On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2016-04-12 21:37:32
What augments are people doing on Alaunus Cape?
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-04-12 21:39:49
Did FC/MND/Macc for my first one on my WHM mule.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2016-04-12 21:58:24
dumb question, trying to help a friend update some whm sets.... he just capped whm jp, so is it +23% cure potency just from having capped JP?
Wouldn't waste a cape on cure potency. There are plenty of other slots where cure potency can be easily capped.
That wasnt what he was asking.
No it's just flat out adding +5 to the cures.
So the +23% from JP breaks the 50% cap ? or can i swap out potency gear since i get +23% base potency? I'm confused.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 334
By Asura.Krystela 2016-04-12 22:21:51
ItemSet 329598
Cure potency set for beginners.
But seriously though look towards the first page for achievable goals, but seriously ignore the idle set =-=;; (noone can get that staff atm unless dumb blind luck)
I recommend queller rod ASAP for curing in general, as well as a refresh piece, and getting to i119 equipment. She's right, I putted the staff there to mostly show it. Any refresh +1 weapon will do, the queller rod is the best inventory saver piece.
By ibm2431 2016-04-13 02:29:00
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »dumb question, trying to help a friend update some whm sets.... he just capped whm jp, so is it +23% cure potency just from having capped JP?
Wouldn't waste a cape on cure potency. There are plenty of other slots where cure potency can be easily capped.
That wasnt what he was asking.
No it's just flat out adding +5 to the cures.
So the +23% from JP breaks the 50% cap ? or can i swap out potency gear since i get +23% base potency? I'm confused.
It's not percentage. It's a static number that's added onto how much you cure for. 23 HP. Not 23%.
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Server: Sylph
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Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-04-13 09:31:45
On the topic of the idle set on the front page,
ItemSet 339820
The staff unless you get really lucky, is basically un-obtainable as no current end-game group has it. It's basically the dream. I get that it's currently ontainable through the wanted box event but even then <_<;;
But the feet and hands should maybe be changed to Chironic stuff, seeing a fair few got refresh during the dark mater campaign.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-13 10:13:10
Any refresh +1 weapon will do, the queller rod is the best inventory saver piece. I use Bolelabunga as my inventory-saver idle piece. No reason to carry Queller anymore. It was a very short-lived piece, only in the game for about a month before /SCH gained access to Aurorastorm. Now it's useless.
I'm kind of on the fence about putting refresh Chironic in the recommended sets. I managed to snag a pair of refresh hands, never got it on slippers, but who knows if/when that dark matter event is ever coming back. And I feel like Contemplator is several orders of magnitude more obtainable than refresh Chironic when there's no dark matter event going on. That said, I guess we are kind of shooting for optimum gear in those sets. But if we put Chironic, we should leave Contemplator.
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-04-13 10:36:45
Queller Rod is far from useless...
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Server: Sylph
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Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-04-13 10:45:10
Any refresh +1 weapon will do, the queller rod is the best inventory saver piece. I use Bolelabunga as my inventory-saver idle piece. No reason to carry Queller anymore. It was a very short-lived piece, only in the game for about a month before /SCH gained access to Aurorastorm. Now it's useless.
I'm kind of on the fence about putting refresh Chironic in the recommended sets. I managed to snag a pair of refresh hands, never got it on slippers, but who knows if/when that dark matter event is ever coming back. And I feel like Contemplator is several orders of magnitude more obtainable than refresh Chironic when there's no dark matter event going on. That said, I guess we are kind of shooting for optimum gear in those sets. But if we put Chironic, we should leave Contemplator.
Your willing to go full time aurorastorm which often on higher tier content can get a tank killed? And then maybe even yourself killed because of terrible interruption rate due to using non-i level equipment.
You never have to full time aurorastorm, it's nice yeah, but it's stupid to full time it when that could easily get you or the tank killed from the time spent a) Casting and B) Terrible interruption rate. Especially on content like Schah where many groups have 1 tank taking solo holding 6 adds, all using nukes and WSs, Most content WHM does not have time to spend faffing around casting aurorastorm.
