Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-30 14:33:43
For reference:
FFXI JP wiki
According to JPwiki AF body and AF+1 only remove Poison, Paralysis and Blind.
Wheras Relic and Relic+1 body only remove Weight, Slow, Silence.
For JPwiki all other upgrades (Reforged AF, +1, +2 and +3, Relic+2, Reforged Relic, +1, +2, +3) remove all of those 6 negative debuffs.
If you ask me, I'm sorta leaning to believe the JP wiki, think we should upgrade BGwiki in light of this.
They're sorta the same then. Useless Reward potency on AF body, but the Pet DT is quite nice. They have the same MND btw.
I agree with Felgarr though that Ankusa Jackoat +3 should be listed in the "alternatives" section for the Reward set.
Despite the lack of pet DT, it's quite nice and arguably much faster/cheaper to make than the Totemic Jackoat +3
That's ultimately up to Falkrik of course, it's his guide, only him can decide what to do about it.
I just voiced my personal opinion about it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-05-30 16:16:47
Thanks for the feedback. 
The BGwiki pages have been updated to accurately reflect the status removal associated with reforged AF/Relic bodies (Augments "Reward" III effect).
Testing from 2018 also shows the Augments "Reward" III effect removes Amnesia from pets too.
The node has been updated to show Ankusa Jackcoat as an alternative body choice for Reward.
By Felgarr 2023-05-30 18:04:34
Thank you both for the clarification. Much appreciated.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-06-05 15:15:21
Primal Rend cape question... Typical approach is to do CHR+10 from the Dye slot (stacking with the CHR+20 from Thread), but does anyone think there is any practical value in considering M.Dmg+ or Macc+ from Dye?
Not sure how CHR compares to M.Dmg, though I assume CHR prob still wins. However, M.Dmg would also help your Cloudsplitters if you don't want to make a Cloudsplitter-specific cape (STR/WSD/Macc+Mdmg). And maybe Macc is worthwhile on harder content to avoid resists?
By Nariont 2023-06-05 16:09:41
Macc maybe depending on target, mdmg afaik is a loss compared to the ws mod
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-06-06 12:51:07
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »The node has been updated to show Ankusa Jackcoat as an alternative body choice for Reward.
Speaking of alternate gear suggestions on the node... I think that to make it most useful for a larger number of players, any time there is an extremely rare piece (e.g., Crepuscular Helm, Udug Jacket) or one that is limited to a player choosing one of several rewards (scenario reward rings, a specific Nyame augment path) there should ALWAYS be an alternate selection shown for that slot.
Kinda irks me to see stuff like pet sets showing Thurandaut +1 and Flickbix's Rings that list no ring alternatives. And in addition to being unrealistic for many players who aren't choosing their reward rings for pets, these sets aren't even compatible with other BiS sets in the same guide showing different choices (e.g., Weatherspoon +1 for Primal Rend... which at least has some alternatives listed, outdated as they may be). And speaking of that, if we're adding Flickbix's Ring to sets, probably should be including the other choices that are much more likely to be owned by someone who plays multiple jobs (Cornelia, Lehko, Ephramad's...). Even for a hardcore BST-only player, I would argue that WSD+10 or STP+10 TVR rings are more valuable overall to a BST than the pet ring.
Similarly, Nyame D gear is being suggested in some sets in the guide... while also having Nyame B gear suggested in the same guide (and for some reason Nyame A gear not shown when some pieces would be BiS for TP). UNLESS THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE SHOWN, I even have a bit of an issue with guides that include Nyame pieces under the assumption that players have them augmented at R25+ (since the majority of the playerbase still don't actually have that). A little less egregious for WS sets when Nyame B is the overwhelmingly most common choice for players, but still not particularly helpful to a significant amount of people who consult the guide if it says Nyame and gives no second option.
All that said, I'm not trying to come off as unappreciative of the amazing effort to maintain this guide, it's truly one of the best currently maintained FFXI job guides and full of great information. Falkirk in particular is a damn hero, and there's lots of great BST community input.
I just hope to provide a constructive reminder that gear guides are most useful when they are helpful for a large amount of players and not just the top 0.1%. It may be factually true that some of the ultra-rare or mutually exclusive choice items are best-in-slot options, but be a little practical too. It comes across as e-peen swinging to list some of these less attainable pieces unless there are alternatives listed. Not a lot of people rocking upgraded Nyame D gear and Crepuscular Helms, know what I'm sayin?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-06-07 04:01:40
All that said, I'm not trying to come off as unappreciative of the amazing effort to maintain this guide, it's truly one of the best currently maintained FFXI job guides and full of great information. Falkirk in particular is a damn hero, and there's lots of great BST community input.
