On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
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By Davorin 2018-02-04 17:33:05
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Davorin said: »
+90 is not +90%.
To my understanding, +1 resist status is actually 1%. Certainly seems correct with resist silence idle(etiolation, shriekers, and staunch seems to provide over 50% chance to resist silence from all targets).

Maybe the suit is not functioning as intended, or works differently.

I thought it worked like resistances from barspells, where +1 would give you an amount of magic evasion specific to the stat on the gear.
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
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By Asura.Geriond 2018-02-04 17:46:55
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Nah, stuff like Staunch Tathlum will give you a flat chance to resist any resistable status effect, and works in places where even ten times that much MEVA wouldn't affect a thing.
Posts: 517
By Davorin 2018-02-04 23:31:29
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Nah, stuff like Staunch Tathlum will give you a flat chance to resist any resistable status effect, and works in places where even ten times that much MEVA wouldn't affect a thing.


My understanding is that resist+ gives some amount of magic evasion to a specific element/status(es), which is then calculated in magic hit rate; not a "flat chance" or percentage.

Also, it's not reliable, and I think I know better than to completely trust equip item box values and their formatting/punctuation, but since you brought up Staunch Tathlum anecdotally, did you notice that there are two stats that have a % on there and the resist stat isn't one of them?
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-02-04 23:42:58
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Davorin said: »
did you notice that there are two stats that have a % on there and the resist stat isn't one of them?

The only thing Square is consistent about, is being inconsistent.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-02-05 00:20:40
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Davorin said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Nah, stuff like Staunch Tathlum will give you a flat chance to resist any resistable status effect, and works in places where even ten times that much MEVA wouldn't affect a thing.


My understanding is that resist+ gives some amount of magic evasion to a specific element/status(es), which is then calculated in magic hit rate; not a "flat chance" or percentage.

Also, it's not reliable, and I think I know better than to completely trust equip item box values and their formatting/punctuation, but since you brought up Staunch Tathlum anecdotally, did you notice that there are two stats that have a % on there and the resist stat isn't one of them?
Status resist+ gear is equivalent to status resist traits. And those traits have a % based functionality. They do not add magic evasion.

Example. Ever tried silencing trash level BRD mobs? They resist an annoying amount of the time, even if they're only lvl 75'ish. I saw a lot of this pulling Lamia mobs in Arrapago during the Lamia ambuscade. This should be impossible if their native resist trait is only granting a bonus to meva. It would have to be a massive bonus to catch up with ilvl macc.

Also, Which stats SE puts %'s on and which they don't in item descriptions is utterly meaningless. We should all know by now that they are totally inconsistent about that crap. Each type of stat and sometimes even each piece of gear must be tested individually.
Posts: 517
By Davorin 2018-02-05 01:16:19
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Status resist+ gear is equivalent to status resist traits. And those traits have a % based functionality. They do not add magic evasion.
Ah, ok, that makes sense. Thanks.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-02-05 10:54:37
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That said, I'm fairly certain bar-ailment spells like Barparalyze, for example, do not give "resist paralyze" trait they give "paralyze magic evasion" because the barspell effects are greatly enhanced by stacking other sources of magic evasion with it. I'm also fairly certain this is true of the Resist Stun +90 on Onca Suit, based on my experience with Sov Behemoth. I wouldn't be surprised if it's true of the omen bodies too. When I have Udug equipped, I definitely don't outright resist 9 of every 10 sleeps.

That said, there are definitely pieces that work like Martel said, like the traits. Hearty Earring and such, from back in the day.

Anyway as far as dealing with Sovereign Behemoth: Inyanga gear, Barthundra, Barpetra. Full Inyanga+1 actually gives better overall magic evasion than Onca Suit does, even if you factor in the +90. With these things I was able to resist almost every stun completely, and those that did land were only for a couple seconds. The nice thing about Inyanga is if you have the +2 set then you aren't giving up all your refresh to equip it either.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-02-06 18:26:03
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I'm inclined to agree with the bar status bit there. One anecdotal reason being that I've never seen a "Resist! Character resists the effect" type message like traits do from just having a barstatus spell. It makes more sense to think it adds meva specific to the status in question.

btw... Barpetra affecting stun. I've certainly heard rumors about stun and possibly terror counting as petrification in terms of resist traits/barstatus.. but has that ever actually been verified?
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-02-07 10:25:11
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
I've certainly heard rumors about stun and possibly terror counting as petrification in terms of resist traits/barstatus.. but has that ever actually been verified?
I've never seen proper testing. Personal experience leads me to believe it works, but it doesn't work well enough to rule out doubt. It could just be placebo.

