On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 30
By Valefor.Darvis 2018-11-22 14:32:11
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Asura.Misakune said: »
Whats the minimum essential sets for a whm mule that is gonna sit there and just use CurePlease to heal me during low man (think mercing) situations? I am assuming a cure set, fast cast set, and maybe barspell set?

I am getting Orvail ring so Janniston is out..what do I replace that with? Sirona's?

Pretty much, yeah. WHM sets are pretty forgiving for the most part so you can more or less follow guidelines to gear it up for nearly all levels of play.

Empy Body and Legs are pretty much a must, those will help you by leaps and bounds for MP management and damage control. 119 is Preferable but 109 will work.

Cure Set: 50% Potency and whatever Potency II you can muster without reaching too hard (Ideal to be able to cap without weapons if possible, Chatoyant Staff exploit is quite good if you can manage it)

Fast Cast: 30% or more without going out of your way, and try to have at least Heka's Kalasiris for that free 15% if able. Most of WHM's spells are pretty fast so this part is helpful but you can usually live without it (no pun intended)

Barspell set is very useful to have. Keep your Enhancing Skill as high as possible, cast your Bars in Empy Body for free MDB bonus and remember you only have to hit 500 Skill. Obviously, some Enhancing Gear gets very expensive so just muster whatever you can for your own odds and ends but if you ever want to use WHM with groups they will pretty much demand that your Barset be capped.

As for your Ring Choice, yeah, Sirona.
If you read the guide here, it's Cure-II > Healing Skill > MND > VIT for Single Cures and same for Curagas but without the Skill.

As long as you follow the basics, your WHM mule should be very effective. I will say though that putting effort into your mule will have very beneficial returns for you in the long run. I made sure to set my mule up with Yagrush, JP-Master, and near-BiS curing sets so I'm able to Dual-Box harder content or provide a healer if a suitable one can't be found. Definitely worth the trouble.

Hope this helps

Should also have a Cursna set. Literal life saver.
Server: Valefor
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user: Yandaime
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2018-11-22 14:33:58
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Ooops, yeah forgot Cursna set. Yes Cursna Set for sure if you plan on taking on anything that uses Doom. When it comes to that, spare no expense O.o; Seriously, those things can be very sticky.
Server: Asura
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user: shaociang
Posts: 24
By Asura.Misakune 2018-11-22 15:01:52
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Great advice thank you! Yeah, I forgot to list Idle. I'll be getting Inyanga for that, as well as a Cursna set. Thanks again! This well help me immensely :)
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-11-29 10:26:38
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Asura.Misakune said: »
Whats the minimum essential sets for a whm mule that is gonna sit there and just use CurePlease to heal me during low man (think mercing) situations? I am assuming a cure set, fast cast set, and maybe barspell set?

I am getting Orvail ring so Janniston is out..what do I replace that with? Sirona's?

This is a pretty easy cureset that still very efficient

Aslo instead of
of janiston don use anything with healingskill/mnd/ as you are already capped in curepower and those stats will do nothing for you.
get a emnity- ring to fill in the spot
Server: Cerberus
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user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2018-12-11 11:04:53
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DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Misakune said: »
Whats the minimum essential sets for a whm mule that is gonna sit there and just use CurePlease to heal me during low man (think mercing) situations? I am assuming a cure set, fast cast set, and maybe barspell set?

I am getting Orvail ring so Janniston is out..what do I replace that with? Sirona's?

This is a pretty easy cureset that still very efficient

Aslo instead of
of janiston don use anything with healingskill/mnd/ as you are already capped in curepower and those stats will do nothing for you.
get a emnity- ring to fill in the spot

^^ This is definitely advice I can get behind. If you're capped on cure power and mana usage isn't an issue, with the cap to emnity being what it is, finding ways to help manage threat with tanks and dps who might not have PDT and MDT sets is crucial.
Server: Cerberus
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user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2018-12-11 11:05:55
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I wonder if I need to update stuff on this, guess I should reinstall and familiarize myself with the new gear aye.
Posts: 798
By Staleyx 2018-12-11 11:42:19
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The Raetic Rod +1 makes such a difference, a must get for any whm.
Server: Asura
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user: Lewyo
Posts: 86
By Asura.Lewyo 2018-12-11 16:36:06
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What do people use for the Bis bar spell set?
Server: Asura
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user: Lewyo
Posts: 86
By Asura.Lewyo 2018-12-11 17:02:13
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Asura.Alfylicious said: »
I currently use this. You can either go duration or empy set proc. But this set gets you the current max of 236 bar spell resist as well as the mdb bonuses. There is a lot of room for improvement though would actually like to see some others.

