Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1401
By Fenrir.Richybear 2023-05-12 12:22:52
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2023-05-12 12:31:05
The lynx pet move "Frenzied Rage" seems to give +25% attack, not the originally reported 20%.
Thanks to Falkirk for also confirming it!
We're not sure if something changed at some point.
I went back and tested the NQ/HQ jugs, just in case, and the buff was 25% on both.
By Zyx1337 2023-05-12 15:09:42
So with the Prime weapon in the future do you think it would be beneficial to still build Aymur for niche situations you're not worried about TP loss for weapon swap?
Also if you lose the AM from Prime with Pet PDL (which I guess is hard to matter much from what I understand) then it could be a toss up?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-05-12 15:17:12
am i correct that level 99 pets like fatso fargann would now possibly be 114 with 5/5 affinity merits?
99 + 10(merits) + 3 (axe) +1 (ear) +1 (gleti feet) FatsoFargann would be level 119 if you also equipped Ankusa Gloves when using Call Beast/Bestial Loyalty.
Does Aymur TP bonus work in off-hand? Mainhand only.
Bahamut.Unagihito said: »The lynx pet move "Frenzied Rage" seems to give +25% attack, not the originally reported 20%. Thanks for reporting this!

The node will be updated.
By Nariont 2023-05-12 15:32:08
So with the Prime weapon in the future do you think it would be beneficial to still build Aymur for niche situations you're not worried about TP loss for weapon swap?
Aymur still has its niche as best ready axe yes, at least for moves that scale afaik, for non-scaling even then i think the attack bonus outweighs level+3 but could be mistaken
AM wise mythics still the better of the 2 unless your pet is so overloaded with atk/mob's def is greatly lowered which is a bit harder to do in more recent content, this also depends on how much PDL is applied/what move is being used
By Zyx1337 2023-05-12 16:18:45
Thank you for the information ! I guess we'll need better information from the eventual testing. The TP bonus for duration of effect down / effect length of TP bonus is still likely valuable for the future I'd imagine. I was really hoping they'd put a dispensable jug on prime weapon, ah well. :)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-05-12 21:16:41
thinking though, tp bonus on aymur gotta be really hard to beat. So with the Prime weapon in the future do you think it would be beneficial to still build Aymur for niche situations you're not worried about TP loss for weapon swap?
If we're only considering Pet damage in the discussion, then let's compare and contrast.
Pet: Attack+80
Pet: TP Bonus+1000 (500 precast and 500 midcast)
Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Accuracy+, Attack+, or Occ Attacks 2~3 times |
Pet: Accuracy/R.Acc+35
Pet: Magic Accuracy+30
Pet: Level+3
Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Physical Damage Limit+ |
Pet: Attack
How does the Pet:Lv+3 potentially impact the Pet's Attack stat?
JovialEdwin (No Attack Adjustment)
Jug Pet |
Level 119
+ Mlvl 50 | Level 120
+ Mlvl 50 | Level 121
+ Mlvl 50 | Level 122
Theory |
If the trend continues, this Level 122 Pet should have ~1025 Attack,
which would place the Prime Axe's Pet:Lv+3 attack contribution at Pet:Attack+85.
You're also gaining approximately Pet:Accuracy+130 when you add the direct stats from the axe.
Aymur's Aftermath effect can also grant Attack (or Accuracy) depending on the AM level,
so it can technically rival the Prime Axe bonuses in certain situations - though if you're meleeing and capable
of maintaining AM3, it's recommended to take advantage of the Occasionally Attacks Twice or Thrice effect.
Pet: TP Bonus
The benefit of TP Bonus for applicable Ready moves varies based on a number of factors:
Pet's job (WAR vs MNK/THF/DRK)
Off-hand Weapon choice (whether you opt for the Alluvion Skirmish Axe w/Pet:TP Bonus or not)
Number of successful melee rounds your pet is able to perform before the Ready Charge timer is up
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(Ready moves that require 2 or 3 Charges will allow for extra Pet melee rounds which can
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀tip the scales slightly depending on how far beyond 1000 TP the pet can reach).
With Aymur and WAR Pets (Fencer V, TP Bonus+500), you can nearly reach 3000 TP without pets even needing to engage.
With Spalirisos and WAR Pets, the damage gap is somewhere in the vicinity of a 5~10% damage deficit.
(This estimate does take into consideration the extra DMG+ from being 3 levels higher).
This gap could theoretically be bridged depending on the potency of the Prime Axe's Aftermath
(and the ability to generate enough Pet:Attack+ and Enemy DEF- to make the Physical Damage Limit+ applicable).
Like Xilk mentioned:
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »As far as PDL+ being a benefit for pets.. I think that will be REALLY rare. It takes alot to cap attack on pets. you need to stack alot of def down to do it.
