Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By clearlyamule 2017-12-22 14:43:20
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Oh true just Remmeber alot of that would be to bring the dmg closer to what you were getting on regular mobs

Depends on who is talking and context but general magic defense is shorthand for mdb. Though sometimes people can be referring to everything that reduces magic dmg as a whole.

That statement means as a general stat. Obviously traits still apply. It's like say mobs tend not to have an attack boost but obviously drk mobs still have smite.

You can do the math to see how much you'd change pretty easy assuming you have mob meh. Iirc the min meh value was found back during the original idris testing on bg. On mobile so can't link right now but makes sense that there would have to be a min since it's in the denominator and dmg would start increasing rapidly as you lower mdb going infinite at 0. Note it's a cap on how low it can go not how much you can lower. So mobs with mdb can be reduced to similar amounts ones without given enough

Edit: Went back thru it. Seems first testing wasn't good enough to tell if it was -50 was the cap or if it was 50 and that just happened to be -50 on a neutral mob. Someone went back and tested it though
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-24 21:28:51
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water shot and puppet roll only took me up to 54k on foul waters burst.

Run wild, Unleash burst did 99k damage
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By Asura.Saevel 2017-12-24 21:43:27
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Whats the difference between Magic Defense and Magic Defense bonus?

Everything starts with a Magic Defense of 100, then MDB is added to it. Same thing with Magic Attack.
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By Shiva.Fendarin 2018-01-02 14:52:10
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Just starting on my omen bst cards was wondering whats a good pet for reg floors and nm's, also whats the tank pet these days ty guys
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By Shiva.Fendarin 2018-01-03 05:51:51
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Bumping xd yelp
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By zaxtiss 2018-01-03 05:53:19
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id us BB and the tiger on bosses idk what id use for a tank though.
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By Fenrir.Soothsayer 2018-01-03 08:15:51
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This might be a dumb question, but do you have to keep Nukumi Manoplas on during your Ready move, or can it just be used precast and then switch to a different piece?
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-05 20:08:30
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Keep Nukumi Manoplas on for ready move. Part of Midcast, not precast.

I did alot of solo bst omen card farming. solo bst can kill everything, though I'd usually work in trust party to get as many objectives as possible before AoE killing everything.
Bertha for Omen Card runs.

Kill groups of 2~5 mobs at a time. should be able to kill in 2x Tegmina Buffets.

weaker than that, and you'll probably lose pet before you can reward.

I'm trying to confirm if ColibriFamiliar/ChoralLeera is really an rdm pet. I'm sure its not a thf and not war. rdm is most likely base off patterns.

but it seems painfully useless. It does not do damage reflection like some colibri do.

Job Traits are the most useful, often forgotten, ways to test a pet.
RDM job traits are all magey, MAB, MBD, clear mind,..
Only traits I can think might be testable are MDB and resist petrify. any ideas how to test these?
By clearlyamule 2018-01-05 20:57:33
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Mdb is pretty easy to test in PvP though due to the weird dmg things you need know mdb test targets and already has been on bg but that won't help you as SE has given each jug varying mdb regardless of job with hqs often having more in the same monster . Resist traits are generally done by the separate resist message for traits
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-06 12:03:16
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I sent colibri against some demon black mages. they never tried to aspir.
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By Asura.Xenomorph 2018-01-13 16:42:53
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Does AMIII from Aymur make a notable impact on the damage for multihit ready moves like sweeping gouge?
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-01-13 19:43:05
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Asura.Xenomorph said: »
Does AMIII from Aymur make a notable impact on the damage for multihit ready moves like sweeping gouge?

You'll see an average damage increase, yes. Especially on the rare occasion where you get all 5 hits (AM3 triple attack proc on 1st hit, Pet:Double Attack proc on 2nd hit).

Since we gear heavily for Pet:Double Attack on Sweeping Gouge, this will slightly reduce the chances of seeing a Triple Attack proc on the first hit - but the chance of scoring 4 total hits is still relatively high.

