Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Asura
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user: Sogoro
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By Asura.Xalyia 2020-09-16 18:03:58
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Zyx1337 said: »
Anyone tried to solo Lilith HTB on BST ? (With trusts)got my *** kicked thoroughly.

I was using Alluring Honey. BST/THF. Trusts: Mnejing, Apururu, Iroha, Selhteus, Koru-Moru, Ajido-Marujido. Summon tank first so it follows closely.

Walk to edge of platform, engage lilith, hit flee, run to the left and away from her towards other edge of battle field, right when u pass her quickly turn around and land a hit so tank trust will provoke her away from the other trusts.

Use tickling tendrils and decimation to kill her.

This was on VE. I failed the first couple of battles before finding this strategy on the lilith htbf thread. But that person was using THF main.

If anyone has a better strategy, please do tell.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-09-16 18:44:03
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Imo Ive been using the yellow beetle, with Naegling/TP Bonus Axe offhand.

Rhino Wrecker (Gives -25% Defense Down) - > Savage Blade -> Light -> Repeat

Light SC hurts her quite a bit. I don't like using beast on this because it suck using a Jug every fight or having to reset timers at the moogle between fights for bestial loyalty
Posts: 47
By Gaigin 2020-09-16 23:15:22
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So after the fine suggestions and revamping my tp set a fair amount, I have been using the following very easy to produce skillchains:

Rhinowrecker > Onslaught > (Gravitation) Hits surprisingly hard because of the defence down.

Decimation > Fluid Spread (Light)

Current Favorite MBBRGA (Make Blackbeard Randy Great Again)
Onslaught > Cross Thrash (Darkness) > Onslaught (Darkness)
Server: Bahamut
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user: eelman
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By Bahamut.Unagihito 2020-09-16 23:23:53
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FYI I emailed the very nice person who runs

with a list of all the missing pets/moves and they just added them!

If there's any misinformation with it, sorry, my fault, or maybe Falkirk because I copied all of the info from the first page. :3
Posts: 47
By Gaigin 2020-09-17 03:00:18
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Bahamut.Unagihito said: »
FYI I emailed the very nice person who runs

Thanks you're a champ! I was figuring all of it out from his site cross referencing the WS attributes VS the cheat sheet. But this is so much better! I use that site a lot.
Posts: 47
By Gaigin 2020-09-17 09:27:16
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Gaigin said: »
Decimation > Fluid Spread (Light)

~Update~ I wanted to test before I posted. But this is a lot better with:
Onslaught > Fluid Spread (Fragmentation) > Decimation (Light)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-17 11:28:17
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Bahamut.Unagihito said: »
FYI I emailed the very nice person who runs

with a list of all the missing pets/moves and they just added them!

If there's any misinformation with it, sorry, my fault, or maybe Falkirk because I copied all of the info from the first page. :3

thats nice. thank you. now how to get them updated in the skillchain windower addon...
Posts: 31
By PunishmentXI 2020-09-17 16:07:57
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Zyx1337 said: »
Anyone tried to solo Lilith HTB on BST ? (With trusts)got my *** kicked thoroughly.

I have Aymur but this is the strat i use and usually ends up being a 3 minute run. Win 90% of the time, but every once in awhile she hits me with that Moonlight Veil move under 20% twice in a row and screws me over.

Trusts: AAEV, Ajido-Marujido, Koru-Moru, Yoran-Oran.

5th trust can be whatever you want. I usually bring my 2nd account on THF/COR for Beast Roll and TH. I just have her tag and stand in the corner, but when I've run this solo, my 5th trust is usually Sehl'teus.

BlackbeardRandy works best from my testing, mostly because he has a long body and lets you stand a few extra yalms away, and because he'll probably die and his jug is more or less disposable compared to others. Run to the middle and engage Lilith so AAEV picks her up and try to keep her in the center of the arena. Arrange yourself about 12 yalms behind her and engage Randy. You can stand at a 45 degree angle where Randy is 7 yalms away and Lillith is about 10-11 yalms away and dodge most of her AOE. I usually just spam Razor Fang until I run out of charges, usually get 5 off, then I'll use Reward and wait a second for AAEV to pick her up again. Sometime i'll pull Randy back and just let the trusts hold her for bit if he's getting busted up, but will usually get eaten about halfway through anyway, but I just resummon and finish her off with another set of Razor Fang spam.

