On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-09-24 10:42:24
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Right, unless I missed something we don't know if cap is applied at FC step, at arts step, or both. That would be the difference between an effective hard cap of 64% fc in dark arts, or the potential to push up near 80%.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Pergatory 2018-09-24 11:53:59
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Back when SCH first came out, early testing seemed to suggest that Light Arts / Dark Arts fast cast was applied after cap and as a separate multiplier. Meaning, for example, if you cap FC at 80% from gear then Light Arts will reduce by a further 10% giving you effectively 82% fast cast.

It's been a long time since that testing was done, and it was extremely hard to cap fast cast back then. And fast cast has always been more or less impossible to test due to lag. So who knows. Personally, I don't assume anything, and aim for 80% FC in gear.
Server: Asura
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user: Smacks
By Asura.Doryl 2018-09-24 13:26:34
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Are you using Cure spellcasting time gears on your precast.FC.cure sets ? or just same than precast.FC ?
By 2018-09-24 14:24:51
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By 2018-09-24 15:13:44
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By 2018-09-24 16:40:53
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Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-09-24 17:21:34
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Cure Cast Time- and Healing Magic Cast Time- have no effect on recast at all. Only on the FC portion of the casting, where they are additive to FC.
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-25 11:42:03
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Asura.Alfylicious said: »
On a similar note, does anyone know definitively if Fast Cast, Cure Cast Time -, and Healing Magic Cast Time - all stack together for the recast timer benefit of Fast Cast? I'm playing around with updating my cure sets and was just curious because my set contains all three benefits.

its my understaidng that only haste and Fastcast benefits recast
2% Fastcast = %1 reduction
1% haste = 1% reduction
and they stack addictive together
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-25 12:02:46
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My suggestion for a Cheap Close to Optimal cure set

Main: Iridal Staff - Cheap on AH
Sub: Achaq Grip - from wkr. can use kupon from ROE to get it
ammo: Clarus Stone - cheap on ah
head: Vanya Hood PathD (MP+50,Fast Cast+10,Haste+2%) - escha Zitah T1
body: Ebers Bliaud +1 - Emp gear. Does not need to be reforged to be used
hands: Vanya Cuffs PathA (MP+50,Cure potency +7%,Enmity-6) - Escha Zitah T1
legs: Ebers Pant. +1 - emp pants. does not need to be reforged to be ues
feet: Vanya Clogs PathE (Cure potency +5%,Cure spellcasting time -15%,Conserve MP+6) - Another Zitah T1
neck: Nodens Gorget - Escha ruan T1
waist: Korin Obi/Hachirin-no-Obi - sea farming belts
left_ear: Glorious Earring - quested and easy
right_ear: Mendi. Earring - Escha Zitah T1
left_ring: Lebeche Ring - Hightier battlefield
right_ring: Janniston Ring - from completing Aodolin missions
back: Alaunuss Cape (Haste+10,Spell interruption rate down-10%) - from ambuscade

Everything here is either:
- Cheap on ah (below 100k per itme except for iridal that is 200k)
- highest level is T1 from escha (potential only escha Zitah)
- A lot of the items are also BiS for optimal HQ set and/or have other BiS uses

Some comments/rotation
- you want haste on the cape before Spell interuption.
- if you cant get nodens neck or lebech ring you can replaced the vaya hands to bokus gloves. (13% CurePotency)
This will keep you out of Ruan or avoid grinding a HTBF
- Only doing Korin Obi Will make you loose 1% no magic used which is aprox the same as 4 conMP.
- This sets assumes /sch so you can run with aurastorm on
- You can replace mendicant earring with Nourish. Earring (+1) you are only loosing 2ConMP
Posts: 50
By Gorion 2018-09-25 13:28:10
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Ababinili +1 is a great and easy option for whm. It is obtained from Unity. I perfer 119 gear. just my opinion
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-09-25 13:51:53
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Because ofthe way that Iridal/Chatoyant staff synergizes with aurorastorm, there is literally no reason for most weapons with cure potency on them.