It's fun to play with, when the opportunity arises.
Posts: 182
By Sammeh 2018-01-13 20:01:45
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But if you gear for that, you negate fencer opportunities for master.
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By Asura.Xenomorph 2018-01-14 00:18:02
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wow that looks nice Falkirk.

how do those numbers do vs your cricket or tiger (with AMIII) spam after using unleash? This is given the same buffs you had with those numbers you posted. Not really sure if AMIII even procs on razor fang or T. buffet
By clearlyamule 2018-01-14 00:27:34
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Asura.Xenomorph said: »
how do those numbers do vs your cricket or tiger (with AMIII) spam after using unleash? This is given the same buffs you had with those numbers you posted. Not really sure if AMIII even procs on razor fang or T. buffet
While I don't think they've all been tested for such specifically from what has been tested it seems like multi hits ftp carries over so you get proportional changes in dmg while single hits do not. So while AM3 should increase dmg of razor fang it would be like how AM3 increases the dmg of say savage blade. Interestingly enough if you do the math from the average single hit dmgs posted in the OP you find that pretty much all the multihits do very close to the same amount of dmg when they do 1 extra hit
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-01-14 10:31:53
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Asura.Xenomorph said: »
Not really sure if AMIII even procs on razor fang or T. buffet

AM3 technically does proc on Razor Fang and Tegmina Buffet, but it only adds a melee round's worth of damage per extra hit. Here are those moves under the same conditions, with the TP return in parentheses:

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By Asura.Xenomorph 2018-01-14 14:00:38
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Thank you for the information :)
It's disappointing to see AMIII isnt as strong for the two, but the damage and defense down from the pig looks good. I can only hope it holds for high ilvl bosses given buffs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-16 14:44:05
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fyi xenomorph that damage on sweeping gouge is under Unleash, you
Sammeh said: »
But if you gear for that, you negate fencer opportunities for master.

I totally missed your trolling here on first read Sammeh, /clap

AND a belated reply to Fendarin about what pets are good for tanking. in Traditional FFXI fashion its Situational :D

Vivacios Vickie, Alluring Honey, the Crabs, Generous Arthur, Fluffy Bredo, Percival, Swooping Zhivago, Left-handed Yoko and even Pondering Peter can be great tanks. It all depends on what you are looking for. I suggest reviewing this guide frequently. I do. it is full of fantastic information, and Falkirk did a heroic job making this guide.

A brief on their strengths:

Vickie - One of our Mnk's Zealous snort is incredible buff, huge counter and guard booste, mdb, and JA haste which stacks w/ familiar and gear haste
Sweeping Gouge is very solid damage and def down.

Alluring honey - 3 elements which it takes very reduced magic damage. Solid hp and defense, solid physical damage and nice collection of enfeebling and magic damage.

Aged Angus & Herald Henry: They have weaker dmg and pld job. No other pet turtles up like the crabs: Bubble Curtain (+50 MDB), Scissor Guard (def +100%), and Metallic (stoneskin) body means these guys can withstand some serious abuse.

Generous Arthur : I've made threads on how I think Arthur is not given enough credit. Highest base def of our pets; runners up being antlion, crabs, snapweed and sheep. but the realy power is in his ready moves. They are slow, but have a 10% max hp down is AWESOME to start and NM fight. Pretty cool for a cluster of mobs as well. I hear Beaztmaster pulled this off in Master Trials Ultima & Omega Fight for ~500k hp each. More than Purulent Ooze, Corrosive Ooze is pretty darn awesome, -33% attack and DEf is the most potent def down after idris Geo, and they stack together. for a party fight, this is very nice, and he takes a beating.

Bredo has become a favorite niche of mine that is not tanking, but hes a good tank for 2 niche as well. blunt damage and water damage. I had him tank the Meeble in last month's Ambuscade without any PDT gear on. -75% damage from blunt is fantastic. The other niche is that he's a blm, he has magic burst bonus. A good pet mab set i can burst at almost 50k and run wild unleash you can burst 99k, paired w/ a MDB down 25 move (which has doubled my primal rend damage). also it is not a common debuff outside geo.

Percival is another PLD type. I've not used him much, but Falk's guide has a great example of using him to abuse piercing weakness on a Zi'tah NM. Solid def, but really good EVA buff and debuff.
Might be good in situations where you need the extra eva down, but eva tanking doesn't appear to be much of a thing currently.

Zhivago has 3 great tanking tools which I like to use on Belphegor, but certainly are good in more fights. Fire resistance, slashing resistance and light-based dispel. There are some great skillchain options as well, but these tanking niches are fantastic in the right situation.

last are 2 of my favorite oddballs for tanking:

Left-handed Yoko. I love using this one for plants, cuz I'm a junkie for Killer Instinct. I've used this one for several Zi'tah plant nm's and Keeper of Heiligtom or whatever it called. Best base eva of our pets. Very nice darkness nuke w/ dispel AND it cures itself. you can just keep spamming infected leach for plague and self healing. Fantastic for Keeper's 100 fists and other nonsense.