Based on my experience with domain invasion, casting Barpetrify on myself as RUN doesn't help prevent Absolute Terror though. So I guess I've seen conflicting results, unless it works on stun but not on terror, or Absolute Terror is just "special."
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-02-07 10:33:41
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Terror is pretty weird in general. Some types of terror are easily resistible via magic evasion, while others don't even seem to have a freaking meva check(Absolute Terror)

In any cast, casting barpetra for stun resist doesn't hurt anything, so may as well.
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-02-07 10:49:07
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Another terror oddity; Dreadstorm used to be completely unresistable via normal means, but got changed to be resistable after some patch a few years ago. Even in ilvl mage gear against pre-ilvl Khimairas, it used to land every single time for a fixed duration, but now if you try it, it can be resisted (both fully and partially) just with magic evasion.

Speaking of Terror, do Resist Status things like Staunch Tathlum, Hearty Earring, and Tenacity work on it, or is it only stuff that specifically has Resist Terror, like Sagasinger and Founder's Greaves?
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2018-02-07 12:53:20
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Petrify and Stun share a status slot but I'm 95% certain they don't share actual status resistance.

Some forms of terror are most certainly just an alternate form of petrify (and are even earth-based), though.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-02-07 13:20:16
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Another terror oddity; Dreadstorm used to be completely unresistable via normal means, but got changed to be resistable after some patch a few years ago. Even in ilvl mage gear against pre-ilvl Khimairas, it used to land every single time for a fixed duration, but now if you try it, it can be resisted (both fully and partially) just with magic evasion.

Speaking of Terror, do Resist Status things like Staunch Tathlum, Hearty Earring, and Tenacity work on it, or is it only stuff that specifically has Resist Terror, like Sagasinger and Founder's Greaves?
I'm fairly certain that resist all status+ gear doesn't work on terror... However, I can't recall if I've specifically tested it, or if I just thought about how to test it. <,<;;

It would be a fairly straightforward test. Go PLD. Wear 5/5 Arke + Adamas, and maybe hearty earring. Abyssea Tahrongi. Pull all the nauls. Get them all below 25% HP then chill while they spam TP moves.

The only complication is that you have to exclude any Absolute Terrors that fire while you're already terrorized. Since the Full resist message, and the already terrorized message are identical. "No effect" But since this is a "Does it work at all test", and not an exact % test that's not too much an issue. Shouldn't need a large sample or anything.

And the more I think about this.. the more I feel like I've done this test already and either didn't post about it or didn't record the results...
Posts: 13
By Valarwyn 2018-02-08 18:58:41
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My husband and I both were stunned for the same length of time (12s)- I was using Onca and he was not. hmmmm...
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-02-08 21:49:31
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Hmmm. A possible parallel...

The resist sleep trait does not work on repose, despite the fact that it inflicts the same ailment as normal sleep spells do.

Perhaps Onca's resist stun only works on the actual stun spell? Or maybe it's Thunderbolt that is weird somehow, and behaves like Repose ignoring the normally associated resist trait.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-02-09 10:22:36
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If it's only one sample I wouldn't read that much into it, especially without analyzing the full equipment for each person. It's possible your husband had more magic evasion from gear, thus making the difference a lot less than 90.

Like I mentioned earlier, 4/5 Inyanga+1 has over 90 more magic evasion than Onca Suit does, so you will actually resist stun better in Inyanga+1 than Onca.

Also, if ailments are like elemental magic, you need to break a resist tier to really guarantee a difference in duration. No telling where those tiers are, but at some point if you keep stacking magic evasion, the ailment shouldn't be able to land completely unresisted, it will always be resisted at least to a certain level. So even if you two had slightly different levels of magic evasion, if you were in the same tier you'll see very similar resist levels.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-02-26 15:47:34
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Looking back at the last few pages for some melee advice and all the sets use Sindri. Is Sindri preferred over Izcalli because of the augment generally?
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-02-27 10:47:08
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As an off-hand, Sindri is generally preferred for its accuracy.

Izcalli: 209dmg CSkill+242 Acc+15 Atk+41 TA+3% STP+7
Sindri: 175dmg CSkill+228 Acc+77 Atk+45 DA+9% INT+6 MND+6

You could maybe make an argument that 3% TA and 7 STP has similar value to 9% DA or maybe even that the higher base damage is a good tie breaker, but you're still losing like 50 accuracy and that's a lot to swallow.

I've tried both Sindri & Izcalli offhand meleeing in Omen (Tishtrya main hand), and the Sindri was significantly better without BRD buffs. If I had BRD buffs then I changed to Kraken offhand anyway, but Izcalli may win in that situation if you don't have KC, or just generally if you need a medium but not high amount of accuracy.
By 2018-02-27 13:16:18
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-02-27 14:12:51
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Asura.Alfylicious said: »
Pergatory? :P

Server: Valefor
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user: Lancius
Posts: 3
By Valefor.Lancius 2018-03-10 15:00:16
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Is Raetic Rod +1 worth using and if so what would an ideal set with it look like?

