Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2017-06-19 01:54:30
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Aeonic Axe looks amazing for DD but It's BST only. Though I think there is a way to utilize it. Sadly Axe weaponskills are pretty weak with Dual Weild (Rampage/Ruinator are meh..)and BST has one other problem with that; no attack boost.

But BST also gets some decent fencer boosts and the TP bonus on Aeonic makes up for it. Axe really shines with a Fencer set up.

Now I've been Looking at a fencer build and /WAR.
ItemSet 351938
Path C on the Body
Path D on the Hands
DEX,ACC,DA+10 on the cape.

TP Bonus:
Gifts 230
Trait 400
Moonshade 250
Aeonic 500

Mistral Axe and Calamity hit very hard at higher tp. Just entertaining the thought. Mistral Axe is also a STR mod so Argosy+1 would work beautifully. Losing Charmer's Merlin sucks, but the Master's overall damage may make up for it.

Especially since a BST themselves can benefit from GEO Haste and Fury or other Melee buffs. While the pet alone would only benefit from Frailty if they were thrown into a party with other melee.

If the DD Party is specifically set up for pets this is moot.

Go easy on me if it's been discussed before. Options are just a nice thing to have.

A less time consuming way to mess with it would be with an Arasy Tabar +1 (1030 TP Bonus combined with traits/gifts)

Just another option to get the most out of the job you love. This could also be a very nice way to boost both Cloud Splitter and Primal Rend.

Falkirk have you messed with this kind of setup at all? Even if it's just for shits and giggles, It would be fun changing play styles every now and then on certain jobs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-06-20 15:56:12
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I like messing around with different play styles.

I was trying out bst/drk and bst/pld the other day on escha zi'tah nm's. I was trying to get a good TP set for 1 handed.

I went /drk for last resort ja haste.

I couldn't figure any other way to cap haste while 1-handed.

I think /war is more versatile for 1-handed bst (berserk/defender, aggressor, warcry, provoke), but you cannot cap delay reduction afaik.

I'm rather interested in the Fencer build, because it often seems like we should be able to take advantage of it. AND because Adapa shield and Heyoka set give us some good survivability help for close range.

I appreciate you putting up the TP bonus numbers and pieces. I don't quite understand your tp set though.
Why Emicho body?
I would think either Tali'ah manteel +1 for hybrid pet and master acc, and the triple attack on master, or Argosy path D for DA and store tp on master. the accessories, weapon/shield combo make sense. They are good piece in general, but I don't see how they fit together, what the goals of the set are. (we can also throw a Ginsen in there)

Are you prioritizing a certain level of acc for pet and master, then stacking multi-hit and storetp?
By clearlyamule 2017-06-20 16:33:53
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Pretty sure they didn't drop the 2hd hand requirement when they separated part of the haste from desperate blows. It's part of why single wielding isn't as popular just the sheer attack speed reduction disparity.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Trulusia
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By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2017-06-20 18:33:37
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I couldn't figure any other way to cap haste while 1-handed.

Last Resort does indeed require a 2-handed weapon to gain the haste effect.

That said, subjob haste samba will take you to 73.75% haste, DNC Samba will give you 78.75 haste, and Blitzer's roll by itself will cap delay reduction on damn near any roll at this point. Blitzer's roll is hella unpopular though. Considering how DW and Martial Arts also reduce TP per hit, I think it's actually somewhat viable for single weapon fencer builds. Warrior, Beastmaster, Bard(Not a joke), and Corsair/War all have pretty viable/decent Fencer builds.

Beastmaster far and away is in the best position with their Aeonic. If you are teamed up with a Warrior, Beastmaster can drop a 3k TP WS at 1k TP during Warcry. That's pretty cool.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-06-20 20:50:10
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Where in the net does it say Last Resort is only for 2-handed weapons?
nvm, I see the haste buff for last resort is only from desperate blows trait.... bother thats obscure.
The sam abilities are all for 2-handed weapons, but I haven't found anything on drk abilities like that.

I guess I should test and confirm, but I looked over what documentation I could find, and nothing says that.
I'm sure you know what your talking about, but its a bit frustrating.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2017-06-21 23:26:42
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I like messing around with different play styles.

I was trying out bst/drk and bst/pld the other day on escha zi'tah nm's. I was trying to get a good TP set for 1 handed.

I went /drk for last resort ja haste.

I couldn't figure any other way to cap haste while 1-handed.

I think /war is more versatile for 1-handed bst (berserk/defender, aggressor, warcry, provoke), but you cannot cap delay reduction afaik.

I'm rather interested in the Fencer build, because it often seems like we should be able to take advantage of it. AND because Adapa shield and Heyoka set give us some good survivability help for close range.