Well, that's the thing about whining and complaining. It means you ARE unappreciative and own the sense of entitlement of a small child.
otherwise, you would just make the suggestion:
"Hey there are alot of unique pieces of equipment that are tradeoffs or hard to get. it would be really helpful if there were alternatives for pieces like that. ie thurandaout, fickblix, Nyame path B vs D, etc"
see that? easy right?
see that? not hard is it?
By SimonSes 2023-06-07 04:09:57
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »All that said, I'm not trying to come off as unappreciative of the amazing effort to maintain this guide, it's truly one of the best currently maintained FFXI job guides and full of great information. Falkirk in particular is a damn hero, and there's lots of great BST community input.
Well, that's the thing about whining and complaining. It means you ARE unappreciative and own the sense of entitlement of a small child.
otherwise, you would just make the suggestion:
"Hey there are alot of unique pieces of equipment that are tradeoffs or hard to get. it would be really helpful if there were alternatives for pieces like that. ie thurandaout, fickblix, Nyame path B vs D, etc"
see that? easy right?
see that? not hard is it?
I hope you are joking. Capuchin's post was perfectly fine. If you find it that irritating, it sounds like it might be a "YOU problem". Get some food and relax maybe.
By Felgarr 2023-06-07 05:04:56
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »All that said, I'm not trying to come off as unappreciative of the amazing effort to maintain this guide, it's truly one of the best currently maintained FFXI job guides and full of great information. Falkirk in particular is a damn hero, and there's lots of great BST community input.
Well, that's the thing about whining and complaining. It means you ARE unappreciative and own the sense of entitlement of a small child.
otherwise, you would just make the suggestion:
"Hey there are alot of unique pieces of equipment that are tradeoffs or hard to get. it would be really helpful if there were alternatives for pieces like that. ie thurandaout, fickblix, Nyame path B vs D, etc"
see that? easy right?
see that? not hard is it?
I hope you are joking. Capuchin's post was perfectly fine. If you find it that irritating, it sounds like it might be a "YOU problem". Get some food and relax maybe.
I'm noticing a lot of extra vitriol, antagonism and down-right animosity amongst players lately, especially when questions get asked around. I hope this is not a permanent occurrence.
Folks aren't being lazy, it's just that to say FFXI is vast and transformational, is a huge understatement. Let's not forget the repetition and conditioning we get from the game itself and insight from third-party sources, such as these guides and BGWiki. Taking these discrepancies a step further, depending on when the person first encountered a guide or a document or a job, their experiences might not reflect the spirit or the letter of the guide when it was written. Mechanics and play-styles can change from month to month as we have seen in the past.
Be kind, have patience. You were new once, too. You took a break and came back. You needed to re-build muscle memory for a job you haven't played in weeks or months. Just chill out, have fun and play the game. Try to help each other along the way. Otherwise, what the hell is the point?
By Nariont 2023-06-07 06:49:57
help me with this set, blanking on a good acc ammo for tp with kraken offhand, other critiques also welcome.
Aside from the ody. Ammos your next best is likely amar cluster if acc is what youre aiming for
By Asura.Disclai 2023-06-07 08:26:17
I believe Voluspa Tathlum will be your highest accuracy ammo option. I'd recommend using Olseni Belt as well.
If you went /NIN and were haste capped, you could slot in Malignance Gloves and Dignitary's Earring.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-06-07 08:57:32
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I'm really hoping the upgraded Prime axe has Light/Fragmentation properties on a physical ws.
Looks like you did end up winning. Axe is actually Liquefaction, Impaction, Fragmentation
And not as previously listed Detonation, Compression, Distortion
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-06-07 16:02:44
I believe Voluspa Tathlum will be your highest accuracy ammo option. I'd recommend using Olseni Belt as well.
If you went /NIN and were haste capped, you could slot in Malignance Gloves and Dignitary's Earring.
That's a pretty solid set for the purpose, I'd say. Though I'd probably go /NIN like Disclai mentioned.
Ammo/ranged: Agreed on Voluspa for max acc. Too bad Ullr has Racc+40 and not Acc+40 - but that's also not a bad Acc option with DEX+15 (Acc+11~12)
Waist: As long as Kentarch +1 is augmented, that's still slightly better than Olseni. You were probably overlooking the DEX+10/STR+10 from R15 augment, which gives Ken+1 another 7~8 Acc for a total of 21 or 22, in addition to STR+10 DA+3% STP+1~5 (as compared to Olseni's Acc+20 Atk-5 STP+3).
