Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-07 23:08:07
How can holding a bunch a monsters be used beneficially?
Probably useful in Odyssey for pulling large groups of monsters while someone kills agon. AOE omen trash. Holding big pulls in dynamis. Random fun stuff
By flyingsquirrel 2020-08-07 23:12:03
How can holding a bunch a monsters be used beneficially?
Pet parties or bst pup duos!
Pup can’t get hate well, so if there’s multiple mobs, slime can grab hate quickly on multiples while puppet grabs hate 1 by 1. Pup and bst(not the pets) can then fight whatever the puppet is holding.
In theory that’s what I would use it for
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 23:14:56
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Daring Roland Vs Apex Toad
Accuracy 1091 (w/ some gear)
Hit rate 67%
with master engaged, hitrate 92% Nice testing, Probably 50 acc as well.
Was hoping it would be MUCH more potent for the pet.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-07 23:24:55
Eh? Isn't 95% acc against apex toad 1203?
If that is accurate then we' be just a bit below that. 1203-1091 = 112.
so just eyeballing a guess I'd say its pet acc +100
I'll crunch it tomorrow if someone else doesn.t I'm sleepy.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-07 23:55:52
SultryPatrice will make a nice aoe holding pet. DT set was only -40% and she had no issue holding a dozen apex monsters indefinitely with DIGSET.
Thanks for posting the aptly titled demonstration video... and also for reminding me of the many typographical errors in this update.
By Vankathka 2020-08-08 00:39:51
To be fair they did mention that in the update notes that the name was wrong, ha.
Got nothing for the Digset though, or the Glare..or the yeah, its a mess.
By shamgi 2020-08-08 01:42:14
Tried out some Predatory Glare today. Range is alright, cone is alright, stun is fairly short, it's not instant, but it's hardly long. Not sure their intentions in adding it, though I am curious:
Do any of the new pet abilities have any especially strong hate generation? Sadly, I'm not entirely sure how to track that, besides pairing against a tank and seeing if I can pull off hate. Are there plugins that can actually measure our enmity levels?
Though on the Tiger's end, I will say that between it's new bump in acc even without any buffs and it's fairly massive ATK bonus, it might be a good pet to pair with for it's white damage, even if you're not focused on buffing it. Not sure how well that'll pan out though, but if you're willing to use Daifuku it seems alright, it's one of our only non-AOE dispellers, and it can now open/close darkness.
By SimonSes 2020-08-08 02:14:04
Good question. Yes I am. But perhaps I was not specific enough for what i considered ideal. Might be a bit too specific. I meant DPS and SBII for this one. DPS they are REALLY close, when that happens go for the one that offers more stuff besides DPS. The higher the TP you fire at, the better Path B performs.
Assuming 5 hit averages on Mistral/Calamity. (iirc KC proccs on offhand hit for those WS, if it doesnt then Path B will always win.)It is actually a bit less and that ends up favoring Path B. But close enough, can take like 3-5 TP per return off if you are super worried about it. I am also assuming 2 attack rounds since mistral and calamity double dmg at 2k TP. If you go more than 2 attack rounds then Path B always wins. Path B is better in the attack rounds and Path B has better TP return.
Path A is really close, winning if you are /nin for DPS. has a 14 TP advantage in 2 attack rounds. Translates to less than 200 total damage difference in WS. Both do the same white damage. Id choose Path B for the SBII
For what we are most likely going to use, which is /dnc with haste samba. Path A has a 10 TP advantage. Id go with the SBII.
For Path B using a real DNC with real haste samba and most STP swaps. Path A has a 8 TP advantage after two rounds.
For /dnc with ideal buffs and full STP gear. I had Path A and B tied for TP after 2 average rounds. no TP advantages.
Either Path is a good option for KC, but Path B is MUCH better for a wider range of builds. Overall, I would skip path A and B entirely though. Path C pangu is the way to go imo. KC works best with Dolichenus since it doesnt scale. Fernagu is a better offhand for basically everything else.
