On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-01-23 17:59:49
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Looking for advice on a niche set... single wield club build. I'm thinking Omen, where you might want a mage subjob on NMs, but can be helpful whacking stuff with a club and hitting WS procs on floors 1/2/4. Could have similar utility at other times you're in an event where there are periods of lower risk time where you can wade into the battle instead of having to give complete focus to backline mage stuff, when you get stranded needing to kill a couple mobs alone for an Ambuscade KI (but want to keep mage subjob on for next run), etc.

I'm sure I may be overlooking something, but slapped together the following. Please feel free to suggest tweaks to this build!
ItemSet 356318
Cape: DEX+20/Acc+30/Atk+20/DA+10%

1) Goal is obviously more for TP generation than white damage, so the utter lack of atk on Ayanmo set isn't a big deal to me at all.

2) Outside of incredible/fluky DM augments, I'm kinda skeptical that Chironic will beat Ayanmo+2 pieces regardless of augs. Aside of course for totally trivial targets where you need minimal acc (and maybe then Chironic STP or multiattack is worth a closer look in some slots, if you make up haste elsewhere like with a Hasty Pinion +1).

Head/Body: Ayanmo is certainly better
Hands: Chironic are at least working with some base acc here, and Ayanmo don't have STP/DA in this slot, but don't forget Chironic have a 30 DEX deficiency.
Legs: Chironic have no base melee stats, and lose 4% haste to Ayanmo+2 in addition to huge Acc gap.
Feet: Chironic making up a deficiency of DEX+31/Acc+42 seems unrealistic for targets like Omen fodder

3) Obviously the earrings/rings have more flexibility in some slots for people who don't have all that stuff (or don't want to buy Chirich Rings for niche WHMelee applications...), as there are a lot of good all jobs options.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2018-01-24 10:42:24
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Legs: You could try Telchine Braconi? They have double attack and can be augmented further.

Unfortunately most of my melee gear on WHM is Chironic augmented with dual wield, which isn't very helpful in your scenario. I feel like there should be better hand/feet options too. Battlecast Gaiters maybe?

You will likely lose a little accuracy with those options, but I think you can afford it. Sindri has boatloads. I never had accuracy problems in Omen on WHM unless I tried to use the Kraken.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-01-24 11:19:39
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
Legs: You could try Telchine Braconi? They have double attack and can be augmented further.

Good reminder, I do have some DA augmented Telchine legs stashed in a locker somewhere... Only problem that presents is that the swap would put me 4% below capped haste, and would require some tweaks to maintain capped haste.

The main haste swap options I see:
Hasty Pinion +1 (Haste+2%, Acc/Atk+10, and the downside of STP-3)
Cetl Belt (Haste+5%/DA+4%)
Thuellaic Ecu +1 (Haste+2% and no other melee stats)

Unfortunately most of my melee gear on WHM is Chironic augmented with dual wield, which isn't very helpful in your scenario. I feel like there should be better hand/feet options too. Battlecast Gaiters maybe?

Ahh... yeah Battlecast Gaiters probably do work better in most situations! Good call, thanks. Maintains capped haste, adds STP+5. If Acc is needed, can still swap Ayanmo+2 back in as needed (13 more DEX and 27 more Acc than Battlecast) - but that's prob not a huge issue for Omen-level stuff with so much acc from the rest of the set.

And yeah, Ayanmo does free me up to augment all of my DD Chironic with DW now. If you couldn't tell, I'm getting to that point where I have Abdhaljis Fibers to burn and I'm currently at 4/5 Ayanmo+2 set, which caused me to take some time to think about updating my WHMelee sets :)

Anyway, perhaps my previously posted set remains as the "high acc" TP set, and a lower acc TP set (swaps for legs/feet/belt) would look like:
ItemSet 356336

If I'm missing any other good hands option in particular, lemme know. Ayanmo+2 offer massive Acc (DEX+53/Acc+43) and 1% more haste than Telchine/Chironic, though Telchine/Chironic can both get some DA or STP... But I guess my thinking is that even on somewhat easy current endgame content like Omen fodder, some high Acc pieces can be necessary and IDK if WHM without serious buffs can still get acceptable hit rate if you're swapping out too much acc gear (for instance, beetles and stuff like that can still be fairly annoying to hit). If I'm needing one more really high Acc piece beyond Sindri and Ayanmo head/body (and maybe I don't, will have to play around and see), those Ayanmo hands are a pretty beastly chunk in one slot to give me more room to go with other options elsewhere.

