Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-16 18:24:43
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Asura.Sirris said: »
That's interesting about Gleti's beating out WSD set. Gleti body should be BiS for Decimation too once fully augmented, yeah?

Yes I think so.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2021-02-16 22:51:05
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Asura.Beanen said: »
For the boots Falkirk and I tested every pet level from 99-120 and there seem to be larger pet stat increases every 10 levels 100, 110, and 120. Also the boots increase any pets ilvl regardless of cap (i.e. LuckyLulush raised to 115ilvl). Falkirk will post more on this.

Beanen put in an unfathomable number of hours to test all of the ridiculous requests I had. Thanks, BSTbro.

The February 2021 version update gave us two unique stats that BSTs previously did not have access to:
"Pet: Melee DMG:+" and "Summoned Pet: Lv.+"

We wanted to know more about about how they work and what their impact on pet damage could be. Beanen's initial tests showed that Pet: Melee DMG+ was impacting physical Ready moves, and it's also a fact that physical Ready damage differs between level 99 and level 119 pets.

So there's some indication here that a certain amount of DMG growth occurs at Level Up, though we have yet to uncover how much.
Unfortunately, /checkparam isn't suitable for testing this kind of stat.

About a decade ago, there was a ton of pet melee data collected and analyzed by Xilk, Motenten (and I think Byrth also). Sadly, all that information is lost to the void, but I remember different species had different DMG amounts at the level 99 cap. They've all been tested again (except for Sabotender):

Pet Melee Damage Range by Species (Level 99)
LevelMinimumMaximumDMG Diff.
Porter Crab548575DMG:-3
Red Toad548575DMG:-3
Yellow Beetle560588DMG:+0
I've sorted them based on their relative DMG to what I consider the "standard" Level 99 damage range, which is from 560~588.

You'll notice that the Mosquito's DMG is very low (probably to balance out the innate Double Attack+40%), and both of the regular MNK types (Apkallu and Mandragora) are also low DMG since they strike more often. Raaz was spared because even though it's a MNK, it only attacks once per round.

Not to get too far ahead of myself, but another thing you can see is that for every DMG:+1, the pet's melee range increases by +4. This will help us to better understand what happens when pets increase in level beyond 99.

With the exception of Mosquito/Apkallu/Mandragora, every pet above Level 99 receives a standardized DMG amount. And by that I mean they all have exactly identical DMG values - even that little turd SlipperySilas has the same DMG value as GorefangHobs at level 114. I can only guess at the reason why the DMGs are streamlined like this, but it's probably for balance purposes and because it was easier on SE's end for enhancing future growth. Here's the Level-by-Level breakdown:

Pet Melee Damage Range by iLvl
LevelMinimumMaximumDMG Diff.
The melee damage ranges take jumps at each of the highlighted Levels: 100, 110, 120.
These represent a gain of Pet: Melee DMG:+2.
(It's a shame we were stuck at level 119 for so long, locked behind a stat boost wall...)

So back at the Level 99 cap, the physical Ready move hierarchy looked slightly different, owing to the variety of species-related DMG values. i.e. even though Razor Fang and Sheep Charge have the same fTP, Sheep Charge was stronger at level 99 because the Sheep has DMG:+2 over the Tiger.

In the Item Level era, the streamlined DMG numbers created homogeny among the physical Ready moves (same fTP, same DMG+, the primary difference in pet capability being their Attack+). You can see on the front page the massive amount of Ready moves that cap out at the same number (almost 20 of them).

I asked Beanen to confirm the benefits of Agwu's Axe. The idea was to use camaraderie axe to cap a Jug Pet at level 109, test the melee range data, then offhand Agwu's Axe and test again. Here were his results:

Level 109 HurlerPercival Melee Data
EquipmentMinimumMaximumEquivalent Level
Camaraderie Axe
Camaraderie Axe
Agwu's Axe

Being "equivalent" to a higher level in this instance purely refers to their physical damage output. The level 109 Beetle (DMG:+11) is able to hit monsters on par with its level 118 brethren (DMG:+21) when the DMG:+10 from Agwu's Axe is in play. It's a 9 level difference because of the DMG double-dipping that occurs on the levels evenly divisible by 10.