Back when i used to do this a lot I had Path A and B neck and neck with Path B winning by 1~2% after hours of in game testing, in game testing has it's errors though. Mathing it out has them essentially the same. Party I used to use was bst dnc bard cor geo whm. HM VM accx2 sam/hunter Torpor Frail Level 5 boxstep. Ooze dia II. Would entrust precision whenever it was up.
Gave 100% defense down and got acc capped on neak. Pretty fun party set up.
You made some mistakes here. There is no way path A has no tp advantage at any setup.
First of all path A has advantage in tp return from WS.
Then path A has advantage in tp per round.
Even assuming some really high store tp values in tp phase (like 160 for example without pangu A) its
64 x 2.6 x (5.82 + 0.5) = ~1051 tp per round for B
64 x 2.85 x 5.82 = ~1061 tp per round for A
Im not sure whats the store tp in WS set, but path A will always have 16 TP more tp return if only main hit connects and 32TP if sub hand connects (which I assume might be rare, because KC wont have enough acc in WS set probably).
So in worst case scenario you will have 16+10+10=36 TP advantage on path A after WS and 2 tp rounds.
Now thats those calculation favors path B too, because I assumed +0.5 more hits with path B and that wont be true in reality, because every time KC proc 6 to 8 hits, following attack will be useless because you are at 8 hits anyway. Distribution pf hits for KC is 10% for 6 hits 3% for 7 and 2% for 8, so those 6-8 hits arent that rare. In reality path B will probably add like 0.43 attack meaning it will drop to 20tp difference per tp round vs path A and 56~72 tp difference in WS + two tp rounds. That being said I would probably also value SBII more now, when I think it might actually cap you at 75%. Still dont know value of SB trait.
By Fayona 2020-08-08 08:49:05
I've tried out all of the HQ pets except for Hippo as I've only been able to get my hands on an NQ. But its pretty underwhelming. Frenzied rage as a prebuff or on wave three might be helping prior to killing circles as its almost impossible to cap attack on wave 3. But asides from that I don't see much of a reason to use any pet other than Arthur.
spamming decimation at 1k tp for 40k damage is nice, but its really nothing I can't do on any other DD more effectively.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-08 09:14:23
I'm using the following formula from bG wiki to solve for the apex toads evasion. (bg wiki also shows apex toad 95% hit rate at 1203 Acc)
Hit Rate (%) = 75 + floor( (Accuracy - Evasion)÷2 ) - 2×(dLVL)
with this I get that the evasion should be 1115 if its a level 133 toad, and 1107 if its a level 131 toad. (I didn't confirm the actual level beforehand)
However, when I try to make an excel chart for given hit rate and accuracy of Daring Roland, the numbers don't fit the experience.
1091 Accuracy vs either level 131 or level 133 shows a hit rate of 39% (Actual was 67%)
If I buff it up to 1191 Accuracy (my best guess for accuracy bonus from tandem strike) I see hit rate of 89% which isn't far from the actual(92). but 39% hit rate is very far from the actual.
What am I missing?
edit: 1141 Acc shows 64% hit rate... so if I had that before it would match pretty close to the actual. which would mean its a 50 Accuracy bonus for pet also, but where am I getting the other 50Acc from? bonuses from Gear show up in checkparam. I was very diligent in checking pet parameters making sure I did not have unknown variations in accuracy. (toads are a good target because they don't use any debuffs.)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-08-08 09:27:17
I've tried out all of the HQ pets except for Hippo as I've only been able to get my hands on an NQ. But its pretty underwhelming. Frenzied rage as a prebuff or on wave three might be helping prior to killing circles as its almost impossible to cap attack on wave 3. But asides from that I don't see much of a reason to use any pet other than Arthur.
spamming decimation at 1k tp for 40k damage is nice, but its really nothing I can't do on any other DD more effectively.
I may be off the mark here. But I see BST as a buffer/debuffer that also can DPS.
Same concept as a geo meleeing.
The primary benefit is buff/debuff... not DPS.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-08-08 09:31:35
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »hmmm..
