Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
By Nariont 2022-09-14 17:16:46
Standard questions of what buffs/debuffs/food and if theyre consistent
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-09-14 17:27:46
Not even that really, it's just spike damage. Yeah, it can multi. Do you want always 25k, or sometimes 40k but more times 20k
Put the pieces in the sheet, see which averages higher
Or wait for simon to see it and be unable to resist answering
By SimonSes 2022-09-15 00:33:02
can anyone confirm my suspicion why onslaught dmg is varying so much? dual wielding makes it two hits and double attack can proc on each one?
pretty drastic swings that are rare but noticeable, on colibri i average 25-30k but have hit 50k+ a couple of times now. i guess i'm wondering if there is any merit to adding multi attack over wsd in non-nyame slots.
If avg is like 25-30k, then 50k+ would need to be 2x triple attack. Do you have any triple attack in that set?
By phunky 2022-09-17 14:40:20
I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to post something like this here (if I need to make my own thread I will) but after searching and searching for a BST lua that I liked I finally decided to write my own and I wanted to share it.
github link
It's based on the Motes/Kinematics luas but is HEAVILY modified with lots of ideas borrowed from here and there (particularly the PUP lua written by Arrchie).
It has lots of features including jug cycling, but my version will only cycle through jugs in your inventory/wardrobes to make selecting the jug you want easier.
Detailed features:
Main & Offhand weapon cycling/locking
Master & Pet status window
Automatic dual-wield sets
Automatic Jugs/Reward item swapping
All features and keybinds are listed at the top of the main file in the comments.
I won't claim that it's bug-free, as I'm still testing it myself, but so far I haven't had any issues. I'd love some feedback!
Spent the last few days trying it out. Loving the functionality and the HUD. Haven't run into any errors yet but are some things I'd like to see added.
1) Automatic switching to Nukumi Gausape +2 for WS under the effects of killer instinct
2) Charge timer countdown to the pet moves in the HUD
3) TH toggle mode for common TH moves like DIA, nin spells etc.
3) Condensed HUD mode. Maybe the ability to condense the HUD into a horizontal bar at top that shows more limited info like main, sub, various pet ready moves and jug pet on queue.
Other than that, a lot of potential here and hope you keep working on it.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3701
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-10-06 01:04:17
Finally got a Nukumi Earring +1 tonight, with second augment Pet: Double Attack +6%. Just wanted to throw that out there, since wiki currently says 5% is max.
One question too, that I ran into when updating my sets:
What's the best other earring for magical ready moves, assuming no Hija Earring (I don't want to give up my Burana Earring for PUP)? Using Sroda/Nukumi+1 for my phys ready set, and Kyrene's/Nukumi+1 for magical.
However, on page 1 I see Crepuscular (Pet: Acc/Racc/Macc+10, STP+5) suggested as an alternate for magical ready set. Is there a reason for that and not Kyrene's (Pet: Acc/Racc/Macc+15, DA+3%, DT+10%)? Just an oversight? Do people really think the threat of pet DT+10% is that big of a deal on a swap that you're just wearing for a second? STP have more value on a magical ready move than I realize?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-06 01:23:47
What's the best other earring for magical ready moves, assuming no Hija Earring
Enmerkar Earring
STP have more value on a magical ready move than I realize?
Store TP does nothing for magical moves.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3701
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-10-06 01:36:27
What's the best other earring for magical ready moves, assuming no Hija Earring
Enmerkar Earring
Derp, for some reason I was thinking Enmerkar was also Macc+10, not the +15 it really is. Thanks for the correction!
Looks like the first page guide is just missing some stuff, since Crepuscular is worse than both Enmerkar and Kyrene's there. Was just odd to see, since Crepuscular is newer than most stuff on there, and the sets are otherwise current with very recent gear (Sroda earring, Empy+2 armor and earrings, etc.)
By SimonSes 2022-10-06 02:48:30
killer instinct with slime pet
don't have logs but will try to grab a screenshot
Kinda late, but I assume avg is based on time with KI and without it, while highest spikes are with KI, then it might be just double attack I guess, because during KI you have +34% damage against colibri, while without KI only +10% (assuming the same set and Killer merits).
By shamgi 2022-10-08 01:51:01
Figured I'd talk about it some, since I've seen some success.
So, been looking for some spots to do solo BST EP, as much for the hell of it as anything else. Mostly trying to abuse the double dipping of Killer Instinct with the new Empy body.
Well, looked around, and figured something else: Ayame UC Trust is actually weirdly good for us. Her AI is super intelligent about closing skillchains to produce reliable chains, which is nice if you tinker with it. I've had some interesting success in two areas:
Guttler Double Darkness on Locus Bats: Onslaught > Ayame > Onslaught is pretty damn reliable double darkness chain for some pretty big damage. For this one I'm using the slug because you can burst the first chain for some decent damage(I need to test and see if the effect of Sengikori applies to the pet's MBs) and get that Def down for physical setups. This usually kills in two chains, though my set had some issues getting to 1k TP on Guttler when trying to burst.
