On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-11 15:50:10
Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm1, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1288
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm1, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1348
Gap: 60
Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1449
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1532
Gap: 83
Sorry to keep posting, day changed so did a couple more on firesday. Real difference will be a couple HP less if you have glorious earring, or a couple HP more if you don't have HQ kaykaus or glorious earring. It's not very big, certainly not on the scale of the earlier post.
As would be expected, NQ raetic rod loses in every test except no-storm.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2018-03-11 16:58:27
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »Cure4
Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm1, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1288
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm1, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1348
Gap: 60
Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1449
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, firesday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1532
Gap: 83
Sorry to keep posting, day changed so did a couple more on firesday. Real difference will be a couple HP less if you have glorious earring, or a couple HP more if you don't have HQ kaykaus or glorious earring. It's not very big, certainly not on the scale of the earlier post.
As would be expected, NQ raetic rod loses in every test except no-storm.
Awesome dude... Dude you pair the rod or staff with any sub items? Would be nice to see which would pull ahead with BiS sub item to go with it.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-11 17:32:49
No sub item will change it by more than 1-2 hp unless subbing NIN or DNC. It's reasonable to assume that in any realistic situation, Raetic+1 will win by 40-90 HP on most cures over Chatoyant when using aurorastorm(I or II).
If you can afford the mp, subbing NIN with dual raetic+1s would be a pretty significant step up in cure power. Maybe could be useful if trying to maintain a large group with single targets instead of curagas for more cureskin(needing larger cure4s for cycling timers). You also gain access to pairing yag+gamb for doom removal. Super niche though, can't imagine buying two of them for that. NQ is still not really worth it in that situation, 2 raetic NQs will not beat chatoyant by more than 100.
When single wielding, I would consider HQ most useful for cureskin, and run it on Cure5-6. The additional MP cost is not worth it for what's likely an overcure on curagas and cure4 isn't typically used for a preventative cureskin. If using ballads/temps, probably worth using on all single target cures and potentially even curagas depending on ability to sustain MP. Obviously, when single wielding NQ has no place(straight up loses to Chatoyant).
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Valefor.Lancius 2018-03-11 17:44:48
Thanks for posting the math. Seems like the Raetic Rod +1 might be worthwhile only in the above with certain single cure spells like Comeatmebro said.
You also get slightly more MP back from Ebers Pantaloons +1, so it'll be less than 30% (a touch less).
Thanks again for the feedback!
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-11 17:52:29
It's actually a lot more than 30% in many cases, as far as actual mp cost. Cure4 with light arts costs 80 mp. A 1449 Cure4 would recover 86 mp(capped at cost of spell, so costs nothing). With Raetic Rod +1, the same cure4 costs 102-104 and gives 1532 hp to recover 91 MP. Depending how it's rounded, this really costs 11-13 MP.
Cure5 for 2112(chatoyant, aurora2) costs 122, gives back 126, costs 0.
Cure5 for 2193(raetic+1, aurora2) costs 155-157, gives back 131, costs 24-26(depends how they round it).
Cure6 for 2717(chatoyant, aurorastorm2) costs 205, gives back 163. Costs 42 mp.
Cure6 for 2783(raetic+1, aurora2) costs 264-266, gives back 166. Costs 98-100 mp(rounding).
You can see how that will quickly deplete your MP pool when using higher cures without a good refresh source. It's even worse on curagas and overcures. These are also aurorastorm2 numbers, if no SCH present you'll lose more MP as well.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-03-11 17:58:35
Bare minimum idle refresh is like 7 (all free pieces) so obviously eventually it would catch up and you'd lose mp if you were casting nonstop.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Valefor.Lancius 2018-03-11 18:01:15
Oh, haven't thought about that. The % is really noticeable when you compare it to the final MP cost.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-11 18:10:16
Definitely enough ways to manage it to make a +1 an effective tool for a WHM intent on going above and beyond. If you really wanted, you could carry hi-elixirs and use them during downtime as needed(probably only in Master Trial, Omen and Dynamis.. Ambuscade dies too fast and Escha has temps). If you have a great refresh idle, you may not even notice it in many situations.
By Boshi 2018-03-11 21:54:08
Could always *** a condition where reatic us used only if my s above a certain ammount. (And cancfurther change this # if buffactive vorseal)
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2018-03-11 22:12:57
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Asura.Dodu 2018-03-11 22:40:32
By Afania 2018-03-12 02:07:41
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »If you can afford the mp, subbing NIN with dual raetic+1s would be a pretty significant step up in cure power.
Or /dnc for steps. Someone in my LS melee a lot on WHM and I always feel /DNC for steps would result higher DPS gain for entire group.