I appreciate you putting up the TP bonus numbers and pieces. I don't quite understand your tp set though.
Why Emicho body?
I would think either Tali'ah manteel +1 for hybrid pet and master acc, and the triple attack on master, or Argosy path D for DA and store tp on master. the accessories, weapon/shield combo make sense. They are good piece in general, but I don't see how they fit together, what the goals of the set are. (we can also throw a Ginsen in there)

Are you prioritizing a certain level of acc for pet and master, then stacking multi-hit and storetp?

Emicho Body/Hands+1 would get you a decent chunk of double attack along with some Accuracy and Pet stats. With this set up you would focus on your own DD as much as possible. In a way you would play like a Dragoon would as a DD. Your damage would be primary, while the pet would be the icing on the cake. Especially if you had Haste 2, Geo Fury/Haste along with other DDs.

Mistral Axe/Calamity can hit some insane numbers. Follow that up with a Razor Fang, or a pet skill that skill chains for additional damage.

The reason I'm thinking Emicho+1 Body/Feet would be a good set.
If you aren't dual wielding tp gain can be a bit slow. Throwing on multi attack will make it so it doesn't hurt as bad. Fencer's TP Bonus makes up for it some what. +1 feet are also an option if you have the gil.

That set should have you at about 45% Multi Attack (33% DA, 10% TA, 2% QA.

WAR sub will push you to about 55% (+10% DA from SJ) Total. Your pet will be losing some accuracy, but it will still have an acceptable hit rate. Thats the main reason I kept the Turban/Feet in the set.

Basically it would be like playing WAR with a fencer build, but you have a pet fighting with you instead of having Savagery/Extra DA.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-06-22 14:12:24
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Ok, I've been playing w/ spreadsheet and messing w/ hybrid tp sets, and I first want to make a few suggestions to Falkirk to double check and update sets on main page.
Actually maybe just 1 change for WS set. I'm seeing Meghanada +2 > Totemic +3 for Mistral Axe, and I'm guessing for other WS's as well because of the attack+

but ofcourse its situational. I would certainly list both Meghanada 2 and totemic 3 for most ws sets. Also, I'd go Regal Ring instead of ifrit +1 for the physical Ws's as well. Few bst are going to opt for the Kariegh even though it is technically BiS.

Also, I'm finding Meghanda 2 legs better for tp than Argosy D... then again I'm calculating Argosy not Argosy +1

back to Skarwind now.
I'm debating between 2 sets when it comes to Hybrid Pet TP /war.

One by going pretty much full Su3 Heyoka:
ItemSet 351981

This set maxes haste on master and pet, and give alot of crit%+ to both as well. Since bst is so starved on Attack and Pet Pdif makes it attack starved as well, the crit+ I think will really shine for tp white damage. The question then becomes, is it really needed? what is the split in damage between master tp vs ws and pet tp vs ws?

I don't really know. TP phase will gain more 'marketshare' of bst damage when we are not using Aymur or Charmer's Merlin. More of the Damage is also coming from Master than pet (obviously). There are so many balances, I don't really think I can say w/out making the dps spreadsheet include pets.

I'm not sure what pet would be best though. Here's the trouble w/ Mistral Axe on bst. No pet does Fragmentation.

Best bet would be getting smash axe > Pet Reverberation (several options here) > Mistral Axe
Calamity has 2 versatile level 1 skillchain properties... but they are level 1 skillchain properties.
Its hard to have a skillchain that tops Primal Rend > Tegmina Buffet on bst.

The other set is just a slight change from yours:

ItemSet 351982

You are down by 2% haste. it almost tempts one to use Thuellaic Ecu +1 for the haste instead of Adapa. but the defensive abilities of this mini-Ochain are just so good, its hard to pass up. If def is the reasoning, then It make opt more for the Meva of Heyoka set to go w/ bst/war and adapa.

Also Tali'ah manteel + 1 is better for master and pet tp than Emicho Haubert. TA 5% and more acc for both master and pet, but lacking in Attack.

for the rest of the pieces Its a question of more multi-attack store tp on master, or more acc and DA on pet. If going master focus, is pet white damage or tp building a concern at all?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-06-22 14:37:13
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Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Warrior, Beastmaster, Bard(Not a joke), and Corsair/War


Exploring the idea of a fencer party...
Warior and bst would both be using Axes. Warrior would not have primal rend, but, Mistral Axe, Primal Rend, Ruinator and Cloudsplitter cover ALL the Level 2 skillchain properties, and Darkness for the Level 3.