Quite potent (~6% boost), and it shows that SE is aware of how to further boost pet dps in moderate amounts when they feel like it.
And now, how about those Gleti's Boots?

Asura.Beanen said: »
For the boots Falkirk and I tested every pet level from 99-120 and there seem to be larger pet stat increases every 10 levels 100, 110, and 120. Also the boots increase any pets ilvl regardless of cap (i.e. LuckyLulush raised to 115ilvl).

As he said, it increases the level of any iLvl pet, even when their natural caps previously prevented it. One of my main concerns was that we would lose access to a maximum iLvl Lizard pet (Warlike Patrick caps at Level 104, so with 5/5 Bestial Loyalty and Relic Hands it becomes Level 119 at most). But the stat boosts show that he reaches level 120 without issue (top /checkparam <pet> is with Boots, bottom is without Boots):

So these two items combined have a generous contribution to Pet damage, since the Summoned Pet:Lv.+1 on Gleti's Boots will also contribute to raw DMG. (Axe + boots = ~7% boost).
In other words, you definitely want to wear these boots for physical Ready moves, even if you already have perfectly augmented Valorous feet, because they break the old damage threshold with their DMG:+2 effect at level 120.

Beanen did a 3rd Hurler Percival melee parse to see where the data range would land:

Level 109 HurlerPercival Melee Data
Mainhand: Camaraderie Axe
Offhand: Agwu's Axe
Feet: Gleti's Boots

These numbers are directly in between the DMG amounts for Level 119 and Level 120 (so DMG:+23). The boots increased the Level 109 Percival (DMG:+11) to Level 110 (bonus DMG+2) and then Agwu's Axe (DMG:+10) gave its physical damage slightly more than a 9 level bump from there.

In practical terms, for the modern BSTs who have access to this equipment, your 119 pets are now 120 and can hit as hard as level 129 pets theoretically would.

Level 120 Jug Pet Melee Data
EquipmentMinimumMaximumEquivalent Level
Mainhand or Offhand:
Agwu's Axe
Gleti's Boots

By shamgi 2021-02-17 05:49:15
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Got to thinking about a lot of these. The problem here, I think, is that capping ATK for the pets is often quite onerous. Which first leads me to consider the Tiger for this.

So what can we do here? Well, the set I'm brainstorming looks like this:

ItemSet 371716

Offhand Agwu, Body and feet Gleti. DA 10 on the cape. Path D head and hands, Path C legs

For the master, this is an 12 hit build, an acceptable number without buffs. As far as multi hit goes, it gives you 26 DA and 7 TA(Ignoring the Gleti body for now because augmenting it appears to be a massive pain), again, not amazing numbers, but acceptable. It's also got a fair bit of crit rate and 24 PDL, alongside some PDT.

For the pet(and in this situation I'm thinking about the tiger fairly specifically) you're giving it a huge amount of DA, 25 from the neck, 5 from the weapon, and 9 from the legs. Combine that with the 28 the tiger is putting on the table and it's got a 67% rate. Guttler and the various pieces provide a fair bit of attack to help the tiger try and cap pDIF. I'm not sure how well this set will work, but I think it's a huge increase in the hybrid capabilities BST has been able to put down before. The gimmick with this set is it's an easy double dark chain solo, so in theory you can be the sole melee DPS for a burst setup. I'm also rather curious how much of an improvement the Gleti set will be for Onslaught given the numbers from before in relation to WSD vs PDL.

Another more viable option is using Aymur alongside the sheep, with the rest of the set roughly identical. You lose the skillchain capabilities, but in pure white damage you're essentially doubling your hits as long as you can pDIF cap both yourself and the pet. Over some longer fights(Wave 3 boss is the one that comes to mind) that might be a pretty big increase in physical setups.