Earrings: If /NIN and not needing DW here...
Telos (Acc+10/Atk+10/STP+5/DA+1%) is a better choice than Dignitary's (Acc+10/STP+3/SB+5), assuming you don't care about the Subtle Blow on Dignitary's.
Nukumi's Earring +1/+2 is also an option for max Acc sets if you have one of those (Acc+11~15 augment on the +1, Acc+16~20 on the +2), but obviously loses the STP from Telos. While not relevant to K.Club, the Axe skill is also nice for some purposes (e.g., TP Bonus axe offhand)
Total Acc from DEX plus Acc is:
Nukumi +3: 98 (DEX+48/Acc+62)
Malignance: 92 (DEX+56/Acc+50) - my choice due to also having highest STP and DT-5%
Emicho +1 (D): 87.5 (DEX+34/Acc+62) - but a great call for this slot if you need the DW
Rings: Maybe too obvious to state, but a super minor tweak you could use a second Chirich+1 for a tiny bit more acc and STP (at the expense of DT-5 on Moonlight). Personally, I'd just keep the Moonlight, and pairing that with one Chirich+1 seems good.
Cacoethic Ring +1 is another choice for prioritizing max accuracy (but no STP). Acc+11 plus DEX+10 from augments.
Or, if you happen to go for Ephramad's Ring from TVR, that has Acc+20 DEX+10. Also no STP.
If you went /NIN and were haste capped, you could slot in Malignance Gloves and Dignitary's Earring.
I also lean toward /NIN and a DW+10 cape, which frees up my other gear slots (hands, waist, earrings) to not need any DW. 1DW under cap is practically meaningless. Worth keeping in mind the loss of Acc-10 from /DNC Accuracy Bonus trait though, and Steps if you're using them.
/DNC trait, Emicho+1 hands, Eabani Earring, DW cape:
Acc: 97.5 (not counting Acc on cape)
STP: 7
Other considerations: Steps, Sambas, Waltzes
/NIN with Malignance Hands, Telos Earring, DW cape:
Acc: 102 (not counting Acc on cape)
STP: 17
Other considerations: Utsusemi, extra DT-5% and higher Meva from switching to Malignance hands
By Asura.Disclai 2023-06-07 20:03:00
Waist: As long as Kentarch +1 is augmented, that's still slightly better than Olseni. You were probably overlooking the DEX+10/STR+10 from R15 augment, which gives Ken+1 another 7~8 Acc for a total of 21 or 22, in addition to STR+10 DA+3% STP+1~5 (as compared to Olseni's Acc+20 Atk-5 STP+3).
Kentarch +1 is unideal for a KC set because of the 3% DA which will override KC procs, hence why it should go in favor of Olseni.
This is also why I suggested Dignitary's over Telos.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-06-10 04:17:20
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »The node has been updated to show Ankusa Jackcoat as an alternative body choice for Reward.
Speaking of alternate gear suggestions on the node...
Thanks for your input - I do agree with your sentiment, and fully admit that the Gear Sets portion of the front page is a weak point. Sechs has also made salient remarks about the lack of context for the usage of certain gear/WSs, let alone the particular conditions under which those specific gear sets are tuned for.
Please accept my apology for its current state.
I am very grateful to see the community assist one another with particular gearing questions as they arise. Some good examples cropped up in just the past few pages. The detailed and thoughtful responses are heartwarming. Thank you, BSTbros.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I'm really hoping the upgraded Prime axe has Light/Fragmentation properties on a physical ws.
Looks like you did end up winning. Axe is actually Liquefaction, Impaction, Fragmentation
And not as previously listed Detonation, Compression, Distortion
Good to know, thanks!
Bahamut.Unagihito said: »The axe gives +1 level while in the offhand.
Very interesting... your testing is greatly appreciated!
Guttler doesn't even let you have the basic Attack+60 unless it's in your Mainhand.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Nalfey 2023-06-12 19:09:53
I hope you are joking. Capuchin's post was perfectly fine. If you find it that irritating, it sounds like it might be a "YOU problem". Get some food and relax maybe.
I don’t know man maybe I’m miss interpreting the tone, but when I read Capuchin’s post I was also kinda shocked by the all caps « ALWAYS » « UNLESS THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE SHOWN ». Really made it feel like demands/orders more than constructive suggestions.
And I for one prefer a guide that really focussed on the one single job.
I don’t care if other people have X amount of jobs or are having issues to RP their Ody gear, that’s their own problem.
Guides have always been a perfection to strive for, if you can’t get an item I’m pretty sure 90% of the people here would know what you can replace it with, just ask in the form.
