On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
By eliroo 2019-04-27 10:36:19
Tbh, I never considered full cure to be very useful but with melee set up it kinda makes a lot of sense to use. Nice tip!
I highly advise building a Full Cure set that is mostly recast gear and Afflatus Solace + gear. I think I have some SID in mine just incase.
Actually does anyone know if there is any cure recast gear?
By Afania 2019-04-27 10:40:04
Tbh, I never considered full cure to be very useful but with melee set up it kinda makes a lot of sense to use. Nice tip!
Yes....thats why r15 yagrush is so good. Its best mystic boon weapon with best tp gain. And yes to endless full cure-skin.
By Lili 2019-04-27 10:40:53
Actually does anyone know if there is any cure recast gear?
There does not seem to be, at least not for WHM.
By Nariont 2019-04-27 10:44:08
Only one that springs to mind is path c dyna club
By eliroo 2019-04-27 10:45:25
Situation depending. I'm still a bit in the "Theorycrafting" stage but yeah Yagrush is incredibly good in situations where you'd see a lot of mana sink since the TP gain under AM3 is pretty immense. Though if you are seeing that much manasink then AM3 may be hard to maintain.
Mystic Boon full heals your mana with any weapon, but obviously is a potent WS with R15 Yagrush.
Another situation Yagrush is good is when AoE enfeebles are thing. Assuming that none are dangerous for yourself (Silence/ Paralyze) then melee yagrush is going to be a net gain since you don't have to swap.
But I think that Maxentius(sp) / Mjollnir should just perform better damage wise.
I won't really have a good answer until I can build all the sets together and I'm just now putting some Gil into my WHM while also trying to balance my main.
Another thing to consider is healing potency when meleeing. While not super efficient there may be times when Raetic is a good offhand or Izcalli is better than Sindri.
I also want to play with Ukaldi but I'm fairly certain you need the best accuracy setup possible so thats at least another 20M on Chirich +1 rings.
By eliroo 2019-04-27 10:50:01
Only one that springs to mind is path c dyna club
Quote: There does not seem to be, at least not for WHM.
Damn, would be really nice for a better Full Cure set. But the Dynamis club just became a bit more interesting option, depending on what they do with Esuna, that may be a really good mainhand for Melee WHM. You sacrifice a decent bit of physical damage but gain some nice survival tools.
By Nariont 2019-04-27 10:53:33
I thiiink the ruann clubs have a recast path aswell.
As for clubs i hold to oboro club being best offhand, maaaybe blurred club if you dont mind the acc hit. Main hand varies wildly
By eliroo 2019-04-27 10:56:57
Sindri is definitely the most universal offhand and should be the default. Izcalli and Ukaldi are viable options though situation depending. I didn't really consider the Blurred club, I guess in situations where you don't need the accuracy from Sindri but can't hit with Ukaldi then Blurred +1 would be better.
By Jetackuu 2019-04-27 11:02:53
If they gave cureskin to curaga it'd be an insane boost, boon+curagav constant.
By Nariont 2019-04-27 11:05:25
Meant to ask, can full cure be aoe'd? Im assuming not and never thought to try
By Afania 2019-04-27 11:10:08
Then youre losing out on refresh buffs, which are far more important. Cor has an assload of gear with att and literal abilities they use that give an assload of it. Cor is an actual DD and support given SE was smart and locked its support through weighted RNG.
Why do you keep posting things thats not even fact? Im convinced you are trolling at this stage.
The "buffs" that I talked about was geo buff, armor break and chaos roll. It affects everyone in the pt, including whm. I didnt mean brd songs.
Saying cor has *** load of attack and having ja to do so is false. The only attack boost ja that cor has is attack boost for everybody. So it will boost whm attack as well.
Also if you look at cor ws set:
ItemSet 326290
Cor attack is not much higher than whm using str/attack augmented chironic set because cor body/neck/feet are locked to gears with no attack, and waste/back can be used by whm. So whats left is head/hands/legs thats more of a depending on augment luck thing on both jobs. I wouldnt be surprised if whm using augmented gear for ws came out having higher attack than a cors max wsd set.
