Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
By Nariont 2023-03-07 16:29:31
Think you need to 119 regardless since pets ilvl is based on weapon?
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-03-07 16:32:06
Again I'm not sure, but the BG wiki seems to imply the pet spawns at your level, and AFAIK the pet's level never changes after that, except possibly when you add/remove pet level+1 gear.
I don't think they work like trusts where they drop levels if you drop gear, but someone with more experience can chime in.
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-03-07 17:41:15
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I'm not a BST so take this with an appropriately sized grain of salt, but it's worth noting that you can change into Pangu after using Ready and then have master and pet DT in idle set. In this fight you're rarely if ever using your axe to hit the enemy, so you can swap into one axe for Ready and another for idle.
Ah, great reminder that you have that option if not meleeing. I should have caught that from having done a lot of niche PUP stuff like nuke setups and swapping in Kenkonken (or Midnights) for Ice Maneuvers for overload suppression, then back to a MAB/Macc weapon to idle.
Where though? This strategy is mostly used in Odyssey and you can't have sub there.
Anywhere else Mewing strats are used could probably still apply. Sometimes a fight like that will pop up in an Ambuscade, for instance. Or maybe something like HELMs for sandworm or Erinys?
And grrrr yeah that Su5 augment applying only in mainhand is indeed a thing, thanks for the reminder. I guess the DT- axe is more of a swap if not meleeing then.
Guess it's probably good ol' Agwu's offhand for me for pet-focused situations then. Other weapons like Ikenga's if you're considering significant master damage.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-03-08 01:38:38
TP drainkiss doesn't check for macc wait, wat
TP Drainkiss has zero checks on macc? What does it check then? Other than the potency/amount of TP drained being dependant on pet's TP?
What about regular Drainkiss? (which iir only drains target's HP)
I just checked my ready_maps and for some reason I have both of them into the pet mab section but that's gotta be an error on my side when I created the map...
By SimonSes 2023-03-08 02:52:20
wait, wat
TP Drainkiss has zero checks on macc? What does it check then? Other than the potency/amount of TP drained being dependant on pet's TP?
What about regular Drainkiss? (which iir only drains target's HP)
I havent seen it resisted even once and everything that checks for macc would have 5% chance to miss. Leech pet isn't even ilvl119 and will TP drain V25 mobs when you are naked.
I think BLU Osmosis or PLD Shield Bash (dispel effect) also doesn't check for macc.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-03-08 03:19:44
That makes sense. Then again the only piece that matters is nukumi hands and I have those in my pet mab set so... I guess it's not relevant for me given my current gear options.
Nice to know though, I guess.
By SimonSes 2023-03-08 03:31:24
That makes sense. Then again the only piece that matters is nukumi hands and I have those in my pet mab set so... I guess it's not relevant for me given my current gear options.
Nice to know though, I guess.
Since Leech isn't ilvl119 pet it's pretty squishy, so I would suggest using as much pet DT in TP drainkiss set as possible, even if possibility of Leech getting hit is small.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-03-11 09:35:52
Bst pet level cap depends on main hand weapon ilvl.
Pup Automaton level depends on animator. This is why changing to non-ilvl weapons will NOT affect automaton level, but changing to non-ilvl Animator, or having no animator will.
Smn Avatar level cap depends on ammo piece. (this is why you should NOT use fast cast ammo piece or other ammo swaps with smn.)
By default, Call beast summons a pet zero to 2 levels below the master. When using Reforged Relic hands, this is always reduced to 0 levels below master, so at the same level.
The level that the game determines to be the beastmaster level for ilvl is determined by the ilvl of the main hand weapon. so, if I wear a 106 ilvl main hand weapon, I will only have a 106 ilvl pet.
However, this is not absolute. Every jug pet has a natural level cap. For example, Warlike Patrick's natural level cap is 104. Without Beast Affinity merits I can only summon him at level 104, even if I'm ilvl 119. This natural cap is pushed up by Beast Affinity Merits. which also has synergy with the reforged relic hands augment. So it is not 2 levels per merit, but 3 levels per merit when using them. This means the natural cap can be pushed up by up to 15 levels.
Warlike Patrick's Natural level cap can then become 119.
The new Gleti's boot's and Nukumi Earring are outside these 'normal' parameters. They will push a pet up to level 120 and 121.
However, if I summon a pet at level 108, and equip them, they should only go up to level 110. and unequiping them takes it back to 108.
Japanese REALLY like making things needlessly complicated.