I get some do prefer the Bolebueogongnoeogibnengigoe (I hate spelling it omg), for the Regen, but for most queller rod going to be Inventory +1 anyways.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Sylph.Scummy 2016-04-13 11:51:45
On the topic of the idle set on the front page,
ItemSet 339820
The staff unless you get really lucky, is basically un-obtainable as no current end-game group has it. It's basically the dream. I get that it's currently ontainable through the wanted box event but even then <_<;;
But the feet and hands should maybe be changed to Chironic stuff, seeing a fair few got refresh during the dark mater campaign.
I think you need to revise your Idle set before using an I-Level equipment argument for Endgame activites.
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-04-13 11:58:37
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2016-04-13 12:06:33
Any refresh +1 weapon will do, the queller rod is the best inventory saver piece. I use Bolelabunga as my inventory-saver idle piece. No reason to carry Queller anymore. It was a very short-lived piece, only in the game for about a month before /SCH gained access to Aurorastorm. Now it's useless.
I'm kind of on the fence about putting refresh Chironic in the recommended sets. I managed to snag a pair of refresh hands, never got it on slippers, but who knows if/when that dark matter event is ever coming back. And I feel like Contemplator is several orders of magnitude more obtainable than refresh Chironic when there's no dark matter event going on. That said, I guess we are kind of shooting for optimum gear in those sets. But if we put Chironic, we should leave Contemplator.
Your willing to go full time aurorastorm which often on higher tier content can get a tank killed? And then maybe even yourself killed because of terrible interruption rate due to using non-i level equipment.
You never have to full time aurorastorm, it's nice yeah, but it's stupid to full time it when that could easily get you or the tank killed from the time spent a) Casting and B) Terrible interruption rate. Especially on content like Schah where many groups have 1 tank taking solo holding 6 adds, all using nukes and WSs, Most content WHM does not have time to spend faffing around casting aurorastorm.
I get some do prefer the Bolebueogongnoeogibnengigoe (I hate spelling it omg), for the Regen, but for most queller rod going to be Inventory +1 anyways.
Interruption rate is being considered on a 0.1 second window?
Did I miss something like SE preventing us from swapping gear? Surely if you have 80% cast time reduction interruption rate is secondary to everything.
The same thing can be said about Aurorastorm, whist your point re: Casting it when a tank needs a cure is gunna get them killed, has a valid point, so too does "don't put your hand in a *** blender cos it's stupid" the same thing for healers, if you need to cure, dont spent time casting stoneskin. This point is assanine.
Pre pull however casting aurorastorm to conserve mana of just for a slight boost is never a bad thing, as long as you have a non Aurorastrom set also.
I fail to see the point if someone could point out why people are discouraging Niche sets unless someone claims to be able to maintain a buff full time and doesn't have a back up - noting the fact no one ever said they don't have a non aurora set though.(which is doable but down to the individual player skill level).
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-04-13 12:19:03
Conagh said: I fail to see the point if someone could point out why people are discouraging Niche sets unless someone claims to be able to maintain a buff full time and doesn't have a back up - noting the fact no one ever said they don't have a non aurora set though.(which is doable but down to the individual player skill level).
Pergatory said: No reason to carry Queller anymore. It was a very short-lived piece, only in the game for about a month before /SCH gained access to Aurorastorm. Now it's useless.
You guys need to read what she's saying and responding to before being so condescending
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1463
By Asura.Carrotchan 2016-04-13 13:32:57
I think you need to revise your Idle set before using an I-Level equipment argument for Endgame activites. Just going to chime in here, it's called an idle toggle. Full refresh and -DT!
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Server: Sylph
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Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-04-13 13:33:35
I think you need to revise your Idle set before using an I-Level equipment argument for Endgame activites. Just going to chime in here, it's called an idle toggle. Full refresh and -DT! That and that idle set is from the front page of this guide...
