Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
By Minaras84 2024-04-26 09:06:09
Also, Titan finally dropped the mafic cudgel.
I guess the best ws bst can get is true strike?
I will use it mainly for sheol gaol so no sj.
Anyone with a good build?
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-04-26 10:18:29
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Any Prime Axe BSTs able to talk me out of dumping 3.5m galli? I recently caught the BST bug and am really enjoying it….how is blitz performing?
Even at Stage 4 Spalirisos and Blitz are the best physical damage for axe weaponskills. however you really want the tp bonus offhand for this. I use Fernagu, don't have Ikenga's unlocked to 30 yet.
Damage varies from 30k ~75k w/ only trusts and killer instinct.
skillchain damage was fantastic too.
Wow, why is the gap so big?
45k difference is a lot.
Unfortunately given axes are slashing dmg, the combo naegling & tp axe sub still outperform any axe ws.
At this stage the only must have is just Aymur. (imho)
Until ws wall content comes into play. Then axe will be superior in most cases. Also the gap is likely just varying tp values.
By Heghmoh 2024-04-26 10:40:33
Yeah all the Prime WS seem to have considerable scaling with TP ~ I have stage 4 Helheim already and notice the damage varies considerably if used at 1000 TP vs 2000 TP, with warcry up or down (and other sources of TP bonus).
It could also be a partial miss as Blitz is 4-hits?
Anyway, I'm not dissueded...Prime axe and Blitz sound pretty fun~
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-04-26 12:48:19
Alot of the variance in damage for blitz also has to do w/ Aftermath.
the PDL varies w/ aftermath level.
guess I should do a more comprehensive sample for all the nitpickers.
also iirc Falkirk did the testing showing that the tp scaling of damage is not just at the increments of 1k, 2k, 3k
it linear so like... lots of damage adjustment for even 250 tp difference.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2024-05-10 06:19:34
Good day Guys, what's the lowest recast timer based on the 3 charges needed? using charmer's merlin and gleti's legs also merits 5/5 and still have to wait 30 sec to use. thanks in advance for your assistance.
sets.midcast.Pet.ReadyRecast = {main="Charmer's Merlin",legs="Gleti's Breeches"}
sets.midcast.Pet.ReadyRecastDW = {sub="Charmer's Merlin",legs="Gleti's Breeches"}
By Nariont 2024-05-10 06:27:32
Quote: The minimum recast time for Ready is 10 seconds per charge when taking into account all effects from merit points, Job Point Gifts, and equipment.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2024-05-10 06:42:45
Forgive my ignorance just picking up BST for odyssey bosses, Im trying to use fatso fargann for Mboze fight, with the 3 charges required, my minimum recast time will always be 30 sec (3 charges at 10 sec)
By Nariont 2024-05-10 06:45:04
Yep, you can bypass with unleash but otherwise will need to wait
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2024-05-10 06:47:57
Thanks @Nariont
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2024-05-10 10:52:51
Hi, its me again, can anyone post their gearset for tp drainkiss? or give me any tips, also do I need to precast any gear for it?
sets.midcast.Pet.DebuffReady = {
sub="Agwu's Axe",
ammo="Voluspa Tathlum",
head="Gleti's Mask",
neck="Bst. Collar +2",
ear1="Handler's Earring +1",
ear2="Enmerkar Earring",
body="Gleti's Cuirass",
hands="Nukumi Manoplas +3",
ring1="Tali'ah Ring",
ring2="C. Palug Ring",
back="Artio's Mantle",
waist="Incarnation Sash",
legs="Gleti's Breeches",
eet="Gleti's Boots"}
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-05-10 11:16:57
I don't think TP drainkiss has an accuracy check, it always drains a percentage of the monsters TP based on Fargann's TP and cannot fail/miss. So you shouldn't need to wear any pet macc gear. Just ready stuff like the boots and I suppose dt gear otherwise.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 202
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2024-05-10 11:36:27
so any need for precast or this set looks ok as it it? im just a bit confused since a friend (bst) is saying his tp drainkiss is down to like 12 secs, mine is recasting at 30 secs.
last time I played BST was when delve came out, so its been a long time
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-05-10 11:39:34
Once again, it's impossible to get TP Drainkiss recast below 30 seconds because it uses 3 charges and the minimum per charge is 10 seconds. 10x3 = 30.
