On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2014-10-31 11:53:19
when I goof off doing melee whm, I use OaT tamaxchi for offhand.
You've got the basic idea right on gearing for going full offense-mode, battlecast feet, stp rings, +dual wield items where you can.
If you don't need acc at all and you want a turtling -dt set because you just have alot of fodder stuff beating up on you,
the set below will give -41%pdt if you put -4%pdt augment on the 3 gendewitha pieces (possible to get -4%pdt with +1 stones).
ItemSet 330297
I prefer /dnc over /nin if i'm against stuff that can silence me or I need to sneak/invis around alot like dynamis.
Whm isnt very evasive against standard jobpoint monster so casting utsu feels like a waste of time and dps loss, I just cureskin tank everything, use /dnc and then mystic boon for an mp refill.
/dnc also gives you another quick 'erase' with healing waltz, and divine waltz is nice to quickly wake up trusts/partymembers that get slept.
By wormfeeder 2014-10-31 12:00:42
Damn whoda thought my dnc could do better cures than whm. Cw3 does 600-700hp. Cw4 Does 1000-1100 and cw5 does 1250-1500 depending on the character I'm casting on.
Troll harder please. Not trolling. Just stating that my waltzes heal more.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-31 15:18:44
Damn whoda thought my dnc could do better cures than whm. Cw3 does 600-700hp. Cw4 Does 1000-1100 and cw5 does 1250-1500 depending on the character I'm casting on.
Troll harder please. Not trolling. Just stating that my waltzes heal more.
Great, No one cares about a Front Line DD susceptible to not having enough TP, Paralyze, Terror, Amnesia, NO protects, no Shells, no Boost, no Haste 1 (Haste samba aint the same), to cure spam the front line on even lol Tojil, further more take it to the DNC forums where it should be. WHo cares if you can do 1 aspect well, you can't do the rest so you will never be a viable healer, so go troll elsewhere where people might care.
Further mre, Cure 6 can do 1890 depending on the target I'm curing on, so again No one cares about DNC.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-31 15:21:37
when I goof off doing melee whm, I use OaT tamaxchi for offhand.
You've got the basic idea right on gearing for going full offense-mode, battlecast feet, stp rings, +dual wield items where you can.
If you don't need acc at all and you want a turtling -dt set because you just have alot of fodder stuff beating up on you,
the set below will give -41%pdt if you put -4%pdt augment on the 3 gendewitha pieces (possible to get -4%pdt with +1 stones).
ItemSet 330297
I prefer /dnc over /nin if i'm against stuff that can silence me or I need to sneak/invis around alot like dynamis.
Whm isnt very evasive against standard jobpoint monster so casting utsu feels like a waste of time and dps loss, I just cureskin tank everything, use /dnc and then mystic boon for an mp refill.
/dnc also gives you another quick 'erase' with healing waltz, and divine waltz is nice to quickly wake up trusts/partymembers that get slept.
Nehushtan Way higher Base damage (Delay isn't a real issue) and DPS wise it's Very nice for WS's and Augmenting options such as TP etc, plus higher Mainhand Skill and Accuracy +27, the Accuracy on this allows you drop Ischema and use the Royal Rendicoat for Dual Wield and STP Body from A Moogle Kupe D'tat producing a rather high DPS by comparison to other options and maintaining a decent amount of white Dot. The only thing I would say is the drop in defense and lack of PDT on my set might mean you're curing yourself a fair bit.
However using trust npcs you could assume you have a DNC in the NPC line up who give timely cures, stuns etc 2 brds, you may even drop the dnc for a RDM and Haste 2, Phalanx 2, Dia 3 etc and Cure 4 when you hit 60% HP, totally Nullifying any need for PDT on low level mob for soloing. At least that's my thinking..
In terms of using AoE Waltz to wake people, just use Cura 1... why would you waste TP on npcs when you have a method that will just be a fraction of a second less, it lowers your DPS! Although I guess messing around...
I do however Prefer DNC sub because Casting Utsusemi is annoying when mobs don't hit terribly hard and the Erase part is why it's my preferred Sub Job.
It's all about play style and Targets however. I use /nin on Kamihr Drifts NM Sinaa. But that's really the only occasion I can think of (I make sure it's not facing the npcs and take echo drops in case) Joachim likes to remove debuffs occasionally but his Stupid AI means he isn't reliable.