Its not the lack of attack hindering whm dps anyways. Saying so is kind of silly. Its the lack of MA/STP and wsd, lol. You spend pages arguing about whm low attack and none of them even matter that much for dps.
My point is that, even with very little attack like the cor set posted above, its still incredibly easy to cap pdif in most ilv 139 endgame or lower. So in any content that whm can melee on, they will be able to cap attack quite easily without 1 single piece of +2.
By Nariont 2019-04-27 11:12:45
Yeah but youre not on just mage gear afania, so by default your much better at melee, also you're likely dead after the 1st savage blade
By Afania 2019-04-27 11:26:02
Situation depending. I'm still a bit in the "Theorycrafting" stage but yeah Yagrush is incredibly good in situations where you'd see a lot of mana sink since the TP gain under AM3 is pretty immense. Though if you are seeing that much manasink then AM3 may be hard to maintain.
Mystic Boon full heals your mana with any weapon, but obviously is a potent WS with R15 Yagrush.
Another situation Yagrush is good is when AoE enfeebles are thing. Assuming that none are dangerous for yourself (Silence/ Paralyze) then melee yagrush is going to be a net gain since you don't have to swap.
But I think that Maxentius(sp) / Mjollnir should just perform better damage wise.
I won't really have a good answer until I can build all the sets together and I'm just now putting some Gil into my WHM while also trying to balance my main.
Another thing to consider is healing potency when meleeing. While not super efficient there may be times when Raetic is a good offhand or Izcalli is better than Sindri.
I also want to play with Ukaldi but I'm fairly certain you need the best accuracy setup possible so thats at least another 20M on Chirich +1 rings.
Black halo has very good ftp scaling, so the best offhand for dps is likely TP bonus Ukaldi.
However last time I checked I couldnt get above 1000 acc with a none ilv offhand, so your pt composition probably need a rdm to make it work.
Using mystic boon with r15 instead of black halo with ambu club has its advantage though. For example if you full cure a tank you can probably not having to worry about curing him again in next 30 sec. Thats net gain to dps.
But yeah I agree you have to try it yourself and parse instead of theorycraft on this matter, since its more of a depend on situation sort of things.
By Afania 2019-04-27 11:28:45
Yeah but youre not on just mage gear afania, so by default your much better at melee,
I already addressed this:
Its not the lack of attack hindering whm dps anyways. Saying so is kind of silly. Its the lack of MA/STP and wsd, lol. You spend pages arguing about whm low attack and none of them even matter that much for dps.
Im aware that cor is a better DD, but my point is that its not an attack issue since it can be solved with buffs in most whm melee-able content, its the issue of lack of MA/stp/wsd gears. So I dont understand why attack got brought up repeatly in this discussion.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 11:52:44
Yeah but youre not on just mage gear afania, so by default your much better at melee,
I already addressed this:
Its not the lack of attack hindering whm dps anyways. Saying so is kind of silly. Its the lack of MA/STP and wsd, lol. You spend pages arguing about whm low attack and none of them even matter that much for dps.
Im aware that cor is a better DD, but my point is that its not an attack issue since it can be solved with buffs in most whm melee-able content, its the issue of lack of MA/stp/wsd gears. So I dont understand why attack got brought up repeatly in this discussion.
Because the biggest hurdle for whm IS att. Yeah, if you have a geo brd cor to help you do things, thats nice. Its also unrealistic, at best youll only have one of them, given any content with more than 6 people is content youre not meleeing. It doesnt matter how much stp/da you have if youre only doing 4k ws, at that point youre just a tp feed bot. Whm needs the att to deal decent ws numbers to be even worth meleeing in the first place.
Meanwhile, if you want to talk about cor, cor can literally boost its own attack. Youre comparing whm to cor, not whm to cor both in the same party. Why doesnt cor have damage issues? It can literally solve its own damage issues (and savage is better than anything a club can do outside of club weak mobs).