Also, I've fallen in love with Zhivago for W3 stuff. In a magic WS setup the MDB-25 is a massive deal and can be fairly easily applied to entire pulls, and his ability to dispel nearly at will makes him very useful for the WHM adds and NMs who love to spam Shellga. And Plumage can hit 10k bursts on light chains even in full MACC setups rather than MAB, hardly top tier damage, but it's free damage on bursts. Sadly, the NMs appear to either be entirely immune to Amnesia or I simply can't land it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-17 09:38:19
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Molting Plumage damage does not scale up well at all, even when bursting. Its real advantage is the AoE dispel as you say.

If you want to maximize white damage from pet, you would be looking at maxing out pet haste in a hybrid set.

As nice as all the pet acc/racc/macc is on new gear, there is starvingly little pet haste on master melee gear.

Most likely one would be using Klouskap sash +1, along w/ heyoka head/legs. OR a pet haste ambu cape.

However its a really big hit to master tp gain and generally not worthwhile imo if master is engaged.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2021-02-17 10:22:17
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Is there any data to how pet level affects magic ready moves? Or even the +20 pet stats compared to TP Bonus + MAB.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 10:25:55
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Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas said: »
Is there any data to how pet level affects magic ready moves? Or even the +20 pet stats compared to TP Bonus + MAB.

Havent tested that yet but I can do it now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 11:23:02
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Asura.Beanen said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas said: »
Is there any data to how pet level affects magic ready moves? Or even the +20 pet stats compared to TP Bonus + MAB.

Havent tested that yet but I can do it now.

Putting in Agwu's Axe in for "Kumbhakarna", augments={'Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20','Pet: Haste+3','Pet: TP Bonus+200' resulted in a 21.02% Avg loss in damage.

I also tested swapping out "Valorous Greaves", augments={'Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+28','Pet: "Dbl.Atk."+2 Pet: Crit.hit rate +2','Pet: INT+15','Pet: Accuracy+13 Pet: Rng. Acc.+13' for the Gleti feet to test the 120 level pet. This resulted in a 16.98% Avg loss in damage with the Kumb Axe and a 9.30% loss in damage with the Agwu's Axe.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2021-02-17 13:39:15
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Thanks so much for testing!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: larrymc
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2021-02-17 13:48:07
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I know this is the BST forum, but PUPs also got a similar new stat on the neo animator - automation : damage+10 - I am assuming based on all of the extremely awesome and thorough research on the BST Agwu's Axe with similar stat of pet: Melee damage+10, that this animator is now the best (even without augments) and surpasses the P+1 that has the automation: stat+20.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 14:10:29
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Shiva.Larrymc said: »
I know this is the BST forum, but PUPs also got a similar new stat on the neo animator - automation : damage+10 - I am assuming based on all of the extremely awesome and thorough research on the BST Agwu's Axe with similar stat of pet: Melee damage+10, that this animator is now the best (even without augments) and surpasses the P+1 that has the automation: stat+20.

There is a possibility there but would def require testing to see if its the same case, also a possibility that the pup one may extent to ranged/magic damage as the BST says Melee.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: larrymc
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2021-02-17 14:28:49
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Asura.Beanen said: »
Shiva.Larrymc said: »
I know this is the BST forum, but PUPs also got a similar new stat on the neo animator - automation : damage+10 - I am assuming based on all of the extremely awesome and thorough research on the BST Agwu's Axe with similar stat of pet: Melee damage+10, that this animator is now the best (even without augments) and surpasses the P+1 that has the automation: stat+20.

There is a possibility there but would def require testing to see if its the same case, also a possibility that the pup one may extent to ranged/magic damage as the BST says Melee.

We know it works on ranged. Unclear if it works on magic.

