Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2024-05-26 15:25:59
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Had some fun testing Left-handed Yoko (longest lasting plague ftw)
Xilkk BSTbro discovered an error/omission regarding the duration of Infected Leech's Plague effect.
Ready Move | Charge Cost | Description | Damage Type | Skillchain Properties |
Infected Leech | 1 | Absorbs HP from enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from pet. Additional effect: Plague (TP-50/tic). Additional effect duration varies with TP. |  | - |
Ready Move | Effect | Charge
Cost | Range | Minimum Duration | Maximum Duration |
Infected Leech | Plague (TP-50/tic) | 1 | Conal | 45sec | 2min15sec |
There was a small variance in duration at each Pet TP condition, but the durations are approximately:
1040 TP - 45 seconds
2000 TP - 90 seconds
3000 TP - 135 seconds |
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By Gaigin 2024-06-28 01:42:24
Hello all, I have been looking for some time for postings on YouTube or anywhere else of Prime weapon skills in general and Spalirisos in particular.
Anyone have any links or willing to make one of their own?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1861
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-06-30 05:08:16
Joke: Has anyone seen if Brave Hero Glenn gives KI against Aminon?
More Serious: Does anyone go BST/DRK to Aminon with Fatso out for max tp denial? Other jobs with 0 dark skill can do it, I assume landing absorb-tp is just as challenging as it is for all the other 0 dark skill jobs that do it successfully.
Can have Rage up at the start since it's all magic damage and idle in Gleti's.
By Nariont 2024-06-30 11:20:05
You probably could, but wiping TP means potentially less TP being absorbed which can slow down WS speed, then there's the rest of the run. Just not sure what the BST would rep in that scenerio
By zeta 2024-07-04 14:14:07
Are the sets for pet ready moves still somewhat current? Thank you.
By jubes 2024-07-04 15:52:37
yes, and if you want alternatives for nyame path D body and legs then your options are emicho, valorous, and taeon. probsbly empy body and artifact legs as a last resort. forgot AF legs are such high attack, they're prob 2nd best to nyame D.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2024-07-04 15:59:46
I thought about making Tri-Edge before but always held off. Ruinator is just a crap weaponskill.
I'm about to make a Tri-Edge because I don't have much left to do as far as Aeonics. Still working on Ikenga Axe.
Currently I BST/DRG with Path B pangu. Fencer is actually pretty good on BST. Looks like BST gets a +630 TP Bonus from fencer after gifts.
So fencer with Tri-Edge should allow you to have a 1380 TP Bonus (with moonshade). Great for Mistral Axe/Calamity/Etc.
/NIN or /DNC will have you sitting at a 1750 TP Bonus with the Magian Axe offhand, or 1250 with Tri-edge/Ikenga Axe R30
Yeah being unable to use Blurred Shield+1 sucks, but Sacro Bulwark atleast has a lot of nice defense options.
Evalach+1 is a nice jack of all trades shield.
Forfend+1 is cheap to augment with wings, and has an insane amount of accuracy.
Just wondering if anyone else has been using Fencer. It's been pretty awesome with DRG's WSDMG Bonus, and between Jumps/Snarl I hardly ever have hate at all.
By Kainminter 2024-07-04 16:34:22
Quote: Just wondering if anyone else has been using Fencer.
Sure, fencer is great! I experiment with a lot of subs for my BST. DRG is a great choice, as are WAR, DRK, and THF for their toolsets. As for some more unusual options, COR, PLD, and RUN subs have been interesting to play with.
COR sub for samurai or corsair roll really helps when I dont have a real COR in EXP setups, and I can still do 65k savage blades vs locus mobs at reasonable TP levels thanks to Fencer. Those rolls are still potent enough to make a positive difference even as a subjob. Fighter and Rogue rolls also feel pretty useful if you have the other rolls covered in another way.
PLD sub I have been recently testing out when doing segments farm for Odyssey. It gives me pulling options with Flash and Banishga, Sentinel for the ohcrap moments like if I link a bunch of invisible mobs, and when things are slashing resistant it gives me access to Judgment with a club. I roll with the sheep for Rage, sleepga, and self skillchain sheepcharge > calamity which kills many of the segs mobs in one go - depending on their resistances to slashing and wind.
RUN sub at M.Level 45+ with Flash, Foil, Vallation, Pflug, Valliance, and Swordplay, has excellent hate generation options for pet tanking. This seems to be one of the best subs to build hate and keep it on your pet via snarl. I still havent found the perfect situation to use this in endgame yet, but it has been fun to play with.
By Minaras84 2024-07-04 20:22:24
I go /drg for locus mobs, somehow crit hit+ works better than ws damage + from /dnc.
I use Beatific shield +1 with shield mastery +3 for the extra tp.
To be fair i haven't understood yet if shield mastery from that shield works on classes without the native ability.
If it doesn't I'll swap to Sacro.
As for the tri-edge...i use it as a /lockstyle.
Umbra is nice when you have enough time to get to that point, which means that you'll use it only in solo basically, and for me sword/fernagu is the way to go.
Im working on Farsha for white dmg, i am very curious to see what kind of numbers I'll be able to pull out.
By LightningHelix 2024-07-16 10:06:19
Never touched BST in my life, looking to get up to speed to farm Bumba RP on my own schedule rather than paying someone else. I have stupid questions because I want to make sure I'm not overlooking something trivial!
