Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
By clearlyamule 2018-02-12 14:26:05
Well back when I did durations you couldn't get points via roe so was easier using debuff reflecting mobs.
Though dmg and resist tested it does weird stuff anyways
By clearlyamule 2018-02-13 11:40:41
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Doesn't that mean that Pet:INT+60 is roughly equal to ~Pet:Macc+180? O_o;;

It doesn't. To go back to this even assuming this limited sample size got the "true" hit rates and that mob level/stats didn't vary it'd be hard to say exactly since the 60 int one is clearly capped or close.
But assuming like most debuffs it has 2 resist states (also seems more likely given the 100/0 for taliah), and that wasn't actually capped and those were true hit rates then the first one would 48% hit rate and the 60 int one would be 80% hit rate. Given what we know about magic hit rates that would be 34 macc.
All that said like previously mentioned a lot of other things going on and no reason to think dstat contribution to macc is different than previously tested anyways so gunna be a big it depends but given the range and varying ratios it's never going to be a huge amount. There's some link to jp stuff on bg about dint caps and such. Adding some will clearly help but macc will be more favorable generally
By Nyarlko 2018-02-14 03:18:42
I'll be testing out various BST jug pet debuffs, which is greatly aided by being pointed in the direction of Absorbing Shield. XD Just wish the stupid thing didn't have a bloody 1hour CD.....
Sharpwit Hermes:
Leaf Dagger - 31hp/tick poison. 3min duration.
Wild Oats - had VIT 204, went down to 162, so either VIT-42 or VIT-20%. 3min duration.
* I'm leaning towards VIT-20% since 42 is an odd number to set it at and it happens to be almost exactly 20%. Either way, that seems like a rather significant debuff. I goofed and got erased before I messed around with adjusting gear, so will have to recheck later. orz
* Scream - ...actually bugged. @3k TP, duration on the stolen debuff was shown as 9min (and change). Wore off at 6m45sec mark. Potency started at MND-50, then stepped down in -4 steps at 1min intervals, until the displayed timer hit 5min, then changed to -1/-2 steps at seemingly random intervals. Time between steps 10sec-40sec at this point. Decay stopped at MND-25 until it wore off with 2min+ still on the displayed timer. -_-;;
Pondering Peter: Dust Cloud - accuracy-50. 45sec duration.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-02-14 10:17:47
Note to Falkirk for main Guide update :D
Ankusa Helm +3 now BiS for Calamity, maybe for Mistral Axe also, still updating spreadsheet.
Edit: its BiS for Mistral Axe Also
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-02-14 13:33:00
I'm hoping someone will critique what I'm seeing with my bst dps spreadsheet. This TP set
ItemSet 356749
I'm showing significantly lower rounds/ws on the dps spreadsheet with this set than set Falkirk has posted in this guide for "tp set with capped magic haste".
The differences are Tali'ah Body, Meghanada legs, and I've taken out the DW feet and earring for Store tp options.
A few notes:
I have accounted for the change in Set bonus from Argosy +1 set.
This set ALSO does not include haste samba (which I had turned on when originally doing the comparison). Haste samba makes the advantage of this set even more pronounced. (meaning I might use dnc trust along w/ arciela and joachim instead of qultada)
If you have Sam Roll it helps the set Falkirk has posted catch up, but still not surpass this set for tp. Granted The set posted in guide has slightly more white damage (very slight difference) but the frequency to WS seems much better with this set.
I think the reason this might work despite NOT capping delay reductions is that axes, in general, have higher delay than any other 1-handed weapons.
I think my tests on spreadsheet show that we get enough store tp to cross the threshold where its more valuable than the dual wield.
I am curious about what offhand axes might be best for tp generation. I'll play with that some more. but I wanted to put this discussion out there.
Also, i'm getting better numbers from Meghanada hands +2 than Totemic mittens +3 for Mistral axe.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-02-14 16:05:59
Sharpwit Hermes:
Leaf Dagger - 31hp/tick poison. 3min duration.
Wild Oats - had VIT 204, went down to 162, so either VIT-42 or VIT-20%. 3min duration.
