Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-03-07 14:44:59
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Does anyone have a rough estimate how much subtle blow monk pets get, specifically Submerged Iyo? I was thinking about trying to punch Ngai with him and Taeon can roll subtle blow and damage taken for pets but not die myself.

All jug pets have the traits of their jobs at their levels.
so a level 99 monk without job points has subtle blow Level 5, which is 25 sb.

do remember that Tandem blow would give both master and pet sb2 - 15.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Dekar1
Posts: 250
By Cerberus.Dekar 2024-03-18 20:36:59
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Hello there, Beastmasters of Vana'diel! I've been helping test a few things over on the RDM forums in regards to Immunobreaks and I was hoping you guys could help me out. While they cannot trigger them, BRD's Elegy, BLU spells and SMN Blood Pacts seem to be able to take advantage of Immunobreaks. I've also noticed that Blue Magic Terrors seems to function more like Petrify in terms of Immunobreak/Resist! traits, despite still being Terror.

Would anyone be willing to test out a few things in regards to BST with this? I'm interested in seeing if Presto Julio's Soporific can take advantage of Sleep Immunobreaks and if Daring Roland's Jettatura can on Break Immunobreaks.

On the topic of Terror, has anyone done any testing with Feral Howl recently? The page for it says that "Fire-based monsters also tend to be immune." This is interesting given that Terror is earth element as far as we know. Does it work on Earth elementals and not Fire elementals? Can it take advantage of Immunobreaks even if it's a job ability?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3373
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2024-03-19 14:45:36
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I was pretty damn bored the other night. Decided to make a new toy and burn some Lust. Hides.

Rank 15
[1] DMG +36
[2] Accuracy & Magic Accuracy +40
[3] Magic Attack Bonus +50

I need to tag stuff with bredo to see how it turns out.I had Malaise/Frailty Acumen.

Infernal Scythe was doing about 35k
It's just neat having another tool in the tool box for magic damage.
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-03-19 14:58:35
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Yeah, since aeonic is locked to DRK its the next best iirc with ambu behind that for SoD, best for infernal, always nice to pull out scythe for bst
Posts: 9
By TimSteezy 2024-03-25 10:36:52
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Hey guys! I recently decided to take an interest in BST, and this guide was incredible. However, as I'm getting into later content, I can't find much about the cleaving aspect for BST. Does anyone have any knowledge on BST cleaves in Reisen, & where they are/what jug? Or just any general spots that are good for merit/leeching friends up. Thank you guys!
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-03-25 11:09:28
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General cleaving pets will be either through phys which would be the hopper, who has the best AoE phys at 2 charges, or magic, which can be either through the damselfly, or the lizard, which are 1 charge moves so very spammable.

As far as spots, reis in general is your oyster, if you do magic the pixies/frogs will likely tank your damage but otherwise can just blow through stuff. Issue may be keeping pet topped off in HP
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DBrown67
Posts: 38
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2024-03-25 12:42:36
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Hmm... bit of a strange Q here. I've got mastered BST Mlvl 50, and full merits in Sic. I'm equipping the legs to get -5s on my Sic/Ready timer. I can see the gear swap in Windower, but my timer is showing 14s for each charge.

Even if I equip both Charmer's Merlin and legs piece it's still 14s. With these two pieces missing it's still 14s. So what is wrong here? I'd love to get timer to 10s as that's a full 12s I'm saving.
This is using Corrosive Ooze with slug pet.

EDIT: Been playing about with other pets. If I use Charged Whisker on Vivacious Gaston the first charge is only 4s and then next charge back to 14s. Whereas Chaotic Eye is a single charge, and that results in a perfect 10s recast. I'm confused >.<
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-03-25 13:12:11
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Phoenix.Darwinion said: »
Hmm... bit of a strange Q here. I've got mastered BST Mlvl 50, and full merits in Sic. I'm equipping the legs to get -5s on my Sic/Ready timer. I can see the gear swap in Windower, but my timer is showing 14s for each charge.

Even if I equip both Charmer's Merlin and legs piece it's still 14s. With these two pieces missing it's still 14s. So what is wrong here? I'd love to get timer to 10s as that's a full 12s I'm saving.
This is using Corrosive Ooze with slug pet.