Pondering Peter has good variety but pretty mediocre for all its abilities except 1: foot kick is single target crit, Whirl claws is mediocre damage but very nice AoE range. Dust Cloud is ok blind and mediocre earth elemental damage which can burst. Its a nice variety bag, good flexibilty. but Wild Carrot is pretty awesome. ~1300k hp curaga on a 15s average interval. I used peter alot for salvage when making Aymur. I also like using him solo Oryx in Reisenjima. w/ a good Mdt/Meva set on (Heyoka) Peter reliably hits the crit weakness, and keeps me cured as I sit within all that AoE magic damage and tear gouges out of Oryx' Hide.

tldr: lots of good tanking options.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-16 14:53:18
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I've got an pet gearing question to raise for bst

IN PARTY SITUATIONS its pretty darn easy to cap pet attack.

Geo-Fraitly, Beast Roll, Corrosive Ooze.

I'm not sure if there is a situation where this combo will NOT cap pet Pdif.

Why not focus on pet STR build instead? granted, i think valorous gear is probably only gear that can do this. but that should raise the upper caps. I know the guide already has pet str 15, attack 30, acc 15 augments up there as the best possible, but I think most of us, me certainly, settled for good attack+ and whatever came with it.

any ideas how big of a difference it might make in capped Pdif situations? I'm trying to decide if its worth working for the augments.

Biggest difference would be vs emicho head/hands but again in totemic legs and totemic feet.
By clearlyamule 2018-01-16 15:22:31
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I don't have exact numbers but it's not a huge difference. Think I might have made a bug report about it but basically pets seem to get no base dmg increases from ilvl and only from stats but that the stats add very little. On top of most moves not have a stat mod the only reason pet moves do much is whatever ftps they have. Of course there is also fstr as well which is nothing. That said better than nothing. If you have some str gear could test on some low level stuff and extrapolate pretty easy

Some slight corrections/addendums to above. While it is true Zealous snort does give mdb it's really just making up for the huge negative the pet naturally has. Bubble curtain is mdt not mdb.

And the mdb move should be flat 25 not 25%. What effect on dmg that will have will vary greatly on mob mdb but would be mathematically impossible for it to double your dmg by it's own. I believe you are thinking of the dmg increase when including malaise
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By Nyarlko 2018-01-16 16:13:45
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@xilkk: You forgot some of my fav things about Curebunny.
You can self-sc: Whirl Claws > Footkick = Impaction (lightning)

Also, Wild Carrot doesn't appear to generate any significant amount of enmity which can be a lifesaver when dealing with frequent hate resets, cures itself + party members in range (incl trusts) but not other pets, plus you get an excuse to make corny jokes about playing with your Peter if you are inclined to do so. ^^
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-16 17:05:20
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clearlyamule said: »
I don't have exact numbers but it's not a huge difference. Think I might have made a bug report about it but basically pets seem to get no base dmg increases from ilvl and only from stats but that the stats add very little. On top of most moves not have a stat mod the only reason pet moves do much is whatever ftps they have. Of course there is also fstr as well which is nothing. That said better than nothing. If you have some str gear could test on some low level stuff and extrapolate pretty easy

Some slight corrections/addendums to above. While it is true Zealous snort does give mdb it's really just making up for the huge negative the pet naturally has. Bubble curtain is mdt not mdb.

And the mdb move should be flat 25 not 25%. What effect on dmg that will have will vary greatly on mob mdb but would be mathematically impossible for it to double your dmg by it's own. I believe you are thinking of the dmg increase when including malaise

my primal rend damage at 1000 tp doubled on the apex eruca when I put mdb down from pestilent plume on it.
from 5k to 10k.

Yes, ofcourse mdb down 25 is more correct, I'll fix it.. though its usually down 25% also.
I dont' think its fair to say zealous snorts mdb boost from zealous snort is so useless. as far as I'm aware, vickie doesn't have less than normal mdb.
By clearlyamule 2018-01-16 17:24:04
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100 mdb to 75 mdb is 100/75 or 33.3333% dmg increase which was how the 25 was determined.

Must be other factors at play then though not sure what. Eruca's aren't particularly resistant to light nor have innate +mdb though apex could be different. The other effects on it don't effect dmg. I suppose it's possible first was a resist and 2nd wasn't but unless there was some interesting rounding there that would only work if it was an nm. Hmmm I'll check it out maybe when I get home. Wouldn't be the first time they ninja changed our jugs on us

Also wasn't say snort is useless just that it's more countering the negative it starts with. So don't think of it having a ton. A lot of pets have negatives now though some of that might be ninja nerfs. Seems Falkirk hasn't imported those even though he got most the other stuff
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By Shiva.Malthar 2018-01-16 17:52:53
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
clearlyamule said: »
I don't have exact numbers but it's not a huge difference. Think I might have made a bug report about it but basically pets seem to get no base dmg increases from ilvl and only from stats but that the stats add very little. On top of most moves not have a stat mod the only reason pet moves do much is whatever ftps they have. Of course there is also fstr as well which is nothing. That said better than nothing. If you have some str gear could test on some low level stuff and extrapolate pretty easy

Some slight corrections/addendums to above. While it is true Zealous snort does give mdb it's really just making up for the huge negative the pet naturally has. Bubble curtain is mdt not mdb.