For non-WAR Pets, the difference in Ready Damage can potentially be much wider (15~20% deficit for Spalirisos).
One pet that comes to mind (a non-WAR who also benefits from TP Bonus): VivaciousVickie (Sweeping Gouge).
This move pairs so well with Aymur's TP Bonus and AM3 multi-attack procs... it feels wrong to separate the two.
Sweeping Gouge (and other multi-hit Ready moves) will continue to heavily benefit from Aymur's level 3 Aftermath.
For single hit Ready moves that do not benefit from additional TP Bonus (i.e. Hoof Volley),
a combination of Spalirisos + Agwu's Axe should work well.
Thank you for the information ! I guess we'll need better information from the eventual testing. The TP bonus for duration of effect down / effect length of TP bonus is still likely valuable for the future I'd imagine. Aymur will always have a niche, yes. 
The ability to invoke near max duration Pet Buffs without building TP is cool. And max TP Drainkiss effect without feeding TP to a target.
I believe Spalirisos will carve its own niche as well, and am eager to see testing on it when it becomes available. |
By Zyx1337 2023-05-15 13:54:20
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »am i correct that level 99 pets like fatso fargann would now possibly be 114 with 5/5 affinity merits?
99 + 10(merits) + 3 (axe) +1 (ear) +1 (gleti feet) FatsoFargann would be level 119 if you also equipped Ankusa Gloves when using Call Beast/Bestial Loyalty.
Does Aymur TP bonus work in off-hand? Mainhand only.
Bahamut.Unagihito said: »The lynx pet move "Frenzied Rage" seems to give +25% attack, not the originally reported 20%. Thanks for reporting this!

The node will be updated. 
Thanks for your continual efforts, that makes complete sense. :) Much appreciated.
By shamgi 2023-05-15 16:30:26
ItemSet 391252
Assuming a Spalirisos III(15% crit), Lehko Habhoka's Ring(10% Crit), and 10% crit on the back, this hits 98% crit rate with merits, and it's safe to assume most things you'll have that last 2% with the abundance of DEX.
The question, of course, is where to go from here. You need 62 STP to hit 100TP swings, which I don't think is impossible but eats up every other slot, multiattack is also fairly rough to stack to any degree. Given the nature of the whole deal, stacking PDL might be interesting in a buff situation, or even perhaps with a full setup of Sheep + Lynx + Slug buffs to cap yourself. How much damage that would be is an open question, however, especially since we don't know how strong the Aftermath is.
Still, interesting that we can get a near 100% Crit rate setup on BST now.
By Nariont 2023-05-15 16:37:05
Would just swap in gleti's and eat the lower crit rate in exchange for having better survivability/overall DD stats + PDL
By lazywolf 2023-05-16 04:34:01
Do master levels have any effect on Beast pets? Tried searching this info but master and level are not good search terms :(
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-16 05:09:18
Do master levels have any effect on Beast pets? Tried searching this info but master and level are not good search terms :( You can find some incomplete info on BG-wiki Master Level page.
Incomplete because it doesn't take into consideration Falkirk's findings on BST pet HP increases explained here.
It is not known if ML grants Magic Accuracy to pets because it would be extremely hard to test, but it's not out of the world to imagine it probably does.
By lazywolf 2023-05-16 10:41:18
You can find some incomplete info on BG-wiki Master Level page.
Incomplete because it doesn't take into consideration Falkirk's findings on BST pet HP increases explained here.
It is not known if ML grants Magic Accuracy to pets because it would be extremely hard to test, but it's not out of the world to imagine it probably does.
I saw that page but it lists all pets except Bst. When it comes to FFXI I don't assume anything. You linked the same thing twice but I think I found what you where talking about which is exactly what I wanted. Thanks.
By Vaerix 2023-05-18 05:34:40
Hey BST Bro's
ItemSet 391276
Was chatting with a friend tonight about bst idle dt stuff for leech shenanigans in odyssey, this is the best I could come up with, without nyame path D. Pretty sure I didn't miss anything but please let me know if I did.
Assuming R25 Path C mainhand, Pet DT+4 Dusk Aug on feet, and 10 mdt Aug on back, I belive it comes out to 87/87.5 mdt, 77pdt for pet, and over 50 on master, without adoulin ring 83/87.5, 73/87.5.
Sucks that without nyame path D there's not a full cap dt set, but kinda awesome how close we can get.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-05-18 06:08:09
You missing the shield slot
Sacro bulwark means you don't need defending ring. I like getting ing a chirich ring in there for some Regen. Or shadow ring or something else special.
Adapa shield + Cath plug ring also works.
If you could dual wield in..
Which, I know odyssey...
But you get another 5% from offhand axe and put 5% Dt on cape instead and Dt is fully at 87.
The .5 will really bug you though.
