Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2021-03-23 20:40:39
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Asura.Geriond said: »
How does Purulent Ooze interact with monsters that change behavior at certain percentages?

Like, let's say you have a mob with 1M HP and uses a specific move at 50%. If you keep Purulent Ooze on, will it use the move at 500k or 450k HP remaining?

I believe they are percentage-based, so it will use it at 450k in your example. When we are in Dyna-D the wave 3 boss will do his add phases at 80-60-40-20 with Purulent Ooze on.
By shamgi 2021-03-24 20:01:24
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
How does Purulent Ooze interact with monsters that change behavior at certain percentages?

Like, let's say you have a mob with 1M HP and uses a specific move at 50%. If you keep Purulent Ooze on, will it use the move at 500k or 450k HP remaining?

I believe they are percentage-based, so it will use it at 450k in your example. When we are in Dyna-D the wave 3 boss will do his add phases at 80-60-40-20 with Purulent Ooze on.
This is incorrect. If the HP down effect has not worn off, the W3 boss will pop his adds "early". Surprised the hell out of us the first two or two.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2021-03-25 10:00:17
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shamgi said: »
Asura.Sirris said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
How does Purulent Ooze interact with monsters that change behavior at certain percentages?

Like, let's say you have a mob with 1M HP and uses a specific move at 50%. If you keep Purulent Ooze on, will it use the move at 500k or 450k HP remaining?

I believe they are percentage-based, so it will use it at 450k in your example. When we are in Dyna-D the wave 3 boss will do his add phases at 80-60-40-20 with Purulent Ooze on.
This is incorrect. If the HP down effect has not worn off, the W3 boss will pop his adds "early". Surprised the hell out of us the first two or two.

Huh, interesting. The duration of the HP down is only 1:10 at 3K TP, right, so it's quite possible I've never seen it use it early. I'm usually debuffing boss before DDs really get going.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-04-07 08:44:50
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I've had the wave 3 boss drop from 85 to 75 and it immediately popped adds. Same thing with some of Ou's mechanics.
Server: Odin
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user: Senaki
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2021-04-07 10:34:56
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Does Charm+ gear increase the duration of Charm's Bind?
Guide Maker
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2021-04-07 20:20:56
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Tandem Strike II = Accuracy+20

Odin.Senaki said: »
Does Charm+ gear increase the duration of Charm's Bind?

Tested for about 30 minutes and didn't notice any difference in Min/Max Bind duration.

Server: Odin
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user: Senaki
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2021-04-08 02:29:16
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Odin.Senaki said: »
Does Charm+ gear increase the duration of Charm's Bind?
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Tested for about 30 minutes and didn't notice any difference in Min/Max Bind duration.

Thank you very much for testing it.

It's a shame it does not. Bst could have had a decent light-based Shadowbind.
Posts: 1839
By Felgarr 2021-04-23 18:31:44
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How should I prioritize Beastmaster capes if I'm starting from 0 capes?

I imagine: Pet-Idle, Pet-Ready (Physical + Magical) would be the first 3 capes.

What about the master's WSes specifically? Which WSes should I focus on? (I don't want to use Savage Blade on BST if that's possible, I'd like to stick to Axes. I'm mostly OK with losing TP if it's beneficial for landing pet ready moves.

The main page shows Kumbhaira as TP bonus offhand for Pet moves, but I thought that was invalidated recently?
Posts: 1839
By Felgarr 2021-04-23 21:10:45
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Just to clarify, sorry for the additional post. Most or perhaps all of the text that says "TP Bonus +200" in the OP, show Agwu's Axe instead of Kumbhakarna I'm guessing it's obsolete?