I guess the significant DT- on Ayanmo is at least a minor consideration too. 5/5 set offers a pretty stout 20% DT-, plus 10% PDT- on Genmei Shield, and Battlecast if swapping those in have a nice PDT-3% on em as well... That's something, especially for my purposes. More time smacking tigers and beetles and not curing = more frequent WS.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-01-24 12:26:21
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
If I'm needing one more really high Acc piece beyond Sindri and Ayanmo head/body (and maybe I don't, will have to play around and see), those Ayanmo hands are a pretty beastly chunk in one slot to give me more room to go with other options elsewhere.
That's my thinking too, and I'm really struggling to think of a better hand alternative besides Chironic. I got nothing. And you definitely do need some moderate amount of accuracy for Omen unless you wanna be begging for Torpor. With Ayanmo hands you might not even need any accuracy food, although akamochi is ridiculously cheap and what else are you gonna eat? Miso ramen?

I think the set looks pretty good, and I agree on Cetl Belt being the best choice. That's what I use as well.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-01-24 13:34:18
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
And you definitely do need some moderate amount of accuracy for Omen unless you wanna be begging for Torpor.

This tickled me. I can see my LS rolling their eyes at me already, as I beg for acc buffs to be the best club WHM I can be :)

Thanks for the input, really appreciate it.
Server: Asura
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user: Nishida
Posts: 9
By Asura.Nishida 2018-01-26 17:31:00
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If I wanna level WHM and gear it up as an alt job to bring to reisenjima/omen with my lowman static..what are the minimum sets needed?
Posts: 233
By cuddlyhamster 2018-01-26 17:55:01
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Bare minimum:
Fast Cast
Cure Potency(Cureskin)
Idle Refresh
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-01-26 20:35:01
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If your lowman group doesn't include a RDM, I'd also strongly, strongly recommend a decent Macc set. It'll make your life so much easier. Some people would be surprised how many enfeebles a WHM can stick with fairly little trouble on significant endgame content.

Set isn't too much of a burden to make either. Set in the OP is pretty much current, but a few comments:

Weapon: Gada/Ammurapi Shield or Grio/Enki Strap are both perfectly viable choices, and really comes down to what you have and luck on Oseem augments. I had a better Grio set for a while, but once I got Ammurapi that pushed my Club/Shield build ahead.

Head: AF+2/+3 (don't forget set bonus may push even the +2 ahead of other options for you) is probably the easier alternative to the incredible Chironic augments needed for that piece to win.

Ears: Regal Earring is top earring when using AF+2/+3 pieces and isn't shown in the OP set (but the Gwati/Dignitary's set in the OP is just fine with no Regal).

Body: You'll be fine with AF+2 until +3, still the next best option.

Hands: Kaykaus+1 (Path A: MND+47/Macc+53/Skill+16) are barely better than Inyanga+2 (MND+47/Macc+43/Skill+20) for MND-based enfeebles, so if you don't have or want to spend the gil for HQ abj there is an excellent and easily obtainable alternative. Inyanga are actually better for INT (non potency-based) enfeebles. Pretty sure the OP set was last updated before +2 Ambuscade armor existed, explaining the omission.

Rings: NQ Stikini Rings are fine if you aren't mega-rich

Feet: See body
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-01-26 21:21:50
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Addle, Slow and Paralyze aren't too hard to land and makes a big difference on a lot of fights, particularly Omen bosses.
By Afania 2018-01-27 04:12:20
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cuddlyhamster said: »
Bare minimum:
Fast Cast
Cure Potency(Cureskin)
Idle Refresh

I would skip refresh and replace it with dt- if your group has brd.

Edit: BRD has ballad, so MP isn't an issue.
Server: Valefor
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user: Yandaime
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By Valefor.Yandaime 2018-01-27 08:31:34
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Afania said: »
cuddlyhamster said: »
Bare minimum:
Fast Cast
Cure Potency(Cureskin)
Idle Refresh

I would skip refresh and replace it with dt- if your group has brd.

I agree. MP is very rarely an issue for my WHM mule with Empy Legs; you might be amazed how effective these are. I use a mixture of DT/Meva/Refresh on him. Inyanga+2 Hands Feet and Body.

I lose a little bit of Refresh but I gain a ton of Meva. So far, I only burn out MP on AoE heavy fights where the party keeps flipping their HP from DT swaps causing the cures to not fully hit their mark, etc etc. But it can be chucked up to preference
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 202
By Ragnarok.Bepe 2018-01-27 10:14:05
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I'd sat DT/magic evasion as well. The +2 Inyanga set being great for this. There are a good chunk of fights where you can play misery whm with a good dt set. Like this months ambuscade. I stand in with the DPS, with my full dt magic evasion set, with miso ramen, barwatera and barposion. I never get poisoned from the Miasma, so when I Esuna in Misery, its a guarentee removal of slow and virus. The AoE damage move dissecuate or whatever barely does more than 400 damage in DT set, just follow with an appropriate curaga depending on how much everyone else got hit for. Damn melee cors not switching into their DT sets /shakes fist
By Afania 2018-01-27 13:36:31
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Ragnarok.Bepe said: »
Damn melee cors not switching into their DT sets /shakes fist

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Nishida
Posts: 9
By Asura.Nishida 2018-01-27 16:12:53
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Our team has PLD/BLU, BLU/DNC/THF, BLU/SCH/BLM, GEO, and me on BLU/COR/ or if I did WHM..