brd and corsair could cap haste for everyone, but It would probably be nice to have some haste 2 also, so that blitzer and 1 march would cap attack speed for everyone. Then have other buffs from brd and cor by the situation. I don't know all the good ws/skillchain options for brd and corsair, but pretty sure we could double darkness or double light and 6 chain easily with this setup. Not sure what other jobs to put in.

hmm all the ws options on dd means bst doesn't need a pet to do fragmentation.
pet could be completely utility. This would give bst alot of flexibility for special abilities. War and BST could handle all the tanking needed. BST could voke/snarl, and in Heyoka gear, really the pet could tank alot. OR bst could just backup tank for warrior. or cure w/ rabbit, or light/dark dispel, or take advantage of slug tp added effects (huge def and attack down), or pet stun bot.

I think a fencer party would be incredibly fun on bst for all the flexibility it would allow the bst w/ pet.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster 2017-07-30 23:58:48
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Finally got a win on this with BSTs.


BST x 5, WHM x 1.

3 BSTs should be /RUN, the last two should be /NIN.


WHM does Pro/Shell before entry. BSTs should call BraveHeroGlenn, as he has an innate resistance to water, and is an Aquan. At least 2 of your 5 BSTS must have Killer Instinct merited 5/5; you need to keep this up the whole fight in order to survive Last Laugh, Whirl Claws, and Whistle. The Yagudo NM will use these 3 moves in succession to close Radiance on the nearest player.

Similarly to Operation: Desert Swarm, the idea is to solo your own. Two BSTS should be on the Shadow Lord, and 1 each on the Beastmen Kings. The BST assigned to the Orc NM should keep up Ignis x 2, and the BST assigned to the Quadav NM should keep up Gelus x 2.

The only way this can go wrong is if the HP of everyone in your party reaches 0. Otherwise, this is pretty straight forward.

Good luck!

Posts: 1,862
By Felgarr 2017-07-31 00:12:01
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Wow. Congratulations! That's a really cool accomplishment
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-07-31 00:14:47
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Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster said: »
The only way this can go wrong is if the HP of everyone in your party reaches 0.
Um....I think this is true for any setup, not just BST only....
By clearlyamule 2017-07-31 01:24:42
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Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster said: »
BSTs should call BraveHeroGlenn, as he has an innate resistance to water, and is an Aquan.
Cmon could've at least made it believable and used the Jagil
Guide Maker
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 700
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2017-08-04 20:00:00
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Node 317
By clearlyamule 2017-08-04 20:29:39
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Oh sweet old pets. Really wish SE had carried some of those on for higher level. Like some extra on the ones I remember that were good or neet

Gloeosuccus- 33% slow for 3 min

Mist- -50% attack for 3 min

Tp drain kiss - Actually don't remember exactly so will have to find data but it was one of the strongest tp drain moves back then

Tortoise Stomp- it lasted a ridiculously long time. we didn't have timers back then but I gave up waiting for it to wear after like 30 minutes lol
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Malthar
Posts: 518
By Shiva.Malthar 2017-08-04 20:56:09
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They need to give us a 119 hippogryph pet and th3 back.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster 2017-08-04 22:46:59
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Shiva.Malthar said: »
They need to give us a 119 hippogryph pet and th3 back.


Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1,132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2017-08-04 22:52:42
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Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster said: »
Shiva.Malthar said: »
They need to give us a 119 hippogryph pet and th3 back.


Server: Shiva
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user: Siviard
Posts: 1,328
By Shiva.Siviard 2017-08-04 23:03:06
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Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster said: »
Shiva.Malthar said: »
They need to give us a 119 hippogryph pet and th3 back.



Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-08-05 00:14:06
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I am pretty sure SE just completely overlooked this one.

It's not quite as powerful as smn...

But it's pretty freaking awesome.

Bravo to Bzt and gang for figuring it out.
Server: Shiva
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user: Malthar
Posts: 518
By Shiva.Malthar 2017-08-05 00:24:58
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What the hell did I just watch?!?!
By clearlyamule 2017-08-05 01:28:26
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Shiva.Malthar said: »
What the hell did I just watch?!?!
Old fantod + backheel trick. They've always stacked just been a little hard to do them together even more so to have more tp for the backheel. Of course gotta use a decently under leveled pet to do it and pretty much only good with unleash with lots of def down but hey can dream
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 127
By Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster 2017-08-05 02:57:16
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clearlyamule said: »
Shiva.Malthar said: »
What the hell did I just watch?!?!
Old fantod + backheel trick. They've always stacked just been a little hard to do them together even more so to have more tp for the backheel. Of course gotta use a decently under leveled pet to do it and pretty much only good with unleash with lots of def down but hey can dream

My dreams ended after he used Discordant Note =(.
Server: Shiva
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user: Siviard
Posts: 1,328
By Shiva.Siviard 2017-08-05 04:02:10
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Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster said: »
clearlyamule said: »
Shiva.Malthar said: »
What the hell did I just watch?!?!
Old fantod + backheel trick. They've always stacked just been a little hard to do them together even more so to have more tp for the backheel. Of course gotta use a decently under leveled pet to do it and pretty much only good with unleash with lots of def down but hey can dream

My dreams ended after he used Discordant Note =(.