I am not 100% sure, but I believe that if I summon a pet at 119, then equip a non-ilvl weapon, the pet will drop to level 99, but be restored when re-equipping 119 weapon. I would need to test it though.
I also think that summon pet at level 99, then equipping a 119 weapon would NOT raise its level because I think the natural cap is set when using call beast or bestial loyalty.
iirc, fatso fargan's natural cap is 99, with beast affinity it is pushed up to 114, with earring/feet it can be raised to 116, and that is as good as it gets.
Its also why I kept nagging at se forums to get the few remaining jug pets that do not have ilvl upgrades to have some.
I really want flytrap the most. 4.5 min soporofic and Gloeosuccus are pretty awesome.
Then again ??? Needles is REALLY awesome too.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-03-11 10:14:29
I tested, and I was 1/2 wrong.
the pet level does decrease if I change weapon after summoning, it does go back up after requipping i-lvl 119 mainhand. but it also goes up to full ilvl if I summon without ilvl weapon on.
I thought this was first because it was a natural cap 119 pet anyway(arthur). so I tried with patrick without ankusa gloves.
And it acted as I first expected. I could NOT raise the level after summoning pet. However, if I summon with ankusa gloves, even at a lower level, then change weapon to 119 it will raise to the natural cap you would expect. This is the same whether the natural cap is 119 or lower. it is the same whether you need ankusa gloves for beast affinity merits or not.
So if you always have ankusa gloves on when using call beast, it doesn't matter if you summon with a lower level weapon on, it will raise its level where you would expect after changing weapon back.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-03-11 10:27:19
I also sadly found that gleti's boots and Nukumi earring do not raise amigo sabotender's level at all.
Ankusa gloves ofcourse affect it.. but the other don't....
probably because it cannot reach ilvl at all.
submitting a bug report, but not very hopeful of any change.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-03-11 17:52:47
Thanks for the testing, Xilk.
The system certainly has some... complexity. 
Regarding the Pet:Lvl+1 items, they said this in the February 10th, 2021 Version Update notes:
Quote: * Gleti’s Boots, a footwear item added this update, only has its “Pet: Lv, +1” effect apply when the player has an item level weapon equipped in the main hand. I think they mean to say that the pet has to be in the Item Level range, and AmigoSabotender falls short of that (as you said).
If they add an iLvl Sabotender in the future, let it have Photosynthesis to share with the master.
By Vankathka 2023-03-13 10:20:25
Slight change to the front page reward set, one of the rings should be a R15 Metamorph over another Leviathan ring.
Edit: Also for the Metallic Body set, Genmei's Kabuto and Regal Gloves provide a decent chunk more HP then whats listed at the cost of survival, at least for the hands.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 160
By Asura.Bynebill 2023-03-19 14:58:10
As far as a quickly put together Mboze V15 bst all one really needs is Relic head, hands, and emp gloves on top of gleti legs yeah?
By Vankathka 2023-03-19 16:11:30
You'll need 100 job points or Charmers Merlin to cap you along with the legs, but yes those are the main pieces.
By Minaras84 2023-03-21 09:23:54
Is the Onslaught set on front page correct?
I see ilabrat is no longer ring2, but gere ring is.
Does that mean i can finally stop joining omen runs just for that bloody ring?
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2023-03-21 11:20:01
Is the Onslaught set on front page correct?
I see ilabrat is no longer ring2, but gere ring is.
Does that mean i can finally stop joining omen runs just for that bloody ring?
My set has Epa/Regal (and have ilabrat and gere). I wouldnt be surprised if gere TA procs boost the avg ws numbers enough to be better on a calculator though, but ilabrat over regal would only be better due to the stp if attack and fSTR were capped
By Taint 2023-03-21 13:01:00
Interesting to see Onsalught talk. Guttler worth it if I was never going to bother with Mythic? I've been using Farsha and Ambu Axe.
By Vankathka 2023-03-21 13:12:56
If you're looking for top end damage, Guttler like majority of relics, falls short, from utility of having a Physical Gravitation WS option for chaining when Primal Rend is not an option for whatever reason, it has its moments, but I wouldn't go out of my way to make it when Naegling/Dolichenus exist unless you used BST often and in partys.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2023-03-21 14:16:41
Interesting to see Onsalught talk. Guttler worth it if I was never going to bother with Mythic? I've been using Farsha and Ambu Axe.
