On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2019-05-10 11:34:11
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »Sacrifice was really good for the Ambuscade where thr MB would spawn the shadow that would skillchain you. You had to get lucky if you just used erase but sacrifice would remove all 3 debuffs the MB put on the MT and would be up every time. I know most ppl just turned around but you didn't have to if you used sacrifice.
Edit: The Tonberry Ambuscade
Yep, I also use sacrifice to remove a tank's def down/random debuffs in between healing wihtout abreaking a sweat.
Changing stances in a hectic situaiton is not a good thing for the healer. Cureskin is #1 in a healing situation and I tend to agree with @Banhammer's assestment it's not worth it to switch to misery to remove amensia for a primadonna DPS while losing all the solace buffs when barfire/baramensia /vex/attunement combos might be more useful for full resists instead
I think it puts Misery+Esuna back squarely as a situational stance, like its always been. It'll take the single target Erase-all under solace, but with yagrush and JSE neck, erase is the least of my concerns and afaik Esuna doesn't even work with yag
It's a strategy decision made before the fight becomes, choose the mode and stay with it. Remember new-Esuna still removes all -na debuffs from a player, you don't need to be in Misery for that to happen. If you are in Misery then it also removes all erasable debuffs similar to Sacrifice in solace. Effectively in both stances you get a remove-all spell that works a bit differently in each.
The big benefit to this update is Esuna going from a 10 yalm spell to a normal 20 yalm spell making it actually usable for healers, and Sacrifice not transferring the debuff to the WHM in the first place. A WHM in solace should be able to toss in Sacrifices (once it's fixed) in between their cures, same with Esuna's. They are on different recasts so it's possible to be in solace, toss a Esuna to remove Blind/Paralyze and Sacrifice someone else.
That's fair, and maybe in some fights cureskin isn't critical, but to me, it's a nice bonus when healing and I can't foresee a situaiton where cureskin would be less desirable unless the mob is specifically just spammy with amnesia. And in that case, barfire/baramnesia, addle2, vex or attunement combos might be more useful to straight resist.
This update just feels like a huge sidegrade for whm (my reservations with how they broke sacrifice as well not withstanding)
And while we're on topic, they could have fixed Full Cure and decided to tinker with this instead.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 71
By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2019-05-10 11:34:31
The only debuff you started that I would care about the healer having is paralyze. I would 100% be fine with sacrificing any if those other debuffs. The only time some of those would be bad is if you were in range. But as someone said earlier is case by case. Thus the reason WHM has sho many options to get rid of debuffs that are on the party. There are plenty of times a debuffs is dangerous to a melee and not the healer lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-05-10 11:35:10
Not if you know how to stand outside AOE range. Which is WHM 101 knowledge.
Good to know your standing over 30 feet from you group. Or have you not played WHM seriously in the past 4 years?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-05-10 11:35:18
Almost all of those can be erased/-nad and dont risk me dying to AoE or lower my cure potential. Yes they can, but Erase only removes 2 at a time, and -na only removes one. Sometimes a DD has, say, 4 eraseable status ailments plus Bio or Slow. You don't want to cast Erase 3 times trying to get Bio or Slow off, especially if it's a fast-paced fight where you can't neglect healing duties for very long. That's where Sacrifice came in. One cast, and you're back to casting Cures. You can Erase them off yourself at your leisure, or just ignore them, but the point is you got them off the front-line jobs immediately.
On that note, what are you doing in AOE range on WHM in the first place? Why do you care about lowering your cure potential? What is even going to do that? MND Down? You worried about losing 10 HP from your Cure4?
2 per cast or one specific is more than enough for all situations. Cure > erase > cure > erase. Far better than risking your life or cure potential by stupidly taking debuffs onto the single most important member of any group.
And fun fact; hate resets and AoEs larger than 20 yalms are things in this game. Things do go wrong. The optimal play is the safest one, and the safest one means youre not putting debuffs on yourself.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 71
By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2019-05-10 11:38:10
Not if you know how to stand outside AOE range. Which is WHM 101 knowledge.
Good to know your standing over 30 feet from you group. Or have you not played WHM seriously in the past 4 years?
Didn't know every fight in the last 4 years has 30 yalm aoe's. I'll make sure to take note of that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2019-05-10 11:38:42
Not if you know how to stand outside AOE range. Which is WHM 101 knowledge.
Good to know your standing over 30 feet from you group. Or have you not played WHM seriously in the past 4 years? There is almost nothing with 30' range. And I can't recall a single fight with 30' AOE which also involved ailments that would make me more vulnerable to said AOE. Care to give an example or are you just blowing hot air? Speaking of playing WHM seriously, do you even PLAY WHM?