Meanwhile, I have a BST Lua based on Motes that says this Pet TP Bonus modifies these self-buffs. My questions are:

1.) How does Pet TP Bonus affect these abilities? Potency? Duration? Both?
2.) Is Kumbhakarna still relevant, if Pet TP Bonus is a modifier for these abilities?
Code Lua
-- List of Pet Buffs and Ready moves exclusively modified by Pet TP Bonus gear.
pet_buff_moves = S{'Wild Carrot','Bubble Curtain','Scissor Guard','Secretion','Rage','Harden Shell',
    'TP Drainkiss','Fantod','Rhino Guard','Zealous Snort','Frenzied Rage','Digest'}

Lua file can be found here:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2021-04-23 21:32:26
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Felgarr said: »
How should I prioritize Beastmaster capes if I'm starting from 0 capes?

I imagine: Pet-Idle, Pet-Ready (Physical + Magical) would be the first 3 capes.

What about the master's WSes specifically? Which WSes should I focus on? (I don't want to use Savage Blade on BST if that's possible, I'd like to stick to Axes. I'm mostly OK with losing TP if it's beneficial for landing pet ready moves.

The main page shows Kumbhaira as TP bonus offhand for Pet moves, but I thought that was invalidated recently?

If I were starting BST today I'd do, cape-wise:

1. STR+30/ATK/ACC/DA+10/PDT-10, which will double as a TP and a Decimation cape.
2. Pet ATK+30+ACC+RATK+RACC/Eva+Meva/Pet:Regen/Pet-DT
3. This one is more debatable. Could do a pet MACC one, this will get a lot of mileage, put Fast Cast in the sap slot. Or a master Meva cape?

Argochampsa Mantle is still really nice for magic Ready moves. Eventually you'd want a pure TP cape, assuming you're using Dolichenus it'll be DEX/ATK/ACC/DA, or STP if you're using Aymur to melee.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-04-23 22:14:31
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On practically every job, I usually make a TP cape, a WS cape, and the third one is whatever unique primary purpose the job serves. For RDM it was Macc, BRD I did FC, for BST I made my third cape a pet one, the same as #2 on Sirris' list. The following month is when I started adding BST macc/fc, cloudsplitter etc.
Posts: 1839
By Felgarr 2021-04-23 22:51:25
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Thanks again for the input on capes!

Can anyone comment on the Pet TP Bonus stat as a modifier for the Pet Ready Buffs mentioned above?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-04-23 23:26:11
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It varies based on the move used. The description tells you what each TP modifier does (Duration, HP healed, etc). Just check the list on the first page with the magical buff to see.

Agwu's damage bonus is better than Kumb for ready moves, but you can still offhand one for the TP bonus. And yes it still modifies duration etc so it has use.
Posts: 1839
By Felgarr 2021-04-24 01:41:10
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
It varies based on the move used. The description tells you what each TP modifier does (Duration, HP healed, etc). Just check the list on the first page with the magical buff to see.

Agwu's damage bonus is better than Kumb for ready moves, but you can still offhand one for the TP bonus. And yes it still modifies duration etc so it has use.

Thanks man. Some of my old biases with this game are showing. (The pet ready move descriptions used to be meaningless).
Posts: 1839
By Felgarr 2021-04-24 23:40:02
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ItemSet 292382

For Primal Rend, Why not use both WSD+10 pieces for head and hands from AF1+3 and AF2+3? It's suggesting to use Valorous augments, which maybe out of date. (Just confirming).
Posts: 9204
By SimonSes 2021-04-25 02:23:06
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Felgarr said: »
ItemSet 292382

For Primal Rend, Why not use both WSD+10 pieces for head and hands from AF1+3 and AF2+3? It's suggesting to use Valorous augments, which maybe out of date. (Just confirming).

In this set you only need val with 5% wsd and 20 mab to break even with af+3 gloves. Btw val head with 30mab and 5% wsd is also marginally better. Ofc everything is far behind Nyame B or C.
Posts: 1839
By Felgarr 2021-04-25 04:34:39
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SimonSes said: »
Felgarr said: »
ItemSet 292382

For Primal Rend, Why not use both WSD+10 pieces for head and hands from AF1+3 and AF2+3? It's suggesting to use Valorous augments, which maybe out of date. (Just confirming).