Raetic Rod +1
"Cure" potency +23%
"Cure" MP consumed +30%
"Cure" potency II +10%
By 2018-03-11 09:18:44
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-03-11 09:52:57
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Holy ***I'm getting that for my GEO though.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2018-03-11 13:49:49
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I used a NQ one for like a week. Sold it after that. Without a Bard I was having issues keeping MP in check. If I would hit a wrong cure macro(curaga 3 vs 2 ect) it would start draining MP too fast and I’m usually in the DD party so it wasn’t viable for me. I like my weather set and I’m sticking to it. Casting aurora storm every 5 minutes is easy enough with less stress during heavy hitting fights.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Nathoo
Posts: 21
By Carbuncle.Allyzon 2018-03-11 14:08:34
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I have Raetic Rod +1. I can always share my experience, I tested it out with one of my friends. He would convert and I would heal him. I have weather sets, and we also had a SCH join us for Aurorastorm II.

Raetic and Storm 1 healed for 1544. on a cure 4.
Chatoyant and Storm 1 for 1266 on a cure 4.
Raetic and Storm II for 1700 on a cure 4.
Chatoyant and Storm II for 1446 on a cure 4.

I also had the weather belt.

Let me be clear, this was my experience using my weather sets, also my MPS never go super low due Sublimation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-03-11 14:19:14
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So I was right (or your sets are bad)

Page 40;
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I asked about it in the rqt as well. No answer.

Seems like an amazing piece to me. 30% more mp per cure is negligible.

Bad 24 hours for comefatmebro. Wrong on db wrong on login wrong on raetic.

Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
it's pretty clear cut, chatoyant is better for whm

Pretty sure 1700 > 1400
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-11 14:51:37
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I haven't checked the rod myself, but it sounds like we're misunderstanding one of the stats involved here. 50 HP * 1.7 * 1.25 = 106.25 from the cure+50, and 10 cure pot II on a cure4 shouldn't be more than 80. The difference is much larger than that before even factoring in iridescence when looking at Storm1 setup. This means either one of the stats on Raetic is not working per current understanding of that stat, the test was conducted inaccurately, or there are hidden stats. New information means new conclusions.

The other topics are completely subjective, bait more.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-11 15:17:32
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Borrowed a rod to check myself, because the numbers seemed odd to me.

Gear: 4/5 kaykaus+1 with path D body/feet for 45% cure potency, ebers pantaloons +1, hachirin-no-obi (darksday so wanted to keep proc consistant):

Chatoyant staff(darksday, no storm): 945
Queller Rod[D](darksday, no storm): 966 cure 4
Raetic Rod +1 (darksday, no storm): 1080
Gap: 135 vs Chatoyant, 114 vs Queller

So, we go from 64% cure potency to 72% and add 50 base

(1 / .9) * 966 = 1073 undoing darksday
1073 / 1.64 = 654 base potency

(adding cure+ before multiplying potency)
(654 + 50) * 1.72 = 1210
1210 * .9 = 1089

(adding cure+ after multiplying potency)
654 - 23 = 631 * 1.72 = 1085 + 23 + 50 = 1158 * .9 = 1042.2

Looks like the cure+50 is added prior to calculating potency.
Rounding and the healing skill/mnd on queller account for the difference of 9 hp.
6 mnd = 3 potency, 15 healing = 15 potency, 18 / 2.5 for cure4 mod = 7.2

7.2 * 1.72 = 12 * .9 = 11, and we're only 2 HP off at this point. Think it's reasonable to say this is correct. OK, so Raetic+1 is working the way we believe, or slightly less effectively after rounding.

Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm1, darksday): 1156
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm1, darksday): 1200
Gap: 44 HP

Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm2, darksday): 1313
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm2, darksday): 1380
Gap: 67 HP

Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday): 1342
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday): 1409
Gap: 67 HP

Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1745
Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday, full souv for cure pot received+): 1831
Gap: 86 HP

Not sure where these hundreds of HP differences are coming from, but my results seem to match the math. The difference is tiny, and I would argue for saving the MP.

The only conclusion I can come to is that the earlier poster did not make a capped cure potency set for chatoyant staff or weighed it down in some other way. I will acknowledge that Raetic can get slightly better cure numbers on darksday, will check other days later in case it's interfering with iridescence. I don't personally feel these numbers are worth a 30% increase in MP consumption, as you will always default to overcure instead of undercure anyway, but make your own conclusions.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-11 15:33:57
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Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday, full souv for cure pot received+): 2112

Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday, full souv for cure pot received+): 2193
Gap: 81 HP

Chatoyant staff(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday, full souv for cure pot received+): 2717

Raetic Rod +1(aurorastorm2, +28 healing skill accessories and +20 mnd from alaunus cape, darksday, full souv for cure pot received+): 2783
Gap: 66 HP
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