By Afania 2019-04-27 11:59:07
Because the biggest hurdle for whm IS att. Yeah, if you have a geo brd cor to help you do things, thats nice. Its also unrealistic,
Why do you keep using hyperbole terms like "unrealistic" to describe YOUR situation?
Whm can totally melee in 6 man pt, our whm do that a lot in ambu. He even melee in wave 3 occassionally.
When you melee in 6 man pt of course you have brd geo cor in the same pt.
Meanwhile, if you want to talk about cor, cor can literally boost its own attack. Youre comparing whm to cor, not whm to cor both in the same party. Why doesnt cor have damage issues? It can literally solve its own damage issues (and savage is better than anything a club can do outside of club weak mobs).
Compare whm without chaos roll with cor using chaos roll is kind of silly anyways. In a 6 man pt whm will have chaos roll.
The argument isnt whm dps compare with other jobs anyways, its "should whm melee" so Im not sure why you brough all these up. You are completely missing the point.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 12:29:47
Because the biggest hurdle for whm IS att. Yeah, if you have a geo brd cor to help you do things, thats nice. Its also unrealistic,
Why do you keep using hyperbole terms like "unrealistic" to describe YOUR situation?
Whm can totally melee in 6 man pt, our whm do that a lot in ambu. He even melee in wave 3 occassionally.
When you melee in 6 man pt of course you have brd geo cor in the same pt.
Meanwhile, if you want to talk about cor, cor can literally boost its own attack. Youre comparing whm to cor, not whm to cor both in the same party. Why doesnt cor have damage issues? It can literally solve its own damage issues (and savage is better than anything a club can do outside of club weak mobs).
Compare whm without chaos roll with cor using chaos roll is kind of silly anyways. In a 6 man pt whm will have chaos roll.
The argument isnt whm dps compare with other jobs anyways, its "should whm melee" so Im not sure why you brough all these up. You are completely missing the point.
I didnt know your 6 man ambu party consisted of bard, cor, geo and whm. Sounds like a solid 6 man party setup for failure.
By Nariont 2019-04-27 12:33:55
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-04-27 12:53:28
I didnt know your 6 man ambu party consisted of bard, cor, geo and whm. Sounds like a solid 6 man party setup for failure
Don't go assuming genders out here. We ain't about that life. This is the internet, no one has a gender.
By SimonSes 2019-04-27 13:03:50
Saying cor has *** load of attack and having ja to do so is false. The only attack boost ja that cor has is attack boost for everybody. So it will boost whm attack as well.
This is generally true and I agree in general with your discussion against Nyaarun, but let's not ignore the fact that Neagling exists and it's only anecdotal but it seems to make a lot of difference for COR attack in situation where you are not capping attack, because BRD needs to do honor/victory/2x madrigal for example or whatever other reason, but you have tons of other non attack buffs.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-04-27 13:14:42
Meant to ask, can full cure be aoe'd? Im assuming not and never thought to try
You can't AoE any cure higher than IV, unfortunately.
By Afania 2019-04-27 13:42:59
Saying cor has *** load of attack and having ja to do so is false. The only attack boost ja that cor has is attack boost for everybody. So it will boost whm attack as well.
This is generally true and I agree in general with your discussion against Nyaarun, but let's not ignore the fact that Neagling exists and it's only anecdotal but it seems to make a lot of difference for COR attack in situation where you are not capping attack, because BRD needs to do honor/victory/2x madrigal for example or whatever other reason, but you have tons of other non attack buffs.
I've been doing ambu VD before naegling exist silly. :p
Yes it wasn't hard to cap pdif with idris fury/frailty CC chaos dia4 armor break without naegling.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 13:52:05
I didnt know your 6 man ambu party consisted of bard, cor, geo and whm. Sounds like a solid 6 man party setup for failure
Don't go assuming genders out here. We ain't about that life. This is the internet, no one has a gender.
Man already is gender neutral. English dropped the prefix for the male gender but kept it for the female gender.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2019-04-27 13:56:26
Content is really hard though, the WHM should have 3 Ballads on at all times and the reraise song incase their reraise gets dispelled.