I'm using the following formula from bG wiki to solve for the apex toads evasion. (bg wiki also shows apex toad 95% hit rate at 1203 Acc)
Hit Rate (%) = 75 + floor( (Accuracy - Evasion)÷2 ) - 2×(dLVL)
with this I get that the evasion should be 1115 if its a level 133 toad, and 1107 if its a level 131 toad. (I didn't confirm the actual level beforehand)
However, when I try to make an excel chart for given hit rate and accuracy of Daring Roland, the numbers don't fit the experience.
1091 Accuracy vs either level 131 or level 133 shows a hit rate of 39% (Actual was 67%)
If I buff it up to 1191 Accuracy (my best guess for accuracy bonus from tandem strike) I see hit rate of 89% which isn't far from the actual(92). but 39% hit rate is very far from the actual.
What am I missing?
edit: 1141 Acc shows 64% hit rate... so if I had that before it would match pretty close to the actual. which would mean its a 50 Accuracy bonus for pet also, but where am I getting the other 50Acc from? bonuses from Gear show up in checkparam. I was very diligent in checking pet parameters making sure I did not have unknown variations in accuracy. (toads are a good target because they don't use any debuffs.) Adoulin mobs do not have a dLVL term.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-08 09:36:22
Adoulin mobs do not have a dLVL term.
So what would the formula be in that case?
Ok, I see, that does line up if you simply remove the level correction. it would be 50 Acc bonus then.... but I derived the evasion using the level correction, so maybe not.
If I derive the toads evasion without level correction, it shows as 1162 evasion.
If I check the written accuracy rates of 1091 to that, then its the same 39 and 89 again.
Only if I compare 1091 acc and 1141 accuracy to 1115 evasion do the number match the actual, but that 1115 evasion is derived with level correction.
Why would you solve the evasion with level correction, then calculate hit rate without it? that does not make sense.
Either way the equation on bg-wiki is incomplete, checkparam is wrong, or the 1203 acc to cap evasion is wrong.
By Spaitin 2020-08-08 09:54:15
64 x 2.6 x (5.82 + 0.5) = ~1051 tp per round for B
64 x 2.85 x 5.82 = ~1061 tp per round for A
Should be closer to
Path B 63 * 2.63 * 5.32 = 881
Path A 63*2.88* 4.82 = 874
This still isnt correct, but pretty close.
You have a lot of errors in there
Your MA rate is really off. It is 3.8 in offhand and 1~1.5 in mainhand, You have 4.82 for some reason in offhand and 1~1.5 in mainhand. Maybe you thought +3.82 hits for KC? not how it works. Especially in DW.
So 4.8~5.3. You basically added an entire hit to every round which would favor Path A. Should be around 875ish TP per round. Using /nin and your set with max rostam rolls. My ingame testing would support the offhand having minor ACC issues, which would favor path B as well.
You appear to have included the base hit on offhand, which you wouldn't do. Yes path A has a WS return advantage, that was included. Basically, you inflated your Path A TP per round by a lot.
Base TP also rounds down I believe. So 63 base TP a hit.
Unless I am having a blonde moment.
Also your STP is off. add 3 more to each if going /nin and using your set. Add a lot more if going /dnc (which favors Path B)
because every time KC proc 6 to 8 hits, following attack will be useless because you are at 8 hits anyway. This isnt correct. It is 7 and 8 hit proccs that devalue Path B. Are you talking about aymur or something?
lets say Path Be gets a procc on the main hand. so 2 hits on mainhand and you hit 6 hits on the offhand. 8 hits.
Also 8 hit procs will aways be have issues on DW. Basically you count 8 hit KC procs the same as 7 hit. So just call it 5% chance of a 7 hit. in DW KC adds 2.8 hits per round to the offhand. Or 3.8 hits per round total on offhand hits then you add mainhand hits.
Im not sure whats the store tp in WS set, but path A will always have 16 TP more tp return if only main hit connects and 32TP if sub hand connects (which I assume might be rare, because KC wont have enough acc in WS set probably). If offhand doesnt land, then Path B should always win /dnc. /nin giving path A a 4 TP advantage.