Actually you already don't need defending ring. 25% dt from axe, 13% from legs, 3% from tathlum... 7% pdt from hands. thats 41% dt and 7 pdt.. 2 more..
Adapa shield or sacro both work... probably other shield options also. cath palug ring works.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-05-25 15:39:38
quick and dirty test of fickblix's ring. it works on phys and magical moves. Thanks for testing! 
Here are some numbers I saw today with Fickblix's Ring.
Leaf Dagger gives a Ranged Physical Attack example, and also conveniently deals the same damage consistently for easy testing.
 level 119 Axe equipped, Leaf Dagger Damage = 6926
+ Fickblix's Ring (Pet: Damage+10%): 6926 x 1.1 = 7618
+  +  (Path D, R25) (Pet: Damage+15%): 6926 x 1.25 = 8657
The Fireball and Digest numbers line up in a similar fashion.
By Minaras84 2023-05-28 20:53:15
So if you go and get Flickblix ring i guess it will replace epona in tp build and maybe its a good piece for multihit weaponskills like ruinator and decimation?
By SimonSes 2023-05-29 02:55:43
good piece for multihit weaponskills like ruinator and decimation?
Also for Blitz (Prime WS) :)
By Felgarr 2023-05-29 23:15:56
What are the trade-offs in final Reward potency for using Ankusa Jackcoat+3 instead of Totemic Jackcoat+1?
ItemSet 308312
I'm just trying to see how much Reward HP recovery (and MND) is lost, at the expense of being able to remove more pet debuffs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-30 00:49:56
That set is overcapped Reward potency Felgarr, you're fine with Ankusa's jackCoat +3.
You overcap potency with just feet and cape, don't need totemic body.
By Felgarr 2023-05-30 05:02:26
Then why doesn't the guide recommend it, if it's clearly superior?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-05-30 05:12:40
Because it isn't. They both do the same thing except totemic has 10% pet dt on top which would be better for a defensive set like reward
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-30 07:52:29
Prothescar nailed it.
It's not "clearly superior", it's just "different".
You were talking about Reward Potency though, and if that's all you care for, then yes Ankusa offers more status removal than Totemic.
So from this specific point of view, since you don't need the additional reward potency Totemic provides, you could say that Ankusa is "better".
Ideally a pretty serious BST might want multiple Rewards sets I guess.
Personally I have a single set and I went with Ankusa not much because I think Ankusa is "clearly superior" but more because I could easily upgrade the body to +3 (and the Shards/Voids are super cheap) whereas for Totemic+3 it would have required me to farm a ton of Omen on BST solo and I really didn't want to do that lol.
It's been actually faster for me to go from Monster Coat NQ to Ankusa+3 than bringing my Totemic Coat from +1 to +3.
By Felgarr 2023-05-30 08:56:45
Not exactly.
Ideally a pretty serious BST might want multiple Rewards sets I guess. This is precisely my reason for posting. The guide doesn't mention any alternative Reward sets with Ankusa Jackcoat+3.
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Because it isn't. They both do the same thing except totemic has 10% pet dt on top which would be better for a defensive set like reward
Ankusa offers more debuff removal. I understood this from a different perspective: If that item slot wasn't going to add to Reward's potency, then the usage of Ankusa with more status removal is the next best choice (purely from the perspective of enhancing Reward's functionality). But I get it, maximum DT is often necessary. I'm just concerned that nowhere in the guide does it mention that more status removal from Ankusa is sometimes preferred.
The reason why I took this stance is because none of the Totemic Jackcoat armor pages actually mention the debuff removal at all. (So, as a thought exercise: How could Totemic be superior if Reward's potency is already capped by other slots, and BGWiki only mentions status removal on the Ankusa jackcoat? You see where I'm coming from).
As an alternative, you could still use Ankusa Jackcoat and replace Malignance hands with Ankusa Gloves+3. The net loss would only be MND-2 and Pet DT/PDT of minus 4 (PDT-6 hands compared to DT-10 on body. Yes, Malignance gloves do give DT-5 to the master which is not accounted here):
ItemSet 391437
I think this is a viable Reward alternative set when looking for status effect removal and minimal sacrifices.
Edit: Reward and Beast Jackcoat pages do mention the status effect removal.
By Nariont 2023-05-30 14:14:21
Ankusa offers more debuff removal.
Theyre both reward III, same debuff removals
By Felgarr 2023-05-30 14:20:19
Ankusa offers more debuff removal.
Theyre both reward III, same debuff removals
I'm glad we're having this discussion. That's not what this says:
Is it true that they both remove the same buffs? I remember that for the longest time, Beast/Totemic removed fewer buffs than Monster/Ankusa.
BGwiki is of no help if your opinion is to be believed:
By Nariont 2023-05-30 14:23:36
Used to be different but once they both hit III it covers the same debuffs, its in the OP under the JA