Mileage may vary of course and you may need to take a more defensive approach depending on your gear.

Edit: This is on VE btw. I've tried E and I can handle it 50% of the time, but I prefer spamming the very easy run over the extra risk. 2/5 Malignance/Daybreak/Pole/Earring x2/Sword x2 in about 100 won runs total.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-20 19:24:14
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any dd can do it on VE, and on Easy w/ a bit more risk. make sure on easy you have a way to dispel dread spikes.

get your support trusts out, go to middle.. when she sets the first gyve, melee on the gyve and Weaponskill against her.

berserk/rage is fine. none of her moves are physical. (1 is a % of max hp though)
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-09-20 23:03:12
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Durance Whip is physical, but it does minor damage.
Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
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By Asura.Azagarth 2020-09-20 23:13:15
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If your doing Lilith solo (as in no thf) then just be on thf, its super easy to solo her on E just using the gyve method, nearly no risk of dying and runs can be 3-5mins depending your gear. This is how I got my set, 0jp fresh THF with a few carry over gear items that anyone could get in a day.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2020-09-21 10:57:45
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Just got myself a shiny new Dolichenus a week or so ago and have been putting together sets for it. Curious what the best offhand options are. Right now using a Digirbalag with DMG:18 Att+20 Acc+14 Haste+2% (best aug i could get). Trying to get Store TP or something instead of haste. Otherwise only other offhand option I have is Arktoi since Aymur doesn't do anything in the offhand as far as i know. Was considering making the Fernagu but wasn't sure how good it was for Decimation.

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2020-09-21 11:00:11
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You want something with multi-hit. Extra TP does nothing for Decimation.

So the Digirbalag is probably your best bet for now.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-21 14:13:20
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Bahamut.Punishment said: »
Just got myself a shiny new Dolichenus a week or so ago and have been putting together sets for it. Curious what the best offhand options are. Right now using a Digirbalag with DMG:18 Att+20 Acc+14 Haste+2% (best aug i could get). Trying to get Store TP or something instead of haste. Otherwise only other offhand option I have is Arktoi since Aymur doesn't do anything in the offhand as far as i know. Was considering making the Fernagu but wasn't sure how good it was for Decimation.

Fernagu does almost nothing for Decimation. Decimation tp gives it extra accuracy. Its better to get your accuracy from other sources rather than tp bonus. Also fernagu has huge accuracy penalty because it is NOT ilvl 119.

As far as best offhands go...

I think a quad attack Digirbalag will be the best, other augments for multi-attack and str are also good.
Other really good options include fully augmented ternion +1 (dagger) or Purgation with top augments.

Ternion +1 is better than purgation for dolichenus offhand decimation spam.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-09-21 14:30:37
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Nothing too crazy, but just throwing Taupes at it got me this:

Combined with base stats it isn't bad. Just keep at it until Oseem feels like being a cool dude.

Never bothered trying to max it because if I'm using decimation, Im using blurred axe/knife+1 off hand.

Also regarding WAR, Zantezuken is nice.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-09-21 15:12:32
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I never liked digirbalag offhand (or really any axes) on BST, always seemed slow to me. Prefer Ternion+1 at R15 For the huge accuracy and triple attack, or just a simple blurred knife+1.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-09-21 15:38:06
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I never liked digirbalag offhand (or really any axes) on BST, always seemed slow to me. Prefer Ternion+1 at R15 For the huge accuracy and triple attack, or just a simple blurred knife+1.

If you think the delay is horrible. Dual Wield clubs feel way worse :P

Blurred Knife+1/Merc Kris is pretty solid as a dual wield option. Kind of a shame BST can't use the Kris. Still no luck getting Ridill to drop.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-09-21 16:28:14
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Bahamut.Punishment said: »
Just got myself a shiny new Dolichenus a week or so ago and have been putting together sets for it. Curious what the best offhand options are. Right now using a Digirbalag with DMG:18 Att+20 Acc+14 Haste+2% (best aug i could get). Trying to get Store TP or something instead of haste. Otherwise only other offhand option I have is Arktoi since Aymur doesn't do anything in the offhand as far as i know. Was considering making the Fernagu but wasn't sure how good it was for Decimation.