Also, it isnt 1.43 hits. That is doing it wrong. You probably did 1.5 * .95 instead of 1 + (.5*.95) to get 1.475 hits. which is closer to accuracte. You would actually just take .025 out of your offhand hit. But either way would work.
Your TP return is also a bit off. you get 17 extra TP return on Path A when compared to B. You have Path A TP per round inflated as well. It looks like you did every calculation wrong.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-08-08 10:11:02
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Adoulin mobs do not have a dLVL term.
So what would the formula be in that case?
Ok, I see, that does line up if you simply remove the level correction. it would be 50 Acc bonus then.... but I derived the evasion using the level correction, so maybe not.
If I derive the toads evasion without level correction, it shows as 1162 evasion.
If I check the written accuracy rates of 1091 to that, then its the same 39 and 89 again.
Only if I compare 1091 acc and 1141 accuracy to 1115 evasion do the number match the actual, but that 1115 evasion is derived with level correction.
Why would you solve the evasion with level correction, then calculate hit rate without it? that does not make sense.
Either way the equation on bg-wiki is incomplete, checkparam is wrong, or the 1203 acc to cap evasion is wrong. Assuming the 1203 accuracy to cap note is correct, this puts the level 133 Apex Toads at 1163 evasion, with level 131 and 132 toads being a bit lower.
Your posts are not clear in what accuracy amounts led to what hit rate amounts, so it's a bit difficult to interpret your results or what you're confused about from just your posts.
If your pet had 1091 accuracy as viewed by checkparam, then if Tandem Strike gives 50 accuracy to the pet, the estimated hit rate on level 133 Apex Toads would be 64%, and slightly higher for level 131 and 132 toads. If you parsed 67% hit rate with 1091 accuracy and Tandem Strike against an unknown distribution of level 131-133 toads, that basically matches up perfectly with Tandem Strike being +50 to the pet.
If there is still confusion, you should detail your tests more clearly for us.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-08 10:55:45
Venom Shower also has a poison effect, and I'm very curious if it's a nothing number or if they made it fairly high.
It's the same as Venom/Nectarous Deluge, 47 HP/tic.
The Poison and Defense Down last for 1 minute at 1000 TP (~1min2sec with TP Bonus+40 Gift) and 3 minutes at 3000 TP:
Tried out some Predatory Glare today. Range is alright, cone is alright, stun is fairly short, it's not instant, but it's hardly long.
Was the stun effect landing pretty consistently? I never saw it miss, but was only checking on Apex mobs.
Investigating Charged Whisker for the new collared lynx pets:
Level 99 Lynx Pets vs Level 51 Eschan Worms
You'll see more damage from the iLvl119 Lynx pets compared to BloodclawShasra anyway because dINT is a factor in the damage, but on top of that they get Pet:MAB+20 and Pet:MAB+30 for NQ/HQ.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-08 11:37:57
67% Hite rate is 1091 accuracy with no tandem strike
The entire test was on a single apex toad, so even though I don't know it's exact level, there is no variation. There were about 300 attacks in each test sample
With tandem strike the hit rate became 92%
By Numquam 2020-08-08 11:59:53
I'm not a BST main, but I want to know the synergies recipes so I can pop some out there so there's access to the new jugs for players. Any come across them yet? I've been looking, but haven't found anything yet.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-08 12:08:12
I'm not a BST main, but I want to know the synergies recipes so I can pop some out there so there's access to the new jugs for players. Any come across them yet? I've been looking, but haven't found anything yet.
The recipes were all in the update notes.
I don't think they are different for synergy.
By shamgi 2020-08-08 12:44:12
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Was the stun effect landing pretty consistently? I never saw it miss, but was only checking on Apex mobs.
I don't know, I did the same just to see what it looked like.
I've got a farming Dyna run today that I intend to test it in, along with Jettura. On random trash mobs I clocked an 18-24 second terror duration on Jetta, so I'm curious how well it can do in Dyna. An unresisted duration like that can make stuff like NINs cake.