* I'm leaning towards VIT-20% since 42 is an odd number to set it at and it happens to be almost exactly 20%. Either way, that seems like a rather significant debuff. I goofed and got erased before I messed around with adjusting gear, so will have to recheck later. orz
Pondering Peter: Dust Cloud - accuracy-50. 45sec duration.
Thanks for testing. I could've swore that dasva and Xilk did the majority of these a hundred years ago, but maybe a lot of it was for the previous generation of pets. Doesn't hurt to go over the numbers again in any case. :)
I also got the shield you mentioned, and stole Tegmina's Choke debuff: 31 dmg/tic for 25sec.
(Seems like a common damage number, shared with Leaf Dagger/Venom Spray/Acid Spray's poison effects).
Nectarous Deluge's Poison effect: 47 dmg/tic for
1min10sec @ 1540 TP
2min45sec @ 3000 TP
Stink Bomb's Blind effect: Accuracy-50 for
1min10sec @ 1540 TP
2min45sec @ 3000 TP
Nepenthic Plunge's Weight effect: -76% movement speed for
1min10sec @ 1540 TP
2min45sec @ 3000 TP
Nepenthic Plunge's Drown effect: 15 dmg/tic for
3min @ 1540 TP
5min30sec @ 3000 TP
Bubble Shower's STR Down effect: STR-9 for 3mins, Decays over time.
Roar's Paralyze effect:
1min15sec @ 1540 TP
2min @ 3000 TP
Blaster's Paralyze effect:
45sec @ 1540 TP
1min30sec @ 3000 TP
Brain Crush's Silence effect: 45sec
Venom's Poison effect: 47 dmg/tic
4min35sec @ 1540 TP
9min @ 3000 TP
Intimidate's Slow effect: Reraise recast increased to 1min15sec (25% Slow) for
4min40sec @ 1540 TP
9min @ 3000 TP
Filamented Hold's Slow effect: Reraise recast increased to 1min30sec (50% Slow) for
2min5sec @ 1040 TP
6min @ 3000 TP
GenerousArthur's en-Slow effect: Reraise recast increased to 1min9sec (15% Slow) for 60sec.
Noisome Powder's Attack Down effect: 921 Attack reduced to 784 Attack (Attack-15%) for
45sec @ 1040 TP
3min @ 3000 TP
Spiral Spin's Accuracy Down effect: Accuracy-20 for
1min @ 1040 TP
2min30sec @ 3000 TP
Sandpit's Bind effect duration:
1min35sec @ 1540 TP
3min @ 3000 TP
Sandblast's Blind effect: Accuracy-40 for
2min20sec @ 1540 TP
4min30sec @ 3000 TP
Venom Spray's Poison effect: 31 dmg/tic for
2min20sec @ 1540 TP
4min30sec @ 3000 TP
Chomp Rush's Slow effect: Reraise recast increased to 1min15sec (25% Slow) for
2min50sec @ 1540 TP
6min10sec @ 3000 TP
Spider Web's Slow effect: Reraise recast increased to 1min30sec (50% Slow) for
1min35sec @ 1540 TP
3min @ 3000 TP
Acid Spray's Poison effect: 31 dmg/tic for 3mins.
Toxic Spit's Poison effect: 23 dmg/tic for
4min40sec @ 1540 TP
9min @ 3000 TP
Queasyshroom's Poison effect: 31 dmg/tic for
4min40sec @ 1540 TP
9min @ 3000 TP
Gloeosuccess's Slow effect: Reraise recast increased to 1min19sec (33% Slow) for
4min40sec @ 1540 TP
9min @ 3000 TP
Tortoise Stomp'd Defense Down effect: 1219 Def -> 914 Def (DEF-25%) for
Soporific's Sleep effect:
2min20sec @ 1540 TP
4min30sec @ 3000 TP
Can't Contagion Transfer Jettatura's Terror effect.