So probably

Fast Cast
Cure Potency(Cureskin)
Idle Refresh
MEva/DT (Inyanga set)

Thanks for advice :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Nishida
Posts: 9
By Asura.Nishida 2018-01-30 11:19:02
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Follow up to my previous post..

What are good alternatives to AF+3? I am still working through omen on 2 other jobs so it may be a while before I get WHM cards.

Looks like I would need:
Cure set Hands
Cursna pants
Regen pants
Barstatus feet (telchine?)
Enfeebling Body+feet

Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-01-30 11:57:02
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Cure set Hands: Kaykaus or Kaykaus +1
Cursna Pants: Theophany +1 if +2/3 not an option
Regen pants: Theophany +1 or +10 enhancing duration Telchine
barspell feet: Ebers (set bonus, should do 4/5 Ebers + Piety Pants for barelement)
Enfeebling Body: Vanya Robe good until AF +2/3, Medium's Sabots (SR) or Skaoi Boots (T4 Mandy, Reisenjima)

Edit: For bar status I think the general idea is 500 skill, then duration, so if you need skill Ebers, if not Telchine.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-01-30 12:58:04
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I'm curious how people get to the point where they can drop cure potency in their hand slot for the CP 2 on AF +3 hands?

Here is my set now.

ItemSet 356459

Gendewitha Caubeen: 4% CP
Vanya Clogs: Path A (7% CP)

That puts me at 7-8 CP short if I remove the Kaykaus Cuffs from my set depending on Unity status with Nourishing Earring.

Where do you fellow whms make up the difference?
Posts: 112
By maxiel 2018-01-30 13:12:36
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Lebeche Ring and Phalaina Locket are what I use. As long as you're past 500 healing skill to cap tranquil heart, there shouldn't be a worry of dropping them from your current set. Vanya Hood could get you 17% potency total and the path is paired with -6 enmity. It's also pretty easy to get.

Also are your guy's barspell numbers maxing at 230? Pretty sure I'm not missing anything but want to make sure!
By 2018-01-30 15:29:03
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-01-30 15:46:11
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Regen pants: Theophany +1 or +10 enhancing duration Telchine

Enfeebling Body: Vanya Robe good until AF +2/3, Medium's Sabots (SR) or Skaoi Boots (T4 Mandy, Reisenjima)

For enfeebling body, Inyanga +1 or +2 beat any non-AF options (aside from a very good Macc Chironic Doublet augment). Vanya or Ayanmo are pretty good too as a temporary solution.

Since you mentioned Telchine... as an inherently lazy dualbox WHM, I adore my Enhancing duration +9~10 5/5 set (I really, really like it more on SCH where it's even more practical, but it's a nice WHM luxury too). Lately S-E has been giving out a lot of red mog pells; add that to the occasional +2 stones on Ambuscade, and Duskdims are somewhat more available and affordable these days.

Theophany set is all pretty good stuff even at +2 though. Obviously even better at +3, but for the purposes they're used for, generally you'll still get practical use out of all 5 +2 pieces with a lot lower investment of time/cards and gil. For me, having a WHM with otherwise pretty good gear, but on an alt/mule character who prioritizes RDM lately for Omen (and for use of Kei's Scales), the only Theophany piece I brought to +3 so far is the hands. And I still use every piece of +2.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-01-30 15:50:33
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I'm probably doing it wrong, but I'm almost always (99%) in solace mode with aurorastorm up. My aurorastorm down set swaps chatoyant/enki out for queller rod + sors shield.

I've always favored alaunus cape over twilight cape with solace up vs 5% extra potency.

I should probably do a non solace set, but really the only difference would probably be Theo Bliault +2 over Eber's, maybe not even that until I +3 the AF.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-01-30 17:10:07
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Shadow you're on the right track, but with a little too much focus on skill/MND. I'd wager you're way over the cure power cap without things like the torque or Enki Strap.

Chatoyant is definitely worth it, and I also prefer Alaunus over Twilight. In regards to AF body, don't forget you'll also probably want it for Curagas since Solace doesn't benefit those. I use AF body on Curaga, Empy on single-target.