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Sylph.Scummy 2016-04-13 14:48:56
I think you need to revise your Idle set before using an I-Level equipment argument for Endgame activites. Just going to chime in here, it's called an idle toggle. Full refresh and -DT! That and that idle set is from the front page of this guide...
Any refresh +1 weapon will do, the queller rod is the best inventory saver piece. I use Bolelabunga as my inventory-saver idle piece. No reason to carry Queller anymore. It was a very short-lived piece, only in the game for about a month before /SCH gained access to Aurorastorm. Now it's useless.
I'm kind of on the fence about putting refresh Chironic in the recommended sets. I managed to snag a pair of refresh hands, never got it on slippers, but who knows if/when that dark matter event is ever coming back. And I feel like Contemplator is several orders of magnitude more obtainable than refresh Chironic when there's no dark matter event going on. That said, I guess we are kind of shooting for optimum gear in those sets. But if we put Chironic, we should leave Contemplator.
Your willing to go full time aurorastorm which often on higher tier content can get a tank killed? And then maybe even yourself killed because of terrible interruption rate due to using non-i level equipment.
You never have to full time aurorastorm, it's nice yeah, but it's stupid to full time it when that could easily get you or the tank killed from the time spent a) Casting and B) Terrible interruption rate. Especially on content like Schah where many groups have 1 tank taking solo holding 6 adds, all using nukes and WSs, Most content WHM does not have time to spend faffing around casting aurorastorm.
I get some do prefer the Bolebueogongnoeogibnengigoe (I hate spelling it omg), for the Regen, but for most queller rod going to be Inventory +1 anyways.
I omitted the last quote from my previous post. Why post a Non-I-Level Idle set, then argue about Non-I-Level set getting you killed???
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-04-13 14:53:30
*point missed once more*
What im saying is the Armor set on the front page of this guide needs to be changed to Chironic.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-13 16:58:32
Queller Rod is far from useless... What is it useful for?
Yes Shadowlina, I fulltime Aurorastorm on all content. Sure it may not be up 100% of the time on busier content, but it's rarely down for long.
Are you honestly telling me that you carry around a whole cure build for when you don't have Aurorastorm up just to gain an extra 2% cure potency 2 from Queller Rod? I just use my Aurorastorm set whether Aurorastorm is up or not. It has capped potency1, capped enmity down, and capped power.
It does just fine even if Aurorastorm drops. Which it rarely does, even during Schah. We did Schah just a few days ago, we had 2 PLDs and I was the only healer, and I still managed to keep Aurorastorm up a good majority of the time. Sure it dropped if they started spamming curse back-to-back-to-back and I had no time to cast it but it was never very long until I had a chance to re-up. I've never had anyone die while I was casting it.
I'm not saying it was easy, it was extremely challenging, but it's not hard to find little gaps in the damage and like I said even if you can't, the Queller is only getting you another 2% potency. And even if you carry it, idling in it is not an inventory saver because you still need to carry its alternative (Bolelabunga) for regens. So you're not saving inventory, you're just further justifying not leaving Queller in your mog house. Personally, I believe the mog house is where it belongs.
And then maybe even yourself killed because of terrible interruption rate due to using non-i level equipment. Does your WHM actually get interrupted in group play? How does that even happen? Do you not have enmity down in your Cure build? My WHM doesn't pull hate over anyone except a SMN. When WoC petrifies the tank, does he come for the healer or the BLMs? If he comes for the healer, the healer is doing something wrong.
The only time I can think of in recent history was Sovereign Behemoth with a bunch of DDs that had no accuracy. We were almost timing out on the fights, and the idiots kept howling it like 3 times in a row so it hits for 500 damage a swing. I tanked a good bit on that day, but even then I kept Aurorastorm up 100%.