Reading the test it seems like the rod also favors other not-SCH SJ, which is kinda nice for SJ flexibility. If you roll with GEO mule or inexperienced GEO, it's nice to do /RDM spells on WHM instead of relying on GEO.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-03-12 10:48:37
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »When single wielding, I would consider HQ most useful for cureskin, and run it on Cure5-6. The additional MP cost is not worth it for what's likely an overcure on curagas and cure4 isn't typically used for a preventative cureskin. Why do you say cure4 isn't typically used for a preventative cureskin? It's my go-to spell for preventative cureskin. Most obvious reason being that it's the largest cure spell that generates enmity only based on HP healed. If you Cure4 for 0, then you generate no enmity. If you Cure5 for 0, you still generate a bit. Enmity isn't a huge concern these days but I also just find Cure4 to be right-sized for it. It's just enough MP to be easily recovered before the next time you need it without having ballads/refresh/etc up.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-12 10:52:19
Asura.Alfylicious said: »Weathersets and regular sets are completely different. For weathersets you need the chat staff, the twilight cape and the obi leaving less spaces to hit 50% cure potency, add c2 potencey and stack healing skill / mnd depending on cure / curaga. You have to test it at the same cure power and even then you need to remember that you're spending 30% more mana on cures. the only difference in cure power was the 5 mnd on chatoyant, they ran the same cpotencyii besides what was on raetic, and both were 50% cure pot
i didn't run twilight cape(completely forgot it exists), but it should help raetic more than chatoyant because the term is smaller when using raetic.. was using a MND ambuscade cape for afflatus potency so same swap for both
Asura.Alfylicious said: »You also always want ebers pants +1 for mp return and usually body for cureskin on single target. Already using ebers pants+1, if swapping body in raetic stays capped potency and chatoyant falls to 49. Chatoyant loses more than Raetic does in this case.
Quote: I'm sure weather still beats raetic +1. I'm sorry but that 40 mil should be going towards a Yagrush if anything. Show some math or experiments to back it then. Under the same level of weather, using the optimal set, Raetic always wins by 50-90 HP from what I can see.
Quote: If you have to rely on elixirs or bards for mana in today's game you are doing something wrong.
Of course you remember you're spending 30%(or more) extra mp on cures, that's why it's not a given that it's useful.. but it's pretty obvious the +1 does outdo chatoyant in raw curing power due to the Cure+50. You aren't instantly emptying your MP pool, if it dwindles after 20 minutes of a long event you could pop an elixir to keep going without any downtime. 10 seconds of use per 20 minutes is not a significant cost to performance. With buffs, good mp management, etc.. you may not even notice MP loss when using Raetic. If you do notice, that's why toggles exist.
Quote: I don't mean to offend anyone. I just love playing whm. It's a cool piece. Just a bit expensive both in gil and mana cost. Using it to experiment with subjob / melee is one thing but for everyday whming... Do the whole community a favor and get a Yag before a raetic rod. Straw man. Nobody is suggesting Raetic is a better value per gil spent than yagrush. If you don't have a yagrush and you want to optimize your WHM, make a yagrush. It's not relevant to the topic though.
Why do you say cure4 isn't typically used for a preventative cureskin? It's my go-to spell for preventative cureskin. Most obvious reason being that it's the largest cure spell that generates enmity only based on HP healed. If you Cure4 for 0, then you generate no enmity. If you Cure5 for 0, you still generate a bit. Enmity isn't a huge concern these days but I also just find Cure4 to be right-sized for it. It's just enough MP to be easily recovered before the next time you need it without having ballads/refresh/etc up. I use cure5/6 to prep for a potentially threatening TP move(ie: omen set moves), bigger cureskin is more safety. If just throwing it up for lack of anything better to do, I guess there's nothing wrong with IV.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-12 11:22:05
I was running obi and staff. I don't need to run cape to understand the math behind it, but I'll log in and do that just for you. If you want, you can even outline your perfect weather set and I'll acquire it to compare. The math supports Raetic+1, my experience supports Raetic+1, sounds like stubbornness to me.
The original arguments where I and others said Chatoyant beats Raetic were in regards to NQ, since HQ was presumed to be unattainable. Now that they are around, it's an option to be considered.
Asura.Alfylicious said: »You seem like one of those whms that ask geos for refresh bubbles. I run my entire alliance most of the time, so not only do I not ask for refresh bubbles, I understand the value of every buff I receive. Cool misdirection, though.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2018-03-12 11:50:44
why so angry at a set of numbers? what did the poor numbers ever do to you???? :(
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-12 12:09:46
Started from your set here:
ItemSet 348625
Realized I can use Kaykaus Mitra+1 and Kaykaus Boots+1 [D] for the same cure potency, lose 3 MND but gain 16 healing magic and 4 Cure Potency II, net gain of 14.5 cure power. Don't have glorious because lazy, but don't honestly believe it will change anything.