Shaming Falkirk just because he didn’t add alternatives tailored to Capuchin’s own specific needs feels quite shitty.
Just my two cents, everybody can have their own opinion.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-06-12 20:00:08
« UNLESS THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE SHOWN ». Really made it feel like demands/orders more than constructive suggestions.
Was trying to draw emphasis to the fact that I do not have any issue at all with the super rare gear suggestions like Omen/Shinryu bodies or D path Nyame being in the guide sets... if there are alternatives provided. I just didn't want it to come across as me just bitching that these items are even shown.
Perhaps it's hard to get that tone across in text. /shrug
Quote: And I for one prefer a guide that really focussed on the one single job.
I don’t care if other people have X amount of jobs or are having issues to RP their Ody gear, that’s their own problem.
Level of dedication to the BST job is... not the issue at all? Even for someone who is focused on BST and BST only, you're likely not picking D path for Nyame, and stuff like Crepuscular Helm is extremely rare even if you farm it diligently. So I'm just saying that those kinds of ultra rare or niche pieces, while worth mentioning in a guide, are also worth listing alternatives for.
Similarly, the guide listing multiple different Adoulin reward rings (when you can only have one) is not a matter of whether someone is a hardcore BST or not. You literally can't have both at the same time, so it kinda makes sense to list alternatives. Same issue will arise with TVR rings: a BST-only could make legitimate use out of like 4 different ring choices, but you can't have all of them. So anywhere one of those rings is listed, some BSTs are going to have made a different pick and it's worth listing an alternate. And if you've figured out a way to obtain both B and D paths on the same pieces of Nyame gear (another example of gear options shown in the set that are not possible for one player to have both), please share with the rest of us!
I do have a bit of an issue with the "not my problem" attitude you have toward people who don't have fully RPed gear. That's great for you, and I'm glad you have resources that help show you where that augmented gear is best used. But I also like it when there are resources for up and coming BSTs who are working on their augments and not there yet - saying they don't deserve to get any gear advice because they don't already have all of the maxed out pieces is kind of obnoxious, IMO. Like, what's your big problem with giving a next best alternative for those people while they work on getting the BiS piece?
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Thanks for your input - I do agree with your sentiment, and fully admit that the Gear Sets portion of the front page is a weak point. Sechs has also made salient remarks about the lack of context for the usage of certain gear/WSs, let alone the particular conditions under which those specific gear sets are tuned for.
Please accept my apology for its current state.
Absolutely no apology needed, and I'm glad you don't seem to have taken offense to what I hope came across as constructive comments. More as a reminder of things that I think you're plenty aware of in the first place, but IMO worth continuing to keep in mind to make the awesome guide even more awesome.
And a side note: I know Sechs to be a very reasonable person who is also making comments not as a complaint, but in an effort to put good information out there and help the BST community. Not that I think anyone was doubting those intentions.
Thank you SO MUCH for all of your efforts on the guide!!!! Can't stress that enough, I am extremely appreciative of the excellent work and this guide has helped me immensely, whether back in the days when I was a newbie BST, to today where I feel like I have a very good understanding and multiple R15 BST RMEAs... but I still consult this guide regularly and pick up new information.
Quote: I am very grateful to see the community assist one another with particular gearing questions as they arise. Some good examples cropped up in just the past few pages. The detailed and thoughtful responses are heartwarming. Thank you, BSTbros.
Well said. I'm raising a jug to the air to toast my fellow BSTbros! ;)
By SimonSes 2023-06-13 05:13:19
I hope you are joking. Capuchin's post was perfectly fine. If you find it that irritating, it sounds like it might be a "YOU problem". Get some food and relax maybe.
I don’t know man maybe I’m miss interpreting the tone, but when I read Capuchin’s post I was also kinda shocked by the all caps « ALWAYS » « UNLESS THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE SHOWN ». Really made it feel like demands/orders more than constructive suggestions.
And I for one prefer a guide that really focussed on the one single job.
I don’t care if other people have X amount of jobs or are having issues to RP their Ody gear, that’s their own problem.
Guides have always been a perfection to strive for, if you can’t get an item I’m pretty sure 90% of the people here would know what you can replace it with, just ask in the form.
Shaming Falkirk just because he didn’t add alternatives tailored to Capuchin’s own specific needs feels quite shitty.
Just my two cents, everybody can have their own opinion.
Kinda funny two people being offended, when it was written to Falkirk, who understood it perfectly. I shouldn't be surprised though. It seems to be the trend now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Nalfey 2023-06-13 17:59:52
Just proves how poorly written the post was if it can be so easily misinterpreted by several people.
