Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By clearlyamule 2017-10-31 00:41:19
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
clearlyamule said: »
Tp drain kiss - Actually don't remember exactly so will have to find data but it was one of the strongest tp drain moves back then

It's quite good. The amount drained varies with TP, so it's fortunate that the Leech is a WAR with Fencer.

So super late but did you test this on mobs you knew to be at 3k like say frogs you gave a lot of tp? I ask because was trying it out and with less mob tp it appears to be more a percent of mob tp than an up to XXX amount with 3k tp being 100% of what the mob has and at <1k tp with no tp bonus got back 63 out of 100 tp from the mob and your first dot looks pretty close to 63% of 3k
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2017-10-31 01:51:37
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clearlyamule said: »
did you test this on mobs you knew to be at 3k like say frogs you gave a lot of tp? I ask because was trying it out and with less mob tp it appears to be more a percent of mob tp than an up to XXX amount with 3k tp being 100% of what the mob has and at less than 1k tp with no tp bonus got back 63 out of 100 tp from the mob and your first dot looks pretty close to 63% of 3k

Yes, the test target always had 3000 TP for each sample. That's a good find then.

That first point on the graph is 1898 TP Absorbed, which is 63% of 3000 as you said. So based on that, with typical TP Bonus gear you'd be absorbing 90-95% of the monster's TP with this move.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Dirzisul 2017-11-15 15:09:58
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How current are the gear sets listed in the OP? Just coming back with this return campaign and would like to carry on with my bst. I have some Alluvion skirmish gear so far but looking for a good starting place to be able to take on the new content.
By clearlyamule 2017-11-15 15:40:00
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Asura.Dirzisul said: »
How current are the gear sets listed in the OP? Just coming back with this return campaign and would like to carry on with my bst. I have some Alluvion skirmish gear so far but looking for a good starting place to be able to take on the new content.
It has Tali'ah+2 so at least within the last couple months it's been updated and new dynamis feet are terrible so pretty up to date
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2017-11-28 15:24:30
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i was wondering how viable doing T3 tree with bsts using Bouncing Bertha (HQ) pet is i heard that it procs the tree is that correct? and also about how much acc would be needed ? i sit about 1150 acc on bst with no food
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-12 12:11:25
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I don't remember how much acc for tree. I would guess 1250 is plenty safe...
pretty easy to get w/ Shiromochi and Run wild.

last time I did it was only 2x bst in party of 3. we had geo as 3rd.
Corsair dropped party before we popped it to take advantage of hp scaling.
I know there's some debate about hp scaling below 3x players. I didn't think it scaled below 6, but I was convinced when we went in with 3x.

So we had 2x master tamers w/ Aymur and we trashed him pretty good. When I've gone with 4 bsts in a 6 man party, we sometimes killed w/ extra time on unleash, sometimes someone messed up and we wiped.
It depends largely on how many jp you already have, and how much it boosts your unleash.

4x mediocre bst w/ support can do it just fine in 6 person party. nice if you can get cor rolls and drop corsair also. having a smn spam mewling lullaby adds a big layer of safety from getting petrified or doomed. worht replacing 1x bst in my opinion.
using the temp item to prevent petrify also highly recommended.

came here mostly to make a comment about updates to relic hands.

brings us up to 82% possible pet -pdt outside reisenjima. 85% whithin. getting very close to cap!
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2017-12-12 12:53:13
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what mobs did you use?
and i thought pet DT capped at 50 or PDT goes higher?
By clearlyamule 2017-12-12 12:56:33
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player dt caps at 50%. Pet has been 87.5% since mid abyssea era and before that it didn't even have a cap
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2017-12-12 12:58:34
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wow learn something new everyday right!?
is it PDT only or MDT an DT as well?
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-12-12 13:00:21
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Could non-REMA but Master BST,BST,SMN do this? Could also go BST,SMN,GEO with COR dropping on both.

