Totemic is mostly the body, and head if you Charm (BST still does this in 2025?)
I do have a Charm set on BST which is pretty close to BiS but it's more a thing I did for myself, because I used to love it back in the days.
Nowadays other than a couple of extremely niche situations I can't really support the necessity of having a Charm set. If you really want to go for it, certainly don't put it on top of your priorities.
JSE+2 neck is pretty much the best for what it serves for, but there's plenty of alternatives, if anything to start while you ponder wether or not you wanna buy the +2, gonna take you a few weeks to fully augment it anyway.
Personally I see it as very important if you plan to use the master a lot to deal damage, at that point the PDL stat on it starts being hard to skip. Of course the requirements here are to intend to realistically use the master a lot to deal damage, and doing it so in situations where you can actually make use of the PDL. If you intend to play mostly solo and/or in pet-specific setups, there probably won't be many situations where you can get so much attack above the cap for the current target, to actually benefit from PDL.
Aymur is very nice in several situations, altough I wouldn't call it a huge game changer either. Only situations where in my opinion it makes a big difference is when you're supposed to spam TP drainkiss, Aymur being one of the very few options to boost pet TP. Speaking of endgame, I can name several important scenarios where you're gonna be doing that, so yeah, Aymur is very useful I suppose.
along with full Ankusa set
I went with full ankusa myself, wouldn't say it's "necessary" either. The reforged +3 AF and Relic sets have some overlapping aspects.
Mostly for Reward Potency and Reward Cast delay, and Nukumi Body, Hands and Legs.
For Reward, for instance, Body+Legs+Feet+Stout bonnet allow you to reach the cap. You can reach this cap with different combination of other items too.
Head is also very nice to use with Nukumi body for WS where you can benefit from the Killer+ (which converts into Damage+ at a 2:1 rate).
You also want the hands for Call Beast.
All in all some Ankusa pieces can be a decent (even if inferior) option for Pet-focused sets.
Not ideal, but it's okaysh and all in all ankusa allows you to save inventory space, if you accept the inherent compromises, which in my situation was an extremely valuable aspect.
Nukumi Body, Hands and Legs
Nukumi Body is a beast for many purposes, but mostly useful for when you want to deal damage with the master.
You want Hands regardless for many reasons but first and foremost I'd say the Pet TP bonus thing I mentioned above, it's a rare stat and very useful in several endgame content.
Legs are very nice for master DT + Stout Servant on the same piece.
You forgot the feet, which are a very nice option for master damage, when you can make use of PDL of course. There's also the aug to spur but I feel most of the time that's not exactely relevant. Still, nice icing on the cake I suppose.
Totemic Head is, as you mentioned, used in Charm sets. But the body? Why are you mentioning that?
I wouldn't go for that.
The Aug reward is the same on both Relic and AF, and sure the AF has additional Reward Potency but you can reach the cap without that so really maybe I'm forgetting something but I don't see why you would want Totemic body+3 if you have Ankusa.
Unless you want a different combination of items to reach the Reward potency cap, I guess.
what else can it do today?
AoE killing stuff. Especially if in a pet-dedicated party, but viable solo as well.
I find it less effective than BLU if you ask me, but it's an option.
Then there's the 10% HP debuff from Generous Arthur, which is quite handy to farm RP in Odyssey and works on the majority of targets even at R25.
Then there's the pet-focused setups for several contents and last but not least BST can be a decent DDs (fitting the role of any generic DD) in a lot of more permissive content. You can bring something special, like some debuffs from some pets, and if that's good for your current setup then BST can be a pretty nice DD.
Is it decent enough to solo to Master Level
Nothing is decent to solo Master Level lol, so not even BST. Altough it depends on your definition of "decent".
Don't think BST has it any better than many other jobs soloing.
Certainly not the worst either though.