**WHM Current Bar-El

(Total Barspell Resist +236)
Barspell Resist +36
Nullify Damage +8%
MDB 'Bonus' +24
Enhancing Magic +92
Enhancing Duration +10%
MP Not Depleted +1%
Haste +26% (Caps at 25%)
Conserve MP +4
Fastcast(Recast) +4

Alaunus's Cape: (HP+60,Eva+20 /M.Eva+20,'M.Eva+10,Enmity-10,ResistStatus+10)

Thank you Alfylicious, Yes it would be good to see what else other people use as well.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Dekar1
Posts: 250
By Cerberus.Dekar 2018-12-23 19:20:37
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Hello! I've managed to pick myself up an Asclepius and I'm wondering about ideal gear sets for it. At the moment my current set is below. With Aurastorm, Misery, and +90% Misery stored on path C for the club I've hit ~930ish on Cura III. I'm hitting those numbers with between 200 and 300 damage taken.

ItemSet 364025

Asclepius: Path C (CURRENTLY Afflatus Misery Stored +90%, Healing Magic Recast Time -9%, DT -5%)
Genbu's Shield: Cure Potency +3%
Vanya Hood: Path A (MP +50, Cure potency +7% Enmity -6)
Telchine Gloves: Cure Potency +7%
Vanya Clogs: Path D (Cure potency +5%, Cure cast time -15%, Conserve MP +6)

That caps me for CP and gives me CPII +7.

I'm thinking this would be my ideal set up but I'm not sure:

ItemSet 364026

Genbu's Shield: Cure Potency +5
Kaykaus Mitra +1: Path A (MP+80, MND+12, "Magic Accuracy"+20)
Kaykaus Boots +1: Path D ("Mag. Acc."+20, "Cure" Potency+6%, "Fast Cast"+4%)

That should give CP +49, CPII +21, and whatever MND and Healing Magic Skill. I know I can get the Janniston Ring +1 but I doubt I will ever get around to it. I also know I can switch the Stikini Ring out for a Lebeche Ring (CP +3%). Any other major suggestions? I'm curious if I can get near 1400 from Cura III.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2018-12-26 20:19:24
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Cerberus.Dekar said: »
Hello! I've managed to pick myself up an Asclepius and I'm wondering about ideal gear sets for it.
Any other major suggestions? I'm curious if I can get near 1400 from Cura III.
I'm not a WHM main but I've played RDM and SCH a lot.
Recast for cura spells is a nightmare. 30s, 40s, 50s.
My suggestion is to push for max recast down & haste+
if you can get some DD buffs like double march or other combo to cap buff haste and the club is max rank, you'll only need fast cast +22 to cap recast.
On the other hand, the spells only cost 30, 45, 60MP, and you probably won't cast it unless the enemy does a massive AoE that cap's your misery bonus, so losing the af3 legs.

10s recast Cura III, 9s with light arts should be possible.
ItemSet 364035
Weapon & neck @max
Kaykaus path A.
back with MND+30 & Haste+10

CP: +43~50% (latent: HP<76% & TP<1000)
CP2: +18, more with or the enchantment from ;P
Haste: 25%
Fast Cast+21 need 1 more to cap w/ cap'd magic haste.
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2019-01-04 18:19:48
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been geen from the game for a little over a month.

Is there any new stuff introduced to get for whm mule?
or is this still the set to go for in regards to curing ?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Syuevil
Posts: 22
By Bismarck.Syuevil 2019-01-28 12:28:42
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Asura.Alfylicious said: »
While it was kind of fun leveling it to 25 and playing around in misery cura'ing and esuna'ing it will mostly just end up as a flashy idle piece.

ItemSet 363447

Cura's and Esuna were great for DynaD farm runs while leveling but I still am almost exclusively in Solace. Cureskin still too strongggggggggggg.

I recently was fortunate enough to get a Shamash Robe over the weekend and came up with this as a general purpose idle set and was curious on people's thoughts.