EDIT: Been playing about with other pets. If I use Charged Whisker on Vivacious Gaston the first charge is only 4s and then next charge back to 14s. I'm confused >.<

Are you looking at the actual in-game timer, or an addon? Sometimes the addons aren't actually accurate.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DBrown67
Posts: 38
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2024-03-25 13:15:00
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »

Are you looking at the actual in-game timer, or an addon? Sometimes the addons aren't actually accurate.

Yeah its a Windower timer. But I also used the /recast ready to see it in chat. That was showing 14s also on slug.

EDIT: Yeah seems to be a Windower issue with the Timers plugin. If I spam Corrosive Ooze right after using it it does tell me I have just less than 30s to reuse, which is correct. But I'm seeing 3x 14s in the addon.
Posts: 9
By TimSteezy 2024-03-25 14:24:26
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Thanks a bunch! Also, is there any updated/more recent TP sets/Pet Ready sets available? I can't find many resources aside from this guide. This one is amazing! Just deff some gear severely outdated. Thanks fam!!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-03-25 14:54:33
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TimSteezy said: »
his one is amazing! Just deff some gear severely outdated. Thanks fam!!

The gear is not outdated.

any changes in gear are going to be personal preferences. Yes there is room to change things around, but the significance of those changes is not big and really becomes a matter of what secondary or tertiary objectives are you trying to fulfill with the armor set.

The truth is the armor options have not changed in a long time. Bst is very flexible in playstyle though. If you disagree with the options in the guide, then you must have your own style goals and it won't make a difference if I tell you one style is better than another, when its not significantly, measurably different.

It might be more useful if you have specific questions or things you want to test.
Posts: 9
By TimSteezy 2024-03-25 16:15:14
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Gotcha, thank you for letting me know! I didn't mean it in a harmful way, I guess just playing other classes, then seeing these it seemed "off". It is my first pet class (so I'm not knowledgeable at all), so I'm loving it! Just need to study a bit more. Apologies for making it seem negative, was purely an ignorant observation on my part! Will keep working on it then!
Posts: 327
By jubes 2024-03-25 17:54:43
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if you have questions about something specific bst bros are usually pretty helpful, just need to know what you're looking for.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-03-26 13:09:41
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Skarwind makes me wonder when I finally dropped Pixquizpan +1.

I held onto it for the longest time. I never augmented it... but now you turn out 60k+ weapon skill and I'm happy and sad. Happy to see the accomplishment, and sad to see I don't have it anymore... though should be pretty easy to make new one.

Also... dang, 2-handed bst build has a great option w/ magical damage. so... /drk or /sam... I must say I am partial to /drk.
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-03-26 13:24:28
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Think /sam's slightly more consistent with a fulltime 10% haste and 20 STP vs 25% haste with a 2 min downtime
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Dekar1
Posts: 250
By Cerberus.Dekar 2024-03-26 13:40:47
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Unfortunately, you have to be /WAR or /DRK to use Shadow of Death and Infernal Scythe. Drives me nuts that I can't have all of my dagger, staff, club, and scythe WS on my BLM without a specific sub.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-03-26 14:11:13
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/drk gets you alot of attack bonus, smite, and a bit more pdl+.

Also you get more weaponskills as Dekar says.

Last resort is kinda a combo of both berserk and hasso, but yes as said, its not full time like hasso is.

Also get some spells. which is actually kinda nice since alot of them work fairly well for low skill as long as you have the right gear set.

and entropy can restore mp in combat without needing to worry about refresh gear or spells.

Poisonga is an aoe pull which you can snarl to pet. don't know how often I would find use for it, but I know I've often had the limiting factor of pet tanking being getting all the targets on my pet.

bio 2 is always useful on demisang foes in sortie. sleep and bind are great crowd control spells.

only thing I can think to use the elemental spells for is if I wanted bst/drk for solo sortie run and being able to proc magic kills or bursts for chests. hurray for magic accuracy on nukumi set.

/sam has hasso, meditate and sekkanoki

I don't have trouble getting tp for self-skillchaining or skillchain w/ pet w/ my bst tp sets. hasso is very nice though.

