Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Siren
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user: Attaxia
Posts: 118
By Siren.Attaxia 2020-08-13 19:07:33
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Anyone tried BST out in the new Ambuscade? Being able to land Silence with the new Lynx's Chaotic Eye and shrug off the mute-counter might be useful.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-08-13 21:55:47
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Is there a reason that the Primal Rend set on the OP is using Leyline Gloves instead of Valorous with MAB/WSD? I just used DM on mine today thinking you couldn't get MAB on them D:

Edit: Same with Valorous Greaves for Rampage with CHD+5% and possibly Valorous Greaves for Aymur AM3 with STP+8. Would give you STP+13. Unless that set is implying Hybrid or the white dmg being worth it. New to BST so just shopping around.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-08-13 22:34:44
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As for Rampage 10% Crit Damage should actually be superior the guide should maybe list the feet as an option over Thereoid.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-08-13 22:59:27
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What? I never said anything about assuming DM on the augs for the OP. BGWiki says you can get 30MAB on Valorous with a Fern Stone. I didn't know that. I also don't know if that means you can only get MAB or WSD on Valorous. I was assuming getting 30MAB + 4WSD on Valorous would be prime. I was saying I didn't know that and went through some DM to get a semi decent aug. Idk what the value of WSD/MAB is for BST. For RNG we used pretty much 1/4 so I'd assume that Valorous with MAB/WSD would be better bar MACC. Also, I figured that the sets on the OP were BIS bar DM augs which is why I was asking about CHD Valorous Greaves. No reason not to min/max it imo. Sometimes Crit dmg plays a role in a fight. And why is the reason for STP Greaves not being worth it over Malignance? It's a 4STP difference and that set has a ton of ACC so if assuming Hybrid I don't think that's really the point of an AM3 set since it's kinda assumed that at that point you'd switch to the Hybrid set anyways. Realistically speaking you can get 47% PDT in a Hybrid set that doesn't really take anything away from you with Aymur AM3. At that point it's just an argument of 4STP vs 3PDT/MEVA but like I said you can just swap into Malignance when you need a full hybrid set since the MEVA bonus is really the thing you'd be going for there anyways.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-08-13 23:04:39
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4 STP is not worth 70 MEvasion.

Hands give 33 MAcc on their own and you do still need some MAcc that would be the slot to get it.

As for Rampage the WS probably fell through the cracks.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-08-13 23:10:44
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Sometimes I feel like ppl don't really read the whole post but that's okay too I guess. I guess I just recommend adding to alternatives: Valorous Greaves for AM3 and Valorous Mitts (Realistically 41+ MAB) to PR and Cloudsplitter. I'll make sure to add an AM3 Hybrid set that swaps in Malignance Boots just for you Vankathka :^)
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-08-13 23:15:12
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Edit: I actually agree with Valor > Leyline

But Malignance gear is life.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-13 23:19:36
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The front page is now updated with your suggestions.

Thanks, Hax.

Vankathka said: »
Edit2: Isn't there a move from a Funguar that ignores a certain amount of defense? Maybe Mega Scissors does that?

Thanks for this idea - certainly a unique move to test... wasn't there a polearm WS with a similar mechanic? How was the DEF ignored amount tested...?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-08-13 23:25:21
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Vankathka said: »
I read your wall of text
Server: Asura
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Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-08-13 23:26:21
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Np, Falkirk. BST is a pretty fun job. I'm all for min/maxing and it seems there's a ton you can do on BST. Great job on the guide o/
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-08-13 23:30:59
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I actually agree with your statement on Valor hands for MAB I've never actually used Leyline but assumed the reason was for 30 MAB and 33 MAcc so was more defending the gear choice logically.

As for Malignance/Valor I'll just say its a personal preference I prefer the high mevasion/capped DT AM3 set over Valors STP.