If so would I be AC Mewing?
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By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2017-12-12 13:08:16
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tyalangan said: »
Could non-REMA but Master BST,BST,SMN do this? Could also go BST,SMN,GEO with COR dropping on both.

If so would I be AC Mewing?

I've dropped it to 2 BPs (around 10-12% hp left) in a pt of run geo smn + outside cor buff so that setup should be more viable but risky, on mine odylic basically renders its magic useless so no petry bs, you'll have to be lucky i guess but you should have more firepower with that setup, bst with bertha and smn with ramuh.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-12 13:34:50
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Pet PDT and MDT both cap 87.5%
It has been like this since SE nerfed it in Abyssea days. before that there was no cap (but cap was unreachable until abyssea). so a few of us unscrupulous players were abusing the crap out of completely invulnerable pets in abyssea.

just playing the game how they programmed it...

Ironically they nerfed smn... and didn't realize for another 6~8 months that the same mechanics applied to pup and bst.

Pet used for burning Yakshi is BouncingBertha/ScissorlegXegin.
I like to throw Killer instinct up for defensive purposes during the zerg.

Temp Item: Mirror tonic > Fight > Run Wild > Spur > Unleash > Tegmina > Fight > Tegmina repeat for 30s and hope you doing enough damage to bring it down.

I've seen groups fail because they refused to account for HP growth and tried getting 3/4 bsts to take yakshi down w/ 8 ppl in alliance.

You do not need to have Aymur to burn down yakshi. if you have 2x smn, you can alternate mewling and completely prevent tp moves. This makes the fight much more manageable and you don't need to use Sp abilities.

I really don't know about BST, BST, SMN. BST, SMN, GEO seems more likely to succeed. but I would not AC mewling. I would just AC the most damage you can. having the cor pet rolls and geo frailty bubbles means bst pets have capped attack. I don't know smn well enough to understand the exact mechanics in a good AC zerg. but I think the damage would be good.

I think that often means about 34k damage per Tegmina.

I haven't tried using Falcorr in unleash zerg against Yakshi.. but if you can cap attack w/ falcorr (which you can do vs Maju w/ cor and geo) Then you can drop 50k~80k back heels at a slightly slower pace than you can spam tegmina, but potentially more/faster damage.

I was in a pet party that did that vs maju. pup tank (me) bst and smn dd (used AC and unleash starting at 50% hp) rdm to blind. geo and cor to buff.

I would suggest the bst, smn, geo with cor dropping would probably work pretty well. if he's still alive when unleash and AC run out, I suggest mewling spam and turtling up the grasshopper until you can widdle away the last few %.

A balanced and buffed pet party can handle most any content.
this would be:

and have 2x of one of those jobs or bring something in that complements. a RNG, blm, rdm, or sch works well also. Its incredibly powerful.
By clearlyamule 2017-12-12 13:45:09
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zaxtiss said: »
wow learn something new everyday right!?
is it PDT only or MDT an DT as well?
There are no separate caps
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2017-12-12 13:45:14
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would the cor be doing beast roll an champions roll before dropping?
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-12-12 13:47:40
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Thanks for the detailed response. Seriously, appreciate the backstory too.
By clearlyamule 2017-12-12 13:56:41
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
so a few of us unscrupulous players were abusing the crap out of completely invulnerable pets in abyssea.
What you call me!?! Most people only bothered getting pdt to 100% though since that plus high other DT was still good enough and full -100% dt required using 3 DT atmas which left your pet anemic... and also required quite the hp balancing act. I don't personally know anyone else that bothered trying or figured out how I did it but it got nerfed like the week after I achieved it lol
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-12 14:10:12
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sorry, i got to abuse it for at least 1/2 a year AFTER smn got nerfed. but yeah, it has some SERIOUS draw backs.

making invulnerable pet that HAD ZERO hate generating skills was useful in solo/lowman but it couldn't hold hate nearly as well as a pup tank today.

it was mostly useful in making sure you didn't lose/die

unfortunately it was no guarantee that you could WIN.