~15sec @ 1040 TP
~25sec @ 3000 TP
Spoil's STR down effect: STR 213 decreased to STR 171, which is consistent with STR-20%, for
3min5sec @ 1040 TP
9min @ 3000 TP
By clearlyamule 2018-02-14 16:42:32
A lot of info came from old wiki for old stuff. Then it was mostly a matter of which debuffs actually looked interesting instead of being complete
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-02-14 17:25:38
When i did ready move added effect testing, it was all on the previous generation of pets. There were no ilvl when I stopped.
By Nyarlko 2018-02-14 20:33:44
Pentapeck's Amnesia refuses to be stolen. It's either not stealable, wearing off before I am able to activate shield, or simply not landing at all.
Bug report on Hermes' "Scream" was accepted already, same day I filed it. Hoping I can find a few more bugs and prod the devs into doing a full verification pass on us. Stuff like Patrick's silence never-sticking could be due to a bug, and not getting ilvl macc for instance.
Falkirk said: I also got the shield you mentioned, and stole Tegmina's Choke debuff: 31 dmg/tic for 25sec.
(Seems like a common damage number, shared with Leaf Dagger/Venom Spray/Acid Spray's poison effects). Would actually be more surprised if there was a ton of variation given the pattern you've proven with Ready damage already.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-02-14 20:49:26
* Scream - ...actually bugged. @3k TP, duration on the stolen debuff was shown as 9min (and change). Wore off at 6m45sec mark. Potency started at MND-50, then stepped down in -4 steps at 1min intervals, until the displayed timer hit 5min, then changed to -1/-2 steps at seemingly random intervals. Time between steps 10sec-40sec at this point. Decay stopped at MND-25 until it wore off with 2min+ still on the displayed timer. -_-;;
Saw this phenomenon when testing Bubble Shower's STR down effect too. The debuff had ~1min remaining but cancelled itself once all of the STR- had fully decayed. Weird, but interesting.
By clearlyamule 2018-02-14 20:59:06
Regular scream does that too. Not sure about bubble shower since I don't fight crabs often enough
By Nyarlko 2018-02-14 21:22:22
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »* Scream - ...actually bugged. @3k TP, duration on the stolen debuff was shown as 9min (and change). Wore off at 6m45sec mark. Potency started at MND-50, then stepped down in -4 steps at 1min intervals, until the displayed timer hit 5min, then changed to -1/-2 steps at seemingly random intervals. Time between steps 10sec-40sec at this point. Decay stopped at MND-25 until it wore off with 2min+ still on the displayed timer. -_-;;
Saw this phenomenon when testing Bubble Shower's STR down effect too. The debuff had ~1min remaining but cancelled itself once all of the STR- had fully decayed. Weird, but interesting.
If you are able to, please file a bug report on OF for Bubble Shower, it would help our case. :D I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of the "duration varies with TP" effects are not actually bugged out the same way and not giving the actual/functional duration that they should be.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-02-14 22:18:15
I've successfully used Silence from Patrick on Azeman in Kamihr Fracture Delve.
By Nyarlko 2018-02-15 05:24:29
Sharpwit Hermes - Wild Oats: 3min duration, Potency actually varies with time. Starts at VIT-50 and ticks down like Scream did til it hit VIT-30 at the 1min mark.
Scream: 4:55 duration with ~1600TP... I think. -_-;; Screwed up the measurement recording, so have to retest.. again.
Got distracted by something that explains the seeming randomness in earlier decay values. If I closed/reopened the equipment screen, it would force a recalculation of values and it became pretty clear that it was actually going down at a rather steady/constant rate. Relatively sure that both Wild Oats and Scream are actually ticking down at a steady ATR-1/6sec during their baseline durations, and the TP based time extension is making the first ticks take longer to decay as in my first Scream test.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-02-15 15:00:19
ack, I did it again w/ the dps spreadsheet, even though the rounds per weaponskill is lower, doesn't mean its faster.
I wonder if theres a good number I can see for ws frequency.