I'm in the middle of adding a blurb about Weapons and stuff so I'll post later today ^^
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Cerberus.Goshiwoo 2014-11-06 07:20:03
Aww yeah. Conagh representing Cerberus!
By FaeQueenCory 2014-11-06 07:53:20
Damn whoda thought my dnc could do better cures than whm. Cw3 does 600-700hp. Cw4 Does 1000-1100 and cw5 does 1250-1500 depending on the character I'm casting on.
Troll harder please. Not trolling. Just stating that my waltzes heal more. Do you even know WHY waltzes have a higher base potency than cures do?
Because a good WHM has ~<1s cure recast.
And what's the recast on waltzes? 5s
That means a WHM can do ~5x the cures than a DNC can.
Damn whoda thought my dnc could do better cures than whm. Cw3 does 600-700hp. Cw4 Does 1000-1100 and cw5 does 1250-1500 depending on the character I'm casting on.
Troll harder please. Not trolling. Just stating that my waltzes heal more.
Great, No one cares about a Front Line DD susceptible to not having enough TP, Paralyze, Terror, Amnesia, NO protects, no Shells, no Boost, no Haste 1 (Haste samba aint the same), to cure spam the front line on even lol Tojil, further more take it to the DNC forums where it should be. WHo cares if you can do 1 aspect well, you can't do the rest so you will never be a viable healer, so go troll elsewhere where people might care.
Further mre, Cure 6 can do 1890 depending on the target I'm curing on, so again No one cares about DNC. Y'all calm yo ***.
It's not about how much a single cure can cure for... Cause good WHMs use C2s, C3s, and C4s to "top off" the DDs.
If you're needing C5 and C6 for main healing... You're a bad WHM.
So comparing DNC's emergency CWs (anything more than 3) and WHM's emergency cure... Is stupid. Cause if everyone is on the ball, you won't have to bother.
And let's not be *** and dismiss what a job brings to the table because THEY AREN'T THE SAME JOB.
That's just assholishly dumb.
Because according to that logic, everyone should always be WHM because SAM sucks cause it has no pro/shell and can't cure itself.
See how dumb that is.
DNC has become a very good and reliable frontline healer.
It's no main-healer, but it's not supposed to be.
And ANYTHING that eases the load of being a WHM is welcome in my book.
WHM is the god of healing.
Not because of the highest numbers.
But because it spews out cures every second. (Not to mention has bar-ras, pro/shell, regen4 and cureskin.)
So how about instead of getting into pissing contests...
Why don't we use facts and reason to denote why WHM is a superior healing job.
Cause you KNOW people will bring up SCH as a main-healer.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-06 09:11:01
Actually, I'm an advocate of DNC in certain events.
That said, DNC does not make my job easier, it makes it harder, allow me to explain, if Dd's get hit and I am pre emptive curing, and the dnc cures everyone, I lose 150+ mp do this enough and the whm has no mp.
My cure3 does 505~820 depending upon many factors but I would go bat ***crazy at a dnc *** up my mp cos loljacures. I agree dnc is great solo wise, but as i did stipulate dnc has many limitations to any mage.
And thanks goshiwoo
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-08 12:21:42
Cerberus.Krystela said: »I was bored last night and I decided to create 4 different sets that have been subject for discussion in the WHM related thread.
My stats
Hume F
Level 99
Healing skill: 440 (8 merits)
Base MND: 107 (15 merits)
Base VIT: 83 (F yo VIT merits!)
V.1 The popular.
The conventional Tamaxchi + orison pantaloons +2. Of course the head is more of a legend kinda thing but *shhhhhhhh* let us dream.
ItemSet 329563
52% Cure Potency, 92 Healing Skill, 86 MND, 38 VIT & -30 ENM.
Surprinsingly came last in amount of Hp Cured.
C1 97
C2 213
C3 496
C4 934
C5 1150
C6 1476
V.2 The romeo & Juliette FFXI Edition (Unrated pants)
The Tamaxchi + sifahir slacks that cause so many arguments.
ItemSet 327337
53% cure potency, 94 Healing magic skill, 110MND, 50 VIT & -39 enmity.
This one came in second! Beaten by 5HP on Cure VI.
C1 97
C2 214
C3 502
C4 945
C5 1158
C6 1492
V.3 Hello there Leviathan
The vadose rod + sifahir slacks used both together for high number fun.
