Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By SimonSes 2021-02-03 04:32:46
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shamgi said: »
Too bad jug pets don't have an ACC buff to provide, or you're be almost self sufficient.

If you would have strong acc buff from pets, KC would go up to 999M XD
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-03 16:30:46
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Asura.Sirris said: »
^ This highlights some of my frustration with BST and wave 3. You benefit greatly from bringing at least one beastmaster, it's got broad benefits and doubly so if you can deal consistent magical damage since stacking many CORs has diminishing returns, but it's pretty limited to GenerousArthur and Bredo/Zhivago from the pet standpoint. It would be nice if beast pets got an inherent macc bonus and S-E gave us a way to see debuffs on a target. Even Tandem Strikes +50 macc is not quite enough. Pets have very good and unique debuffs so let us use them!

Primal Rend w/ Aymur and Cloudsplitter w/ Farsha should do pretty good Magic damage from the master even if pet is purely support. Definitely works well w/ Corsair/Rng magic damage party.

Are you using a filled out Pet Macc set for ready moves? Tali'ah +2 set, there are several earrings/ammo/rings etc now that have 10~15 pet macc. it stacks up alot pretty quickly.

You are not restricted to those pets for good magical damage, though they are the best when it comes to reducing MDB or Defensive stuff.

Left-Handed Yoko (Mosquito) is really great for Dispelga and darkness damage matching the weather. Also self curing and plague. Mosquito is actually really helpful. Beastmen put up alot of buffs. The more you dispel them, the more time they are buffing and not doing damage, OR they will take more damage.

Lynx of course for Charged Whisker but the paralyze and silence are VERY reliable also. I don't know about you, but sometimes the player mages are slow to silence the blm, rdm, sch, geo, whm type mobs.

Also Snapweed is kinda Beastmaster's response to a Magic Cleaving Blue mage. It has 3 good AoE and conal Magic damage moves but they stack on ALOT of debuffs at the same time: Blind, Paralyze, Poison, Drown, Weight.
Certainly not as potent as the blu, but similar style. The gravity effect is just as potent as subduction.

So you only hit 1/2 of the good magic Damage options. I really dont' see us as that limited. Its only a perception.

just gotta broaden the perspective on playstyle.
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By Asura.Nalfey 2021-02-04 11:05:54
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shamgi said: »
Too bad jug pets don't have an ACC buff to provide, or you're be almost self sufficient.

You could use the evasion down "Hi-Freq Field" from Energized Sefina (Gassy Sap). Pretty much an Acc boost but for everybody !
By shamgi 2021-02-04 12:27:55
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Asura.Nalfey said: »
shamgi said: »
Too bad jug pets don't have an ACC buff to provide, or you're be almost self sufficient.

You could use the evasion down "Hi-Freq Field" from Energized Sefina (Gassy Sap). Pretty much an Acc boost but for everybody !

Doesn't stack with Distract, unfortunately.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2021-02-05 03:35:10
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Do you know any other notable 100% land rate debuffs for BST?

Pardon the delay, but I wanted to personally test all of these with a sufficient amount of certainty before posting.

Enfeebles: Direct Application
Ready MoveEffectPotencyCharge
RangeMaximum DurationGuaranteed Effect?
Toxic SpitPoison23 dmg/tic2Single-target9minx
Venom SprayPoison31 dmg/tic2Conal4min30secx
Spider WebSlow"Slow"+50%2Radial3minx
Filamented HoldSlow"Slow"+50%2Conal6minx
Palsy PollenParalyze-1Single-target9minx
Chaotic EyeSilence-1Single-target12min55secx
Sheep SongSleep-2Radial45secx
Noisome PowderAttack DownAttack-15%2Radial2minx
InfrasonicsEvasion DownEvasion-402Conal3minx
Hi-Freq FieldEvasion DownEvasion-402Conal3minx
SpoilSTR DownSTR-20%1Single-target9minx
ScreamMND DownMND-20%1Radial9minx
Numbing NoiseStun-1Conal5secx
Predatory GlareStun-2Conal5secx

