Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
By Nariont 2024-11-20 01:26:38
unless theres an augmented piece im forgetting, that's correct
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-11-20 08:47:55
So I may have missed the info somewhere, but does pet Macc correspond to a 1:1 ratio to their Acc in check param?
I just recently got the Stage 3 BST axe and the difference in pet level + is massive for Acc it seems, so wondering if the Lv 1+ and 25 macc would beat let's say other options with a base +50.
Also for those wondering:
Top checkparam was with 0 pet lvl+ outside of calling pet at max level with merits/relic gloves. Each checkparam was 1 extra level+

I looked back a fair bit but couldn't find the post. I believe there was some extensive testing done regarding meva and macc, and the conclusion was that they did in fact increase with pet level+ substantially making any lvl+ item like gleti feet or nukumi earring BiS for macc/meva.
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-11-20 09:10:03
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-11-20 16:13:07
I'm fairly certain I know the answer, but double checking here. For physical ready moves the options for body armor are Nyame/Gleti/Nukumi for accuracy, and Valorous/Emicho/Taeon/Acro for attack. Am I missing any? Obviously simplified, and not counting path D Nyame.
That's most of them, but a couple other acc options in Heyoka/+1 (+1 with Pet:Acc+52 is the next most behind Nukumi +2/+3) and Tali'ah.
Nukumi+2 or +3 would be the standard go-to, highest acc in slot. But I could see cases for Nyame/Gleti for master safety from DT-/PDT-, or maybe Heyoka if for some reason you wanted to pair acc with the substantial pet enmity+.
Doubt most BSTs would want to pay the money for Heyoka +1, but those who also play PUP might have it. Best pet enmity in slot is nice for PUP tanking, and is the reason I have 5/5 +1 set. Now that I look at it, a little intrigued at putting together a max crit build with Heyoka too, particularly for Farsha AM3 up set (currently working on the weapon here and coming up with weirdo uses for fun once I finish it)
By Kaffy 2024-11-20 16:56:51
Thanks, I overlooked both of those. I think Nukumi is probably the best option too, big acc gains there.
I think Xilkk or someone posted a 100% crit set a while back, should be in here somewhere.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »ItemSet 395450
Just interesting food for thought
looks like we can make a 95% Crit Rate set
By Minaras84 2024-11-20 20:28:48
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »3.jpg[/img] It's Pet:Magic Accuracy time.
Chapter 1 - Item Level
 WTH, i completely missed this.
I can't believe it haha
Is this only for call beast or it applies also for loyalty?
I mean, i always main hand a lvl 99 weapon but still.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-11-20 21:58:27
Does Pet: Enmity+# work with Snarl to increase the hate transferred?
By Nariont 2024-11-20 22:34:22
Pretty certain it was in this thread somewhere that it just transfers the masters current hate, -/+ enmity has no effect
By Minaras84 2024-11-21 01:42:33
Pet enmity +/- doesn't affect Snarl cause you're transferring yours.
I havent got a set for snarl, but i imagine that you can build one with as much enmity as you can and then use Snarl.
By Nariont 2024-11-21 02:18:25
Neither work afaik, as its a pet action so only pet:enm would apply and testing done back in 2018~ was showing + pet enm didnt effect it. It's just a nice low recast hate dump
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-11-25 09:15:06
Does Pet: Enmity+# work with Snarl to increase the hate transferred?
It does NOT unfortunately. I tested it extensively and submitted several threads to the official forums recommending that it should.
I REALLY wanted this so bst could effectively tank and have some better enmity management tools.
By Minaras84 2024-12-05 23:25:46
Is Fernagu with WS dmg +10% the best option for primal rend and cloudsplitter?
I'm using either Malevolence (got lucky and have max augments) or Agwu, even tho i prefer malevolence because of the delay.
The only Fernagu i have is the TP +1000 one, but i was wondering if the ws +10% is worth making it (im sick of all the trials lol)
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sirris 2024-12-06 00:39:19
Is Fernagu with WS dmg +10% the best option for primal rend and cloudsplitter?
I'm using either Malevolence (got lucky and have max augments) or Agwu, even tho i prefer malevolence because of the delay.
The only Fernagu i have is the TP +1000 one, but i was wondering if the ws +10% is worth making it (im sick of all the trials lol)
Agwu's Axe has 5% wsdmg and 15DEX/15CHR, plus a lot of macc. I like it for Primal Rend for sure.