You never know when the Bozetto Meeble is going to summon odin. hahaohwow.jpg
Pretty decent summary of the last few pages.
I'd heard Nyaarun wasn't the brightest, but this has been my first exposure, and I was not prepared.
Melee Whm is fun and keeps me awake and on my toes, these days there are very few targets that I cannot afford to smack with my club. Pretty much just Dyna-D wave 2 bosses, and even those are more doable than you'd think.
Yes, enemies use TP moves. Yes, you still have to cure. Rather than defaulting to "Oh no if I'm anywhere near that thing we're all gonna die" you have to pay attention to enemy TP moves and gauge when its safe to WS and when you have to hold back in order to drop a curebomb.
Melee WHM is not some sort of heresy that curses everyone to die for your own ego. Yes it costs money. Yes you still have to do normal WHM things.
If you think it cannot be done, stop sucking and GIT GUD.
For example, I love doing Avatar HTBFs. Generally they are pretty easy fights, but every once in a while the DDs will get oneshotted by Spinning Dive or Flaming Crush or what have you, despite 236 barspell and sacrosanctity. The fights are generally PuGs, it happens. Rather than just wipe and repeat, there have been multiple times where I've just solo'd the damn things on Whm.
The Club is love, the club is life. Learn to use it.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 14:09:49
Content is really hard though, the WHM should have 3 Ballads on at all times and the reraise song incase their reraise gets dispelled.
You never know when the Bozetto Meeble is going to summon odin. hahaohwow.jpg
Pretty decent summary of the last few pages.
I'd heard Nyaarun wasn't the brightest, but this has been my first exposure, and I was not prepared.
Melee Whm is fun and keeps me awake and on my toes, these days there are very few targets that I cannot afford to smack with my club. Pretty much just Dyna-D wave 2 bosses, and even those are more doable than you'd think.
Yes, enemies use TP moves. Yes, you still have to cure. Rather than defaulting to "Oh no if I'm anywhere near that thing we're all gonna die" you have to pay attention to enemy TP moves and gauge when its safe to WS and when you have to hold back in order to drop a curebomb.
Melee WHM is not some sort of heresy that curses everyone to die for your own ego. Yes it costs money. Yes you still have to do normal WHM things.
If you think it cannot be done, stop sucking and GIT GUD.
For example, I love doing Avatar HTBFs. Generally they are pretty easy fights, but every once in a while the DDs will get oneshotted by Spinning Dive or Flaming Crush or what have you, despite 236 barspell and sacrosanctity. The fights are generally PuGs, it happens. Rather than just wipe and repeat, there have been multiple times where I've just solo'd the damn things on Whm.
The Club is love, the club is life. Learn to use it.
Getting good would first require you to realize you cannot currently DD whm in most content. Even if you gauge it, theres still a chance you get locked out at an inopportune time, and cause a wipe. Youre still putting yourself and your party in needless danger, which is fine for fun, but again, not optimal. SE needs to give a good bit of QoL buffs to whm for melee whm to really be viable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2019-04-27 14:12:09
Except the part where I both can, and do DD Whm in most content. And it is viable. When in a party with DD Buffs, which is most of what I do, use them.
By Nariont 2019-04-27 14:15:16
I'd heard Nyaarun wasn't the brightest, but this has been my first exposure, and I was not prepared.
And this is just whm
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 130
By Sylph.Banhammer 2019-04-27 15:06:20
Quote: Because the biggest hurdle for whm IS att.
It's actually STP and multi-attack but okay.
By Jetackuu 2019-04-27 15:18:20
Shrek is love, Shrek is life. It's all ogre now
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 15:32:17
Quote: Because the biggest hurdle for whm IS att.
It's actually STP and multi-attack but okay.
Stp and multi attack mostly help for DPS, but if your autos are bad and your WSs are also bad, you attacking is just a hindrance, as you feed more TP than your damage is worth.
If your WS cant deal respectable damage, then you building TP in the first place is irrelevant, because your autos certainly arent dealing respectable damage, and whm doesnt TP in subtle blow gear.
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