So things I'm going to try and test are:
Duration of Jettura on Dyna wave 1 and 2 mobs and NMs(and if it can land on wave 1 boss)
Choke breath para and silence duration
Stun accuracy on Pred. Gaze
How easy it will be to wipe my group with Nullify
By Numquam 2020-08-08 12:44:48
I guess I skipped over it. Thank yoU!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-08 14:11:33
Daring Roland:
Treasure Hunter 3!
(tested via voidwatch)
paired w/ Nihility song for pulling or tagging, bst farming just got easier.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-08 14:23:09
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Daring Roland:
Treasure Hunter 3!
(tested via voidwatch)
paired w/ Nihility song for pulling or tagging, bst farming just got easier.
Thanks for checking this! Can you confirm the NQ's TH value also?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-08 14:37:47
will do.
Also another piece I missed before on skillchian properties:
Hoof volley is Light / Fragmentation
that makes more sense with the 3x charges.
edit: NQ Hippo is also th3
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-08-08 14:55:04
Parsed each of the pets on Campaign Fortifications and found a couple pieces of info:
Double Attack Rate: 18%
Critical Attack Bonus: 8%
I don't doubt that it's still a PLD as main job, but its other job is definitely WAR.
NQ: Double Attack Rate: 23%
HQ: Double Attack Rate: 28%
Similar to BlackbeardRandy, they gave the slime a boosted Double Attack rate.
Nothing stood out as far as multi-attack/crits for Crab, Hippo, or Lynx.
Edit: Forgot about Fencer.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 225
By Sylph.Snk 2020-08-08 16:06:26
Man I'm actually a bit happy about these new jugs. Really enjoying reading on the information here.
By shamgi 2020-08-08 16:08:57
So, vague results:
Jettura remained at around 14-18 seconds of duration on normal mobs. This made a lot of mobs quite hilarious: THF and PLD couldn't 1hr, NIN and WHM couldn't wipe the group, so on and so forth. It also stopped random TP moves, so the Yagudo weren't Sweeping and stunning half the alliance. I don't know how good it is in totality, but it's certainly very accurate and can last for a while. The hardest part of this is the gaze setup, because it was a random wave 1 clear/wave 2 farm, we didn't have any real tanks to keep it facing the right way. The gaze is more forgiving than I expected, but still it's really finnicky to set up. With better coordination you can likely freeze a dangerous mob and then just destroy it, IE, a ninja.
I only once got the cone to really go off and hit multi mobs. The second mob I hit had a much shorter duration, so my guess is that the length is based on how close to the center they are, same as damage scaling for cones. And while one data point doesn't signify a trend, I never once had any sort of duration resist besides that.
Popped the tiger out and did some stuns, all of them landed. Duration didn't really much change, it was still your standard stun. It seems pretty accurate, all things considered. Might go do some UNMs or HTNMs to see how it does on nastier foes. Still though, the terror was basically stun++.
We had some issues and I ended up doing statue pulls with my slime, which went better than I expected. Mages are a problem, but in terms of physical damage the slime tanked quite well. Digset not only keeps the slime full, but does around 10% of the wave 2 statues HP per cast, so the slime is surprisingly effective at killing statues by itself. It's hardly the most optimal setup, but for dealing with the inability to pull statues it worked well. Problem is, as always, hate management.
Finished up by popping a Wave 2 NM and using Jettura on it. Landed for a full 15 seconds, so NMs are vulnerable to it and duration doesn't seem to be cut.
Worth noting that I never really engaged the mobs when using Jettura or Pred. Gaze, though the double dark weather was likely playing a big part in Jettura's case. I also wasn't using any sort of MACC food for my pet either.
Closing note, all of this was run with NQ jugs, not HQs.
By shamgi 2020-08-08 16:55:44
Wonder if there's any semi difficult fights out there that two BSTs using Unleash, Hoof Volley and Jettura could duo by just keeping the boss locked into place...
By Ruaumoko 2020-08-08 17:33:23
Wow that is very promising. I’ll try bring BST to Namis again tonight and see if we can’t compare notes.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 518
By Shiva.Malthar 2020-08-08 17:43:07
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »NQ Hippo is also th3
I think SE made an oopsie. Nobody tell them, or Draylo.