From the February release notes:
Resolved Issues
The issue wherein the Automaton: DMG+10 effect of the Neo Animator failed to apply to ranged attacks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 15:10:44
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Shiva.Larrymc said: »
Asura.Beanen said: »
Shiva.Larrymc said: »
I know this is the BST forum, but PUPs also got a similar new stat on the neo animator - automation : damage+10 - I am assuming based on all of the extremely awesome and thorough research on the BST Agwu's Axe with similar stat of pet: Melee damage+10, that this animator is now the best (even without augments) and surpasses the P+1 that has the automation: stat+20.

There is a possibility there but would def require testing to see if its the same case, also a possibility that the pup one may extent to ranged/magic damage as the BST says Melee.

We know it works on ranged. Unclear if it works on magic.

From the February release notes:
Resolved Issues
The issue wherein the Automaton: DMG+10 effect of the Neo Animator failed to apply to ranged attacks.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Asura.Wax 2021-02-17 15:38:50
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From your testing - are you expecting to see any changes to the first page guides for the new armor set? I feel like some of it could be pretty decent for Master TP.

Specifically - im wondering how the new set could be combined with Malignance for both both hybrid or pure dps standpoints.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 16:06:58
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Asura.Wax said: »

From your testing - are you expecting to see any changes to the first page guides for the new armor set? I feel like some of it could be pretty decent for Master TP.

Specifically - im wondering how the new set could be combined with Malignance for both both hybrid or pure dps standpoints.

In my opinion as far as TPing in the new set I do not see it replacing the all Malignance set. The hands once fully augmented give 8 STP compared to the Malignance 12 STP. The reason that I may swap to them is due to the 3% PDL increase, 6% crit rate, and the crazy amount of attack it will give once fully augmented.

The downside to this swap would be the 4 STP loss and around 5.5 acc loss, but the increase in Pet acc as well as 8% petdt makes this worth it in my opinion.

I am thinking of this specifically while Aymur AM3 is up.

I would also consider the body piece once fully augmented for similar reasons, losing STP to increase DA by 10. The other pieces lack the STP, and Haste. While other jobs can use other equipment to make up for the loss of haste BST is on the struggle bus when it comes to making up for this.

If you wear either Malignance or Gleti you rely on the Reiki Yotai /Eabani Earring to cap DW. So you cannot say swap to the Sailfi Belt +1 to make up for the haste. Other jobs can also equip the Seething bomblet +1 when BST cannot.

Discussing this with some friends the other night I came to the conclusion that the more Gleti you wear while TPing the more you lack haste and the only place I could figure you get that haste back while staying DW capped was on the JSE back. This is not optimal.

So long story short I will probably use the gloves once fully augmented and maybe the body but thats it for my AM3 tp set.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-02-17 16:08:22
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Asura.Beanen said: »
but the unexpected part is the fact that it is still beating WSD set at 2k and 3k tp.

For me its not unexpected at all.

At capped attack PDL is multiplier for whole WS, while WSD is multiplier only for part of the WS. If both items has the same stats but only difference is 5%WSD vs 5%PDL, PDL will win.

Ofc thats before diminishing returns. If you have 40%PDL already and 0%WSD than 5% PDL is only 3.57% increase. That being said even then 5% PDL could be better than 5%WSD if first hit of the WS is less than 70% of whole WS.

Anyway since Gleti's mostly has higher or even STR than your WSD pieces, PDL will easily win, especially that you have more PDL than WSD on those pieces.

What you can try to test is mixing Gleti's body, legs, feet and hands with Relic+3 head. That should give better results than 5/5 Gleti's. At 3000TP maybe even AF+3 hands would be better than Gleti's Gauntlets too, but most likely it would be break even.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 16:11:31
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Beanen said: »
but the unexpected part is the fact that it is still beating WSD set at 2k and 3k tp.

For me its not unexpected at all.

At capped attack PDL is multiplier for whole WS, while WSD is multiplier only for part of the WS. If both items has the same stats but only difference is 5%WSD vs 5%PDL, PDL will win.