You can call it what ever you want to pop your stash of sarcastic pictures Simon. I wasn't personally offended by the post, I just thought it was a shitty way of moaning about the guide.
But I do pity you Simon you must have got beaten up real bad as a kid to be such a bitter little man.
We all have our own points of view, I personally think you're trash, but please don't be offended.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 482
By Valefor.Philemon 2023-06-13 18:24:58
Capuchin's request was very reasonable and not nearly as open to interpretation as people are making it out to be. And it definitely wasn't worth getting pissy over
I've seen other guides that recommend path A Nyame with no alternatives offered. It may be true that it's best in slot but that information is only truly useful for a tiny fraction of the community who choose that path. In addition, while it's fantastic that players are willing to share their gearsets within the thread, there's no substitute for updating the node.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-06-13 20:42:39
Capuchin's a good guy and added ideas and options in his follow up.
but I don't care if Falkirk was offended or not. I was.
Why? because as good of a guy Capuchin is, he was complaining about deficiencies in the work someone else did as a service. And this has long been the best job guide on the site imo.
I've caught myself falling into that trap of complaining when its late, I'm tired or in a bad mood about something else too. and I apologize for it when it happens.
but as I stated before, its not hard to just make suggestions instead of criticisms. No one owes anyone a better guide or and update to the guide.
Time limitations vary for different people. I know I would not be motivated to alter the guide from someone complaining at me. even if it was mild.
and Falkirk is my friend. We started investigating pet mechanics together 14 years ago. I'm not uninvolved.
If you want to suggest a change, I suggest posting the set. Then it just needs a review to get into the guide. Otherwise you demand that Falkirk recalculate those sets for you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2023-06-14 01:14:40
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »its not hard to just make suggestions instead of criticisms. No one owes anyone a better guide or and update to the guide. Granted I'm a bit appalled myself about defining Capuchin's first post "offensive", I think what Xillkk wrote in here is a powerful food for thought for all of us, in general and not about this guide specifically.
I think I've done that mistake myself multiple times and I'm sorry about it, honestly.
By Asura.Disclai 2023-06-14 06:52:45
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »he was complaining about deficiencies in the work someone else did as a service.
Constructive criticism ≠ complaining, and that distinction is important. He was in fact emphatically appreciative and grateful for the guide in said post.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-06-14 08:24:50
Kinda irks me to see stuff like pet sets showing Thurandaut +1 and Flickbix's Rings that list no ring alternatives. Similarly, Nyame D gear is being suggested in some sets in the guide... while also having Nyame B gear suggested in the same guide (and for some reason Nyame A gear not shown when some pieces would be BiS for TP). UNLESS THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE SHOWN, I even have a bit of an issue with guides that include Nyame pieces under the assumption that players have them augmented at R25+ (since the majority of the playerbase still don't actually have that). A little less egregious for WS sets when Nyame B is the overwhelmingly most common choice for players, but still not particularly helpful to a significant amount of people who consult the guide if it says Nyame and gives no second option.
you stand corrected.
By SimonSes 2023-06-14 09:08:01
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Kinda irks me to see stuff like pet sets showing Thurandaut +1 and Flickbix's Rings that list no ring alternatives. Similarly, Nyame D gear is being suggested in some sets in the guide... while also having Nyame B gear suggested in the same guide (and for some reason Nyame A gear not shown when some pieces would be BiS for TP). UNLESS THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE SHOWN, I even have a bit of an issue with guides that include Nyame pieces under the assumption that players have them augmented at R25+ (since the majority of the playerbase still don't actually have that). A little less egregious for WS sets when Nyame B is the overwhelmingly most common choice for players, but still not particularly helpful to a significant amount of people who consult the guide if it says Nyame and gives no second option.
you stand corrected.
All that said, I'm not trying to come off as unappreciative of the amazing effort to maintain this guide, it's truly one of the best currently maintained FFXI job guides and full of great information. Falkirk in particular is a damn hero, and there's lots of great BST community input.
I just hope to provide a constructive reminder that gear guides are most useful when they are helpful for a large amount of players
You stand corrected too.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-06-14 09:19:46
saying "I don't want to complain and be critical" when you are complaining and being critical does not magically change your previous words.
Its like saying "I don't mean to be rude" and then say something rude....
rather it seems he somewhat recognized that what he said was unappreciative, but maybe at the time didn't know how to change it. Expressing one's self is often challenging. Which is 1 reason people appreciate great art so much.
Capuchin moved on. Obviously focusing on the more practical matters.
I'm 1/2 annoyed at myself for continuing this conversation, but the other 1/2 thinks it needs to be said.