Have him show you him using TP Drainkiss twice in a 15 second period, he can't.
Macc isn't important, but TP Bonus is. Get a TP bonus axe, wear the JSE for TP bonus, and wear the equipment for recast timer (should just be Gleti pants if you have JP and merits). Also: your midcast has 2 axes on, but if this is for Sheol: Gaol you can't dual-wield. May not be important, but I'd check your set.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2024-05-10 11:49:41
Duly noted thanks, making a Kumbhakarna with tp bonus and what is the JSE for tp bonus? cape or oboro axe?
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-05-10 12:31:56
It disturbs me deeply that you can't answer this question and I hope that set is just copy/pasted from someone else's lua.
The Nukumi hands that you have in the above pasted set have pet TP bonus on them. It says this on the label of the item.
You are correct, Kumbhakarna is the other option for pet TP bonus, it gets up to 200. I'm assuming since you're just slapping this together for a single gaol fight you can't be bothered, but the mythic, Aymur, has 1000 TP bonus if you really want to maximize his TP drain capabilites.
You can fill out the rest of the set with DT or pet DT if you want to be a perfectionist, since you/he could be hit by autos or spells while doing this, but nothing other than TP bonus will increase the output of TP Drainkiss itself.
edit: maybe you were just asking if I knew of some OTHER jse that has TP bonus on it. I was referring to the Empy hands.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 202
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2024-05-10 12:38:38
got you its just when you said JSE, automatically mind goes to capes like reives or ambush, usually think of AF Relic or Empyrian as artifact, relic or empyrian eventho' they are also JSE.
thanks again
By genericjeff 2024-05-13 21:22:57
Sorry if this was posted somewhere already, but looked and didn't find anything, the Ankusa gloves +3 offer "call beast +2" does that mean +2 levels to the pet when using call bst? the wikis don't really have any good information on what that means.
is this a must have item, or is it not worth my time to go get?
By jubes 2024-05-13 21:31:18
must have, removes the chance the jug will spawn 1-2 levels below you. also increases max level increase for capped jugs with beast affinity merits. look at the first page here to see what level jugs cap at, without beast affinity some common jugs are unable to reach 119.
By genericjeff 2024-05-13 22:29:31
i was under the impression that, once item level, jugs always spawned at your level (if able) with no variance? while the bst affinity is great and i want to have it for that, i was sorta hoping call beast +2 was going to be pet level +2.
if all it does is stop jugpet variance, it's a little disappointing lol
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-05-17 20:39:40
If you do not have Relic hands on when using Call beast, any pet that cannot naturally go above 99 will be stuck at 99 or below no matter if you put ilvl weapon on or not.
The call beast +2 is a stat that has been there since long before ilvl was even a thing.
Augments Beast Affinity is the more valuable of the traits at this point.
I'm not sure if a naturally capped 119 can summon at 117 or 118 w/out relic hands. probably it can, but I'm not sure. pretty easy to test, just by /checkparam <pet>
Ilevel pets do not spawn below master level, except when jug cap is lower than 119.
edit: I added some details in the notes to Call Beast on BgWiki. Hopefully this clarifies some of the weird leveling issues with Call Beast. This question comes up alot.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2024-05-18 08:05:05
if all it does is stop jugpet variance, it's a little disappointing Sorry, BSTbro. That's the extent of the Call Beast+2 effect.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Augments Beast Affinity is the more valuable of the traits at this point. Yes, agreed. For the iLvl era, the Call Beast+2 takes a backseat to this augment.