Ofc thats before diminishing returns. If you have 40%PDL already and 0%WSD than 5% PDL is only 3.57% increase. That being said even then 5% PDL could be better than 5%WSD if first hit of the WS is less than 70% of whole WS.

Anyway since Gleti's mostly has higher or even STR than your WSD pieces, PDL will easily win, especially that you have more PDL than WSD on those pieces.

What you can try to test is mixing Gleti's body, legs, feet and hands with Relic+3 head. That should give better results than 5/5 Gleti's. At 3000TP maybe even AF+3 hands would be better than Gleti's Gauntlets too, but most likely it would be break even.

Interesting, I will give this a try and let you know how it goes, Thanks!
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-02-17 16:13:55
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Asura.Beanen said: »
Interesting, I will give this a try and let you know how it goes, Thanks!

Good luck. Im on day 5 of testing and doing tons of calculation for DNC, THF and now BLU, so I know how you feel XD
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Asura.Wax 2021-02-17 16:19:37
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Something else that got me thinking is how to utilize BST in Sheol Gaol? The lack of subjobs seems to be a huge hindrance... back to 1h builds I guess? The shark takes significant weakness to blunt, wonder how a Karambit build would do.

Just getting started on BST, and really trying to figure out what kind of content I can squeeze myself into. It's already incredibly useful in Dyna for wave3..but would love to be able to apply it low man Omen scenarios as well. I've used arthur and the tulfaire on some helms with AFAC, and it seemed to make a big difference.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 16:31:18
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Asura.Wax said: »
Something else that got me thinking is how to utilize BST in Sheol Gaol? The lack of subjobs seems to be a huge hindrance... back to 1h builds I guess? The shark takes significant weakness to blunt, wonder how a Karambit build would do.

Just getting started on BST, and really trying to figure out what kind of content I can squeeze myself into. It's already incredibly useful in Dyna for wave3..but would love to be able to apply it low man Omen scenarios as well. I've used arthur and the tulfaire on some helms with AFAC, and it seemed to make a big difference.

Awesome! I use BST in every type of content. I think it was Xilk whom said it best. Beastmaster has the capability and the kit to fit into every party and it just requires the know how of you and your pets in order to maximize your party! Change your mindset from I want to solo to what can my pets and I bring this party to maximize the situation.

Sheol Gaol is a tough one. The new NMs are easy if you use the correct type of damage against them as you have stated. I think a Karambit build with the Raaz would do very well! he does all blunt damage with a 25% def down for your party and self buffs for you! Most of the damage would come from your pet though. Every time I have gone into Gaol thought I have done the Fencer build with the Beatific Shield +1 to help survive.

You just have to coordinate with your party. When i come BST to Sheol C segment farm I bring the slug because my party is all physical and I coordinate with the bard that he sleeps after my def down hits so I do not take all the mobs up. It works extremely well, especially since GEO is super nerfed in there.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2021-02-17 16:36:03
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BST has no hand to hand skill and they only get irrelevant clubs outside KClub and no innate access to Judgment so thats out even if you had a decent club, but that all being said, single wield BST is not the worst thing, you do get Fencer so, if you really wanted to between Arthur/Zhivago and top end gear for mistral/primal/decimation you could probably be useful in there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-17 18:55:36
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Beanen said: »
Interesting, I will give this a try and let you know how it goes, Thanks!

Good luck. Im on day 5 of testing and doing tons of calculation for DNC, THF and now BLU, so I know how you feel XD

So I tested your suggestion and the results were great!

So the Ankusa head is a 3.41% increase @ 3k TP and the Ankusa/Totemic Combo is an additional 2.51% increase for a whopping total of 5.92%!