By Kaffy 2024-12-06 00:42:23
Ikenga's axe is what the sim shows, but that requires R25+ for the tp bonus +300~500 and 5 WSD. I'd stick to tp bonus Fernagu over making a WSD one.
By Minaras84 2024-12-08 00:04:07
Is Fernagu with WS dmg +10% the best option for primal rend and cloudsplitter?
I'm using either Malevolence (got lucky and have max augments) or Agwu, even tho i prefer malevolence because of the delay.
The only Fernagu i have is the TP +1000 one, but i was wondering if the ws +10% is worth making it (im sick of all the trials lol)
Agwu's Axe has 5% wsdmg and 15DEX/15CHR, plus a lot of macc. I like it for Primal Rend for sure.
Why not Malevolence?
Even tho it hasnt the wsd +5%, it has alot more m.accu plus m.attk
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-08 07:33:04
malevolence is 201 + 25 + 10 Augments macc
ikenga and agwu's is 242 + 40 + 15 augments macc
I'm sure you can get a little more damage out of the mab then the base models of the ody axes, but 500 tp bonus just makes it much more spammy
By Nariont 2024-12-08 08:52:47
Quote: Only the main hand weapon's Magic Accuracy Skill affects Magic Accuracy, for Dual Wield balance.
still a 20 macc difference but just saying to not count the macc skill on OHs, if you dont need the additional macc then id stick with malev or tp bonus
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-12-09 14:29:29
Ikenga's axe is what the sim shows, but that requires R25+ for the tp bonus +300~500 and 5 WSD. I'd stick to tp bonus Fernagu over making a WSD one.
No R25+ Ikenga here, so I typically use Agwu's R20 for Primal Rend. DEX+15/CHR+15 makes up some of the WSD, STP+10 for more frequent WS, pet stats for landing any ready moves, and of course not having a non-ilevel weapon.
Specific to Cloudsplitter, Barbarity+1 is also an easy call over WSD Fernagu. WSD+8%, STR+28 (40% STR mod on Cloudsplitter), Atk+50, similar delay (280 versus Fernagu's 268), and of course i119 skill. Well worth sacrificing WSD+2% on a non-ilevel weapon.
By Minaras84 2024-12-10 00:31:43
Damn, all of this makes too much sense haha.
I really loved my Malevolence's 201 delay.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-12-10 13:02:46
To be clear, I was only comparing axes above and not considering Malevolence in my previous post.
Malevolence is not gonna be BAD either, might even pull ahead situationally. But just eyeballing things, IIRC I found it relatively close to Agwu in ideal conditions (i.e., acc capped). I should go mess with it some more on Apex mobs or something.
However, gotta keep in mind that Malevolence does mean giving up over 100 offhand Acc (as compared to Agwu), STP, pet stats, and even a decent amount of atk for a minor increase in white damage. You can certainly manage that in many situations, especially with food/acc buffs, but it's a consideration on harder things.
Definitely less of a hindrance than magian weapons, where you lose over 250 acc.
But yeah, the combination of all those things = I tend to just go Aymur/Agwu for Primal Rend. Bonus that it's also pretty good for physical WS, in the event you run into some mobs that resist light/magic and you don't want to swap weapons (like Doli/??? or whatever).
I'm curious about playing around more with Cloudsplitter builds though - gotta finish that Farsha then I'll go mess with it! I'm particularly curious to see if Barabarity ends up being at least situationally worthwhile for someone like me without Ikenga's at 25+ (then again, I'm also playing with the idea of Farsha with a more crit-heavy TP set for Empy AM, so Ikenga's slots in nicely for that purpose and is good for Cloudsplitter).
By Minaras84 2024-12-10 16:20:35
I'm curious about playing around more with Cloudsplitter builds though - gotta finish that Farsha then I'll go mess with it! I'm particularly curious to see if Barabarity ends up being at least situationally worthwhile for someone like me without Ikenga's at 25+ (then again, I'm also playing with the idea of Farsha with a more crit-heavy TP set for Empy AM, so Ikenga's slots in nicely for that purpose and is good for Cloudsplitter).
Same, i didn't even thought about that axe up until your post.