It's all well and good to try to find that ONE SITUATION that supports your argument, but 99.9999% of the time, everything I've said is accurate. You're just trying to be argumentative. You're also out of your depth.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 71
By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2019-05-10 11:39:42
What's funny is you guys are knocking sacrifice acting like ppl are using it on every fight. How about you use your brain and figure out thr proper times to use it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2019-05-10 11:40:30
And fun fact; hate resets and AoEs larger than 20 yalms are things in this game. Things do go wrong. The optimal play is the safest one, and the safest one means youre not putting debuffs on yourself. Fun fact, what's optimal in this game depends on the particular fight. So instead of making idiotic blanket statements like "ailments on the WHM are bad" maybe you should realize that most of the time they are totally harmless on the WHM.
Sure, like Saevel, you can probably find that perfect 1 in a million situation where that isn't true and your point is valid. And in those cases... JUST DON'T USE SACRIFICE! It's not rocket science. In almost every case though, ailments on the WHM are completely harmless.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Sylph.Banhammer 2019-05-10 11:43:21
That statement is factually accurate and nothing you've said has refuted it.
Absorbing Paralyze or Slow is ~bad~ for the healer. And anyone advocating the use of Sacrifice in its prior form has been very clear that you would never use it to take Paralyze onto yourself. Slow isn't a big deal for the healer at all.
So who is the one arguing with a straw man?
Defense Down / Magic Defense Down is equally bad if your in any sort of serious fight. Same with Curse, HP-Down, Dia (that's defense down btw) and probably a few others if I take longer to think about it. Not if you know how to stand outside AOE range. Which is WHM 101 knowledge.
Paralyze, Silence, and Doom are the ONLY ailments that are worse on the WHM than on the front line.
Saveal is so excited at the new ability for him to have amnesia taken off him every 22 seconds, he's just gonna argue for it no matter what the cost or how absurd he sounds. Just think of the parse. Maybe he has a mule or alt we don't know about, but it looks like he's your typical DD only type.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-05-10 11:44:04
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »That's fair, and maybe in some fights cureskin isn't critical, but to me, it's a nice bonus when healing and I can't foresee a situaiton where cureskin would be less desirable unless the mob is specifically just spammy with amnesia.
I tend to focus on situations involving big groups and lots of coordinated strategies. Currently that's mostly Dynamis D and some Aeonic clears (without SMN).
A typical DD party would be
COR (also a DD)
BRD (maybe a DD)
3~5 members of that team are going to be standing less then 5 yalms from the bad guy. The bad guy is usually going to have some very high damage attacks that will hit all 3~5 of those team members. This means Curaga II / III (or Curaga III / IV if no Raetic +1) will be the primary means of healing and Cureskin doesn't work on it.
SE has been giving 25 or 30 yalm attacks to most of their boss's these past few years and almost everything has one attack that this 20 yalms. Max cure range is 20.8 yalms meaning there is a very small spot the healer can stand at and not get hit and frequently this places some party members out of direct cure range (but curaga still hits them). I've seen far too many WHM's flattened by high powered attacks to just assume their safe from everything and anything. In our team it's a requirement that every WHM have a super DT set they can immediately switch into on demand.
By Afania 2019-05-10 11:44:33
Amnesia is a huge hit to a DPS's, crippling even. The ability to remove it, even if it's on a long recast, is amazing. Some fights have it as an AoE ability, in which case you just remove it from the most important DPS and keep going. Many times it's a single target attack, then the WHM just removes it from that person and keeps going. The choice of stance to be in would be fight specific, the loss of cureskin sounds bad until we realize that cureskin doesn't work on WHM's most important healing spells, Curaga's.
Remember Esuna wasn't a MT target spell, it was a self-target spells with a smallish circular range. The WHM would have to be standing on top of the melee's for them to get the effect which is largely regarded as dangerously stupid. Things like Sleepga, Breakga, Paralyga and so forth can devastate a team if it also hits the healer. That restriction alone made esuna almost entirely useless. Now it can be cast on other players just like the rest of the healing spells making it usable by a WHM standing at 20 yalms. Sacrifice was practically never used by any serious WHM. There were a handful of situations where someone would get hit by a zombie or multiple-stat down effect that could ~only~ be removed by sacrifice. No WHM would want to willingly nerf themselves by putting Slow / Paralyze / Curse / ect when they could just remove the damn debuff safely with other spells and even take it off multiple people. The Cleric Neck removed the final use for Sacrifice (multiple erasable debuffs) with it's ability to remove two debuffs per target per cast.