OH you mean you acheived the 100% MDT only a week before the nerf.. yeah, didn't use the mdt part as much. usually kept it very high, but not 100%. wanted to do some damage.
By clearlyamule 2017-12-12 14:55:02
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I abused pdt for awhile.

No I don't mean mdt. I mean DT. DT all of it!!! Not that elemental breath dmg does crap to jugs anyawys. But yeah only got that a little before because play time was crap so didn't have a good ls and had to get a merc for Azdaja.

Was more for a fun theory in practice. Trying to stay between ~25-50% pet hps (for some reason it counted percentages weird maybe jugs have innate buffs too?) while giving your pet a dot was lots of not fun for little to no survivability gain while completely nerfing the dmg.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-12 17:34:05
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By Shiva.Fendarin 2017-12-18 03:25:54
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Can bst do similar damage as smn under 2h Zerg situations?
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2017-12-18 03:27:30
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Shiva.Fendarin said: »
Can bst do similar damage as smn under 2h Zerg situations?

Not quite, close though. But it requires a smn for Alexander so the bsts don't get killed (on some things).

Sleep/Petra/Amnesia all = game over and bst has to stand on top of their pet.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-18 05:42:15
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I think paralyze, sleep, amnesia etc are going to affect the smn in the same way as bst. Sure the smn can stand at greater range than the bst, but the idea you need perfect def seems a bit excessive here.

The question is about damage. And I'm not sure. It is situational.

I've rarely been in a zerg situation that lasted the full uleash duration, so I'm not sure how many ready moves I can get off in that time.
Usually bst will want to use Bertha or falcorr for a zerg. With capped attack, Bertha will do 33-38k damage each tegmina buffet.

Falcorr will be slower because you use fantod > backheel in quick succession, but you do 70 - 80k damage with capped attack.
(Skeleton, corse type mobs it will be 99k)

I know I've seen smn up in the 80k range, and 99k on some stuff as well. I don't know how typical that is, or how many bloodpacts the smn will do in time
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By Nariont 2017-12-18 05:47:42
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Smn doesnt have to stand some 6 yalms from its pet though, thats why the bst needs all that to be as consistent
By clearlyamule 2017-12-18 10:26:53
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Here's the thing. All things equal ie able to spam moves with capped pdif smn dps going to be much higher.

Now unleash lasts twice as long so could make up for the dps and caps pdif easier and doesn't need to worry about mp. Smn has an easier time keeping master out of aoe range, gets to ride full Odyllic Subterfuge duration, and just less time for things to go bad/die and pet dying hurts less.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-21 09:58:39
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Last i checked, unleash and Astral Conduit are both 30s duration.

scratch that, I'm HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE this morning.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-21 17:19:16
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Okay, I've got something fun to share!

So after my playing around and whining about how GenerousArthur doesn't get the credit he deserves, I was looking at ready moves, and I notice the AWESOME added effects and POWER from Acuex/Fluffy Bredo.

Pestilent plume does a nice Plague effect, blind, and MOST importantly - 25 MDB.

Foul Waters gives WEIGHT, and Drown.

both do the same amount of damage.
I've got a high-tier pet mab set for bst, not perfect, but pretty darn good (9859 damage normally in Reisenjima w/ cursed sphere).

So in Reisenjima I was averaging 14k w/ no tp buildup (aymur, alluvian axe, nukumi hands). and follow that up w/ 18k foul waters after the nice mdb down from pestilent plume.

Nice magical damage! but alone not very applicable.
I bugged Falkirk to help me test bursting it. I chose Apex Eruca because I figure they weak to water and darkness.

Bursting Pestilent Plume on first darkness skillchain was 28~29k damage. Using Pestilent Plume w/out burst was still around 13k damage.

Bursting Foul Waters off the NEXT Darkness skllchain was 45k~49k Magic Burst :D

Run Wild + Unleash yielded 33k damage each move after getting the first Pestilent Plume (mdb down).