ItemSet 330499
53% Cure potency, 92 Healing magic skill, 126 MND, 50 VIT & -23 ENM.
Came in first place! But not by much, really.
C1 97
C2 216
C3 504
C4 948
C5 1161
C6 1497
V.4 The dust collector
The Arka IV + orison pantaloons +2.
ItemSet 330501
50% Cure potency, 98 Healing Skill, 98 MND, 50 VIT & -29 ENM.
Third place!
C1 97
C2 214
C3 501
C4 943
C5 1156
C6 1489
At this point, every sets are good, we're fighting over a few HP there and there. 30 HP isn't going to make or break, but your capacity to react fast to some situation (always nuts and wtf dps...STAWP...wAT U DOING....STAAAWWWWP) will make a difference :)
Keep your moral fellow whms, one day they will understand!
Caubeen Hat beats your skill hat, 1 skill ~ 2 mnd / 4 vit.
Gendewitha caubeen +1
22MND and 17 VIT
MND alone is equiv to 11 skill
VIT is worth about half what MND is so ~
Gend+1 Iaso
1 skill = 4 0 40
1 mnd = 2 44 20
1 vit = 1 17 0
so its 3 in favor of Iaso, however swapping to Gendeiwtha allows for you to drop the cure potency feet for feet with Healing skill (post update) and more MND = net gain of 22.
EVen now we can get +2 more mnd and 1 VIT which makes us +5 on Gend set allowing +2 more points than say Iaso.
Try harder!
y Cure 3 does 505.
My set wins at the moment compared to your options ;)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-08 12:49:56
Cerberus.Krystela said: »I am not sure why I got into this tonight ( I blame....yeah you know what, it's Friday) but I was wondering. Please correct me if I am wrong but I was asking myself this (and Conagh is sleeping!, yeah you!) for -na's/Erases.
Natural WHM Divine Benison gives a total of 50% Fast Cast. <--BG wiki
orison pantaloons +2 Gives 10% Fast Cast for divine benison. <--BG wiki
Yagrush lvl 90+ gives 20% Fast Cast also from divine benison. <--BG wiki/this guide
Are they all Additive? Because if so, the 80% cap has been hit with 2 pieces. BG wiki doesn't say if it's additive or not.
Would just need 25% haste, some conserve MP or quickcast to fill up the holes and you're tigidoo. Something like this?:
ItemSet 330494
ItemSet 330495
Asking because I was bored and I realize your yagrush lyna set is packed with additional Fast Cast gears.
Don't murder me or I may (or may not) take revenge during a future Ls event /evil laugh.
I don't have Yagrush so I used the original set from Guide 1 (Unable to test myself or find definitive answers.)
However, alot of my fastcast gears have haste on also and allow for a decent recast, my Lyna set
ItemSet 329603
Is packed with Fastcast but no Yagrush and I use the recast staff so I pack fastcast on precast as normal due to being capped on that side from Divine Benison rather easily but then try and keep some in for recast so
50% Trait
7% Gendewitha gages (57)
5% Legs (haste for recast so it's an important swap imo) (62)
5% Orunmila (67)
5% Vanir Cotehardie (72%)
4% prolix + loq (76)
cape to cap
20% Gear haste +2% from Ionis 22%.
Now factoring haste + Fastcast is multiplicative ~
(1-(Fastcast / 2)-ToM Recast STaff 14%)x(1-haste%) =
0.46x0.78 = 0.3588 recast time (near the cap really)
Haste spell~
Essentially capped on my set, the Yagrush set I'm not 100% cure how the divine Benison works (assume additive) but don't forget stats like addle etc lowering your fastcast etc so it can be beneficial to overstack for this instance.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Cerberus.Krystela 2014-11-08 14:03:54
Caubeen Hat beats your skill hat, 1 skill ~ 2 mnd / 4 vit.
Gendewitha caubeen +1
22MND and 17 VIT
MND alone is equiv to 11 skill
VIT is worth about half what MND is so ~
Gend+1 Iaso
1 skill = 4 0 40
1 mnd = 2 44 20
1 vit = 1 17 0
so its 3 in favor of Iaso, however swapping to Gendeiwtha allows for you to drop the cure potency feet for feet with Healing skill (post update) and more MND = net gain of 22.