In this set you only need val with 5% wsd and 20 mab to break even with af+3 gloves. Btw val head with 30mab and 5% wsd is also marginally better. Ofc everything is far behind Nyame B or C.

Ah, I hadn't even considered Nyame with augments into my sets, yet.

I may just make due with WSD+10 from AF1 head and AF2 hands for now, until SE's next iteration of gear. (They're storable, so easy on the inventory). Besides, I don't see many groups treating BSTs like DDs, they just want Ooze to land (but granted, it doesn't tell you if the additional effect took place or not).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-04-25 08:43:58
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Corrosive Ooze is probably the one additional effect you don't have to worry much about landing. It's practically guaranteed land rate. BST is a satisfactory DD. Can use Savage blade, gets great use out of Dolichenus, killer instinct is great, and the vast array of pets makes it versatile in any situation.

You'll have to spend additional time explaining to people what BST is capable of and how good it is. Just comes with the territory. Most don't even account for the damage BST can do.
Posts: 9204
By SimonSes 2021-04-25 09:32:55
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Bst is probably great on most A3 NMs since you can use killer instinct on them on top of killer merits and empy body. It's massive damage+ and damage taken- and in case of killer instinct for whole party. I wonder if it works for Tiiimbeeer.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2021-04-29 10:55:20
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What's the ideal Naegling Savage Set?
(besides Bumba augmented equipment)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-04-29 11:29:28
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Savage is similar in mods and ftp to Mistral Axe, besides it being 2 hits with a MND secondary modifier.

Not sure about "ideal", but I would start with the front page set for Mistral:

ItemSet 347567

Can use Kaidate as a shield for 8 STR, Killer Effects +2. Not sure if there's a better option there. Not sure which wins between Regal or Rufescent, but Regal looks like a good option for the attack. Though I am assuming this set is attack capped because of all the Gleti's pieces in it for the PDL, so ring option could be a slight improvement with Rufescent if that is the case.
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Posts: 42
By tmd5 2021-06-01 03:59:02
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Does anyone have a 2nd best BIS Decimation set that doesn't use the Gleti's armor they could share?

I know there are alternatives listed in the guide, but not for all pieces. I also tried to check the Internet Archive Wayback Machine with no luck.

I'm a little outdated with BST but slowly working on maxing out my gear. I'm guessing for Decimation it's best to focus on multi-attack, attack and DEX right? I haven't played as a DD BST regularly in maybe 2-3 years (thanks to PUP!).

I'm also assuming that Gletis isn't worth using for Decimation until I max out the augments. I may end up just making a few more Valorous pieces with DA5 and see if that helps.

I'm also guessing that Mistral Axe and Calamity are the best axe Weapon Skills if not using the Ambuscade axe (currently have Kaja Axe).

So far I'm really disappointed with my BST (Main) parse damage in Sheol C farming. Lately it feels like i'm only coming for my Corrosive Ooze. Didn't even parse over 10% on my last run. I made a new STP+10 cape and did a lot better this last run though. Decimation damage is slowly getting better though. I don't think that in C it's average was more than 10k. We don't have a COR yet though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2021-06-01 10:42:14
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tmd5 said: »
Does anyone have a 2nd best BIS Decimation set that doesn't use the Gleti's armor they could share?

I know there are alternatives listed in the guide, but not for all pieces. I also tried to check the Internet Archive Wayback Machine with no luck.

I'm a little outdated with BST but slowly working on maxing out my gear. I'm guessing for Decimation it's best to focus on multi-attack, attack and DEX right? I haven't played as a DD BST regularly in maybe 2-3 years (thanks to PUP!).

I'm also assuming that Gletis isn't worth using for Decimation until I max out the augments. I may end up just making a few more Valorous pieces with DA5 and see if that helps.