(I use Moonlights over Chirich for a STP of 2 loss)

According to BG Forums the test was done on Steelshells way back to determine defense ignored with Wheeling Thrust.
I Imagine anything that uses defence up with 0 attack gear ie Apex would probably give you a quick an dirty easy test if it ignores any kind of defence, though would probably be difficult to say a % but more if it even does.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-13 23:42:03
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Vankathka said: »
According to BG Forums the test was done on Steelshells way back to determine defense ignored with Wheeling Thrust.
I Imagine anything that uses defence up with 0 attack gear ie Apex would probably give you a quick an dirty easy test if it ignores any kind of defence, though would probably be difficult to say a % but more if it even does.

Perfect, thanks!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-08-13 23:53:40
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Vankathka said: »
I actually agree with your statement on Valor hands for MAB I've never actually used Leyline but assumed the reason was for 30 MAB and 33 MAcc so was more defending the gear choice logically.

Ye, I was assuming the reason they weren't up there was because they couldn't get MAB so I used DM to try and get some because I feel really gross WSing in Leyline lol. I got something somewhat decent though.

Makes up for that lost MACC at least :^)
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-08-14 01:45:29
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Siren.Attaxia said: »
Anyone tried BST out in the new Ambuscade? Being able to land Silence with the new Lynx's Chaotic Eye and shrug off the mute-counter might be useful.

I wonder if we can reliably land the Silence? We got a macc bonus to the pet but don't the beastmen have a Resist Silence trait?

shamgi said: »
Asura.Sirris said: »
Hybrid PUP is still better for certain things like capacity points. I don't even know if hybrid BST is better for that. I've gotten better results farming JP for my alts doing full-on master dps + slug versus any kind of hybrid.

On lynx's attack buff- sheep is greater, granted it does have a defense hit and makes it riskier, but BST has literally the best enmity dump of any job. I think it's worth it, depending on situation, to just use Rage. There are very few AoE attacks in relevant content which clear 3+ Utsusemi shadows and do severe damage.

I think a bigger point on the Lynx is that it provides a 20% attack boost and also provides the capability to burst light chains, and even has 30MAB in the process. Given that pets have gotten a big MAcc buff as well, it feels pretty good to close a light chain and have the lynx burst it for 20-30k in skillchain situations.

Good points. The Lynx seems like a nice all-rounder pet. I'll probably try it on Kei if I can, really nice to have a Thunder damage Ready move in a 119 pet.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-14 02:33:04
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
For anyone who has experience using Hoof Volley, the Hippogryph page says that it removes enmity. Did anybody notice this effect after dropping a tactical Hoof Volley nuke on something?

Just went out and tested it. Doesn't look like it removes enmity. Tagged a monster with feral howl, used snarl, fight, hoof volley (heel) and waited to see if hate came back to me. It didn't after a minute or so. Used it 3 more times immediately followed by Heel (so he wouldn't gain any more hate from normal attacks) and the monster stayed on Roland the entire time.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-14 02:36:45
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Slime Time

NameSlime FamiliarSultry Patrice (HQ)
Jugjug of decaying brothjug of putrescent broth
Natural Cap119119
Attack Adj.+20%+30%
Defense Adj.--
Double Attack+5%+10%
Specialâ–  Slashing &
Blunt DMG-75%
Damage TypeSlashing

iLvl 119 Stats:
Max HP45364730

Ready MoveCharge CostDescriptionDamage TypeSkillchain Properties
Fluid Toss1Deals physical damage. Damage varies with TP.
Fluid Spread2Deals physical damage to all enemies around pet
(10' radius). Damage varies with TP.


Digest1Absorbs HP from an enemy. Damage varies with TP.-

Slime Familiar/Sultry Patrice:
Ready MoveCharge
1540 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP Notes
Fluid Toss1387044605927-
Fluid Spread2559362218036-
Digest1162921222449Damage dealt equals HP restored to Slime

Boasting powerful physical resistances, this newest addition to the BST arsenal certainly aligns with the singular purpose of soaking up hits (and self-sustaining via Digest). Offsetting this defensive bulk, its 2 physical Ready attacks are incredibly weak (Fluid Toss is just marginally better than Frogkick, which... is the worst Ready move). Something I'd like to point out about the Fluid attacks is that their fTP isn't like the majority of physical Ready moves since they're purely linear.