Truth to be told, i'd probably use cloudsplitter just to trigger AM and go with white dmg only
By Nariont 2024-12-10 17:38:50
Cloudsplitters pretty respectable, doesnt get the potential light dmg/mythic ws boost primal has but does get up to 50 str/mnd on it with its own 10% dmg boost
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-10 21:25:23
That being said, SE can feel free to buff the ***oit of axes and I would never complain
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-12-11 00:58:11
Truth to be told, i'd probably use cloudsplitter just to trigger AM and go with white dmg only
If only BST had some better offensive shield options for Fencer builds, that would also be pretty interesting for Farsha. But as it is, I don't see it being worth it over offhand weapon stats (and better attack speed than 1h/shield). Guess I'll stick with WAR and Blurred Shield +1 to fool around with that kind of build, sigh...
Still, this does motivate me to go make a bit more progress to finish up the empy!
By Felgarr 2024-12-16 13:38:18
How is Blitz as a prime WS? Good damage?
Does it open up an interesting SC combinations for Beastmaster?
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-16 14:28:09
Truth to be told, i'd probably use cloudsplitter just to trigger AM and go with white dmg only
If only BST had some better offensive shield options for Fencer builds, that would also be pretty interesting for Farsha. But as it is, I don't see it being worth it over offhand weapon stats (and better attack speed than 1h/shield). Guess I'll stick with WAR and Blurred Shield +1 to fool around with that kind of build, sigh...
Still, this does motivate me to go make a bit more progress to finish up the empy!
Yeah as a RDM that uses 2 different unity shield for utility and acc, I can safely say everyone else besides PLD and WAR got screwed when it comes to shield utilization. DRK with a club and a blurred shield is decent and definitely better than what BST got. The only BST specific shield that works with what we all want is Kaidate and it really should have gotten a unity rework to have some nice stuff on it. If Ikenga or Agwu's Axe was a shield instead, it would be exactly what we needed.
By Nariont 2024-12-16 15:52:39
Shields are like grips, lot of potential that wasnt capitalized on, yet even worse as grips despite being a later addition actually got some minor variety atleast on the magic side
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Johnb 2024-12-19 23:33:02
Is Blitz supposed to be the best weapon skill for BST these days or is it Primal Rend still?
Maybe a noob question here, but technically if you switch between Ready moves and meleeing, don't you need to to use the same weapons for melee and ready sets because of TP/afterglow loss issues?
Did someone ever do a comparison of ML 0 jug pets stats vs ML 50 jug pets? I know the attack is increased every ML though.
By Nariont 2024-12-20 02:18:28
Is Blitz supposed to be the best weapon skill for BST these days or is it Primal Rend still?
Situational, one is phys, the other is magic, but in a general sense blitz is the best axe WS since phys has a higher ceiling.
Maybe a noob question here, but technically if you switch between Ready moves and meleeing, don't you need to to use the same weapons for melee and ready sets because of TP/afterglow loss issues?
Yes, which is why you'd lock weapons/have a swap that doesnt use weapons if you normally swap on ready moves if concerned about TP/AMs
Did someone ever do a comparison of ML 0 jug pets stats vs ML 50 jug pets? I know the attack is increased every ML though.
Falkirk did testing of various pet related effects from ilvl and ML increases, they'll be further back in the thread but iirc ML gives a general ready dmg+1% per level, someone can correct me if im mistaken
By Kainminter 2024-12-20 06:40:52
Is Blitz supposed to be the best weapon skill for BST these days or is it Primal Rend still?
From my personal testing vs locus bats, Savage Blade still seems to be the strongest physical WS for BST. Though Blitz seems better than Calamity and Mistral Axe.
For me Blitz was doing
about 20-30k damage at 1k TP, (had to dual wield with no tp bonus to ensure no fencer)
about 35-50k damage at 2k TP,
about 55-65k damage at 3k TP
At the same 3k equivalent TP level, savage blades do noticabely more. Around 65-75k.
Blitz however does have the awesome skillchain properties. Almost every pet has at least one ready move that can open a skillchain that Blitz can close, so its got that going for it.
Primal Rend damage is typically much lower. I dont have the numbers handy, but from memory, I can usually expect about 20-30k Primal Rend from 3k TP, without geo acumen/malaise? It comes in handy as a strong magic WS option and to put up aftermath when using Aymur though.