Enfeebles: Additional Effects
Ready MoveEffectPotencyCharge
RangeMaximum DurationGuaranteed Effect?
Acid SprayPoison31 dmg/tic1Single-target3minx
Leaf DaggerPoison31 dmg/tic1Single-target3minx
QueasyshroomPoison31 dmg/tic2Single-target9minx
Nectarous DelugePoison47 dmg/tic2Radial2min45secx
VenomPoison47 dmg/tic1Conal9minx
Dark SporeBlindAccuracy-303Conal8min5secx
Dust CloudBlindAccuracy-501Conal45secx
Stink BombBlindAccuracy-502Radial2min45secx
Chomp RushSlow"Slow"+25%3Single-target6min10secx
Choke BreathParalyze
Snow CloudParalyze-1Conal1min30secx
Brain CrushSilence-1Single-target45secx
Silence GasSilence-3Conal2minx
Bubble ShowerSTR DownSTR-91Radial3minx
Wild OatsVIT DownVIT-20%1Single-target3minx
Corrosive OozeAttack Down
Defense Down
Acid MistAttack DownAttack-50%2Radial3minx
Sweeping GougeDefense DownDefense-25%1Conal1minx
Tortoise StompDefense DownDefense-25%1Single-target1min55secx
RhinowreckerDefense DownDefense-25%2Conal1minx
Swooping FrenzyDefense Down
Magic Def. Down
Venom ShowerDefense Down
47 dmg/tic
Pestilent PlumeMagic Def. Down
Infected LeechPlagueTP-50/tic1Conal45secx
Spiral SpinAccuracy DownAccuracy-201Conal2min30secx
DisembowelAccuracy DownAccuracy-501Conal30secx
Purulent OozeMax HP Down
Max HP-10%
15 dmg/tic
Foul WatersDrown
15 dmg/tic
Nepenthic PlungeDrown
15 dmg/tic
Tegmina BuffetChoke31 dmg/tic

The additional effects of Corrosive Ooze practically never miss.
Unfortunately the Acuex's Pestilent Plume and Tulfaire's Swooping Frenzy didn't receive the same treatment.
You need sufficient Pet:INT/Pet:Magic Accuracy to land every other effect.

The STR Down effect of Spoil can be continuously overwritten.
The Stun effects from Numbing Noise and Predatory Glare have a high Magic Hit Rate, similar to the spell.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-05 10:45:51
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A good pet Macc set makes pet enfeebles quite reliable.

If you REALLY need to boost it up you can use familiar (+60 int from JP) and/or Run Wild which is not confirmed, but PROBABLY gives a 25% boost to Pet Magic accuracy.

Those 3 things add alot to your pet magic accuracy meaning the enfeebling ready moves are reliable tools beyond just Corrosive ooze and Swooping frenzy.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-02-05 10:55:25
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Great tests Falkirk. I didn't see Pentapeck (Amnesia) listed. I wouldn't assume that would guarantee to land anyways, but just wondering.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-05 14:57:47
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Awesome testing, Does Swooping Frenzy enfeeble still land if they attack misses? i.e. W3 Dyna D missing on a high evasion mob.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-02-05 15:05:08
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Additional effects don't land if the attack misses.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2021-02-05 15:16:59
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Nice findings.

That makes the Tulfaire a great asset when using elemental/hybrid weapon skills on W3 Divergence.

Geo-Frailty is nerfed to a mere 10% Defense Down.
Geo-Malaise is likewise hit down to -11 MDB.

Tulfaire blows those both out of the water.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Papesse
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By Carbuncle.Papesse 2021-02-07 04:02:07
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
The additional effects of Corrosive Ooze and Swooping Frenzy practically never miss.
Unfortunately the Acuex's Pestilent Plume didn't receive the same treatment.
You need sufficient Pet:INT/Pet:Magic Accuracy to land every other effect.
Are you sure for Swooping Frenzy? The Defense Down and Magic Defense Down can be resisted when I checked.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2021-02-07 08:42:04
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Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
The additional effects of Corrosive Ooze and Swooping Frenzy practically never miss.
Unfortunately the Acuex's Pestilent Plume didn't receive the same treatment.
You need sufficient Pet:INT/Pet:Magic Accuracy to land every other effect.
Are you sure for Swooping Frenzy? The Defense Down and Magic Defense Down can be resisted when I checked.