Guide Maker
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 700
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2017-08-05 22:29:11
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Physical Ready Moves (Damage with Capped Atk):
(These values were collected with 20/20 Ready Damage+ job points.)

1540 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP Notes
Suction1137101793320718Additional effect: Stun

1040 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP Notes
Choke Breath1772772772Conal AoE, Add. effects: Paralysis, Silence
Back Heel187631793320718-
Tortoise Stomp187631793320718Additional effect: DEF-25%

Notes: More Ready moves that have a carbon copy of Razor Fang's fTP values. The exception being Choke Breath, which seems to deal
approximately the same damage as a melee hit. Despite being a physical Ready move, Choke Breath has no skillchain property.

Magical Ready Moves
(These values were collected with 20/20 Ready Damage+ job points.)

dINT Term1540 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP Notes
Snow Cloud1-240930513476Conal AoE, Add. effect: Paralysis
Acid Mist2-334342634808Radial AoE (10 yalms), Add. effect: ATK-50%
Charged Whisker2369146115156Radial AoE (10 yalms)

dINT Term1040 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP Notes
Aqua Breath3-516051605160Conal AoE

Notes: Our singular ice and thunder Ready options exist in these level 114 pets. Charged Whisker is marginally stronger than Gloom Spray.
Acid Mist falls a bit behind on the damage curve, but presumably it's the ATK-50% debuff that warrants the 2-charge cost.
Server: Shiva
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user: Malthar
Posts: 518
By Shiva.Malthar 2017-08-06 03:01:30
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Someone post on the official forums to ask SE to give us HQ versions of the NQ only just, like the sheep.

I can't do it because I complained too much about the bst nerf and got banned. lmao
Guide Maker
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
Posts: 700
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2017-08-06 22:15:54
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clearlyamule said: »
Tp drain kiss - Actually don't remember exactly so will have to find data but it was one of the strongest tp drain moves back then

It's quite good. The amount drained varies with TP, so it's fortunate that the Leech is a WAR with Fencer.

Server: Shiva
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user: Siviard
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By Shiva.Siviard 2017-08-07 00:42:47
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Shiva.Malthar said: »
Someone post on the official forums to ask SE to give us HQ versions of the NQ only just, like the sheep.

I can't do it because I complained too much about the bst nerf and got banned. lmao

I still have access to the OF, but I'm afraid to post anything about BST for fear of getting banned.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [34 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
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user: Detroit
Posts: 3
By Asura.Vivik 2017-09-10 11:38:56
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Hey guys. My wife I and recently geared our BST back up to play around on and I was wondering if anyone had any insight on using the simple GS listed in the OP. It seems like the idle.Pet.Engaged set does not actually switch from normal idle or Idle.Pet. I'll upload my GS if needed but I was hoping maybe someone had a similar problem with a simple fix. Just to reiterate the problem; I'm standing with my pet out, use the fight command, and still sitting in idle gear. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone happens to have a GS somewhere between the two listed in the OP that would be awesome. The simple one is a bit too simple and Falkirk's is a bit more than what we need. Thanks!
Guide Maker
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 700
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2017-09-10 14:09:15
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Asura.Vivik said: »
Just to reiterate the problem; I'm standing with my pet out, use the fight command, and still sitting in idle gear.

Try adding this function to the lua (can place it at the bottom of the file):
-- Updates gear based on pet status changes.
function job_pet_status_change(newStatus, oldStatus, eventArgs)
    if newStatus == 'Idle' or newStatus == 'Engaged' then
Server: Asura
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user: Detroit
Posts: 3
By Asura.Vivik 2017-09-10 14:33:39
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Asura.Vivik said: »
Just to reiterate the problem; I'm standing with my pet out, use the fight command, and still sitting in idle gear.

Try adding this function to the lua (can place it at the bottom of the file):
-- Updates gear based on pet status changes.
function job_pet_status_change(newStatus, oldStatus, eventArgs)
    if newStatus == 'Idle' or newStatus == 'Engaged' then
Perfect! Thank you very much, Falkirk.
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