You can see the standard variant here, where TP beyond the 2000 TP threshold is ~2/3rds less potent:

Fluid Toss and Fluid Spread continue to benefit evenly from every point of TP:

This won't impact how to gear for these moves, but I just thought it was interesting to see them not simply copy-paste the standard Ready formula with shifted anchors.

...And it's something to keep an eye on if they add new types of Ready moves in the future.

Digest deals magical damage and absorbs that damage as HP.
The damage is boosted by Ready Job Points:

And Unleash Job Points:

The damage inflicted is not affected by level/stats (MaxHP, INT, etc) or Magic Attack Bonus. I also checked Atma of the Cosmos/Banisher (Darkness Elemental Damage+) with zero success. But as it stands, you can heal ~50% of the Slime's Max HP every 10 seconds, so that's quite stout.

Friendly reminder that its SDT values stack additively with PDT, so in order to fully cap against slashing/piercing you only need Pet:PDT-29%

29% (Pet:PDT gear) + 9% (Stout Servant) + 50% (SDT) = 88% (cap is 87.5%)

And for anyone curious about whether the slime (or any other new pet) has +/- innate MDT (like the Apkallu pets did), the answer is no:

(Discoid from Battleclad Chariot in Zhayolm Remnants II deals 4000 distributed magical damage.)

4000 * 0.91 = 3640
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-08-14 03:04:06
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Well I went and tested Chaotic Eye in Ambuscade Difficult solo, couldn't do VD the spells are too much however I did survive abit on Difficult Silence landed 1/1 on 3 Mamools before I died positioning was awkward and the spells were pretty strong even in a DT set so I'd say with very minimal testing that it could at least be viable on VD.

My pet magic accuracy gear though is very good so you may have different results.

Edit: This was with Rolanberry Daifuku+1 as food aswell.
By shamgi 2020-08-14 04:02:48
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The slime pet seems super interesting to me.

The fact that it can cap it's DT so easily means you can reasonably run a set that caps DT while still making it a decent physical threat.

There's just zero ability for it to actually hold hate, which is quite annoying. Though the fact that digest doesn't seem to benefit from anything besides TP+ gear at all means you can likely build a full enmity+ set for it, but those numbers still don't look great.

But I am curious. Say with an enmity set around +75, how much hate would a digest doing around 1000 damage be? That works out to generating 630 CE and 1890 VE, using the possibly outdated calculations from BG. Which isn't very good. Though I'll have to look at how much enmity+ gear one can achieve. Doubling the damage to 2k does make those numbers better, and if it's only losing CE from physical hits, it might do alright. 2k TP isn't too hard to achieve.

The only thing I can really think of where the slime's toughness might be usable is holding high threat but otherwise physical only damage type mobs. I am curious if the fomors in wave 3 can be drained, because as far as I remember they aren't technically undead. Outside of those, however, no purely physical high damage enemies come to mind.

It's a little annoying to finally have a pet that's just as tough as a puppet, but entirely lacking any capability to maintain hate.
Posts: 1838
By Felgarr 2020-08-14 07:39:28
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Falkirk, just wanted to say thanks for your continued testing.

If your testing and artwork was published in a book/PDF about Beastmasters and their pets, I would buy the hell out of it. Seriously.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Trig
Posts: 83
By Fairy.Trig 2020-08-14 15:25:37
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A question not related to recent updates!

So is the upgrade Zoar Subligar +1 viable for use with decimation or rampage or ruinator? I haven't seen any talk of it on the bst forums.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-14 17:32:48
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Probably a decent rampage item due to the critical bonus. Otherwise, don't see it beating argosy+1, Meghanada+2, or a well augments valorous legs for any other WS.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2020-08-14 22:31:40
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Was being a bit facetious when i said why bother with hybrid BST >_>.

I had just tested the pet damage in VE ambu and they were mostly around 10k so was a bit disappointed. Unless Aymur is secretly super buffing a pet during Aftermath its not efficient to go hybrid.

Hybrid PUP works way better for a few reasons. Puppet does 10-15k weaponskill regardless of masters gear or buffs. Pet can tank or heal well with just attachments. The most important thing is that PUP does not need to waste animation time issuing ready commands to pet like BST does.