I was feeling pretty certain, until you asked. c:

The tests have been on a variety of high level monsters with only level 99 jug pets, so the magic hit rate is floored. Must've been having some obscenely good luck with Tulfaire...

You're correct, it can be resisted and miss entirely.

It's a shame, but thank you for bringing your insight to an important BST topic.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-07 09:55:56
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
The additional effects of Corrosive Ooze and Swooping Frenzy practically never miss.
Unfortunately the Acuex's Pestilent Plume didn't receive the same treatment.
You need sufficient Pet:INT/Pet:Magic Accuracy to land every other effect.
Are you sure for Swooping Frenzy? The Defense Down and Magic Defense Down can be resisted when I checked.

I was feeling pretty certain, until you asked. c:

The tests have been on a variety of high level monsters with only level 99 jug pets, so the magic hit rate is floored. Must've been having some obscenely good luck with Tulfaire...

You're correct, it can be resisted and miss entirely.

It's a shame, but thank you for bringing your insight to an important BST topic.

What do you think is better to ensure it lands, Pet: Magic Acc/Int or Pet: Acc?
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-02-07 14:22:08
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Asura.Beanen said: »
What do you think is better to ensure it lands, Pet: Magic Acc/Int or Pet: Acc?

As a practical matter, just go with the Macc set on page 1 since almost every piece in that set has strong Acc AND Macc (Tali'ah +2 set, JSE neck, C.Palug Ring, Enmerkar and Handler's +1 or Kyrene's earrings, Incarnation Sash, Voluspa Tathlum... ). The max Pet:Acc set has some pieces with a little more Acc, but that are totally devoid of Macc (Heyoka, Klouskap, Thurandaut Ring) so probably not a great call for trying to ensure enfeebles land. Cape is really the only slot that's even a choice, IMO.

But for the theoretical question of which is better... it totally depends on what you're fighting and any relevant food/buffs/debuffs (Drachen's Roll, Distract/Frazzle, GEO-Torpor, etc.). You need to hit the move before you even have a chance to get to Macc check, so you'd want to first prioritize having enough Pet:Acc to cap physical hit rate, then stack as much additional Pet:Macc as possible.

If I had to prioritize as a general rule, for any slot I'd choose:
1) Any piece with large amounts of BOTH Pet:Acc/Macc
2) Pet:Acc if I'm fighting anything fairly difficult/evasive (e.g., wave 3 Divergence)
3) Pet: Macc

Flip #2 and #3 if you're fighting content where you know you can easily cap pet accuracy. When in doubt, go for Acc.
By shamgi 2021-02-08 21:38:47
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Well, Swooping might not land 100%, but I can confirm it can land on the Wave 3 Jeuno boss. And it makes a pretty huge deal, got a W3 clear tonight in Jeuno with RUN COR RNG BRD GEO SMN BST BRD RDM SMN.

My damage wasn't anything to write home out about, 1million in total on the boss(though of course I get to claim 2million from the slug) but seeing Primal's in the 40k felt nice, and MBD down from the bird was very noticeable when Odin showed up and killed it.

Still need me a belt, so those numbers can get higher, but as it stands, feels pretty good.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-02-09 00:56:27
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Afaik Wave 3 boss has pretty low resistance to everything if you kill Fetters.
By shamgi 2021-02-09 23:55:40
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The new Odyssey equipment is absurdly good, even without augments.

We got a personal and a hybrid axe, and the hybrid looks BiS for us in almost every situation. Huge buff for melee on pets as well.

And we got a Lv. +1 item finally, so that's great.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2021-02-10 00:12:46
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shamgi said: »
The new Odyssey equipment is absurdly good, even without augments.

We got a personal and a hybrid axe, and the hybrid looks BiS for us in almost every situation. Huge buff for melee on pets as well.