ItemSet 364735

Cape is M.Eva heavy and -PDT. I currently do not have access to carrier's belt or sanare earring. Maybe I think the elemental resists are better than they are?
Posts: 225
By olson2189 2019-02-07 10:18:56
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Staleyx said: »
The Raetic Rod +1 makes such a difference, a must get for any whm.

Why is it that the rod is that much better than the Chatoyant Staff? If I'm understanding the cure formula right, the iridescence bonus and cure II potency are both 10% multiplicative increases. It seems like the only marginal benefit of the rod is the cure +50? I'm ignoring the cure potency 1 difference because that's trivial to cap. So the real difference is cure +50 and greater MP cost versus MND+5 and less MP cost?

Is it a flat cure+50 HP additive regardless of the cure tier?
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1873
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-02-07 12:12:35
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Bismarck.Syuevil said: »
Asura.Alfylicious said: »
While it was kind of fun leveling it to 25 and playing around in misery cura'ing and esuna'ing it will mostly just end up as a flashy idle piece.

ItemSet 363447

Cura's and Esuna were great for DynaD farm runs while leveling but I still am almost exclusively in Solace. Cureskin still too strongggggggggggg.

I recently was fortunate enough to get a Shamash Robe over the weekend and came up with this as a general purpose idle set and was curious on people's thoughts.

ItemSet 364735

Cape is M.Eva heavy and -PDT. I currently do not have access to carrier's belt or sanare earring. Maybe I think the elemental resists are better than they are?

Pretty decent, if the HP/MP aren't important for Etio Earring, Hearty would probably do slightly better for all statuses, not just silence. You've got about 9% MDT you could drop with augmented shell 5 and still be capped.

If you don't mind losing another point of refresh Mafic cudgel would free up your cape for +status resist too.
By Afania 2019-02-10 02:14:53
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Can anyone share their updated black halo set post ambu weapon update? Thanks. Also how viable is WHM/NIN offhand TP bonus club for black halo? The ws seems to scale with TP quite well.
By Afania 2019-02-10 16:13:47
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Afania said: »
Can anyone share their updated black halo set post ambu weapon update? Thanks.

Bump and still need advice for black halo set ;)
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-14 07:30:08
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I'm not sure i agree with this optimal set form page 54

ItemSet 357300

Emnity- 77 (with a caped neck and the path D on head)
Unless they changed the cap for emnity-, but all i could find says its only cap for emnity+ that got increased, that is way above cap

If emnity- is still capped at 50, this has 27 to many and contains 2 Slots that filled for a total of emnity- 14 and no other purpose

my suggested changes would quickly be
ammo : clarus stone, emnity -5 > conMP3 ( i thin kther is a ammo slot with con mp4 though)
ring : Kishar Ring, emnity- 7 > fastcast 4% ( for the recast reduction)
Sub : Giuoco Grip, emnity -4 > conserve mp 4

That takes us down to emnity- 61 but gained and almost 2%pts reduction in mp consumption and 2%pts reduction in recast time.

We also get emnity- 6 from the agument B on the head however the same arguments can be gotten from path C but with spell interruption instead of the unused emnity-

That takes us down to emnity- 55 stil above cap but with some slight improvements

now looking at the haste cape.
the gear withouy cape is 25% haste. so we only get 5% haste out of That cape before we hit geart cap.
The the same 5%pts redcution that we would get from a fastcast 10% cape.
Depending on other geaerset there might be a opportunity to save and inventory slot here

if I missed something please let me know

--- edit --
ps i forgot ear pieces
magnetic earring will exchange emnity- 7 to conMP 5

howevre all of the above would put us at emnity- 48 so we would need merrits against to cap emnity-

--- edit ---
Anther alternative is to dump the augment on the boots and change them over to path ca instead for a 12% spell interuptions
were then down to 45% curep otency

Putting in Mendi. Earring instead of the emnity-1 earring (or magnetic from before) will cap us at cure potency again

We losse 3conMP comparedd to magnetic earring but we gain 4% spell interuption
oh and 4% fastcast... yeah dont mess with the boots
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-14 08:32:32
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my suggestion for a weather optimal set (no raetic +1)