Here's a nice and easy build that I used for a long time:

ItemSet 94432

Vanya head+feet are path A, cape is Enmity-10. Alternatively, swap the neck for Nodens Gorget and ammo for Esper Stone +1 or something similar.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-01-31 07:59:53
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Oh, I've got a curaga set. I've been playing whm for a long time, I've just been neglecting updating my cure set for a while because it's mostly a job of convenience and not one I "love."

I for instance never noticed you could get 7% CP on Vanya hood. I've also had for some untold amount of time a Cylennian Abj: Feet, that I could have uncursed at any time to accomodate AF hands apparently. Cylennian feet means I can also swap my Vanya feet to Path B for better cursnas.

I'm going to update my sets.

To the above note, I've noticed that in my enhancing duration set I'm only at 453 enhancing magic, so I'm going to have to update that so I get full potency.

Edit: I used to have an Achaq Grip and other items, but I'm actively playing 7 jobs so I've had to sacrifice a few pieces of gear in favor of inventory sanity. (THF, WAR, SAM, DRG, WHM, RDM, GEO). I've actually stored all my SCH, COR, and SMN gear because even with all 4 wardrobes I just don't have the space for them.

Edit2: Also, Garuda Prime Prime sucks... I've killed her a billion times without that ring drop... lol
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 9
By Fenrir.Massacrex 2018-01-31 20:20:25
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sets.midcast.CureSolace = {
main="Chatoyant Staff",
sub="enki strap",
head="Ebers Cap +1",
body="Ebers Bliaud +1",
hands="Theophany Mitts +3",
legs="Ebers Pant. +1",
feet={ name="Kaykaus Boots", augments={'MP+60','"Cure" spellcasting time -5%','Enmity-5',}},
neck="Lasaia Pendant",
left_ear="Glorious Earring",
right_ear="Nourish. Earring +1",
left_ring="Lebeche Ring",
right_ring="Janniston Ring",
back={ name="Alaunus's Cape", augments={'MND+20','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','MND+10','"Cure" potency +10%',}},

That is the best u can get with out +1 kayk head and feet
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-02-01 10:59:26
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Unless I'm miscounting, that build only has -44 enmity.

The build I posted above has capped potency1, capped power, and capped enmity down without even using enmity down merits. With Aurorastorm up, and no Janniston Ring, it can Cure4 for 1315. I tried a lot of builds but nothing beat that one until I got Kaykaus+1.
Posts: 13
By Valarwyn 2018-02-04 14:12:46
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Hello Fellow WHMs

My LS has been doing Sovereign Behemoth fights and I am having difficulty resisting stun (12sec). I am using an ugly Onca Suit which is supposed to have a resist stun +90, in combination with a dominance earring with +10, BUT I seem to be getting stunned almost as often as my team mates. Am I missing something about the stats on the Onca Suit?

Onca Suit Rare Ex
[Body] All Races
Cannot equip leggear DEF:428 HP+164 MP+88 STR+93 DEX+76 VIT+102 AGI+70 INT+51 MND+60 CHR+65 Accuracy+124 Attack+147 Evasion+149 Magic Evasion+252 "Magic Def. Bonus"+12 Haste+16% "Double Attack"+10% "Resist Stun"+90 Damage taken -10% Enchantment: Meteor
Server: Shiva
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user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2018-02-04 14:17:33
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The cap for any Resist is 90%.
Posts: 517
By Davorin 2018-02-04 15:00:52
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Valarwyn said: »
Hello Fellow WHMs

My LS has been doing Sovereign Behemoth fights and I am having difficulty resisting stun (12sec). I am using an ugly Onca Suit which is supposed to have a resist stun +90, in combination with a dominance earring with +10, BUT I seem to be getting stunned almost as often as my team mates. Am I missing something about the stats on the Onca Suit?

Onca Suit Rare Ex
[Body] All Races
Cannot equip leggear DEF:428 HP+164 MP+88 STR+93 DEX+76 VIT+102 AGI+70 INT+51 MND+60 CHR+65 Accuracy+124 Attack+147 Evasion+149 Magic Evasion+252 "Magic Def. Bonus"+12 Haste+16% "Double Attack"+10% "Resist Stun"+90 Damage taken -10% Enchantment: Meteor

+90 is not +90%.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2018-02-04 16:19:17
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All thats gonna happen is your duration of being stunned will be shortened.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-02-04 16:26:49
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Davorin said: »
+90 is not +90%.
To my understanding, +1 resist status is actually 1%. Certainly seems correct with resist silence idle(etiolation, shriekers, and staunch seems to provide over 50% chance to resist silence from all targets).

Maybe the suit is not functioning as intended, or works differently.
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