EVen now we can get +2 more mnd and 1 VIT which makes us +5 on Gend set allowing +2 more points than say Iaso.
Try harder!
y Cure 3 does 505.
My set wins at the moment compared to your options ;)
First, I want to precise that I didn't make the sets in order to criticize yours but more to show options availavble that doesn't make a huge difference.
Second, if I go by your rule of 1 skill = 2 MND 4 VIT
You get 11 skill out 22 mind, not 44 (unless I am missing something obvious)
so it would mean that Iaso mitra
Is equivalent to 20 mind + 10(already on the hat) = 30 mind (+8 mind over Gendewitha caubeen +1
Is Equivalent to 40 VIT = which is 23 vit more then Gendewitha caubeen +1
Third, I was wondering for the yagrush set, not really saying anything about your "normal" Lyna set, maybe someone with a Yagrush could answer.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-08 14:49:05
Cerberus.Krystela said: »
Caubeen Hat beats your skill hat, 1 skill ~ 2 mnd / 4 vit.
Gendewitha caubeen +1
22MND and 17 VIT
MND alone is equiv to 11 skill
VIT is worth about half what MND is so ~
Gend+1 Iaso
1 skill = 4 0 40
1 mnd = 2 44 20
1 vit = 1 17 0
so its 3 in favor of Iaso, however swapping to Gendeiwtha allows for you to drop the cure potency feet for feet with Healing skill (post update) and more MND = net gain of 22.
EVen now we can get +2 more mnd and 1 VIT which makes us +5 on Gend set allowing +2 more points than say Iaso.
Try harder!
y Cure 3 does 505.
My set wins at the moment compared to your options ;)
First, I want to precise that I didn't make the sets in order to criticize yours but more to show options availavble that doesn't make a huge difference.
Second, if I go by your rule of 1 skill = 2 MND 4 VIT
You get 11 skill out 22 mind, not 44 (unless I am missing something obvious)
so it would mean that Iaso mitra
Is equivalent to 20 mind + 10(already on the hat) = 30 mind (+8 mind over Gendewitha caubeen +1
Is Equivalent to 40 VIT = which is 23 vit more then Gendewitha caubeen +1
Third, I was wondering for the yagrush set, not really saying anything about your "normal" Lyna set, maybe someone with a Yagrush could answer.
Answered your question at the bottom, yes it's easily capped, but alot of the fastcast options also have haste / instant cast pieces to replace plus you can gear to over fastcast in case of Addle.
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Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Shadowlina 2014-11-10 07:38:27

Just throwing this out there
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Fosco 2014-11-10 09:55:31
I guess that's what happens when the Arka IV warp-digivolves.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-10 15:16:41

Just throwing this out there
Already aware!
And there's cure skill feet somewhere! JUST WAITING FOR MY STUPID GAME TO FINISH UPDATE!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-10 15:19:25
I guess that's what happens when the Arka IV warp-digivolves.
No Digimon meme, You sir Failed hard.
Mine even has 3 incorrect references!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-10 15:56:07
OP sets updated based on Unity Bonus being applied all the time and having Max Unity ranking...
Now to go get that done >_>
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Siren.Strawhat 2014-11-10 19:10:51
is the new 5% cure pot II ring better then let's say 8 curing magic ring?
By Cleric 2014-11-10 21:23:15
How do you get the new staff!?
By FaeQueenCory 2014-11-10 21:51:05
is the new 5% cure pot II ring better then let's say 8 curing magic ring? Yes.
Blatantly so.
It's +55% vs +50% and +8 skill... Which is more potent than MND... But a change in 8 MND is only 1~2HP (depending on the cure)... So 8 skill isn't going to get you the same bang as 5% more potency.
That being said, said 5% isn't a "must have" part of WHMing.
50% is.
-80% cast time is.
55% potency is just a "win more" situation.
In other words, really good; but you should consider your other jobs and what they all may need/use... Since Janniston pretty much is cure-only.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2014-11-10 22:00:26
Went with the quick cast ring. Up to 13% quick cast, and I'm probably going to change the moonshade to quick cast too
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Siren.Strawhat 2014-11-11 03:20:33
whm 4 life!! althou i'm close to finishing idris for geo
Clubs 4 life!!! and i solo salvage on blu/rdm
tarutaru 4 life!
and i figured with more potency i'll cure more and save more MP off cures, thx for reply
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Odin.Skjalf 2014-11-11 03:41:17
Got these and the hairpin earlier today. :3 /cheer
Equipment 1/1 each coffer attempt.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-11 11:52:45
is the new 5% cure pot II ring better then let's say 8 curing magic ring? Yes.