By Nyarlko 2018-02-16 03:27:29
Copy/pasta'ing myself from bgwiki:
Finally got around to throwing Fatso Fargann at AmbuV1VE (since no horse makes it easy to poke boss):
* Popped TP Drainkiss @3k > Got 3k. Didn't happen too often since it normally doesn't like to sit on full TP. Does not appear to be resistable, even though it's icon is dark element. Full expected effect based on pet/target TP every time.
* Kept boss TP starved/drained after a Boil message. Only August+Fatso feeding tp, using TPDK every 30sec. Didn't use any TP moves for 5min, until I allowed it to. (More like I got bored, WS'd and there's no extra time window.) Proceeded to Nether Castigation for 2k and wiped my trusts. :3 Did cast spells during this time.
* Nether Castigation may simply cost 3k TP to use. Would make the above behavior make perfect sense. Was usually draining 2300-2900TP while keeping it locked and spamming on CD every ~30sec.
* Entering Charging mode counts as a TP move. So does entering Boiling mode. It has 0TP immediately after either message.
* Boiling mode = Boss gains a 300TP/tick Regain aura, affects pets as well as players. Just about impossible for pet to not be at 3k TP when spamming TPDK to lock it into Boiling mode.
* Atramentous Oblations is TP-based damage. No TP = 100dmg or less. Full TP feed = 1500dmg or more. XD
* Acid Mist did seem to reduce AOE damage, but could've been placebo or TP-related. :/
* Drainkiss did surprisingly decent damage but did not restore pet's HP (of course, since boss is undead.)
* Suction did 5k-8k, which seems high for this fight and 114 pet, w/ zero buffs. Seemed like the stun proc'd a few times too, but wouldn't rely on it.
BST SMN SMN in the DD slots w/ BST spamming TPDK to lock it into Boiling Mode should be a safer win than 3x SMN. If everyone disengages pets, hangs out in aura range, re-engages pets for BP/Readys, repeat.. should never see anything from boss other than casted spells, none of which are scary other than Death Spikes. I hear it's silenceable too, so should theoretically be able to lock it into melee-swings onry even. XD Might take a bit longer since BST won't be contributing much DPS, but absolutely safe fight vs a neutered boss as long as you keep up the TPDK spam.
Above strat should also work this month using COR/RNG slow-rolling WS during Boil using just Regain TP while standing at max aura distance. As long as TP feed is less than 3k per 30sec, boss can be kept locked down indefinitely as far as I can tell.
... Now to convince other players to let me test on higher difficulties while not solo. >.> lol
Or if anyone else can manage to swing it before me, please check how well "TP Drainkiss" works on the boss at N+ difficulties. As long as the boss itself does not gain Regain and TPusage values don't change, then this should work all the way to VD. Theoretically..
I think this could be an actually viable strategy (for anything actually) when just getting the win is more important than killspeed, and the target does not have regain.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-02-16 08:29:55
Bravo NyarikoNyarlko! (you tricked me w/ the anime girl avatar image)
I hadn't really considered how good tp drainkiss can be when you only have 30s recast. You also got in good w/ the Ambu strategies. That will get some attention if it hasn't already. i haven't paid much attention to ambu since last weekend.
Well worth re-investigating the utilities of older generation pets.
This might be a useful strategy for Yakshi as well. Basically Bst can do w/ Fargann the same that Smn can do w/ Mewling Lullaby.
By Nyarlko 2018-02-16 08:51:40
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Bravo Nyariko!
I hadn't really considered how good tp drainkiss can be when you only have 30s recast. You also got in good w/ the Ambu strategies. That will get some attention if it hasn't already. i haven't paid much attention to ambu since last weekend.
Well worth re-investigating the utilities of older generation pets.
This might be a useful strategy for Yakshi as well. Basically Bst can do w/ Fargann the same that Smn can do w/ Mewling Lullaby.
Yep. With the bonus that instead of just wiping the target's TP, you are actually stealing it, which helps ensure that the next one will be at max potency as well. :3
With just August whacking it, took a lot longer than 30sec to go boom, so backwards tank + engaging pets just for BP/Readys /OR/ WS only with no white damage to build TP, should be able to get away with quite a bit of abuse before TP builds up to 3k. Recommend doing test runs to do a WS count first since will vary on comp/gear.