That is why it's a buff regardless of what the trolls think. Get rid of rarely used features for a commonly used feature.
And here's why SE make silly nerfs to a spell because people that speaks the loudest on forums plays DD not whm....so all they care is "oh ***I can't ws". I bet it's the same group of people who yell na/haste on DD and blame whm when they don't get it.
If you don't have yagrush and have never use esuna pre nerf you are playing the job wrong. In some fights using pre nerf esuna to erase DD is a tad faster than accession na or whatever. There are no way to get around that. Now we are all stuck having to use JA.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-05-10 11:48:34
There is almost nothing with 30' range. And I can't recall a single fight with 30' AOE which also involved ailments that would make me more vulnerable to said AOE. Care to give an example or are you just blowing hot air? Speaking of playing WHM seriously, do you even PLAY WHM?
Well I see someone who hasn't played in a decade or so, make sense. *Cough* multiple characters is a thing *cough*.
Every Dynamis D wave 2 boss has one (cept Jeuno's is a random dice roll). Several HELM's have them, multiple Escha NM's, some Vagery NM's. Passing out 25+ yalm range attacks has been a thing for SE content designers for years now. And having 20 yalm range attacks has been going on since sometime around 2007 or 2008.
Guess we're on personal attacks now.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-05-10 11:49:20
How can you guys recognize that misery and esuna will be situational now but somehow fail to grasp Sacrifice and Misery/Esuna was also situational before?
Sacrifice was a great spell with situations where it was applicable just like most things and it really wasn’t all that rare. Same thing with old Esuna. You obviously didn’t use Cura/Esuna strategies in cases where a WHM in melee range was a death threat. You also obviously paralyna’d before you used Sacrifice if that debuff was on. We had various fights where Misery mode or Sacrifice usage was preferable, especially when mana was more of a concern. Situations like that still exist now. For a WHM without a Yagrush, however, it looks pretty grim. They have just lost another tool for AoE status removal.
For now, I think new Esuna will benefit me more but I’ll have to play for a while and see how it feels. It’s still totally okay to miss the old versions since those were very useful and reliable despite what some of you seem to think. Every spell/JA isn’t applicable in every situation, figuring out when it is or isn’t is part of the game.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-05-10 11:52:13
Sure, like Saevel, you can probably find that perfect 1 in a million situation where that isn't true and your point is valid.
You've already agreed with me.
Yes you're right, MOST of the time I would do that. I'm not saying I used Sacrifice on a regular basis, but I did use it.
Seems' like your the one searching for reasons to use it while the rest of the game's population just treats it as a super situational tool.
How can you guys recognize that misery and esuna will be situational now but somehow fail to grasp Sacrifice and Misery/Esuna was also situational before?
Other way around dear. I've said from the very start that old Sacrifice and Esuna where situational, too situational and rarely used because of how situational they were.
Then yourself and other white knights felt the call to come defend your damsel in distress and tried to make it not-situationally situational. Now if we follow this back to the original point, that a troll was arguing that making Sacrifice / Esuna less situational was actually a nerf we can see the silliness of your statement.
Anyhow anything that makes spells like Sacrifice and Esuna more commonly used is a great thing in my book. They removed the biggest restriction to using old-Sacrifice and now it can be used more frequently.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Sylph.Banhammer 2019-05-10 11:52:14
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »That's fair, and maybe in some fights cureskin isn't critical, but to me, it's a nice bonus when healing and I can't foresee a situaiton where cureskin would be less desirable unless the mob is specifically just spammy with amnesia.
I tend to focus on situations involving big groups and lots of coordinated strategies. Currently that's mostly Dynamis D and some Aeonic clears (without SMN).
A typical DD party would be
COR (also a DD)
BRD (maybe a DD)
3~5 members of that team are going to be standing less then 5 yalms from the bad guy. The bad guy is usually going to have some very high damage attacks that will hit all 3~5 of those team members. This means Curaga II / III (or Curaga III / IV if no Raetic +1) will be the primary means of healing and Cureskin doesn't work on it.
SE has been giving 25 or 30 yalm attacks to most of their boss's these past few years and almost everything has one attack that this 20 yalms. Max cure range is 20.8 yalms meaning there is a very small spot the healer can stand at and not get hit and frequently this places some party members out of direct cure range (but curaga still hits them). I've seen far too many WHM's flattened by high powered attacks to just assume their safe from everything and anything. In our team it's a requirement that every WHM have a super DT set they can immediately switch into on demand.