This was a great suggestion. I definitely see how too much of one stat can have diminishing returns and a mix of both seems to be the best for BST!

sets.precast.WS['Mistral Axe'] = {ammo="Aurgelmir Orb +1",
head={ name="Ankusa Helm +3", augments={'Enhances "Killer Instinct" effect',}},
body="Gleti's Cuirass",
hands="Totemic Gloves +3",
legs="Gleti's Greaves",
feet="Gleti's Boots",
neck="Bst. Collar +2",
waist={ name="Sailfi Belt +1", augments={'Path: A',}},
left_ear={ name="Moonshade Earring", augments={'Accuracy+4','TP Bonus +250',}},
right_ear="Thrud Earring",
left_ring="Regal Ring",
right_ring="Epaminondas's Ring",
back={ name="Artio's Mantle", augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','STR+10','Weapon skill damage +10%',}}}

This is the new set I am using. Thanks for the info! Let me know if you have any other suggestions!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: briko
By Asura.Briko 2021-02-17 19:15:56
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Asura.Beanen said: »
Asura.Wax said: »

From your testing - are you expecting to see any changes to the first page guides for the new armor set? I feel like some of it could be pretty decent for Master TP.

Specifically - im wondering how the new set could be combined with Malignance for both both hybrid or pure dps standpoints.

In my opinion as far as TPing in the new set I do not see it replacing the all Malignance set. The hands once fully augmented give 8 STP compared to the Malignance 12 STP. The reason that I may swap to them is due to the 3% PDL increase, 6% crit rate, and the crazy amount of attack it will give once fully augmented.

The downside to this swap would be the 4 STP loss and around 5.5 acc loss, but the increase in Pet acc as well as 8% petdt makes this worth it in my opinion.

I am thinking of this specifically while Aymur AM3 is up.

I would also consider the body piece once fully augmented for similar reasons, losing STP to increase DA by 10. The other pieces lack the STP, and Haste. While other jobs can use other equipment to make up for the loss of haste BST is on the struggle bus when it comes to making up for this.

If you wear either Malignance or Gleti you rely on the Reiki Yotai /Eabani Earring to cap DW. So you cannot say swap to the Sailfi Belt +1 to make up for the haste. Other jobs can also equip the Seething bomblet +1 when BST cannot.

Discussing this with some friends the other night I came to the conclusion that the more Gleti you wear while TPing the more you lack haste and the only place I could figure you get that haste back while staying DW capped was on the JSE back. This is not optimal.

So long story short I will probably use the gloves once fully augmented and maybe the body but thats it for my AM3 tp set.

I've been crunching numbers recently on Aymur AM3 sets with the addition of the new axe, I believe this to be the best set that I can come up with. It is 1 over exact amount of store tp to 8 hit build. (8 hit needs 99, this set 100)

ItemSet 378149
Cape has 10store tp, Angwu's Axe not in ffxiah yet but also has 10 store tp.

***EDIT: found the missing store tp (Ainia collar) and we can use gleti boots and maintain 99 store tp!!!

Some notes:
7-hit build is not possible (would need 28 more store tp over this current set)

Malignance Hands/Feet + Reiki Yotai + Ebani Earring + Gere Ring + Anu Torque for master Only set
Reppace telos
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-17 21:21:39
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having an 8 hit build for am3 on bst is actually REALLY nice.
Guess I should buy a 2nd Chirich Ring +1

I'm a bit embarrassed that I never put the emicho gloves +1 and patentia sash together... though I've had both for a long time ;.;
Then again, I never focused on stp in both ear slots instead of one dw earring.

I would have to make another artio cape though.. I swapped my stp tp cape for counter and crit+ iirc. I really like the counter build also.

guess I procrastinated way too long calculating ideal am3 set for bst.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: briko
By Asura.Briko 2021-02-17 21:25:40
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
having an 8 hit build for am3 on bst is actually REALLY nice.
Guess I should buy a 2nd Chirich Ring +1

I'm a bit embarrassed that I never put the emicho gloves +1 and patentia sash together... though I've had both for a long time ;.;

guess I procrastinated way too long calculating ideal am3 set for bst.