Three step Light on Locus Wivres: This one was a little more inspired, but holy hell did it surprise me. So, Vickie can open Fragmentation for Ayame, who will close and let me finish for light. I tried with both Doli and with Path C Pangu, and Mistal was blowing Decimation out of the water. Also, every once in a while, Vickie got a multi hit proc and did some decent numbers as well.
For reference on these, I'm solo with trusts: Mont, UC Ayame, Koru, Cornelia, and Joachim. I was using a R25 Path C Pangu. My Mistral set isn't bad at all, but it's only got 1 piece of Nyame Legs at R9. Was using grape daifuku NQ. I'm honestly considering Marbled Steak instead: I can hit the accuracy requirements no problem, and 5 more killer effects might push even harder.
The only annoying bit here is that positioning of Vickie, myself, and Ayame. Conversely, Ayame had absolutely no issue keeping up with me, and I could reliably spam light chains without any pause. I only slowed down if I used Snort defensively and had to wait for charges.
Certainly unpolished, but I'm honestly super surprised at how much damage I'm doing with just trusts.
Edit: Forgot to say, the next place to try is in the nest on Fungars with Sefina. Rhinowrecker opens Distortion, and UC Ayame can't do anything with the Fusion property, so she could close that. Which can lead into either Onslaught or Primal Rend. My assumption is that Fungars already being weak and Empy Body being what it is it'll pretty solid set of numbers. Sadly, I don't think there's a way to get any of our MBD debuff WSs to make good chains, but I'll keep looking.
By Dritero 2022-10-14 10:01:28
Does the nukumi earring need to be constantly worn for the +1 level effect? Or just when the pet is summoned? Thanks!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 42
By Asura.Mcdoogle 2022-10-14 10:22:33
check the second to last post on page 150
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-14 11:36:09
Does the nukumi earring need to be constantly worn for the +1 level effect? Or just when the pet is summoned? Thanks!
Full time.
By shamgi 2022-10-16 21:36:11
So, messing around with Sortie E and there's some wonky bits in there.
You can charm slugs in E, but you can't charm slimes. However, I made 30+ attempts to charm a slug and was entirely unsuccessful. They're around 135, while the Ody mobs in Floor 6 B are 134, and I can generally land a charm there within 10 tries.
So either the mobs are functionally immune to charm but not made immune, or they have incredibly inflated magic evasion that makes them incredibly difficult to charm.
Very strange and largely useless info, but curious that they made slimes flat immune while leaving slugs capable.
By Ranoutofspace 2022-10-17 04:25:00
How's Guttler? See any use these days?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-10-26 14:14:05
I haven't been playing for awhile, but I'll probably come back soon.
I was just reviewing the thread to see if I missed anything regarding subjob selection from Master levels. I guess it wasn't discussed at all though.
Surprisingly /nin get no significant change at all.
/drg gets more of the same as far as a better wsd bonus AND super jump for shedding hate... although bst has pretty much no use from super jump, the added wsd is nice.
Has anyone tried out building flourish from /dnc?
+40 acc and +25% attack sounds nice for Mistral Axe, Decimation Calamity and Onslaught... could even use 3 charges for Rampage for fun. I guess it only helps when you cannot get attack capped from other support.
contradance and chocobo jig are of some utility also :D
/drk has a nice attack bonus, but methinks war would still be better
for mage support jobs, /sch looks alot nicer w/ an extra charge, ice spikes, cure4 and protect3 :D
/whm having divine veil and divine benison is pretty sweet
Things like this make me want to full pet mode again :D
/cor can even do puppets roll for pet bursting!! :P
well it makes sense there was not much discussion on it since the support jobs just got a little better at doing what they already did.
By SimonSes 2022-10-26 15:22:26
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »+40 acc and +25% attack sounds nice for Mistral Axe, Decimation Calamity and Onslaught... could even use 3 charges for Rampage for fun. I guess it only helps when you cannot get attack capped from other support.
It would be cool if that would be JA that you can use every 10 sec without any other steps, but you need to build FMs, which is super slow on /dnc.
You should also probably consider /BLU. Cocoon can fully offset Rage.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-10-28 08:46:46
building 2 flourishes isn't too bad. especially if the 2nd flourish is immediately before building flourish and the Weaponskill. that means you are only really preparing 1 flourish ahead of time, and if a ready move opens for you, there should be plenty of time to sequence 2 ja's between pet opening skillchain and master closing it.
I'm actually thinking about it because I want ways to boost attack by % w/out relying on rage. Did anyone check if it stacks w/ other attack up bonuses like frenzied rage?
/blu can get auto-refresh also, which is pretty nice for all the jobs that don't have any good refresh sources if you want to use it.
If I'm going to be that meticulous to use rage, I might just use Amiable Roche for water wall or a crab for scissor guard. There just isn't that much benefit from /blu for bst.
