? I can't' think of which fights that would be.
3 Min fight?
Kinda short. I wonder if you've considered the difficulty in getting such numbers; Especially in 18 man alliance.
If you are going with Aymur r15, You can either be focusing on Magical damage, or you simply want am3 up for master and pet, and the higher Damage rating from r15 for master for physical damage.
18 man, 3 min fight tells me you are zerging and not making skillchains. This will not help bst.
In such a short fight, you'll want to use Unleash. I can say I've really never tried to use Unleash and be engaged on master at the same time. Its probably worth testing the timing on unleash. if the pause between ready moves is enough to slip in weaponskills without losing too many opportunities to use ready move.
So you might have 1 min of unleash, and then 2 min of zerging on master, with a few more ready moves mixed in.
Its a huge difference if you are focused on magical damage or physical damage.
If I were in an alliance zerg, limiting skillchains, focused on physical Damage, I would usebouncing bertha or vivacious Vickie for the fight. Vickie will take advantage of Am3 and give a nice def down debuff. Vickie will also have frequent ready moves even when unleash is not active.
for master, I would put up am3 ofcourse, then spam Calamity. the offhand weapon, I am unsure of. I normally would want fernagu, but in a highly buffed situation, maybe corsair rolls would make over tp a constant situation. in that case barbarity +1 or Purgation would be a better offhand option.
If going for magical damage, I would spam primal rend after getting am3, and use fluffy bredo both for the mdb down 25, and the frequent, 2-charge magical damage. However, without burst, the damage may lack during unleash.
Beastmaster is VERY dependent upon the buffs and debuffs the party gives and its often a tradeoff.
to maximize unleash you NEED the right corsair rolls for pet AND the right geo debuffs. meaning you won't cap pets damage on high level content unless you have both geo-fraily and beast roll (and maybe some other type of def down). likewise for magical damage, you will need puppet roll and geo-malaise.
I've never been in an alliance party where it was profitable for corsairs to give pet rolls and melee rolls at the same time.
You would need at least 2 corsairs in party, and its usually more profitable to focus either entirely on pets or entirely on masters.
However, when you do this, Beastmaster gets gimped one way or the other. So how do you make the comparison you want?
as I've mentioned before, when in a full alliance with master buffs, I run my bst mostly like other dd, and relegate pet to a support role.
this often means using generous Arthur for corrosive ooze. The AoE damage is very nice (often getting my pet to top of the parse) for long divergence runs. but also for the attack/def Down.
helps the entire alliance to survive better and kill better. but its not the sort of thing you can measure in a parse.
plenty of ways to use pet as support. usually a good AoE enfeeble, applied regularly to each new crowd of dynamis mobs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-09-26 08:48:39
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Jug Pet MAB
Gooey Gerard -20
Generous Arthur -20
Lucky Lulush 0
Droopy Dortwin 0
Pondering Peter 0
Bloodclaw Shasra 0
Crude Raphie 0
Audacious Anna 0
Warlike Patrick 0
Attentive Ibuki 0
Swooping Zhivago 0
Brainy Waluis 0
Sunburst Malfik 0
Aged Angus 0
Herald Henry 0
Spider Familiar 0
Gussy Hachirobe 0
Redolent Candi 0
Alluring Honey 0
Mosquito Familiar 0
Left-Handed Yoko 0
Mailbuster Cetas 0
Headbreaker Ken +30
Acuex Familiar +30
Fluffy Bredo +40
Thats a fantastic find Falkirk. I didn't even think to test for it.
Primarily the - mab for Slug pet. which is really sad, considering how potent Corrosive Ooze and Purulent Ooze can be.
I had long thought run wild was a direct +25% damage boost. It especially shows when cleaving with headbreaker ken and comparing damage with run wild vs NOT having run wild. As I'm sure you were already well aware.
I would not expect to see a full 25% boost to cursed sphere damage from run wild, when I already have over +100 MAB from gear. However, it is always a 25% boost in damage. Great testing on this. It is not what I would expect. I would expect a straight +25% damage bonus. You showed better.
So thats really great, you find 2 key pieces of information that were not at all intuitive.
But I think you'll need to refine you tables in the guide now to add a spot for pet mab to show the bonuses.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-09-27 11:18:33
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »However, when you do this, Beastmaster gets gimped one way or the other. So how do you make the comparison you want?
as I've mentioned before, when in a full alliance with master buffs, I run my bst mostly like other dd, and relegate pet to a support role.
this often means using generous Arthur for corrosive ooze. The AoE damage is very nice (often getting my pet to top of the parse) for long divergence runs. but also for the attack/def Down.
helps the entire alliance to survive better and kill better. but its not the sort of thing you can measure in a parse.
plenty of ways to use pet as support. usually a good AoE enfeeble, applied regularly to each new crowd of dynamis mobs.
I'm thinking support role Dynamis-D, with GenerousArthur for alliance dps, but how to maximize BST's personal dps in a sustained fight. Boils down to either put them in COR/RNG party with Primal Rend spam with magical buffs, or melee party with Dolichenus/Decimation, some other axe with Mistral, and melee buffs. I don't have a serious set for Primal Rend so I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to R15 Aymur (no benefits to pet sadly!) or just skip it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster 2019-09-28 18:13:43