Not sure about worth it sadly.. Its unique selling point is the attack boost for pets, so preparing for unleash/pet only strats when you dont own a mythic is a good use case. If master is fighting too you are better off overall with farsha/naegling/doli almost every time, unless perhaps you are really attack starved (60 + 10% attack for master). I have had it a while but mainly use it for lockstyle these days - prefer the look over farsha!
By Minaras84 2023-03-22 08:47:46
Interesting to see Onsalught talk. Guttler worth it if I was never going to bother with Mythic? I've been using Farsha and Ambu Axe.
I use Guttler in situations where i can't SC with my pet, and its basically a Lv4 Darkness spam, pretty rewarding to be honest haha
My Aymur is iLvl 119 I and im not taking it to III, as all i wanted was the pet tp bonus.
I literally just got myself a Tri-Edge (like 30 mins ago?) and, oh boy, that axe is THE disappointment.
Its nice to be able to do Umbra, but the numbers are way lower then the ones i pull with lv4 darkness with Guttler (R15).
I guess i'll try to augment it through Oboro to see if it gets better.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-03-22 09:51:26
Tri-Edge is disappointing.. but maybe w/ r30 Ikenga offhand it would be really good for Calamity/Mistral.
I'm a complete Aymur fan, so I have to take issue w/ the classification of it as a Ready move only weapon...
Primal Rend and Mythic Aftermath are awesome. Furthermove, it shines without outside help . Swooping Frenzy > Primal Rend is very powerful, especially with Nyame Armor. You are NOT dependent upon 3x buffing jobs either.
I don't need brd, cor, geo or brd, cor, rdm to do good damage. I can use Zhivago or Bredo to drop mob's mdb, it can skillchain gravitation off Swooping frenzy, or self skillchain darkness use Foul Water or Pestilent Plume to burst off.
Primal Rend is Fantastic Damage. Buffing Jobs do make it better though, you want mailaise maybe, Wizard Roll, and Aurorastorm.
As anyone who upgrade Nyame well knows, the skillchain bonus really removes the focus on only doing Stage 3 Skillchains.
I really like Agwu's axe offhand as well, and cannot wait to R30 it. That skillchain bonus 10 is last piece needed to cap skillchain damage. Nyame armor set collectively gets 28 skillchain bonus. Dancer Support Job at level 58 gets Skillchain Bonus II at 12%, that means that last 10% caps us at 50.
That means doing even level 1 or 2 skill chains yeilds REALLY big skillchain damage. Even at only 36% skillchain bonus, I'm always doing more skillchain damage on a 2 step then my closing skillchain damage. thats more like the damage from a stage 3, and I'm not even capped yet. Beastmaster should always be able to skillchain w/ pet.
By SimonSes 2023-03-22 10:42:00
All that about skillchain with pet is true, but it's almost exclusively true only for solo EPing. If someone doesn't solo EP all that is almost irrelevant.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I really like Agwu's axe offhand as well, and cannot wait to R30 it. That skillchain bonus 10 is last piece needed to cap skillchain damage. Nyame armor set collectively gets 28 skillchain bonus. Dancer Support Job at level 58 gets Skillchain Bonus II at 12%, that means that last 10% caps us at 50.
As cool as 50% skillchain damage sounds. Agwu has no chance with Ikenga now as offhand for Aymur. 500 tp bonus is way too strong. There is also Kraken Club which is probably easily superior too if you can hit with it. I actually wonder too, how AM3 Aymur would stack single wielded against using dual wield for it. Haven't tried to math that out, but could be interesting.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-03-22 17:23:59
Blah Blah
My Playstyle is better than yours.
By SimonSes 2023-03-22 18:36:30
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Blah Blah
My Playstyle is better than yours.
I'm confused. How is that a matter of playstyle. Skillchaining with pet in current end game is only beneficial at something like locus or apex mobs when you solo. If you dont do that, then you will almost never sc with pet unless its forced for fun. Ikenga being better is also not a matter of playstyle. Primal Rend is simply way stronger with 500TP bonus and Agwu axe has no chance to beat that.
By Minaras84 2023-03-22 19:54:47
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Tri-Edge is disappointing.. but maybe w/ r30 Ikenga offhand it would be really good for Calamity/Mistral.
I'm a complete Aymur fan, so I have to take issue w/ the classification of it as a Ready move only weapon...
Primal Rend and Mythic Aftermath are awesome. Furthermove, it shines without outside help . Swooping Frenzy > Primal Rend is very powerful, especially with Nyame Armor. You are NOT dependent upon 3x buffing jobs either.