This set is for master+pet

If you want master only, malignance hands, anu torque, reiki yotai, gere ring, eabani earring (replace telos)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-17 22:02:09
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Asura.Briko said: »
This set is for master+pet

If you want master only, malignance hands, anu torque, reiki yotai, gere ring, eabani earring (replace telos)
yeah, I was focused on that he calculated the stp for an 8 hit
I know its not that hard, Like I said I've procrastinated checking the exact numbers needed.

though having the feet in melee set for pet level and pet acc is kinda nice. I'm not sure how relevant it makes pet buffs for melee set.

between emicho gauntlets, agwu's axe and gleti feet, the pet gets around +165 acc. in tp set. Pet has no haste, but does have am3 for multi attack and 7 stp from gauntlets. I don't think its nearly enough to make the white damage a significant improvement. and building tp for ready moves is not very meaningful between Aymur and Nukumi manopolas +1.

If we had a meaningful hybrid tp set, the white damage would be REALLY nice. I mean mnk white damage is pretty insane. RDM w/ enspells boosts is now also just as overwhelming, so going up to those levels of white damage would be wonderful.

But we would need pet haste on top of master haste, and multiattack on pet WITHOUT sacrificing weaponskill frequency on master to make it worthwhile.

If building pet tp actually mattered, it would be a different story. but white damage is all you gain from hybrid master/pet tp sets currently.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2021-02-18 00:56:18
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Are you counting the regain from the boots into the 8-hit calculation, or does it not really factor in?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: briko
By Asura.Briko 2021-02-18 06:02:56
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Bahamut.Unagihito said: »
Are you counting the regain from the boots into the 8-hit calculation, or does it not really factor in?
I did not factor in the regain or the post WS tp. This is 0-1k 8hit without sam roll. Could take all of that otger stuff into account, but i dont think its really worth the hassle, this ensures a Maximum of 8 hits to build tp, could be less under specific situations.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-02-18 06:58:14
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Asura.Briko said: »
Bahamut.Unagihito said: »
Are you counting the regain from the boots into the 8-hit calculation, or does it not really factor in?
I did not factor in the regain or the post WS tp. This is 0-1k 8hit without sam roll. Could take all of that otger stuff into account, but i dont think its really worth the hassle, this ensures a Maximum of 8 hits to build tp, could be less under specific situations.

Standard for xHit build is to give number of hits to reach 1000TP with TP returned from previous WS. xhit build from 0TP is impractical info, unless you specifically talk about some setup when you switch weapons after each WS.

Also imo xhit build is not really enough info anyway in 2021.
For example THF can have 15hit build with 60% Triple Attack that will easily have higher WS frequency than BST 8hit build with 10%TA and 10%DA. Imo the numbers that are important in 2021 are TP per round and TP per second. There is tons of options now including for example dagger offhands on BST, that might make worse xhit, but increase WS frequency.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-18 08:27:17
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xHit may not be as precise as tp per round and tp per second, but it is an easy and effective way to communicate and its still valuable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: briko
By Asura.Briko 2021-02-18 09:02:14
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Briko said: »
Bahamut.Unagihito said: »
Are you counting the regain from the boots into the 8-hit calculation, or does it not really factor in?
I did not factor in the regain or the post WS tp. This is 0-1k 8hit without sam roll. Could take all of that otger stuff into account, but i dont think its really worth the hassle, this ensures a Maximum of 8 hits to build tp, could be less under specific situations.

Standard for xHit build is to give number of hits to reach 1000TP with TP returned from previous WS. xhit build from 0TP is impractical info, unless you specifically talk about some setup when you switch weapons after each WS.

Also imo xhit build is not really enough info anyway in 2021.
For example THF can have 15hit build with 60% Triple Attack that will easily have higher WS frequency than BST 8hit build with 10%TA and 10%DA. Imo the numbers that are important in 2021 are TP per round and TP per second. There is tons of options now including for example dagger offhands on BST, that might make worse xhit, but increase WS frequency.

This doed inspire me to make a functioning calculator for dual wield to find the point where multi attack outweighs store tp for overall time to 1k post ws
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