Best for that axe would be DM augments, something like STR+~10, QA+3, whatever stats. STR+~10/DA+3 Taupe augment is the best you'll do without DM augs. Ternion +1 has more multihit but you lose out on some strength and attack to gain more favorable delay.

Fernagu doesn't do anything for Decimation but Aymur/Fernagu and Mistral Axe is still a very solid combo.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-09-21 16:29:28
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Bahamut.Punishment said: »
Just got myself a shiny new Dolichenus a week or so ago and have been putting together sets for it. Curious what the best offhand options are. Right now using a Digirbalag with DMG:18 Att+20 Acc+14 Haste+2% (best aug i could get). Trying to get Store TP or something instead of haste. Otherwise only other offhand option I have is Arktoi since Aymur doesn't do anything in the offhand as far as i know. Was considering making the Fernagu but wasn't sure how good it was for Decimation.


Best for that axe would be DM augments, something like STR+~10, QA+3, whatever stats. STR+~10/DA+3 Taupe augment is the best you'll do without DM augs. Ternion +1 has more multihit but you lose out on some strength and attack to gain more favorable delay.

Fernagu doesn't do anything for Decimation but Aymur/Fernagu and Mistral Axe is still a very solid combo.

Pangu (derp idk why I said PErun) Path B and Ferna has been pretty neat as well. Since he has his mythic done though I would just stick with that.

Still the extra Subtle Blow is always neat.
By shamgi 2020-09-21 17:03:58
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Ok, so does Blackbeard Randy have some amount of Skillchain bonus?

I was doing some Intuila solo with Randy, decided to mess around with my Guttler a bit and chain with him. When I was having Randy close with Crossthrash the darkness chain was doing consistently at least 20% more damage than Crossthrash, and on the bigger numbers, very nearly 50% more. I'm not super versed in how to calculate SC damage, but I know my own chains weren't showing big numbers like that when I went in reverse, and I can't find anything to suggest the NM is especially weak to chains anyways. Is there some other element of this I'm missing?

Edit: Tried on a different mob, SC damage balanced a lot more, so might just be a mechanic of the UNM. Though Crosstrash seemed to transfer fTP to some degree, because AM3 on Aymur bumps it's damage up to 12-17k vs the 7-8k without.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-22 05:14:02
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Efts take 115% darkness damage. so when making gravitation or darkness skillchains, there will be more damage. don't think anyone has specifically tested if monster correlation affects skillchain damage either.

Aymur gives pet a default of +80 Attack.

However the attack % bonus on the main page tells you which pets get more.

IIRC Randy gets a 60% attack boost. So Just equipping Aymur gives Randy 128 Attack instead of Just 80. (not to mention the 1000 tp bonus)

Which should illustrate how important attack is to bst pets. You need 4x the targets defense in order to cap pet attack.

I'm pretty sure Falkirk showed the multi-attack testing for all the new ready moves, unfortunately none of them were multi-attack ready moves.
so its not so much 'transfers damage across all hits' as it is just the TP bonus and attack bonus your pet gets from Aymur.

... just noticed that randy's ability to maintain a solo skillchain went up quite a bit with crossthrash. Impaction > Detonation > Scission even though its just level 1, his solo damage went up alot.

randy was often the pet style prefered dd pet for high attack power.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2020-09-22 15:06:59
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I didn't know about Purgation as an option. Probably check that one out since it's cheaper than a unity augment and we just had a DM campaign.

Also might get that Fernagu for the mistral axe build you suggested, wasn't aware aymur was good for that.

Thanks for the help all.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-22 20:18:36
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Mistral Axe, Cloudsplitter, Primal Rend, and Calamity all greatly benefit from higher TP.
So for pure WS damage with these Fernagu is one of the best offhand options. It allows you to get more ws damage, but its not a great option for building tp quickly.

Decimation, Ruinator, and Rampage (crit) are the 3 bigger axe skills where tp doesn't really matter much. Ruinator is surprisingly weak. I always keep it in the list just for the Distortion skillchain property, Rampage is really just our crit ws, and doesn't matter much since abyssea days. Decimation ofcourse has taken center stage only because of Dolichenus.