And the mdb move should be flat 25 not 25%. What effect on dmg that will have will vary greatly on mob mdb but would be mathematically impossible for it to double your dmg by it's own. I believe you are thinking of the dmg increase when including malaise

my primal rend damage at 1000 tp doubled on the apex eruca when I put mdb down from pestilent plume on it.
from 5k to 10k.

Yes, ofcourse mdb down 25 is more correct, I'll fix it.. though its usually down 25% also.
I dont' think its fair to say zealous snorts mdb boost from zealous snort is so useless. as far as I'm aware, vickie doesn't have less than normal mdb.

Her name is PIG ON FIRE.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-01-16 18:30:16
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
fyi xenomorph that damage on sweeping gouge is under Unleash

They're just regular Sweeping Gouges (with AM3).

Shiva.Malthar said: »

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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-16 21:29:03
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cor and Geo Falkirk?

naw, I dont' think cor/geo should change pdif. its gotta be multihit... are you using str and multihit atmacite or whatever it called in VW?

hmm you have that much multihit going on? single hits for sweeping gouge seem to cap around 7.3k for me (very small sample size, but pretty sure little stuff all dieing in single hit).. nope you clearly getting more like 10k per hit and not doing 8x hits, but like you said, 5x Incredible.
(ah, I skipped the part where damage scales up w/ tp for sweeping gouge)

Also, Clearly, thanx for linking the mdb testing! I was completely unaware of it.


as far as the primal damage. I kinda wanna go do it again sometime soon, I wasn't paying that much attention to tp amounts, but I was ws'ing when I could and I was very surpsied to double the damage right after putting the mdb down on it. I may have impricise tp amounts.

Does the damage scale only at the 1000 marks or more incremental between?
By clearlyamule 2018-01-16 21:55:55
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Assuming locking both aymur and merlin that's 1140 tp bonus. With companions roll or just some hits between it's quite possible to use more of aymur. Regardless that puts effective ready at 2140 to 3k

Front pages capped pdif and I assume fstr as well has average single hit dmg as 9360 at 2k and 10749 for 3k so the dmgs work for that. The highest ones likely being when got some tp

As far as PR all dmg varies with tp (most likely other varies with tp ones too but not sure how well tested that is) things scale linearly between anchor points. With 1k, 2k, 3k being anchors for most things and blu having weird ones and not sure anyone has really mapped smn or drgs. In terms of PR 1.5k tp would do about 45% more dmg than 1k exactly. Which incidentally when combined with a separate 33% increase would be pretty close to double. Nukes or something that doesn't vary with tp is usually best way to test especially with locked gear due to lag and stuff

If you haven't already I'll try to get it done when I can. Right now finishing up 3x mythic yay. And by finish I mean about to fight Balrahn
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-16 22:13:46
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I thnk you have the right of it, but also theres a 250 tp moonshade earring in primal set. easy to not see that in scaling up a notch.

should be able to get chomp rush up to 50k also w/ am3. I must say I've never tried keeping am3 up for those. but there is pretty high triple attack rate w/ am3 (20%) and 40% on da...
not counting gear...
well that really makes me want to have am3 up and use a multi-htter next time I unleash. in a zerg.. expecially chomp rush or pentapeck for the dark or light skillchains to go with it.

could get a max around 150k damage making a 2-step pet self skillchain for chomp rush and around 120k max for pentapeck both unlikely but still 110k skillchain for chomp rush is pretty likely in such a circumstance.
this doesn't really coutn run wild though

have you tried it?
By clearlyamule 2018-01-16 23:18:40
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Actually Pig is best for absolute max multi hit ready dmg (at least at 3k xp). If you look at the guide the ones with less hits deal more per hit and all of them do 30k +/- 2k at on additional hit. So the ones that start with less hits will deal even more with each extra but like doing the math a 6 hit comp would "only" be 44.6k while 8 hit penta would be 38.2k. But like you said skillchain is nice.

No Aymur yet but I have gotten some decent results doing tons of DA gear and unleash with those. And your numbers math about to about right
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