(My last test run: Kept it Boil-locked for ~7min. Had it down to ~5%-10% just from Regain fueled Ruinator>Ruinator>TPDK spam at that point. Never had to worry about getting hit with anything. lol)
Also noticed that the range on the Boiling/Regain aura is huge, so should be stupidly easy to stay in range of it.
Someone still needs to test this in N+ due to mechanic changes. Don't know for sure yet if it can still be Boil-locked at higher difficulties.
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By Asura.Sirris 2018-02-16 09:58:55
Any BSTs tried to use the job for this month's V1 Ambuscade? I was thinking instead of using two PUPs of tanking the Unicorn with a BST and then benefiting from BST's higher damage when switching to Dullahan.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-02-16 14:33:47
Haven't gone on bst yet. was tanking it on pup before.
I've been thinking it would be fun to take down the charger w/ a bst duo for dd.
then again I just want to find a good target for bst duo to use the following attack:
Primal Rend (am3) > Ruinator (darkness) > Chomp Rush (am3 & Darkness) > Foul Waters/Pestilent Plume Burst
would be fun on something weak to dark and enough HP to matter. Charger seems a good option.
Nyarlko just gives more incentive to go on bst.
A note regarding Suction doing more than expected damage: you are on 3000 tp when doing suction no? Also a question: Are dullahan weak to blunt like skeletons and corse are? I wouldn't exactly expect it, but would be too surprised.
By Nyarlko 2018-02-16 15:30:23
Any BSTs tried to use the job for this month's V1 Ambuscade? I was thinking instead of using two PUPs of tanking the Unicorn with a BST and then benefiting from BST's higher damage when switching to Dullahan.
You'd only need a second pup/tank if you are on higher difficulties. Patrick, Hermes, and Bertha all tanked unicorn just fine up to Easy. DT sets while meleeing, be VERY careful not to heal it during TP moves, have someone keep it debuffed if you can.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Haven't gone on bst yet. was tanking it on pup before.
I've been thinking it would be fun to take down the charger w/ a bst duo for dd.
then again I just want to find a good target for bst duo to use the following attack:
Primal Rend (am3) > Ruinator (darkness) > Chomp Rush (am3 & Darkness) > Foul Waters/Pestilent Plume Burst
would be fun on something weak to dark and enough HP to matter. Charger seems a good option.
Nyarlko just gives more incentive to go on bst.
A note regarding Suction doing more than expected damage: you are on 3000 tp when doing suction no? Also a question: Are dullahan weak to blunt like skeletons and corse are? I wouldn't exactly expect it, but would be too surprised.
I've solo/2box V1E, BST worked well for pony. Burned thru a TON of thetas tho, so be prepared and don't forget to restock. Sadly, it has a ton of MDT-/MDB+/etc, more magic resistant than boss is, so MB's don't work that great on it. :/
I'd aim for something that was "not resistant to dark" instead. Should be easier to find worthy and worthwhile targets in that case.
Yeah, pet tp is why I had a range. 3k tp was always right around 8k damage, which felt rather high for an underleveled pet. As far as I know, Dullahan don't have any known physical damage type weaknesses.