3/5 of our best property weaponskills have high tp modifers and benefit greatly from tp bonus axes (Tri-Edge and Fernagu), Fencer or WSD.
Tandem Strike has made lower level offhand options (kraken club, fernagu, even hunahpu or hatxiik) much more viable on higher level content.

Ternion +1, even though augmenting it takes some investment is one of the most reliable all-around offhand for bst.
Can be gained solo at one's own pace, reliably
Dagger has faster attack speed
+67 Accuracy
WSD 5% very good for Mistral axe and Calamity, also Primal/Cloudsplitter
Triple attack 4% great for building tp and Decimation, Ruinator, Rampage
Subtle blow is very nice for bst now without trading another slot
Piercing damage readily available

Bst has lower skill with Dagger
Not absolute best in any 1 category
lower tp/hit from lower average delay compared to axe

Even thought its not my preference, Ternion +1 is one of the best offhand for bst. Purgation was my favorite 'all-around' offhand for bst before odc augments made ternion jump up.
Purgation only has 2 minor advantages over ternion, its an axe so higher skill, and it has undead killer.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2020-09-24 11:38:44
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Thank you for the breakdown. Going to try to get the Purgation Axe to start since I'm spamming SR for the Jumalik Helm and Leyline Gloves anyway for my Magic WS sets. Ended up getting a perfect Malevolence this morning. Might check out Ternion+1 if I figure out a good method for Odyssey.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-24 11:42:06
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Malevolence is the best offhand for magical ws damage for bst.... if you have high tp.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-25 16:19:34
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I finally went back and checked my bug report thread about Zealous Snort haste on official forums (after checking every day for awhile I had to give up because of no update.)

and its been moved into the accepted bugs forum, despite a fair bit of argument from players. :D

Zealous snort haste bug report

Still don't know if anything will change for it. but it is NOT rejected. and it took awhile for them to choose what to do with so I'm hoping they actually had to go back and forth to ask and figure out what to do with my report :D
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2020-09-25 16:31:41
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Zealous Snort becoming JA Haste would be immense.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-09-25 17:21:26
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I finally went back and checked my bug report thread about Zealous Snort haste on official forums (after checking every day for awhile I had to give up because of no update.)

and its been moved into the accepted bugs forum, despite a fair bit of argument from players. :D

Zealous snort haste bug report

Still don't know if anything will change for it. but it is NOT rejected. and it took awhile for them to choose what to do with so I'm hoping they actually had to go back and forth to ask and figure out what to do with my report :D

Bringing up BPs are kinda shot in the foot tho. Hastega is magical haste and comes from BP.
Posts: 80
By Kronkeykong 2020-09-25 19:06:53
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So I'm super terrible at making and adjusting lua.

The one I've had for a long time does not separate out the Ready moves for Magical Physical and the like. And may be outdated with which Ready moves are listed.

The 'simple' lua seems super outdated and I'm not sure what ready moves would be missing from it nowadays too. Does someone have an updated version of the simple one by chance?

Is there any way I could get a lua one of you use that's not as crazy looking as Falkirk's on the main page? That one is making my brain short circuit. LOL

Can DM it to me if you'd rather not link it to everyone.

Also praying it becomes JA haste. That would be awesome.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-25 19:25:32
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If Zealous snort became Job Ability Haste, then Bst would be THE job where Fencer builds are completely viable.

Also we would not need dw gear if using vickie or kiyomaru. gaining 2 slots in tp set for improvements, let alone the improvement of not letting dw reduce tp/hit.

The tp phase for bst would have a really nice boost whether dual wield or Fencer build. There would be no difference between /nin and /dnc for attack speed and dw gear setups when vickie is out.

Bst could cap haste with gear, zealous snort, and haste 2 onry.

Zealous snort is already pretty incredible with the counter, guard, and mdb at 25. the haste is there, but its kinda a pain because its 25% but overwrites (and is not overwritten by) haste 2 (30%)

The biggest downside would be that using vickie might be too common.

... though sweeping gouge is potentially one of the most potent physical ready moves because it is the best multi-attack ready move. (Only thing that can beat it is fantod > backheel or hoof volley iirc)
and def down 25% is very nice. However its skillchain property is a bit mediocre... its only level one, but can make a nice fragmentation opener with decimation or primal rend. with higher tp gain though its easier to self-skillchain with master.
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