Unless I'm going to experiment with bst crowd tanking again. The most challenging thing with that was keeping enough refresh to spam blu moves. then again I don't think I tried it since we got Sultry Patrice.
Hybrid gear sets for bst/blu crowd tanking are really hard to make, between master and pet defense, enmity and refresh....
time for me to moan again about pet +enmity gear not affecting snarl at all :P... pet enhancing ready moves should generate enmity too... but they don't. Crabs would rock if they did.
By SimonSes 2022-10-28 09:56:11
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »If I'm going to be that meticulous to use rage, I might just use Amiable Roche for water wall or a crab for scissor guard. There just isn't that much benefit from /blu for bst.
You end up using jugs every time for that and also you end up with kinda useless Aquan pets and only if you proc long enough duration on Water Wall, you can change pet for something else after waiting for call beast cooldown (losing another jug), then you need to call Sheep again in another few minutes, then to get water wall again, you need to wait CB cooldown, because you just used it to call sheep, so you end up 2 CB cooldowns, until you can summon a useful pet, then few minutes later you will need sheep again. It's SUPER frustrating approach in and longer event.
/blu and cocoon is much simpler and opens up your CB to be used to call whatever pet you need after getting Rage from sheep.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-10-28 10:16:54
.. but I actually have call beast reduction set
edit.. OR /cor for random deal! :P
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2022-10-28 12:44:17
What kind of damage numbers should I expect from Primal Rend? I've had Aymur for years now and slowly filling out an MAB set to make use of it for melee. Despite my best efforts, even on weak stuff, I can never manage more than 3-4k. But I see people posting screenshots in the 20-30k range, and I can't even get close to those numbers. Is it just Nyame? What am I doing wrong?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-28 12:47:02
You need to share more information for us to answer what the problem is. What are you fighting? What does your set look like? What buffs do you have? What enfeebles are you using? Is Killer Instinct bonus active for your tests? Yes, Nyame makes a big difference, but without any info, asking why you deal 4k and someone else does 30k is really impossible to diagnose without details.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2022-10-28 12:53:25
I'll post my set here later when I'm off work.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-10-28 13:47:05
Its not just Nyame. I had 30k before Nyame existed. I would expect to get higher numbers with Nyame. Also they should be doing something to lower the enemies' mdb.. at least use pestilent plume first, and you'll get even better numbers. if you have pestilent plume, killer instinct in effect and all, I expect at least 70k. I hit that w/out nyame.
Before Nyame was Sacro breastplate and you could always get mab boosting Valorous gear.
Also most the accessories in the master magical ws set in op have been around for a long time, or there are lower level substitute pieces shown in each set for those who don't have best of the best.
Weatherspoon ring makes a Nice Big jump. Orpheus's sash is awesome too, but there are other helpful mab belts before that.
Keep in mind that TP makes a big difference for most the big damage axe Ws's. the only one that it doesn't matter is Decimation.
so a TP bonus fernagu offhand will do alot. I have that, but I still like the balance of having my Agwu's offhand for Aymur.. really Agwu' axe was made to be an Aymur Offhand. but keep in mind there is a HUGE difference between 1k tp and 2k tp and 3k tp for Primal Rend, Cloudsplitter, Calamity, and Mistral Axe.
Those 4 have near equal power and great skillchain properties. ruinator should be up there too for skillchain properties, but its so weak...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 10:27:22
What's a BST Evisceration set look like nowadays? I imagine it's a near identical copy to the Ruinator set (3/5 Gletis's Emp+3 body emp+3 feet or 4/5 gletis+ emp+3 body), fotia, mache+1/lugra+1/regal/gere? Yes, I want to try some Killer Instinct + Lizard bonus and mess around on Xevioso for funggles
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-11-03 19:38:24
don't forget tauret....
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-08 02:10:41
BST was one of the first jobs I brought to 75 but I "retired" it around the launch of Delve tier 2.
I want to unretire it now because it would help me a lot doing solo/lowmen tri-runs in Odyssey.
I have a plethora of questions, hopefully someone will be able to help me out.
1) Call Beast
I think I get how it works now with the ilevel axe, the levels added by Beast Affinity, the maximum potential cap of different jugs etc. I get that for that purpose even Monster Gloves +2 (the lv90 one) should be more than enough, if augmented, right?
2) Any JSE pieces that are considered particularly necessary? Like one of the bodies for reward and so on
3) I get that to land Purulent Ooze I should use a set similar to the Pet: Macc set listed in the first post of this guide. I see no mention of Adad Amulet among the alternatives though. Any reason for that?
4) I get that Purulent Oooze hardly lands (if ever) on Mboze and Henwen, but it should land pretty consistantly on pretty much anything else, right? But which ML is it necessary to that end? At least ML20?
5) Should I be using Run Wild while attempting to do that? In theory it supposedly raises Pet's macc as well, right?
6) How exactly does Tandem Strike work? Do I just need to target the same target as my pet? Do I need to be engaged? Do I need to land at least one physical strike on the target?