You'd swap to a 119 for anything else, but for a cure potency set, you can't beat Iridal staff outside of Raetic Club +1.
By 2018-09-25 14:36:32
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By Afania 2018-09-25 14:54:08
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Asura.Alfylicious said: »
cure cost +30%

Some opinion about the mp cost thing...

Pianissimo ballad should be one of standard buffs in a pt at this point of game IMO. There's no reason not to use ballads for more aggressive cureskin use which gets better safety net. since using ballad doesn't sacrifice anything and last so long, it's there and should be used.

If raetic +1 has similar potency as chantoyant like others said then having the versatility to use any sj and not losing as much cure potency from the lack of storm is a plus imo.
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-25 15:35:23
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Gorion said: »
Ababinili +1 is a great and easy option for whm. It is obtained from Unity. I perfer 119 gear. just my opinion

You are welcome to have an opinion but an argument or reason behind it would be nice in a debate.
Using Ababinilli +1 will just lower your cure performance by missing out on a strong weather bonus

The only other weapons the would actually give am unreplaceable benefit in that slot, would by queller rod for more Curepotency II.
It would still perform below getting the weather bonus and requires a higher level fight

or raetic +1 which does not exacly fit into a cheap set.

So in short: Iridal is faster to get (of ah), performans a lot better, and will hold you all the way to having all BiS.

What is the reasoning behind the opinion of wanting I119?
By 2018-09-25 18:53:36
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Posts: 319
By aisukage 2018-09-25 19:23:34
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Afania said: »
Asura.Alfylicious said: »
cure cost +30%

Some opinion about the mp cost thing...

Pianissimo ballad should be one of standard buffs in a pt at this point of game IMO. There's no reason not to use ballads for more aggressive cureskin use which gets better safety net. since using ballad doesn't sacrifice anything and last so long, it's there and should be used.

If raetic +1 has similar potency as chantoyant like others said then having the versatility to use any sj and not losing as much cure potency from the lack of storm is a plus imo.

The biggest problem with raetic +1 is Aga's. They cost significantly more making that 30% extra a much larger value of MP expended. If you're in situations where you only have 2-3 people getting hit in your party by aoe's you can start to run out of MP especially if you don't have a BRD lowman groups will sometimes only take GEO/COR due to the lack of BRDs. Maybe it's great for Single cures which has a much less MP cost making that 30% less bothersome.

Imo though you won't want to be subbing anything other than SCH. Reduces the cost of cures, Gives some FC, Gives you sublimation which will wake you from sleep as well as restore MP, Aurorastorm takes less than a second to put up and will last 5 minutes with the right gear. Can aoe spells such as protect V and shell V to other parties if they don't happen to have their own WHM. Can even Curaga other parties if really need to with the same method.

RDM has convert and some non needed FC, Thats it. Convert can be dangerous to use also.

Anyways if your going to sub SCH you might as well make the use of Chatoyant if they give similar potency at a much less MP cost because you can and should (it's not hard) keep aurorastorm up 100% of the time.
Gorion said: »
Ababinili +1 is a great and easy option for whm. It is obtained from Unity. I perfer 119 gear. just my opinion

unless you as a healer, summon trusts. ilvl weapons have no benefit to use (unless you are trying to melee ofcourse) since they have no defensive stats other than parrying skill +. I can use 119 10%pdt club and 10% Pdt shield for 20% PDT or i can use Terra staff for the same PDT + Irenic strap +1 for a further 15 magic evasion.

or i can idle in chatoyant staff for all elemental resist +20 for my non PDT idle set. Giving a total of 35 Meva between staff and club.

Cure potency is cure potency, being higher item level doesn't make it cure any better when you get the 50% potency cap. Chatoyant with Aurorastorm does however due to it's unique stat.

unless like Daneblood said, You get more cure potency II. I have personally tested the difference with Qrod and Chatoyant and Chatoyant all ways cured for more by quite a bit too.
By Afania 2018-09-25 20:09:50
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aisukage said: »
Imo though you won't want to be subbing anything other than SCH.