If I'm literally only looking to land Purulent Ooze on Bumba, do I need any gear sets that I don't know of already beyond:
1) Call Beast set (Ankusa gloves, lol level 75 recast augments) - does Gleti's feet only matter here?
2) A single engaged set (pet +level and -dt, I just have to get in to trigger Tandem Strike then I can back off) - do I have to keep Gleti's feet on here to keep that pet level?
3) Ready precast set (Charmer's Merlin and Gleti's)
4) Ready midcast set (pet +level and +macc) to land Ooze's HP-10%
There's Familiar-based options, which I'm honestly gonna be too lazy to use unless I absolutely have to.
Do I need to land a melee attack for Tandem Strike to kick in, or only attack even if I miss (like making Trusts engage)? I believe it's the latter but I'm making sure.
Thanks all!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 37
By Asura.Psycosocial 2024-07-17 07:30:31
Code sets.midcast.Pet.MagicAccReady = set_combine(sets.midcast.Pet.Normal, {ammo="Hesperiidae",
head=Ready_MAcc_head,neck="Beastmaster Collar +2",ear1="Kyrene's Earring",ear2="Enmerkar Earring",
body=Ready_MAcc_body,hands=Ready_MAcc_hands,ring1="Tali'ah Ring",ring2="Cath Palug Ring",
General text pieces are just Gleti. MH is Gleti Axe and I use Rolanberry Daifuku. ML7 (doubt it matters)
Definitely not the best set. Don't need Tandem or anything else special. Run in, Ooze, Run away, Twilight gear for RR, Cap that Nyame.
By LightningHelix 2024-07-17 09:20:44
Perfect. That's all I care about, so that's all I need to know! Thank you so much.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1861
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-07-23 17:57:56
Do all physical ready moves have the ability to crit on pets?
I'm looking for Path D substitutes in Valorous for physical ready moves that don't ftp replicate but I was curious if it's better to go for crit than double attack if I think my pet will not be getting buffs...ever probably?
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-07-23 18:06:03
Same rules as any tp move, if not specified, can't crit
By Tathamet 2024-08-09 15:49:05
Dumb question, but "Killer Instinct" being the name of the thread is making searching for an answer difficult :D
Nukumi Gausape +3 offers no benefit to the rest of the party when using Killer Instinct, just to the beastmaster, right? The only party-wide benefit is extra duration if Ankusa Helm +3 was in precast?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2024-08-10 07:04:26
Dumb question, but "Killer Instinct" being the name of the thread is making searching for an answer difficult :D
Nukumi Gausape +3 offers no benefit to the rest of the party when using Killer Instinct, just to the beastmaster, right? The only party-wide benefit is extra duration if Ankusa Helm +3 was in precast? Apologies for the search difficulty.
nukumi gausape +3's Augments "Killer" Effects offers a personal boost only, similar to the founder's breastplate .
You are correct that ankusa helm +3 increases the duration of Killer Instinct when worn during JA activation.
By Fendarin007 2024-08-21 16:34:18
Hi all
I remember seeing a script for unleash yonks ago
Was for multi pet buff or multi pet debuffs
Can someone repost if please. Cheers
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2024-08-21 19:18:17
By Fendarin007 2024-08-21 20:42:16
By Minaras84 2024-08-29 21:57:52
So, I'm an idiot and I'm trying to have all the weapon types on BST, instead of exping the right class to 99 and eventually 119.
But because i haven't got enough time nor wardrobe space, this is the only way for me to try all the weapons and some class' abilities subbing the right job.
Anyway, I'm currently gearing BST/MNK with Karambit(i know...I know, BST doesn't even have any native H2H skill).
So, I'm looking for a Max HP set for Chakra.
Does anyone have one to share? lol
By Kaffy 2024-08-29 23:24:48
Try nyame with unmoving collar, moonlight cape, moonlight ring, gelatinous ring, platinum moogle belt, 2 odnowa earrings.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2024-08-30 05:15:55
Try nyame with unmoving collar, moonlight cape, moonlight ring, gelatinous ring, platinum moogle belt, 2 odnowa earrings. ItemSet 390390
It doubles as the max Metallic Body potency set too!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Ryugi 2024-09-03 21:00:35
Hello i just started getting into BST for RP farming can someone point me in the right direction for the Gearset for using ooze. Or if they don't mind sharing one. As far as i have tested Kalunga will stick using RUN with Rayke and unda like previously stated V25 Arebati is a no go. I want to test it on T1 T2 V25. Thank you any and all input is appreciated.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-09-03 22:17:52
The first page of this guide lists a Pet: Macc set with alternatives.
ItemSet 347643
Your set doesn't need to be BIS to land it on bosses. Downgrade where appropriate:
You likely didn't pick Path:D Nyame, so Nukumi +2/3 instead
NQ Nukumi earring is sufficient since HQ/HQ2 are the same Pet Lv+1
Pet macc food, activate Tandem Strike for +50 Pet macc by swinging at the target once. Run Wild doesn't affect pet Macc, so don't bother with it.
By Minaras84 2024-09-03 22:37:53
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Try nyame with unmoving collar, moonlight cape, moonlight ring, gelatinous ring, platinum moogle belt, 2 odnowa earrings. ItemSet 390390
It doubles as the max Metallic Body potency set too!

Oh damn!
Fantastic thanks
By Minaras84 2024-09-04 21:42:27
Is there any way to enhance pondering peter's wild carrot?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-09-04 22:16:49
It varies with Pet TP, so Pet: TP Bonus gear should work