And we got a Lv. +1 item finally, so that's great.

Finally having iLvl Desultor Tassets will be cool.

Gleti's Mask
DEF:152 HP+68 STR+33 DEX+28 VIT+30 AGI+23 INT+19 MND+19 CHR+19
Accuracy+40 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Evasion+83 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+13
Haste+6% Enmity-8 Physical damage limit +6%
"Regain"+2 Critical hit rate +5% Physical damage taken -6%
Pet: Accuracy+50 Ranged Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50

Gleti's Cuirass
DEF:184 HP+91 STR+39 DEX+34 VIT+39 AGI+26 INT+26 MND+26 CHR+26
Accuracy+40 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Evasion+94 Magic Evasion+102 "Magic Def. Bonus"+15
Haste+3% Physical damage limit +9% "Waltz" potency +10%
"Regain"+3 Critical hit rate +8% Physical damage taken -9%
Pet: Accuracy+50 Ranged Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50

Gleti's Gauntlets
DEF:138 HP+68 STR+20 DEX+42 VIT+43 AGI+15 INT+14 MND+30 CHR+24
Accuracy+40 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Evasion+72 Magic Evasion+75 "Magic Def. Bonus"+12
Haste+3% "Regain"+2 Physical damage limit +7%
Critical hit rate +6% Physical damage taken -7%
Pet: Damage taken -8% Accuracy+50 Ranged Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50

Gleti's Greaves
DEF:165 HP+79 STR+49 VIT+37 AGI+23 INT+30 MND+20 CHR+17
Accuracy+40 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Evasion+77 Magic Evasion+112 "Magic Def. Bonus"+14
Haste+5% Physical damage limit +8%
"Sic" and "Ready" ability delay -5
"Regain"+3 Critical hit rate +7% Physical damage taken -8%
Pet: Acc.+50 Ranged Acc.+50 Magic Acc.+50

Gleti's Boots
DEF:119 HP+57 STR+28 DEX+29 VIT+26 AGI+33 MND+12 CHR+26
Accuracy+40 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Evasion+110 Magic Evasion+112 "Magic Def. Bonus"+13
Haste+3% "Regain"+2 Physical damage limit +5%
Critical hit rate +4% Physical damage taken -5%
Summoned Pet: Lv.+1
Pet: Accuracy+50 Ranged Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50

Agwu's Axe
DMG:192 Delay:288 DEX+15 CHR+15
Accuracy+40 Attack+30 Magic Accuracy+40
Axe skill +255 Parrying skill +255 Magic Accuracy skill +242
"Store TP"+10 Weapon skill damage +5%
Pet: Melee DMG:+10 All Attr.+20 Accuracy+50 Ranged Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50

Ikenga's Axe
DMG:192 Delay:288 STR+15 DEX+15
Accuracy+40 Attack+30 Magic Accuracy+40
Axe skill +255 Parrying skill +255 Magic Accuracy skill +242
Critical hit rate +10% Weapon skill damage +5%
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
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By Asura.Sirris 2021-02-10 00:19:41
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Gleti's Greaves
DEF:165 HP+79 STR+49 VIT+37 AGI+23 INT+30 MND+20 CHR+17 Accuracy+40 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+40 Evasion+77 Magic Evasion+112 "Magic Def. Bonus"+14 Haste+5% Physical damage limit +8% "Sic" and "Ready" ability delay -5 "Regain"+3 Critical hit rate +7% Physical damage taken -8% Pet: Acc.+50 Ranged Acc.+50 Magic Acc.+50

This makes me so happy to see, I missed that scrolling through the new gear. S-E did right by us here. I'm excited to see what the augments will be.
By shamgi 2021-02-10 00:26:32
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Really, this set alongside the axe looks like an incredible hybrid set for us. You barely have to swap anything when making ready calls, for example.

And yea, that axe offhand is going to be nutty. Good master damage for us while it's huge pet buffs.

Only sad thing is I don't see any pet haste.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kronkeykong 2021-02-10 00:27:09
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Since I haven't played Summoner.