End set:
ItemSet 357300
Mitra path B, Boots path D
52-53% Cure pot
8% cure pot II(10% with glorious)
-40 enm(45 with glorious, 50 with merits)
+165 MND
537 healing skill
Cure4 1701 (1722.53)
Cure5 2060 (2086.07)
Cure6 2651 (2684.55)
Cure4 1905 (1929.11)
Cure5 2307 (2336.20)
Cure6 2969 (3006.58)
ItemSet 357301
Mitra Path B, Boots Path B
54-55% CUre potency
18% Cure Pot II(20 with glorious)
-42 enm(-47 with glorious, capped with merits)
+169 MND
547 healing skill
Cure4 1789 (1810.29)
Cure5 2141 (2166.48)
Cure6 2718 (2750.35)
Cure4 2022 (2046.07)
Cure5 2420 (2448.80)
Cure6 3073 (3109.58)
Numbers in parentheses are projected values after adding Glorious Earring (base number divided by 1.58 multiplied by 1.6 in the chatoyant sets, base number divided by 1.68 multiplied by 1.7 in the raetic+1 sets)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-03-12 12:12:24
Keep in mind cure power caps at 700, which is almost impossible NOT to hit if you're a master WHM with capped merits. So any comparisons on MND/VIT/healing skill are almost completely irrelevant.
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »I use cure5/6 to prep for a potentially threatening TP move(ie: omen set moves), bigger cureskin is more safety. If just throwing it up for lack of anything better to do, I guess there's nothing wrong with IV. Ah gotcha, I sometimes will use bigger cures in preparation for a particularly nasty move but yeah I was thinking more general-purpose preventative cureskins. I literally blast them nonstop throughout the whole fight if there's nothing better to cast.
I do wish more WHM would do what you're talking about, big cures before a big hit.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-12 12:17:56
Asura.Alfylicious said: »So the consensus is that you get a little more of a heal for 40 mil gil and you lose mp 30% faster? Could you possibly be saltier..? Nobody ever said you should use it all the time in every situation. 40m is not a lot to everyone. If you can't understand that it has uses, you're hopeless. A page of your whining ago, I already said that it is a small benefit, you were arguing that it isn't.
1789 Cure4 restores 107 MP.
88 * 1.3 = 114.4 (round up). 115 * .9 = 103.5(round up to 104). Your cure4s are still free when not overcuring, or even when overcuring if you have storm2.
145 mp returned from a storm2 cure5. 159 MP spent, only costs 14.
Obviously you can judge when it's worth using and when it isn't, if you're sitting at full MP during an event why not have better cures(and cureskins)..?
You could make a pretty good argument for it always being best for Cure4 and lower as well.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-12 12:23:41
When would you have storm2? When would you sit within 200 of max MP for a half hour? Dude, give it up.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-12 12:35:55
Tested lower cures, combined all into one post. Numbers in parentheses are estimates for glorious earring inserted into empty ear slot.
ItemSet 357301
Raetic Setup - Path B Mitra/Boots
Cure1: 345 (349.10)
Cure2: 546 (552.50)
Cure3: 1035 (1047.32)
Cure4: 1789 (1810.29)
Cure5: 2141 (2166.48)
Cure6: 2718 (2750.35)
Cure1: 390 (394.64)
Cure2: 617 (624.34)
Cure3: 1170 (1183.92)
Cure4: 2022 (2046.07)
Cure5: 2420 (2448.80)
Cure6: 3073 (3109.58)
ItemSet 357300
Chatoyant Setup - Path B Mitra, Path D Boots
Cure1: 225 (227.84)
Cure2: 430 (435.44)
Cure3: 930 (941.77)
Cure4: 1701 (1722.53)
Cure5: 2060 (2086.07)
Cure6: 2651 (2684.55)
Cure1: 252 (255.18)
Cure2: 481 (487.08)
Cure3: 1035 (1048.10)
Cure4: 1905 (1929.11)
Cure5: 2307 (2336.20)
Cure6: 2969 (3006.58)
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-12 12:58:13
Asura.Alfylicious said: »Chatoyant Staff: 1.5 mil
Raetic Rod +1: 30~50 mil
For 100 more hp healed on a Cure III? What value!
2 pieces of Kaykaus+1 total 30-50m and will not even get you 100 HP on cure6. Stop embarassing yourself, some people have gil and like to optimize. This whole thread is about small differences.
Node 207
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