I'm also guessing that Mistral Axe and Calamity are the best axe Weapon Skills if not using the Ambuscade axe (currently have Kaja Axe).

So far I'm really disappointed with my BST (Main) parse damage in Sheol C farming. Lately it feels like i'm only coming for my Corrosive Ooze. Didn't even parse over 10% on my last run. I made a new STP+10 cape and did a lot better this last run though. Decimation damage is slowly getting better though. I don't think that in C it's average was more than 10k. We don't have a COR yet though.

This was the BiS Decimation set pre-Gleti's:

ItemSet 367166

For Decimation Gleti's is big for beastmaster even pre-augment because we are functionally a high attack job, easier for us to hit the attack cap than most other jobs honestly (depending on content and strat).

Regarding segment farms and the parse, I have brought my BST to segments and it's ok. You are more similar to a corsair who does some support and also dps'es. The biggest problem I had was lost dps due to constantly having to incur JA delay with the "Fight" command honestly. Next time I go BST I'll just apply Corrosive Ooze and then play like WAR mowing down packs.

Without a COR you will struggle, period, because you need Chaos Roll. Something like WAR(or tank) WAR BST WHM COR BRD would be a very solid segment farm. You can swap to Tauret for mobs that are strong vs. slashing (works well with Gleti's). I have WAR DRG WHM so I usually use one of those jobs for Odyssey but beastmaster IS workable.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Garaku
Posts: 1
By Phoenix.Kyleen 2021-06-01 12:05:13
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So I searched through here for an answer but couldn't find one, but why does the guide prefer TA+2 Taeon legs over Meghanada +2 legs for TP (before Oseem)? Is there something I'm missing?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2021-06-01 12:37:50
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Phoenix.Kyleen said: »
So I searched through here for an answer but couldn't find one, but why does the guide prefer TA+2 Taeon legs over Meghanada +2 legs for TP (before Oseem)? Is there something I'm missing?

The extra haste on them in relation to the rest of the set - Meg+2 with the rest of that set would land you at 23% haste. However, Meg+2 + R15 Sailifi belt +1 if you have it results in a nice boost to acc/att, -pdt and + 1TA, +5% DA, at the cost of the 2QA from windbuffet +1.
By shamgi 2021-06-07 14:42:23
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Ok, trying to tool around with Odyssey in terms of charming monsters, seeing if there's anything big to be gained there.

Results thus far:

I'm not max on my charm gear, but I'm pretty close. My charm chance is respectable but not incredible. On B, took me four tries to charm a Scorpion on the last floor, on floor 5, I had triple bats I managed to charm in 1 go multiple times, but also had a run of 5 failed charms in a row on them. Floor 1 is obviously easier, but still not a for sure thing. Have not tested out Tame to see if it lands/if it makes it suitably easier.

Charmed pets can travel between floors, but there's a catch there. If you charm a pet that's already aggressive to you, it seems to retain you on it's hate list and thus you can't warp. This is a little complicated: I had some instances where I recharmed a bat that had lost charm and I could still travel. My best guess on this is that as long as you succeed on the first attempt every time, you don't end up on the hate table, so you can still travel if that's the case. But the second you fail to charm or anyone else touches it, well, you're screwed. I'm also pretty sure but not 100% positive that if you charm it, release it, and then charm it again, this issue is fixed.

Charm duration on IT mobs is very, very low, even with a bunch of Charm+. It's between a minute or two, long enough to get yourself in trouble. VT mobs on floor 1 last a lot longer, but not forever: I was able to have the pets fight another one for about 60-70% of the mobs health before it came uncharmed.

You can still gain izzat for killing weakened uncharmed mobs. I think xp gain isn't affected either, but I did not check this too closely.