Blatantly so.
It's +55% vs +50% and +8 skill... Which is more potent than MND... But a change in 8 MND is only 1~2HP (depending on the cure)... So 8 skill isn't going to get you the same bang as 5% more potency.
That being said, said 5% isn't a "must have" part of WHMing.
50% is.
-80% cast time is.
55% potency is just a "win more" situation.
In other words, really good; but you should consider your other jobs and what they all may need/use... Since Janniston pretty much is cure-only.
5% Potency will always win out, espcially with all the new gear available, I've not added the rings to sets (as they are really self explanatory and you can't pick them all so having them in every sit is meh).
5% Cure potency is a complete win, however cure to mp ratio, Yes it's a nice little extra amount, however with near optimal sets you won't need the extra 5% (it doesn't change the way you play nor does it provide any real mp conservation / gain).
I mean 502 Cure 3 with my gear + Solace Job points etc, +5% on this is like + (-50) ~ 335*1.55 = ~ 519.25
So we increase your cure by 14 HP on Cure 3. (Minus the loss of 8 skill so arguably about +13 HP from the ring, which is nothing.). This would obviously be more noticeable on Hire tier cures.
Personally I prefer the Quick cast ring, or even the refresh ring, but that's more for safety than anything else. Quick cast is probably the best option for a Career WHM as it can give instant cures / debuffs / recast timers which is invaluable as 1 refresh / 1 sublimation is great for /sch however with ballads becomes rather blah~
If you're a DD whm Flash Nova and the Light Magic +10% Ring is definately the way to go.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-11 12:00:23
Got these and the hairpin earlier today. :3 /cheer
Equipment 1/1 each coffer attempt.
Skjalf is there drop info for these anywhere? A link would be great
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Odin.Skjalf 2014-11-11 12:48:15
Got these and the hairpin earlier today. :3 /cheer
Equipment 1/1 each coffer attempt.
Skjalf is there drop info for these anywhere? A link would be great
Regal pumps, Imperial Wing Hairpin, Imperator's Wing (upgrade item) [x1~3+] along with [various] spell scroll(s) [such as] Thunder V are possible treasure from from Valkurm Imperator's Coffer. This coffer is received when you defeat Record of Eminence Unity Concord Wanted Notorious Monster Valkurm Imperator in Valkurm Dunes. You need 50 wings along with 10,000 Unity Accolades per piece to update the pumps/hairpin to +1 version.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Fosco 2014-11-11 15:08:04
I guess that's what happens when the Arka IV warp-digivolves.
No Digimon meme, You sir Failed hard.
Mine even has 3 incorrect references! Thank you for correcting my heinous error!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Odin.Skjalf 2014-11-11 15:45:36
Got these and the hairpin earlier today. :3 /cheer
Equipment 1/1 each coffer attempt.
Skjalf is there drop info for these anywhere? A link would be great
Regal pumps, Imperial Wing Hairpin, Imperator's Wing (upgrade item) [x1~3+] along with [various] spell scroll(s) [such as] Thunder V are possible treasure from from Valkurm Imperator's Coffer. This coffer is received when you defeat Record of Eminence Unity Concord Wanted Notorious Monster Valkurm Imperator in Valkurm Dunes. You need 50 wings along with 10,000 Unity Accolades per piece to update the pumps/hairpin to +1 version.
HQ versions also drop it seems. Not sure if you have to have the NQ version already in Items or not... probably not. Can't wait to get Regal pumps +1 : )
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2014-11-14 06:40:45
I got the +1 whm staff on rdm/blm/sch mule as a drop(didn't have nq), and just finished making a +1 on my whm/brd mule. Arke is a pretty huge joke, probably any dd and mage can duo it. You need about 1075acc to cap hit rate on it, and it has high-ish def, but only about 87500hp.
Not entirely sure what to make of it though. You could always make a different set for each unity rank, but I'm sure that'll get tedious changing between them after awhile. Assuming we'll always get at least +6 cure potency from unity rank, I could just see it as a +30% cure potency staff.
Node 207
Disregardhope is now also contributing to the sets on this guide.