Does "Pet Level +1 while equipped" override every other piece of gear for that slot for Ready as an example?
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-02-10 03:28:00
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Getting ilvl legs for Ready moves is very helpful to get rid tassets. At first I was confused because "Gleti's Greaves" sounds like footwear, but it's probably a translation error.
Posts: 1837
By Felgarr 2021-02-10 04:01:05
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Can't wait to see /checkparam output with Pet+1 feet and Stats+20 Axe, respectively (Thats basically an Su5 Familiar, full-timed ?)

Also, the pet Melee damage +10 is an important distinction from Sic/Ready abilities OR the fact that BST pets don't do Ranged Damage (or perhaps both??? I'm not sure).
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-10 08:27:34
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Without further ado, my wall-o-text analysis of new bst gear:

Gleti set replaces Tali'ah for pet, except for legs for pet DT (though I expect Nukumi +2/3 legs to replace this)

Also tali'ah body as a huge TA for master is still useful, but other 3 pieces are going to storage coupon.

Hands obviously stomp other options for pet damage reduction. AND they have master pdt as well. very fantastic combo.

Really Gleti set seems hybrid between Tali'ah, Malignance, and Heyoka sets. which means you might mostly use this set over the other 3. Just swapping others as specifically needed.

We have never figured out exactly what stats(STR, DEX, etc..) are on ilvl 119 pets. It will be tricky to figure out how well those feet fit. for pet level +1. First thing to test will be if they need to stay equipped (I think so) or if they only need to be used when calling pet. (Should be testable w/ call beast and checkparam hopefully).

The Gleti feet will definitely be BiS for every ready move which focuses on Pet Acc or Pet Macc (hence earlier enfeebling discussion). However the lack of Attack or MAB is a HUGE difference for pet damage.
IF you have lots of pet attack + or mab+ from cor and geo, feet will probably be BiS for all ready moves, but don't REALLY know w/out having the numbers.

Hate to nitpick since the sets ARE really good, but Agwu Axe I wish it were simply Pet Damage + 10 instead of just melee Damage. Pet damage mostly only matters for ready moves. White damage would be nice but would need pet haste as a bonus because it won't be a priority unless something more fundamental changes. building tp on bst pet is not a priority, though if pet is actually hitting targets it will help some.

Agwu Axe Looks like fantastic offhand for Aymur. It has BIG stat bonuses for Primal Rend (CHR & DEX), 10 STP which stacks nicely for Aymur AM3, AND WSD 5% for even more Primal Damage, but also good for other ws's.
Not only do the stats synergize with Aymur for master, but the pet stats Synergize really well also. I haven't use Arktoi for a long time now.. Agwu might be the nail in the coffin to drop it (BUT KILLER EFFECT ;.;)
All pet attrib +20 is really fantastic. pet acc/racc/macc +50 seems to be splattered on alot of gear now, so don't want to take it for granted, but its really great compliment to Aymur's pet attack bonus and tp bonus. I think I will likely give up my tp bonus offhand here. Not sure, but I want the axe to try it out. Really curious about augments.

Its also pretty clear that SE has been pushing an image of bst (and other dd's) of NOT capping out attack. They are jobs which rely on Crit damage for melee white damage. you can see this in Heyoka set as well. The difference for bst is, that our WS are definitely NOT focused on CRIT damage like say, thief and dancer.

I don't mind this. I honestly like a hybrid pet/master tp set, and focusing on primal rend magical damage, and pet doing support and bursting. I rather like this style.

12 Regain is REALLY awesome and all... but Gleti set SO FAR is rather inferior tp set. (I have a 3% quad attack valorous mask which has better regain and other tp stats... but not the def or pet stats...) Its a hybrid dt/melee/pet melee set, BUT 12 Regain doesn't come close to the loss of STP from Malignance or Multi-attack from other pieces when it comes to TP building. also it has much higher mdb than Malignance, but lower Meva and not MDT. so it seems mostly a wash for magic damage taken, but probably get enfeebled more. Which is an acceptable trade off in many if not most situations. The other issue as tp set is HASTE it doesn't have enough. we need to pick up 6% somewhere. I usually like DW in waist and earring, but Gleti is a haste problem for both master and pet.