Every time hybrid BST issues a ready command. Damage wise it needs to be able to match or beat a decimation from a full master gear set or utility wise beat a debuff from having slug or bredo instead. They should of attached strong utility buffs or debuffs to these new pets but oh well.

Beetle does most damage per charge. Magic ready moves continue to suck in ambu. Hippogryph hoof volley is not that impressive I assume it needs cor buffs and geo or slug? But still since its is 3 charge doesnt seem as viable outside unleash.

Wanted to make a BST burn for ambu after hearing about Jettaura fear but it didnt land (and seems a waste of 3 charge as well.) But as someone else already talked about. Trying to disable enemies with the short range pet moves is too dangerous. Works better if the enemies arent that dangerous to be near or there is a tank holding mobs already.

BST was already an alternative to GEO in melee parties and was also a good choice for wave 3. I don't feel much has changed after this update to boost pet or hybrid based gameplay. Master based gameplay got a big boost though :).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-14 23:04:33
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Asura.Bixbite said: »
I don't feel much has changed after this update to boost pet or hybrid based gameplay.

There hasn't been a whole lot of change in BST's position overall. But I am loving messing around with these new pets. Having a blast with them for nq content
Server: Cerberus
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user: aerandir
Posts: 82
By Cerberus.Aerandir 2020-08-15 00:16:01
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Had an odd late-night thought about Digest, so I went out to test it quickly:

Damage did not change between using it naked and with a Pet: Breath +3 Taeon Chapeau on, so that should be able to be ruled out as well
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-15 05:00:44
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
For anyone who has experience using Hoof Volley, the Hippogryph page says that it removes enmity. Did anybody notice this effect after dropping a tactical Hoof Volley nuke on something?

Just went out and tested it. Doesn't look like it removes enmity.
Cerberus.Aerandir said: »
Damage did not change between using it naked and with a Pet: Breath +3 Taeon Chapeau on, so that should be able to be ruled out as well
Thanks for your contributions to BST science. :)

Asura.Sirris said: »
really nice to have a Thunder damage Ready move in a 119 pet.
It would be kinda neat to see a 119 Arctic Hare next time, with Snow Cloud (and Wild Ginseng).

Also an Ashen Lizard with Snowball...

Asura.Bixbite said: »
Unless Aymur is secretly super buffing a pet during Aftermath its not efficient to go hybrid.
Kinda related to this, none of the new physical Ready attacks have replicating fTP on multi-attack procs.

Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-15 09:51:46
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Pet Name	Fire	Water	Thunder	Stone	Blizz	Aero
Roland	        414	414	475	449	438	414
Sefina	        306	297	325	297	333	297
Edwin	        306	297	358	297	333	297
Gaston	        379	377	441	377	310	377
Patrice	        466	457	537	457	502	457

Just tested magic damage from almost naked idris geo(only equipped w/ r15 idris) and level 1 elemental damage on pets from brenner
bst was also almost naked (had weapon)

edit: wow the columns line up in preview, then not when posting.. that sux

oh, it was earth day, maybe I should retry that stone on patrice...
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-08-15 09:59:25
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Wait, the game actually typoed Digest as Digset? Haha.
Server: Bismarck
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user: duo1666
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By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-08-15 10:26:05
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Its not a typo, its a hidden message. Meeble pets confirmed /s
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-08-15 11:46:43
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Currently working on a tp bonus axe, and possibly that UNM shield from Jester for my cloud splitter/rend uses.

So there was talk earlier about Kraken Club offhand if you have the accuracy to pull it off. For those of us who aren't lucky enough to get the drop/too cheap to buy a KC, what do you think of this? All it costs is idle/down time.

It has an idiotic amount of WS trials, but you are guaranteed to get it.

Honestly you can probably stop at trial 2390. Proceeding further doesn't give you any more stats besides base damage which leaves me scratching my head.

Occ. atk. 2-4 times

I've been trying for a Ridill, but Im currently 0/30

I'm also going to have a Blurred Axe+1 crafted.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-15 12:33:11
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I tossed my ganelon a few years ago.

might suggest the delve axes for a poor man's alternative.

Also fyi, I wasn't able to land jettatura on odyssey beastmen.
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