Fluffy Bredo is proven blm type and has Magic Burst Bonus Trait.
Fluffy Bredo has 2 very cool Niche uses:
1. Magical Damage Zerg Pet
2. Magical Bursting Pet for bst

If you add Malaise, Puppet Roll, Gambit, Fluffy Bredo could turn out some serious Magic Damage
By clearlyamule 2017-12-21 19:39:22
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Yeah if you look at the lists of magical moves it's the strongest base (though depending on traits and such maybe not with gear) at least of the 119 pets. Pretty awesome against stuff without tons of mdt or mdb
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-22 08:51:50
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How often do parties use mdb down aside from Geo-Malaise?

the bg wiki page doesn't even list what abilities players have for this stat. I honestly don't know.

mdb down 25 in reisenjima gave me a 28.5% boost in damage in Reisenjima, and a 60% boost in damage on bursts against apex eruca.
Granted, this is very small sample size and I haven't worked out all the factors, but that mdb down effect is quite potent either way you look at it.

If following the pattern of defense down abilities, players probably have a mdb down 33 ability somewhere. Bolstered Idris Geo I hear can get mdb down 67 w/ Malaise. IF there is a 33 out there, then its mdb down 100, but w/ Bredo its 92, and its attached to a fairly nice magical Nuke, which costs 0 mp and is only on a timer. with that much MDB down, I feel like its similar to capping pdif w/ pets no matter the power of the enemy... except I don't think there is a magic damage cap, just a damage cap at 99k.

I'm not aware of any pet magic burst bonus for any equipment, so the only ways to boost this are pet MAB, mdb down on target, and making a bigger skillchain.

the 45k ~ 49k damage I was doing was bursting off only 2 step darkness Skillchain. 10% boost for each additional step in the skillchain if I understand correctly. put in Malaise and 30% boost from Gambit from RUN and I think you can use BST similiar to smn in some situations.

I'd love to try that out. especially for this months ambuscade. Shoot, I wish I'd tested Run Wild and Unleash on just 1 burst. I hoping I'd be in the 80k damage range even w/out the GEo and RUN.. at least on Eruca. throw in Puppet roll, which gives BOTH pet MAB and MACC.. for pet parties, this really brings beast fully into the magic damage game almost as much as smn. bst only has 2 elements to do this with: Water and Darkness.
By clearlyamule 2017-12-22 09:35:29
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Aside from malaise I believe the only things that do it are vidohunir which is 10 and a couple of pet moves which are 25. Well Tartarus Torpor but yeah only in campaign.

Enemy stats do matter a lot. For 1 though magic dmg doesn't have a cap mdb has a min cap at 50. So most mobs with a neutral 100 can hit it with just Idris Bog or Ecliptic Attrition malaise. 2 most NMs are going to have decently higher amounts so you wont hit caps but it will reduce how much of an increase decreasing mdb will do plus you'll just be doing less dmg. Jps testing the elemental resist stat have a rather large list of monster mdb and mdts

You will be able to increase dmg with quick draw and on MB probably rayke too

The increase steps is additive so it's not like you'll see 10% but yeah it adds 10% to that term
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-12-22 10:29:41
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yes, the mobs stats matter alot, but 92 ~ 100 magic def down will level the playing field quite a bit I believe.

Whats the difference between Magic Defense and Magic Defense bonus?

Obviously MDB is a trait in which some jobs (whm, run) get a special bonus to magic defense. Ironically the Magic Defense bonus page on bg-wiki says that generally mobs don't get a mdb aside from nms... I think that statement is probably wrong. as far as the job trait goes. But mobs DO have magic defense, obviously. all mobs do. all mobs get job traits by default.

How much?
Clearlyamule states a minimum of 50. do you have more info about that? a reference or test which shows that magic defense cannot go below 50? It sound reasonable, I'm just hoping for some context because I haven't found it yet.
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