I don't need brd, cor, geo or brd, cor, rdm to do good damage. I can use Zhivago or Bredo to drop mob's mdb, it can skillchain gravitation off Swooping frenzy, or self skillchain darkness use Foul Water or Pestilent Plume to burst off.
Primal Rend is Fantastic Damage. Buffing Jobs do make it better though, you want mailaise maybe, Wizard Roll, and Aurorastorm.
As anyone who upgrade Nyame well knows, the skillchain bonus really removes the focus on only doing Stage 3 Skillchains.
I really like Agwu's axe offhand as well, and cannot wait to R30 it. That skillchain bonus 10 is last piece needed to cap skillchain damage. Nyame armor set collectively gets 28 skillchain bonus. Dancer Support Job at level 58 gets Skillchain Bonus II at 12%, that means that last 10% caps us at 50.
That means doing even level 1 or 2 skill chains yeilds REALLY big skillchain damage. Even at only 36% skillchain bonus, I'm always doing more skillchain damage on a 2 step then my closing skillchain damage. thats more like the damage from a stage 3, and I'm not even capped yet. Beastmaster should always be able to skillchain w/ pet.
Agree with what you say about Agwu being a great off hand axe, all in all, probably the best if one is not after pure master dmg.
I also know that my nyame gear sucks, and thats why i do better dmg with onslaught and guttler, as my ws gear is pretty much bis for both onslaught and ruinator.
I will work on my Nyame, augment tri- edge and see how it goes.
I don't see myself able to SC with my pets unless im soloing with trusts, which happens only when im exping or doing some htmb.
DynaD, Ody and Sortie are the main events im doing right now, and i always self SC or with other pt members...or i let my pet do the dirty job while im comfortably far away
By Vaerix 2023-03-30 16:07:03
Hey BST Bros,
Was working on my pet macc set for purulent for V25 Mboze in the future and came across a question in regards to gearing.
ItemSet 390632
This is what I'm currently looking at for Pet: Macc.
I understand that pet level+1 will never compete with the beautiful macc on Path D Nyame but I was wondering how it would fair in 2 situations.
1. Nukumi Earring vs Handler's Earring(Aug)
2. Gleti's Boots vs Nukumi Ocreae +3
In situation 1 you have Pet: Macc +15 vs Pet level+1 and in situation 2 you have Pet: Macc +60 vs Pet: Macc +50 and Pet level+1.
I was wondering if anyone has insight on this at all, I know Pet: Macc isn't something easily tested.
I do plan on finishing head to +3, set above is just where I'm currently at in the upgrade process. Biggest concern is the boots, would save me having to upgrade head and boots for a finished Macc set.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-04-01 15:59:21
Hey BST bro. :)

This is an interesting question - I bet the sets are very close!
The Pet:INT & Pet:MAcc gains from iLvl should make it a wash with the alternative pieces. Maybe we can brainstorm a reasonable test to see if they're in the same ballpark?
The Beetle pet Ready move Spoil is 1 charge (and the effect overwrites itself) so it might be a good candidate for testing.
By Vankathka 2023-04-01 17:05:07
I personally use increased pet level items for magic accuracy, but I imagine they're very close in stats. I would also switch Pangu to Agwu's same accuracy but an additional 20 stats.
By Vaerix 2023-04-01 17:12:46
I personally use increased pet level items for magic accuracy, but I imagine they're very close in stats. I would also switch Pangu to Agwu's same accuracy but an additional 20 stats.
Good catch! Gonna make that adjustment!
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Hey BST bro. :)

This is an interesting question - I bet the sets are very close!
The Pet:INT & Pet:MAcc gains from iLvl should make it a wash with the alternative pieces. Maybe we can brainstorm a reasonable test to see if they're in the same ballpark?
The Beetle pet Ready move Spoil is 1 charge (and the effect overwrites itself) so it might be a good candidate for testing.
I have such trouble with the effect testing because you never see a wear duration to reference macc level to resisted duration.
I was thinking maybe an aoe pull with a 0 mab Cursed Sphere(1 charge also) set with headbreaker Ken and watch for damage resists? Would be interesting to see, damage should be higher with lvl+1 items but it would mostly be about watching for number of resists vs standard damage hits/sphere.
gonna need unda rayke on mboze to be consistent imo, so that does most of the heavy lifting for you
I agree but any amount of lifting after that is solely on the bst, I wanna eliminate as many sources of error as possibly to get a succinct start to the fight without unleash. (KI > Swap Slug > Purulent > swap leech > drainkiss) a resist basically makes the plan null.