Ok, so on to the more interesting stuff:

Charmed mobs in Ody are very, very strong. They have incredibly inflated stats, obviously, but lack a lot of traits and secondary buffs. Buffs which we readily provide. I had a familiar'd scorpion on the last floor absolutely murdering other mobs. At one point it was fighting two lynxes at the same time and killed both of them. Went from 80% HP to around 7% in the process. They were hitting it for around 2-400, 500 when they buffed themselves. It was swinging back for 6-800, with crits around 1200. And this was in hybrid gear with AM3 rather than full pet gear. I threw it at a Manticore for that last 7% and it did 30% of the things health before it finally died.

Conversely, Sic moves were incredibly weak. The scorpion was lucky to do more than 500 damage with many of it's moves. I never got a Death Scissors or any of the good ones, and granted Scorpions have a million TP moves, but it largely seems like it's not worth bothering hitting Sic. I will say I'm unsure if my lua is set up to react to Sic, but even in my basic gear I feel like they should have been hitting harder. Might be wonky math behind them.

They are basically impossible to heal by yourself. Reward is a drop in the bucket of their HP pools, and the regen not much more. However, when you release one, it heals fast. Really fast. I released a bat at around 80% and it was at full before it even started back to it's spawn point.

The strat I'm going to try and move forward with is to warp to the last floor of B, get a charm in 1 go, familiar it, then bring it back to the first floor and try and have it clean house. I want to see how it does on NMs and how it manages on halos. It might be super interesting to try this with multiple BSTs. Curious if you can get the setup in C right just how many damage you could wreck.

Other things to test: if your pet aggros other mobs through something like AOE moves, does that disallow transport? They're not on your hate list, after all.
Posts: 9204
By SimonSes 2021-06-08 06:24:39
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shamgi said: »
It might be super interesting to try this with multiple BSTs. Curious if you can get the setup in C right just how many damage you could wreck.

Spoiler Alert: Its gonna be super fun, but highly inefficient for segment farming.
By shamgi 2021-06-11 17:39:48
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So, it appears that your pet's hate list also counts for floor traversal. Little thing that likely doesn't matter, but still interesting.

Also, Tame isn't working. Functionally not working. I attempted to tame spiders before and after failed charms, and I was told the ability couldn't work. Went outside and tried on the spiders afterwards, worked just fine. Maybe they just don't allow Tame in Odyssey for some reason?

Had a sheep yesterday and a spider today. Sheep took two mobs to charm, spider I didn't get a first charm until the 5th. For being IT mobs, it feels pretty consistent with all the CHA and MACC on my gear.

I know I said it already, but these mobs are tough. I took my spider today down to the first floor and had it solo a halo for me. It killed the halo itself in about two and a half minutes(pretty good for pure white damage from a single pet), then I told it to attack one of the Sahagin. It didn't get them all at once, but at one point it was fighting 4-5 of them itself(plus the occasionally crawler from Spider Web), and I finished the whole thing at 57% health. Did a lot of damage to everything too, again, swings in the range of 5-700(saw a couple as high as 900) and crits from 1000-1400. Swings back were much lower, 2-300, Which explains how it took so little damage. I did heal it once for around 3k, but that and the regen are still just a drop in the bucket.

I'm going to try an NM next time, see how it does. Any suggestions for a good one? I was thinking of bringing one of each type so that I can get family advantage.

I think 6 BSTs would have major issues with just having enough pets(since even one failure means you gotta kill it) but I am curious about 2-3 BSTs and trying to force the halos. Ultimately they're slower and there's no helping that, but they've surprisingly tanking and killing solo mobs.

I've got videos of both attempts, going to keep trying to record to see if I can get any interesting moments. But I'm also trying to farm, so it's hard to get good shots.
Posts: 9204
By SimonSes 2021-06-12 01:52:37
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I know it's interesting, but wouldn't it be much faster to just pop some useful jug pet (Arthur) and kill on BST if you try to farm segments solo? 2 and a half minutes to kill only a halo is super long. Bst himself can probably do it in 30 sec? Unless fun > farming, then I understand your approach.
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