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Server: Sylph
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Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-04-13 17:07:25
You don't want to be keeping up aurorastorm yourself on HELMs. as someone who has killed all the helms. You have far more intressting things and much more important things to be watching over 1 buff that could easily kill a tank. I'd much rather be saving a tank from a Emmity reset or something of that sort rather than be caught of guard casting aurorastorm and then the tanks dead from something that he could of easily of been saved from.
If someone else is casting aurorastorm on you. great fair enough. Otherwise, no 145+ content you should not be casting on yourself, you have far to much to be microing already.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-13 17:09:42
I've killed all the HELMs too. Like I said, I've never had any problems keeping Aurorastorm up, and in those rare situations where I do, I don't care that I could be using Queller Rod for 2% more potency.
Edit: To clarify, most of the situations where I have any difficulty keeping Aurorastorm up, it's hard enough content that I'm relying on cureskin to do most of the work anyway. So 2% more potency literally won't help me at all.
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-04-13 17:23:27
Queller Rod is far from useless... What is it useful for?
Queller Rod is an useful cure club. Its useful to those WHMs who don't have a Gada or two or something else. It also makes a nice Flash Nova club if you don't have better. It is nice to have options for different gear combinations. Just because you don't use it doesn't make it an useless weapon.
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-04-13 17:27:22
Where have all the kind, sweet, loving white mages gone to? lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-13 17:31:51
Just because any WHM with 700k to buy a Chatoyant shouldn't be using it, you mean?
And LOL, Flash Nova
I give you points for effort Skjal. If you want to carry it for 2% more potency on those moments when Aurorastorm drops, that's cool, I can't really say that's "useless" but I scoff at thee!
*Crosses his arms*
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Server: Excalibur
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By Anna Ruthven 2016-04-13 17:33:43
Stop shitting up the guide, arguing, and talking down to others.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-13 17:37:32
Lol Josiah, 2% seemed like a lot more back then huh? I was so proud of my Aristo!
Honestly I think it's funny because this is 180 degrees from WHM discussion a few years ago, where I was the one saying WHM shouldn't be casting Haste because tanks will die in the time it takes to cast, and all the other WHMs on FFXIAH were saying "I don't have problems casting it, stop being lazy!"
Now I'm the one saying look we have all this fast cast, powerful cureskin, more powerful debuffs, etc., it should be possible to keep 1 buff up without having tanks die while you cast it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Asura.Krystela 2016-04-13 17:46:29
What have I missed? xD
I also cleared all the HELMS and had no problem keeping up storm either, but I do have some kind of routine when I re-buff me and others in fights like that. I do cure 3(for ss) -> Haste me -> cure 3 -> aurastorm -> cure 3 -> haste tank ect.
I'm also not sure how you ever get interrupted, I never get hate, spells are near instant and I usually try to stand 20+ from stuff full time. Wanting to idle in 119+, is very valid though.
As for the whole queller vs staff argument. Personally, I dont use staff, at all and I made the sets lol. Everyone have their own way to play. Stop bashing on others for having a different playstyle, as long as they get the job done, you should careless.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Asura.Krystela 2016-04-13 17:56:23
On the topic of the idle set on the front page,
ItemSet 339820
The staff unless you get really lucky, is basically un-obtainable as no current end-game group has it. It's basically the dream. I get that it's currently ontainable through the wanted box event but even then <_<;;
But the feet and hands should maybe be changed to Chironic stuff, seeing a fair few got refresh during the dark mater campaign.
The chironic refresh pieces are mentionned under that set. The main reason why I didnt put them there its because they are campain related pieces and those campain come and go. I also would feel horrible making people spend money on dark matter for 1 mil a piece.
But if people wish, I have no problem switching things around and putting the chironic pieces and do a mention for the other pieces instead.
I find it hard to please everyone sometimes xD
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Server: Sylph
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Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-04-13 18:10:58
Make a alternative set then listed on the guide?
Especially seeing as the staff is basically unobtainable anyways.
Node 207
Disregardhope is now also contributing to the sets on this guide.