/sam is simpler, but I tend to like bigger toolkits. I'm a glutton for punishment. Drepanaum is much better scythe for physical ws's than Pixquizpan but not hard to carry both.
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-03-26 14:15:35
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I was more just in the mindset of making use of the magic ws', so getting TP faster, more consistently means more ws' but yep if its locked based on sj guess thad settle it.
Posts: 189
By buttplug 2024-03-26 19:40:50
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Do you even Savage Blade bro...
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-03-26 20:02:59
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Sometimes you just want to get away from savage blade, y'know?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-03-26 20:15:36
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2024-03-26 21:26:05
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wow, now we getting troll sock accounts?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-03-27 17:13:53
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What is the practical use case for magical Scythe WS on BST, or is it just a neat little gimmicky thing to mess around with?

Are there ANY practical cases where overall DPS with Scythe actually exceeds what you'd get with Axes? Like, if you really want magical WS for whatever reason, Axe already has some solid magical WS in Primal Rend and Cloudsplitter (which are further enhanced if you have Aymur and/or Farsha, or hell, even Tri-Edge TP Bonus). And you don't have to give up 56 skill + the substantial hit from needing to go /WAR or /DRK and losing offhand stats, swinging that 2h weapon slowly with no Hasso, etc. Is there really an example where having that darkness element from SoD/Infernal makes it worthwhile?

A screenshot of a single good damage Shadow of Death is neat and all, but I can't really imagine overall DPS is competitive.
Posts: 174
By IGDC 2024-03-27 17:26:18
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Some people play the game for fun; crazy, I know.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-03-27 17:33:33
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IGDC said: »
Some people play the game for fun; crazy, I know.

Is it SUPER FUN to play the game, but need to fuss about with little details to make you perform worse with Scythe than you would just playing "normally" with other weapons? If we're gonna do that, let's spend some pages talking about Club TP builds for BST, or Viper Bite sets! Or maybe we should talk about how to gear your BST to use Raging Axe instead of better Axe WS, just because it's so FUN to do less damage.

Ooh, or maybe instead of suggesting best in slot gear choices, we can suggest what's the 5th best piece to use, even though you have better options available. That sounds like playing the game for fun, right?

I'm asking a legitimate question here: it's possible that maybe someone has found some super niche reason to want to use darkness elemental WS on BST. I just can't think of any practical use cases.

(P.S. - I obviously already considered the just playing around for fun aspect, as the very first sentence of my previous reply already noted the possibility that maybe it's "just a neat little gimmicky thing to mess around with". My question wasn't whether you can come up with some weirdo Scythe build for no practical purpose, it was about whether I might have been overlooking an actual useful situation where one might want to use it)
Posts: 174
By IGDC 2024-03-27 17:40:04
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See I hit a sore spot with you, or you're just that super unpleasant to be around in general. Either way, as the guy stated that he likes to just build these sets and not suggesting in any way that anyone else use them, I see that he's just having fun.

You should try it.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-03-27 17:44:41
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No, you replied to a legitimate question about whether there is a practical use besides just messing around for fun. It's fine if someone is just goofing around and having fun, but it is not that crazy to ask a question, like I did, along the lines of "hey neat, but can anyone think of other more serious uses for this quirky little thing than beating up trash mobs less efficiently?"

You added absolutely nothing to the discussion other than being a condescending and sarcastic jerk. No wonder I didn't love your reply!
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-03-27 17:46:24
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It's more just to mess around, its at its best maybe in dyna, as you'll always have double dark to make use of. Also don't knock on club too much, mafic judgement still puts out good numbers if you need a blunt option
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-03-27 17:51:16
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Nariont said: »
mafic judgement still puts out good numbers if you need a blunt option

Legitimate point, although you're now making me sad all over again that we can't use Blurred Shield +1.
Posts: 327
By jubes 2024-03-27 19:36:18
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what's with everyone having a stick up their *** lately? bst thread is one of the most positive and helpful on the entire website, let's not go changing that. no, his scythe build probably doesn't have any situations where its the best choice, but he said he did it out of boredom and just wanted to share some neat info.

i'll add that you can make almost every job do respectable damage with magic ws now thanks to things like nyame and orpheus's sash. never before has the game been more accommodating to weird playstyles. between tauret and malevolence and /dnc for example, you can cleave on almost every job and put out good numbers.
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