Might be easier to deal with deathga if you use a tank that can /heal over a pet. It works like Odin. :x
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-02-17 18:23:00
Jug Pet Enfeebles:
Ready Move | Potency | Charges | Range | Minimum Duration | Maximum Duration |
Toxic Spit | 23 dmg/tic | 2 | Single-target | 4min40sec | 9min |
Acid Spray | 31 dmg/tic | 1 | Single-target | 3min | 3min |
Leaf Dagger | 31 dmg/tic | 1 | Single-target | 3min | 3min |
Venom Spray | 31 dmg/tic | 2 | Conal | 2min20sec | 4min30sec |
Queasyshroom | 31 dmg/tic | 2 | Single-target | 4min40sec | 9min |
Nectarous Deluge | 47 dmg/tic | 2 | Radial | 1min10sec | 2min45sec |
Venom | 47 dmg/tic | 1 | Conal | 4min40sec | 9min |
Ready Move | Potency | Charges | Range | Minimum Duration | Maximum Duration |
Dark Spore | Accuracy-30 | 3 | Conal | 3min10sec | 8min5sec |
Sandblast | Accuracy-40 | 2 | Radial | 2min20sec | 4min30sec |
Dust Cloud | Accuracy-50 | 1 | Conal | 45sec | 45sec |
Pestilent Plume | Accuracy-50 | 2 | Conal | 1min | 1min |
Stink Bomb | Accuracy-50 | 2 | Radial | 1min10sec | 2min45sec |
Ready Move | Potency | Charges | Range | Minimum Duration | Maximum Duration |
Slug Family | 15% Slow | - | Melee | 1min | 1min |
Chomp Rush | 25% Slow | 3 | Single-target | 2min50sec | 6min10sec |
Intimidate | 25% Slow | 2 | Conal | 4min40sec | 9min |
Gloeosuccus | 33% Slow | 2 | Conal | 4min40sec | 9min |
Spider Web | 50% Slow | 2 | Radial | 1min35sec | 3min |
Filamented Hold | 50% Slow | 2 | Conal | 2min5sec | 6min |
Ready Move | Charges | Range | Minimum Duration | Maximum Duration |
Choke Breath | 1 | Conal | 30sec | 1min30sec |
Blaster | 2 | Single-target | 45sec | 1min30sec |
Snow Cloud | 1 | Conal | 1min30sec | 1min30sec |
Roar | 2 | Radial | 1min15sec | 2min |
Numbshroom | 2 | Single-target | 3min35sec | 7min20sec |
Palsy Pollen | 1 | Single-target | 4min40sec | 9min |
Spore | 1 | Single-target | 4min40sec | 9min |
Ready Move | Charges | Range | Minimum Duration | Maximum Duration |
Brain Crush | 1 | Single-target | 45sec | 45sec |
Choke Breath | 1 | Conal | 30sec | 1min30sec |
Silence Gas | 3 | Conal | 30sec | 2min |
Chaotic Eye | 1 | Single-target | 2min20sec | 15min30sec |
Ready Move | Effect | Charges | Range | Minimum Duration | Maximum Duration |
Sheep Song | Sleep | 2 | Radial | 45sec | 45sec |
Soporific | Sleep | 1 | Radial | 2min20sec | 4min30sec |
Tail Blow | Stun | 1 | Single-target | 1sec | 5sec |
Scythe Tail | Stun | 1 | Single-target | 1sec | 5sec |
Wing Slap | Stun | 2 | Single-target | 1sec | 5sec |
Sudden Lunge | Stun | 1 | Single-target | 1sec | 5sec |
Suction | Stun | 1 | Single-target | 1sec | 5sec |
Numbing Noise | Stun | 1 | Conal | 1sec | 5sec |
Tickling Tendrils | Stun | 1 | Single-target | 1sec | 5sec |
Jettatura | Terror | 3 | Conal | 15sec | 25sec |
Pentapeck | Amnesia | 3 | Single-target | ??? | ??? |
Bubble Shower | STR-9 (Decays) | 1 | Radial | 3min | 3min |
Spoil | STR-20% (Decays) | 1 | Single-target | 3min10sec | 9min |
Wild Oats | VIT-20% (Decays) | 1 | Single-target | 3min | 3min |
Scream | MND-20% (Decays) | 1 | Radial | 3min5sec | 9min |
Noisome Powder | Attack-15% | 2 | Radial | 45sec | 3min |
Corrosize Ooze | Attack-33% | 3 | Radial | 1min10sec | 1min10sec |
Acid Mist | Attack-50% | 2 | Radial | 3min | 3min |
Sweeping Gouge | Defense-25% | 1 | Conal | 1min | 1min |
Tortoise Stomp | Defense-25% | 1 | Single-target | 1min55sec | 1min55sec |