No, you just stand in range and curaga the entire party, including yourself. It's trivial to cap DT while maintaining a high level of magic evasion. It's not as dangerous to stand in range as you want to make it seem. Guess what you can do if you're in range anyways?
What do you mean switch into? They should be in it full time most of the run if they're getting Ballads.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2019-05-10 11:53:26
I haven't been able to test it yet, can people confirm solace+sacrifice no longer absorbs 7 debuffs and it's now buffed instead by misery?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Bismarck.Cloudstrafie 2019-05-10 11:53:59
ST20 is the only thing ill use sacrifice for, changing stances and losing cure skin for 1 debuff that will naturally ware off is not worth anything with double marches recast is 34 seconds on esuna, I can remove most spells in that time myself(yag and clerics)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2019-05-10 11:54:51
Seems' like your the one searching for reasons to use it while the rest of the game's population just treats it as a super situational tool. No, I treat it like a super situational tool, too. I agree with you on how rare it has its uses. I disagree with you on how detrimental ailments are on the WHM, meaning I suspect my ideas of when it's useful are much broader than your ideas of when it's useful.
Yes you're right, MOST of the time I would do that. I'm not saying I used Sacrifice on a regular basis, but I did use it.
We've gone past the point of useful debate, though.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-05-10 11:56:38
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »I haven't been able to test it yet, can people confirm solace+sacrifice no longer absorbs 7 debuffs and it's now buffed instead by misery?
A couple pages ago someone posted that Solace Sacrifice is just one debuff now. No word on Misery yet.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-05-10 11:57:47
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »I haven't been able to test it yet, can people confirm solace+sacrifice no longer absorbs 7 debuffs and it's now buffed instead by misery?
Seems to be glitched, at least we hope this is a glitch. Sacrifice under Misery removes one status debuff, under Solace it's supposed to do multiple. I think when they redid the code on it they forgot to add that back in and it's ignoring Solace entirely.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-05-10 11:59:14
Bismarck.Cloudstrafie said: »ST20 is the only thing ill use sacrifice for, changing stances and losing cure skin for 1 debuff that will naturally ware off is not worth anything with double marches recast is 34 seconds on esuna, I can remove most spells in that time myself(yag and clerics)
Fastcast also reduces recast, so it's more like 22~25s. Your gonna know before the fight starts which mode your gonna be in, shouldn't be switching mid fight. And remember cure skin doesn't effect Curaga's.
By Afania 2019-05-10 12:00:39
For a WHM withot a Yagrusg, however, it looks pretty grim.
This. To people that went "oh yes no more amnesia", unless you play with yagrush 100% of time fat chance is that all your debuff will be erased slower from now on. I just don't see how I can erase/na as fast as before in dyna D anymore.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Sylph.Banhammer 2019-05-10 12:01:21
Sure, like Saevel, you can probably find that perfect 1 in a million situation where that isn't true and your point is valid.
You've already agreed with me.
Yes you're right, MOST of the time I would do that. I'm not saying I used Sacrifice on a regular basis, but I did use it.
Seems' like your the one searching for reasons to use it while the rest of the game's population just treats it as a super situational tool.
How can you guys recognize that misery and esuna will be situational now but somehow fail to grasp Sacrifice and Misery/Esuna was also situational before?
Other way around dear. I've said from the very start that old Sacrifice and Esuna where situational, too situational and rarely used because of how situational they were.
Then yourself and other white knights felt the call to come defend your damsel in distress and tried to make it not-situationally situational. Now if we follow this back to the original point, that a troll was arguing that making Sacrifice / Esuna less situational was actually a nerf we can see the silliness of your statement.
Anyhow anything that makes spells like Sacrifice and Esuna more commonly used is a great thing in my book. They removed the biggest restriction to using old-Sacrifice and now it can be used more frequently.
Sacrificing the ability to remove multiple stacks of debuffs AOE and increasing the recast is literally a nerf. The ability to remove amnesia could have been handled by adding a merit spell to one of the slots they opened up by making pro/shellra v a scroll.
It would make slightly more sense if they updated the timers on misery and solace. Sacrifice is either broken or working as intended, but my statement still stands. This update is dog ***.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-10 12:03:36
Denfense is being 205 even for single target Protect5 for non WHM jobs. Just tried on my SCH.
On one hand this is a small buff to protect for non WHMs, which is good. On the other hand it hints to the fact that something is not working with the 25 missing defense that should be exclusive to WHM (the old 5/5 enhancement from Piety Feet) and is currently missing, contrary to what they claimed?