ItemSet 365112
head Path C
Boots path D
Cape can be fastcast or haste

Cure potency 51
Cure Potency II 16
Emnity- 56
Conserve MP: 20 (that around 5% reduction in cost)
Haste: 20 ( not counting cape)
Spell interuption rate: -20
Fast Cast: 14 (not counting cape)

if you dont want to take janniston ring replace it with Kishar for 4% more fastcast but you will drop to 48% emnity so you will need to toss merrits into capping emnity- OR lose 4conmpa form sub or ammo slot and put in an emnity- item
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Finbar
Posts: 86
By Asura.Finbar 2019-02-14 09:22:10
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Those sets were posted before the augments were released on the JSE necks, so there was no -enmity on them at the time.
By 2019-02-14 10:03:24
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Bahamut.Wesleydimble 2019-02-14 11:19:59
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Not sure if many others have similar preferences, but I like to cure in -dt for easier recovery in case things get exciting. My set doesn't cap much of anything, but here it is:
ItemSet 365113
Rod and cuffs are path A, cape has -enm and -pdt.
Stats are cure+54%, enm-42, solace+24, pdt-47, mdt-27, 500 healing, 8 conserve mp.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Finbar
Posts: 86
By Asura.Finbar 2019-02-14 11:30:42
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Valefor.Angierus said: »
The only thing I would swap out of that set is magnetic earring for regal earring for myself at least. You can argue until you're blue in the face but I've never once faced MP issues even when solo healing an alliance of 17 in Dyna D.

Agreed. I'm also not for marginal amounts of FC, as even with less than 26% gear haste I've never found my recasts to be too slow, and even less so with 26% gear haste. There's a cap on how quickly I can recast anyway. I'd use Achaq grip to cap -enmity and Sirona's ring for the pretty numbers.
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-14 11:32:29
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Valefor.Angierus said: »
The only thing I would swap out of that set is magnetic earring for regal earring for myself at least. You can argue until you're blue in the face but I've never once faced MP issues even when solo healing an alliance of 17 in Dyna D.

Conserve MP has a greater impact on things like pro/shell, -na spells and various other buffs rather on cure that should almost always be free unless you're dumping cure 5s for panic cures. Penury adds even more cushion if arise's need to be handed out as well.

Never arguing but love debatting.
I could easy have missed out on something.
Debating teaches either one or the other something. Arguing seldom has a productive outcome :)

Anyway, why regal?
From what I can see there would be no different compared to an empty slot
mp +20 does not realyl do much due to be constly swaping in/out
int +10 does nothing for cures
mnd +10 does nothing for cures (curep power is capped)
char +10 does nothing for cures
MAB +7 does nothing for cures
Set bonuses does not affect cures

conmp+5 might not be that usefull but it does have an affect howerever minscuel it might be, regal does nothing at all

miniscule > nothing
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-14 11:34:58
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Asura.Finbar said: »
Those sets were posted before the augments were released on the JSE necks, so there was no -enmity on them at the time.

Thank you for clarifying that.
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-14 11:39:28
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Asura.Finbar said: »
Valefor.Angierus said: »
The only thing I would swap out of that set is magnetic earring for regal earring for myself at least. You can argue until you're blue in the face but I've never once faced MP issues even when solo healing an alliance of 17 in Dyna D.

Agreed. I'm also not for marginal amounts of FC, as even with less than 26% gear haste I've never found my recasts to be too slow, and even less so with 26% gear haste. There's a cap on how quickly I can recast anyway. I'd use Achaq grip to cap -enmity and Sirona's ring for the pretty numbers.

In the debated sets both of those items does nothing compared to an empty slot
Emnity was already capped (with janniston) and sirona does nothing for cures when cure power is already capped

--- edit ---
The above set I suggested has a curepower of 707 on a taru whitemage

Healing skill = 498
MND = 307
VIT = 227

offcause if you are lacking more than 14 mind compared to a taru whitemage ( i did not do other races) then yeah popping in something for curepower might be beneficial
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-02-14 11:40:53
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Bahamut.Wesleydimble said: »
Not sure if many others have similar preferences, but I like to cure in -dt for easier recovery in case things get exciting. My set doesn't cap much of anything, but here it is:
ItemSet 365113
Rod and cuffs are path A, cape has -enm and -pdt.
Stats are cure+54%, enm-42, solace+24, pdt-47, mdt-27, 500 healing, 8 conserve mp.

I like to combine elements of SIRD with PDT in a handy toggle for situations where I could be eating ***but am in dire need to get a cure off on myself.

ItemSet 364102

obviously use your brain meat to figure out what needs to be moved around for using cure rather raise.
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