Swooping Frenzy | Defense-25% | 2 | Conal | 1min10sec | 2min30sec |
Corrosize Ooze | Defense-33% | 3 | Radial | 1min10sec | 1min10sec |
Spiral Spin | Accuracy-20 | 1 | Conal | 1min | 2min30sec |
Infrasonics | Evasion-40 | 2 | Conal | 3min | 3min |
Hi-Freq Field | Evasion-40 | 2 | Conal | 3min | 3min |
Pestilent Plume | MDB-25 | 2 | Conal | 1min | 1min |
Swooping Frenzy | MDB-25 | 2 | Conal | 1min10sec | 2min30sec |
Purulent Ooze | MaxHP-10% | 2 | Conal | 1min10sec | 1min10sec |
Purulent Ooze | Bio (15 dmg/tic) | 2 | Conal | 1min10sec | 1min10sec |
Foul Waters | Drown (15 dmg/tic) | 2 | Conal | 1min | 1min |
Nepenthic Plunge | Drown (15 dmg/tic) | 3 | Conal | 3min | 5min30sec |
Tegmina Buffet | Choke (31 dmg/tic) | 2 | Radial | 25sec | 25sec |
Foul Waters | Weight (-76% Speed) | 2 | Conal | 1min | 1min |
Nepenthic Plunge | Weight (-76% Speed) | 3 | Conal | 1min10sec | 2min45sec |
Sandpit | Bind | 1 | Single-target | 1min35sec | 3min |
Shakeshroom | Disease | 2 | Single-target | 13min40sec | 35min30sec |
Infected Leech | Plague (-50 TP/tic) | 1 | Conal | 45sec | 45sec |
Pestilent Plume | Plague (-50 TP/tic) | 2 | Conal | 1min | 1min |
- Can't Contagion Transfer certain effects - Stun/Terror/Amnesia for instance.
- Comparing some of these potencies/durations to previous tests, I assume when SE introduced new pets and upgraded fTPs these got boosted.
- Minimum durations are based on the lowest possible TP the pet can have (1540 for WARs, or 1040 for non-WARs).
- Spoil's STR Down and Scream's MND Down both gave values consistent with Stat-20%.
- Used Speedchecker for the Weight effects from Foul Waters/Nepenthic Plunge. Nice potency.
- Shakeshroom has a 35 minute Disease effect... if only that was useful.
- Soporific has an impressive Sleepga duration (4 minutes+) with 3000 TP - shame it's on a level 114 pet.
- Purulent Ooze's Bio effect: 15 dmg/tic, Attack-10%
- Foul Waters' Drown effect: 15 dmg/tic, STR-33
- Nepenthic Plunge's Drown effect: 15 dmg/tic, STR-33
- Tegmina Buffet's Choke effect: 31 dmg/tic, VIT-65
By Nyarlko 2018-02-17 20:50:18
Holy moly, that was fast. O_o;;
Scream/Wild Oats are definitely decaying effects, not static percents. @3k TP, Scream will start at MND-50, then decay down til it hits MND-25, with earliest decay ticks being extended to 1min due to the "duration varies with TP" portion. I think the extra duration/ticks also effectively raise the potency of the effect since the low-TP ones I stole started and ended at lower values..
By clearlyamule 2018-02-17 21:32:24
So weird because I know I tested a bunch of those before but can't seem to find the info where I would've posted it. Wonder if it got eaten. But could swear Tortoise Stomp had a duration similar to shakeshroom.
Did you happen to get the potency of Purulent Ooze's bio, Foul Waters/Nepenthic Plunge drown or Tegmina Buffet choke? I found a -33 str for foul but couldn't tell if it might be percentage as well
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-02-18 05:58:30
Holy moly, that was fast. O_o;
Rotated through 6 Absorbing Shields to speed things up...!
You're right about the stat effects decaying. Added a note to clear things up.
Did you happen to get the potency of Purulent Ooze's bio, Foul Waters/Nepenthic Plunge drown or Tegmina Buffet choke? I found a -33 str for foul but couldn't tell if it might be percentage as well
Thanks for bringing this up, I totally forgot to check.