Not a big deal either way, but just saying.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-05-10 12:09:48
And fun fact; hate resets and AoEs larger than 20 yalms are things in this game. Things do go wrong. The optimal play is the safest one, and the safest one means youre not putting debuffs on yourself. Fun fact, what's optimal in this game depends on the particular fight. So instead of making idiotic blanket statements like "ailments on the WHM are bad" maybe you should realize that most of the time they are totally harmless on the WHM.
Sure, like Saevel, you can probably find that perfect 1 in a million situation where that isn't true and your point is valid. And in those cases... JUST DON'T USE SACRIFICE! It's not rocket science. In almost every case though, ailments on the WHM are completely harmless.
There are exactly 0 situations in which it was optimal before by definition. You are the most important member of the party at all times. Anything that even slightly increases your risk of death is ALWAYS, by definition, wrong.
By eliroo 2019-05-10 12:10:29
The sacrifice argument is a bit moot. Anyone who thinks a WHM had no situations where Solace Sac was optimal probably never played WHM.
That being said the new Sacrifice seems useless unless the Solace thing is a bug.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-05-10 12:13:19
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »That's fair, and maybe in some fights cureskin isn't critical, but to me, it's a nice bonus when healing and I can't foresee a situaiton where cureskin would be less desirable unless the mob is specifically just spammy with amnesia.
I tend to focus on situations involving big groups and lots of coordinated strategies. Currently that's mostly Dynamis D and some Aeonic clears (without SMN).
A typical DD party would be
COR (also a DD)
BRD (maybe a DD)
3~5 members of that team are going to be standing less then 5 yalms from the bad guy. The bad guy is usually going to have some very high damage attacks that will hit all 3~5 of those team members. This means Curaga II / III (or Curaga III / IV if no Raetic +1) will be the primary means of healing and Cureskin doesn't work on it.
SE has been giving 25 or 30 yalm attacks to most of their boss's these past few years and almost everything has one attack that this 20 yalms. Max cure range is 20.8 yalms meaning there is a very small spot the healer can stand at and not get hit and frequently this places some party members out of direct cure range (but curaga still hits them). I've seen far too many WHM's flattened by high powered attacks to just assume their safe from everything and anything. In our team it's a requirement that every WHM have a super DT set they can immediately switch into on demand.
No, you just stand in range and curaga the entire party, including yourself. It's trivial to cap DT while maintaining a high level of magic evasion. It's not as dangerous to stand in range as you want to make it seem. Guess what you can do if you're in range anyways?
What do you mean switch into? They should be in it full time most of the run if they're getting Ballads.
Given literally any wave 2 boss will 1 shot a whm outside a DT set, such as curing, thats a no.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-05-10 12:14:01
The sacrifice argument is a bit moot. Anyone who thinks a WHM had no situations where Solace Sac was optimal probably never played WHM.
That being said the new Sacrifice seems useless unless the Solace thing is a bug.
Anyone who ever thought there was a good situation for it doesnt understand optimization.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Sylph.Banhammer 2019-05-10 12:14:16
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »That's fair, and maybe in some fights cureskin isn't critical, but to me, it's a nice bonus when healing and I can't foresee a situaiton where cureskin would be less desirable unless the mob is specifically just spammy with amnesia.
I tend to focus on situations involving big groups and lots of coordinated strategies. Currently that's mostly Dynamis D and some Aeonic clears (without SMN).
A typical DD party would be
COR (also a DD)
BRD (maybe a DD)
3~5 members of that team are going to be standing less then 5 yalms from the bad guy. The bad guy is usually going to have some very high damage attacks that will hit all 3~5 of those team members. This means Curaga II / III (or Curaga III / IV if no Raetic +1) will be the primary means of healing and Cureskin doesn't work on it.
SE has been giving 25 or 30 yalm attacks to most of their boss's these past few years and almost everything has one attack that this 20 yalms. Max cure range is 20.8 yalms meaning there is a very small spot the healer can stand at and not get hit and frequently this places some party members out of direct cure range (but curaga still hits them). I've seen far too many WHM's flattened by high powered attacks to just assume their safe from everything and anything. In our team it's a requirement that every WHM have a super DT set they can immediately switch into on demand.
No, you just stand in range and curaga the entire party, including yourself. It's trivial to cap DT while maintaining a high level of magic evasion. It's not as dangerous to stand in range as you want to make it seem. Guess what you can do if you're in range anyways?
What do you mean switch into? They should be in it full time most of the run if they're getting Ballads.
Given literally any wave 2 boss will 1 shot a whm outside a DT set, such as curing, thats a no.
You've never been to a wave 2 boss.
Node 207
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