Slime Time
Name | Slime Familiar | Sultry Patrice (HQ) |
Jug | jug of decaying broth | jug of putrescent broth |
Natural Cap | 119 | 119 |
Attack Adj. | +20% | +30% |
Defense Adj. | - | - |
Double Attack | +5% | +10% |
Species | Slime |
Ecosystem | Amorph |
Job | WAR |
TP/hit | 75 |
Special | â– Slashing &
Blunt DMG-75% |
Damage Type | Slashing 
iLvl 119 Stats:
Max HP | 4536 | 4730 |
Accuracy | 886 | 896 |
Attack | 950 | 1028 |
Evasion | 701 | 701 |
Defense | 948 | 948 |
Ready Move | Charge Cost | Description | Damage Type | Skillchain Properties |
Fluid Toss | 1 | Deals physical damage. Damage varies with TP. |  | 
Reverberation |
Fluid Spread | 2 | Deals physical damage to all enemies around pet
(10' radius). Damage varies with TP. |  |  

Transfixion |
Digest | 1 | Absorbs HP from an enemy. Damage varies with TP. |  | - |
Slime Familiar/Sultry Patrice:
Ready Move | Charge
Cost | 1540 TP |
2000 TP |
3000 TP |
Notes |
Fluid Toss | 1 | 3870 | 4460 | 5927 | - |
Fluid Spread | 2 | 5593 | 6221 | 8036 | - |
Digest | 1 | 1629 | 2122 | 2449 | Damage dealt equals HP restored to Slime |
Boasting powerful physical resistances, this newest addition to the BST arsenal certainly aligns with the singular purpose of soaking up hits (and self-sustaining via Digest). Offsetting this defensive bulk, its 2 physical Ready attacks are incredibly weak (Fluid Toss is just marginally better than Frogkick, which... is the worst Ready move). Something I'd like to point out about the Fluid attacks is that their fTP isn't like the
majority of physical Ready moves since they're purely linear.
You can see the standard variant here, where TP beyond the 2000 TP threshold is ~2/3rds less potent:

Fluid Toss and Fluid Spread continue to benefit evenly from every point of TP:
This won't impact how to gear for these moves, but I just thought it was interesting to see them not simply copy-paste the standard Ready formula with shifted anchors.
...And it's something to keep an eye on if they add new types of Ready moves in the future.
Digest deals magical damage and absorbs that damage as HP.
The damage is boosted by Ready Job Points:
And Unleash Job Points:
The damage inflicted is not affected by level/stats (MaxHP, INT, etc) or Magic Attack Bonus. I also checked Atma of the Cosmos/Banisher (Darkness Elemental Damage+) with zero success. But as it stands, you can heal ~50% of the Slime's Max HP every 10 seconds, so that's quite stout.
Friendly reminder that its SDT values stack additively with PDT, so in order to fully cap against slashing/piercing you only need Pet:PDT-29%

29% (Pet:PDT gear) + 9% (Stout Servant) + 50% (SDT) = 88% (cap is 87.5%)
And for anyone curious about whether the slime (or any other new pet) has +/- innate MDT (like the Apkallu pets did), the answer is no:

(Discoid from Battleclad Chariot in Zhayolm Remnants II deals 4000 distributed magical damage.)
4000 * 0.91 = 3640