Level 99 and below
Jug Pet |
Level 97 |
Level 98 |
Level 99 |
Call Beast Testing Tally (no Relic Hands equipped):
Level | Tally | % |
97 | 61 | 50.8% |
98 | 38 | 31.7% |
99 | 21 | 17.5% |
Before the Item Level formula came into play, there was this layer of randomness for calling Jug Pets to the battlefield.
This happens regardless of whether or not you have Beast Affinity merits.
It was only cute in the sense that it emulated the level range that natural monsters spawn at in the field...
The BST relic gloves were the solution to consistently calling uncapped familiars at the same power level.
Call Beast Testing Tally (with Relic Hands equipped):
Level | Tally | % |
97 | 0 | 0% |
98 | 0 | 0% |
99 | 54 | 100% |
"Call Beast"+2 removed the chance of spawning Jug Pets at Level-2 or Level-1 from the cap.
Summoning a pet lower than level 99 and then equipping an iLvl Weapon does not give it iLvl stats:

Level 97 and Level 98 Jug Pets are stuck at their respective levels. :c
Only Level 99 Jug Pets can have iLvl stats tacked on top.
Item Level Jug Pets
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Ilevel pets do not spawn below master level, except when jug cap is lower than 119. Like Xilkk says, any Jug Pet that is summoned at a level beyond Level 99 cannot be below the master's level.
The Pet Level will be the same every time you Call Beast/Bestial Loyalty when you have an iLvl Weapon in your main hand.
This assumes:
1. You have an Item Level 100+ Weapon equipped in the Main Hand when you use CB/BA.
2. The Jug Pet's Level Cap (+ Beast Affinity) permits it to exceed level 99.
The Pet's level can still be dynamic in the sense that it will vary depending on the iLvl of your Main Hand weapon,
but it will always remain a level 99 Jug Pet (with iLvl stats applied) regardless of whether or not you use the Relic Hands.
For example: wearing an iLvl 119 Axe with 5/5 Beast Affinity will always allow you to summon a Level 119 SuspiciousAlice.
(No Relic Hands equipped, only level 119 Farsha for testing purposes):
2100 Job Points + mLvl 50
Jug Pet |
Level 119 |
If you remove the iLvl Main Hand weapon, you'll have a Level 99 Jug Pet every time.
Enhances "Beast Affinity" Effect
The real reason we're still using these gloves during Call Beast/Bestial Loyalty -
Assuming you have one of: monster gloves +2/ ankusa gloves/ ankusa gloves +1/ ankusa gloves +2/ ankusa gloves +3,
here is a table for determining which iLvl 119 pets are unlocked based on the number of Beast Affinity merits you have.
Note that Droopy Dortwin (natural Lvl cap: 103) will max out at iLvl 118.
By Minaras84 2024-05-22 07:50:33
Is the Voluspa Tathlum the ammo with the highest CHR?
Edit: engrish.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Johnb 2024-05-22 08:44:14
Is the BST prime weapon Spalirisos worth getting / using over Aymur and other options? Do you need to have Spalirisos equipped all of the time for the "Pet" stats or is it like "Summoned Pet" in Gleti's Boots etc. where you only need it equipped for ready moves?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-05-23 05:29:01
Yes Voluspa Tathlum is highest CHR ammo piece.
The pet level + on Spalirisos works like Gleti's boots and Nukumi earring.
I would say the level+ is also BiS for defensive stats and pet dt set. The amount of meva and eva and def are just ridiculously good.
Can't really compare Aymur and Spalirisos directly.
The only thing that can be directly compared is the pet attack bonus. And stage 5 Spalirisos will probably win most the time, but not by much and I don't think it wins in attack all the time. I'll have to check if it gives more attack than Aymur on high attack bonus pet like Randy.