Purulent Ooze's Bio effect: 15 dmg/tic, Attack-10%
Foul Waters' Drown effect: 15 dmg/tic, STR-33
Nepenthic Plunge's Drown effect: 15 dmg/tic, STR-33
Tegmina Buffet's Choke effect: 31 dmg/tic, VIT-65
The elemental debuffs all had static potencies.
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »To illustrate, a simple quick'n'dirty test on Sweeping Gouge's Defense Down additional effect...
Method: Use the /check message to determine if the Defense-25% effect procs.
Sweeping Gouge's AE | Land | Miss |
No M.Acc+/INT+ | 73 | 27 |
Tali'ah M.Acc+ | 100 | 0 |
Familiar INT+60 | 96 | 4 |
Only 100 samples per test condition, but it's immediately evident that if you want to assist your pet in landing additional effects, you want to increase their M.Acc and INT. Pretty much as expected.
As a comparison, a rough M.Acc check for Lvl114 CrudeRaphie's DEF Down additional effect:
Tortoise Stomp's AE | Land | Miss |
No M.Acc+/INT+ | 37 | 63 |
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-03-13 16:06:40
which ws and axe is best when buffed with typical dd songs/rolls? if it isn't tri-edge and ruinator, how far behind does that clock in?
Tough one to answer. I updated my dps spreadsheet and made a few comparisons.
The Spreadsheet does show a huge advantage to Ruinator over other weaponskills. However, Tri-edge is not quite the top straight damage. Barbarity +1 is, followed by Beryllium Pick +1, Tri-edge, Farsha, Guttler and Aymur seem to shuffle places depending on your offhand but they line up pretty closely w/ each other and only a bit behind Barbarity +1 depending on your setup.
Granted this comparison doesn't really consider all there individual Gimmicks. I don't have Raetic +1 gimmick accounted for at all. The Aftermath from Tri-edge isn't considered, and I don't think it is for Farsha or Guttler either. If I throw AM3 from Aymur on, it pulls ahead of Barbarity +1.
Then I try to compare other weaponskills, that I doubt my spreadsheet because Calamity is only calculating 1/2 the damage of Ruinator in the spreadsheet. That is not my experience at all.
Mistral Axe appears similarly limited. It made me doubt if the spreadsheet formulas were updated after the June 2014 Weaponskill overhaul... but the spreadsheet appears to have been updated in October 2014 before I downloaded and added gear.
I'm getting around 7k Ruinator and 14k Calamity on my bst with 12k Mistral axe. It varies, but thats generally true, and not in fully buffed zerg like situation.
I can show Primal Rend up to 87% the power of Ruinator in spreadsheet, but magical and physical ws's will be circumstantially better or worse depending on target.
FYI Falkirk, I'm showing Ankusa Helm +3 actually pull ahead of Jumalik Helm in spreadsheet for Primal Rend. Please double check. This only happens when there is alot of MAB in valorous pieces, but the combo of high chr/dex and wsd pull it ahead. Put killer Instinct on and it does alot better.
Bottom Line, I'm not 100% confident in the dps spreadsheets and its hard to compare the gimmicks on the different REMA. I wouldn't be surprised if Raetic +1 pulled ahead in some circumstances. but pure master ws damage is Barbarity +1.
I still prefer Aymur ofcourse, because there is the most bonus to pet as well.
By clearlyamule 2018-03-13 16:18:21
Should be able to see the ws stats in the spreadsheet to see if the formula is correct
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-03-13 18:11:04
Should be able to see the ws stats in the spreadsheet to see if the formula is correct
Be my guest:
On another note, I feel bummed that I didn't see that table of pet debuff potency/duration sooner!
Its easy to miss updates on a thread!
The most intriguing revelation here to me is Filamented Hold. 50% slow. That is pretty awesome. Its excruciating to have slow on you, but pair that slow w/ paralyze from Randy if nothing better and that turns a mob into a virtual punching bag.
By clearlyamule 2018-03-13 18:22:18
I hate going thru spreedsheets... but I might give it a look eventually.