For bst, what I want to see in Augments is STP and or Multiattack for master, and haste for pet.

I dont' think this is terribly hard to get, so any bst's who haven't built up malignance, Tali'ah or Heyoka, this can get you into melee endgame faster imo.

really, requirements? run thru sheol a,b,c find someone who has atonement 1 and 2 clears, and do one lowest level boss fight, then purchase set for 30 mil. You instantly have a bst in good shape.

Edit: looks like first 2 augments are posted in drg forum. not too encouraging. attack +15 on each piece. from from head to feet: counter 5, da 5, stp 4, sb 8, eva 8

still a 3rd slot w/ no info though. da and stp are alright. sb and counter have uses... but in general disappointing as tp set.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-10 08:40:21
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Felgarr said: »
Can't wait to see /checkparam output with Pet+1 feet and Stats+20 Axe, respectively (Thats basically an Su5 Familiar, full-timed ?)

Also, the pet Melee damage +10 is an important distinction from Sic/Ready abilities OR the fact that BST pets don't do Ranged Damage (or perhaps both??? I'm not sure).

There are a few ready moves which are RANGED. only one off top of my head I'm sure of is Needle Shot, but I think maybe leaf dagger from many is ranged also. so its not completely irrelavent. I really should check more which are ranged. there is an easy nm to use to test it.

Agwu axe alone is kinda like pet level +2~3 methinks. maybe more.

iirc above level 100 pets are just getting like 5~6 to each stat per level? not certain.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2021-02-10 11:25:44
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Regain is really nice for /dnc

oh wait! is the idea on this set to encourage master to NOT engage?
just stand back and regain and use tp for /dnc while pet engages ?

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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2021-02-10 11:31:58
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Edit: looks like first 2 augments are posted in drg forum. not too encouraging. attack +15 on each piece. from from head to feet: counter 5, da 5, stp 4, sb 8, eva 8

still a 3rd slot w/ no info though. da and stp are alright. sb and counter have uses... but in general disappointing as tp set.

I'm a bit relieved, since the grind is astronomical to max them out.

Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
iirc above level 100 pets are just getting like 5~6 to each stat per level? not certain.

Here's an example of a BST pet's iLvl growth:
SPIDER, Spider Familiar:(Natural Cap: 118)
level 99   Acc: 504  Atk: 584  Eva: 418  Def: 365  MaxHP: 5372
level 100  Acc: 520  Atk: 585  Eva: 434  Def: 366
level 101  Acc: 533  Atk: 586  Eva: 442  Def: 373
level 105  Acc: 615  Atk: 664  Eva: 500  Def: 425
level 106  Acc: 634  Atk: 683  Eva: 515  Def: 438
level 109  Acc: 696  Atk: 741  Eva: 558  Def: 476
level 113  Acc: 799  Atk: 819  Eva: 617  Def: 528
level 115  Acc: 819  Atk: 856  Eva: 646  Def: 554
level 117  Acc: 860  Atk: 895  Eva: 675  Def: 579
Level 118  Acc: 881  Atk: 931  Eva: 689  Def: 603  MaxHP: 5500
Level 119  Acc: 901  Atk: 932  Eva: 704  Def: 605  MaxHP: 5508

That jump from 118 to 119 was quite modest...

Going from level 119 to 120 will give Pet:MAB+1, most likely. Interested to see the results when we get those feet.

Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
12 Regain is REALLY awesome and all... but Gleti set SO FAR is rather inferior tp set.

Part of me wishes that we got the Killer Effects that the PUP armor set has, but Regain is nice too!
Server: Asura
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user: briko
By Asura.Briko 2021-02-10 11:32:07
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I dont think this is better than malignance for tp gain for am3.

Under non AM3 situations the lack of multiattack could make it worse offensively, though its defensive stats and pet stats are very appealing
Server: Asura
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Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-10 13:01:10
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Here are some of the augs

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2021-02-10 13:50:54
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Pet Axe Aug is +10 dmg, +30 atk power
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