The nice thing is you can stack them. the Pet Level+ works just fine in off hand. And you can stack the attack bonuses and still get the tp bonus for ready moves. It is the best combo for ready moves and for pets to use Aymur and Spalirisos.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2024-05-23 20:44:30
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »The only thing that can be directly compared is the pet attack bonus. And stage 5 Spalirisos will probably win most the time, but not by much and I don't think it wins in attack all the time. I'll have to check if it gives more attack than Aymur on high attack bonus pet like Randy.
Spalirisos has higher Pet: Attack (outside of Aymur's Aftermath II effect), and as you mention, it does require Stage 5 Prime Weapon completion.
There's a comparison here, written about a year ago and before Unagihito finished their Stage 5 Axe.
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Aymur
Pet: Attack+80
Pet: TP Bonus+1000 (500 precast and 500 midcast)
Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Accuracy+, Attack+, or Occ Attacks 2~3 times |
Pet: Accuracy/R.Acc+35
Pet: Magic Accuracy+30
Pet: Level+3
Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Physical Damage Limit+ |
The Prime Axe's Pet:Lv+3 attack contribution sits at [edit: update] Pet:Attack+87~89.
You're also gaining approximately Pet:Accuracy+130 when you add the direct stats from the axe.
Aymur's Aftermath effect can also grant Attack (or Accuracy) depending on the AM level,
so it can technically rival the Prime Axe bonuses in certain situations - though if you're meleeing and capable
of maintaining AM3, it's recommended to take advantage of the Occasionally Attacks Twice or Thrice effect.
Following that, this was the growth chart for an Attack Neutral pet showing that the highest stat boosts were obtained after level 119.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »The nice thing is you can stack them. the Pet Level+ works just fine in off hand. And you can stack the attack bonuses and still get the tp bonus for ready moves. It is the best combo for ready moves and for pets to use Aymur and Spalirisos.
By Minaras84 2024-05-23 20:58:03
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Yes Voluspa Tathlum is highest CHR ammo piece.
I've been blessed with +11% waltz potency on val. feet and +7% on hands for a grand total of +51%.
I can get rid of the plectrum now and was hoping to replace it with something with more than 5 chr.
Guess i need to keep trying my luck and get from 7 to 9% so i can also get rid of one ring
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2024-05-25 18:34:51
I've been living under a rock. Apparently Wild Carrot hits EVERYONE in range inside of Domain Invasion. Found this out during Mireu.
Slug can also drop him from 100-> 90%.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2024-05-25 19:16:53
Apparently Wild Carrot hits EVERYONE in range inside of Domain Invasion. Found this out during Mireu. Pretty fun, right?
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Can anybody tell me if the rabbit pets wild carrot can heal pets and pets outside of main party as well?
It'll cure characters in your party, but won't have any affect on pets.
As an aside, it's worth noting that if you're in [ Campaign Battle/Wildskeeper/Colonization/Lair Reive/Domain Invasion], Wild Carrot will also heal anyone in the vicinity regardless of them being in your party.
Thanks It'll also cure your Valiant mobs in Yorcia Alluvion Skirmish! :D
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-26 07:07:24
I used it for KI and heals on Kalunga after ooze to make sure the tank stayed alive when we were learning how to super charge.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-05-26 07:50:58
When lucky lulush was first created way back when level 99 was new, it WOULD cure other pets also. they patched that pretty quickly.
Had some fun testing Left-handed Yoko w/ Falkirk the other day. (longest lasting plague ftw)and I must say that Yoko gets awesome levels of evasion.
Was trying to test Infected leech with run wild but you need to have hp down low for that... and even 3x Locus bats could not hit Yoko enough to overcome the regen from Run Wild and Yoko's Evasion... checked and found evasion was 1555. with familiar it was 1585 iirc. I know there are a few pet eva pieces I could pull out somewhere also.
Really awesome fun. An EVA tank that can self cure, burst darkness, dispelga and plague enfeeble. I've always really liked Yoko's design.
Only downside it getting enough enmity on Yoko, but Snarl at least guarantees pet can keep more hate than master