The most notable none sch sj use would be /nin for aoe cursna by DW yagrush/empy or /rdm for situations that geo isn't present or beimg a mule, and need /rdm spells. /rdm offers some useful spells for whm to cast when your geo isn't doing the job, or can't do the job, or not in pt.

Its not about fc nor convert.

Sublimation is easily replaceable with poison food. Nor MP cost, easily solved with ballads.
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-25 21:02:34
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Asura.Cylas said: »
Just to bring up the testings that were done on this thread already(p.45):

Im not sure i understand the relevance of this in the current debate unless I missed something
By 2018-09-25 22:38:40
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Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-26 07:29:06
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Tossing in a random question about prefferences,

On my Ambuscade haste cape. What other things did people put on it ?
I'm considering if i should have gone with MAg eva and resists status ailments all over instead of having spell interuptions on it.
By 2018-09-26 08:35:03
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Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-26 09:01:01
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i tihnk ive come up with 2-3 cpaes i can reduce it down to on my mule

Sepll interuiptns or ailments resisten

Fastcast or -emnity
Sepll interuiptns or ailments resisten

and then a fastcast cape in case i do -emnity on enffeble cape
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-26 11:30:55
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Asura.Alfylicious said: »
Haste Cape?

I have a fast cast cape and an idle cape. I believe my fast cast cape doubles for m.acc. For haste, ninurta's sash is phenomenal and fits quite nicely in most sets for capping haste. I prefer resist status on idle cape. Hit dt cap elsewhere.

Out of optimizing curiosity
When do you use a haste belt?

Cures I would use the ele belt
Anything else i wuld use ausst belt for conmpa8/9 but i guess with the massive amount of refresh today that pretty old thinking
By 2018-09-26 12:09:11
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Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-27 07:30:17
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Is there any testing on
ailments resistence vs Meva ?

is the resitance the ususal extra Rolled percentage chance of resisting ( but half on nm) aka making it very powerful?
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-09-27 07:34:53
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There was testing a few months ago.

ailment resistance seems to be 1 to 1 meva.

Specific resistances like Onca Suit's Resist Stun +90 seems to be a separate term.

I can't remember where the testing was done though.
Posts: 2759
By Nariont 2018-09-27 08:27:13
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Thread you're referring to I think?
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-09-27 08:54:29
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
There was testing a few months ago.

ailment resistance seems to be 1 to 1 meva.

Specific resistances like Onca Suit's Resist Stun +90 seems to be a separate term.

I can't remember where the testing was done though.
There was some preliminary testing where that idea was bandied around, but it was largely debunked by the major resist testing that followed. Nariont linked the right place.

Resist x gear is a % chance to fully resist that is independent of the meva check. So it is in no way meva+.

The thing that confused people about the onca testing is that the observed resist rate was about half what is should have been. This is because resist+ gear is nerfed by 50% on NMs. So that 90 becomes 45% resist rate. See the resist testing thread for details.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-09-27 09:07:52
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Those sets of mine were edited unfortunately(though #s should still be almost identical since amount of cure potency II hasn't changed and max cure power is easily hit), but Raetic only competes with Chatoyant on higher tiers when they have the same level of storm. I have never suggested not using /sch.
Posts: 1195
By DaneBlood 2018-09-27 11:33:08
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
There was testing a few months ago.

ailment resistance seems to be 1 to 1 meva.

Specific resistances like Onca Suit's Resist Stun +90 seems to be a separate term.

I can't remember where the testing was done though.
There was some preliminary testing where that idea was bandied around, but it was largely debunked by the major resist testing that followed. Nariont linked the right place.

Resist x gear is a % chance to fully resist that is independent of the meva check. So it is in no way meva+.

The thing that confused people about the onca testing is that the observed resist rate was about half what is should have been. This is because resist+ gear is nerfed by 50% on NMs. So that 90 becomes 45% resist rate. See the resist testing thread for details.

So if ichosse
Status ailment resistance 10 in the resiin slot of my cape i Should get aprox 5% in an extra check to resist sleep/stone from a nm

IS ther any general stand of its better to to than 15% meva in that slot consdeing all other slots will have meva and mnd ind ( mdn helps resist against ailments if i remember correctly)
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