On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-16 10:48:36
Cerberus.Spirachub said: »From reading the jp wiki on Auspice, it seems like the whm him/herself is the only one who gets the enlight + acc bonus benefit.
source here:
Quote: ハートオブミゼリ中に使えば、パーティメンバーもエンライトや命中ボーナスが得られるかのような表記になっているが、実際に上記効果を得られるのは、『ハートオブミゼリ中である白魔道士のみ』である*1。
Loosely translates to "When used with Afflatus Misery, the blurb above(It's talking about the effect and the dmg on enlight effect and how you should confirm with your fellow pld/drk before using) implies that the whole party will gain the effect of enlight + acc bonus, but in actual fact only the white mage with Afflatus Misery active will gain these bonuses."
So if this is true then only the whm gains those effect if and only if he/she keep Afflatus Misery up(?).
Probably pretty easy to find out... if anyone cares enough XD
Spira, much appreciated I couldn't find the original text, unfortunately this is after I spent 2 hours testing.
By Jetackuu 2014-10-16 14:13:07
Now that I'm starting to get some decent gear (forged relic, etc) I'm going to have to start using Gearswap it looks like, I've been putting it off for shear lazyness.
Will gearswap handle moving stuff around in your inventory for you as well? or do you need to have it all in inventory/Wardrobe?
You can make another addon do it for using /put and /get commands but its painful and slow. ie one thing at a time not 50 so I would personally stick to inventory / wardrobe. gotcha, there a current one for changing stuff when changing jobs?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-16 20:26:13
Now that I'm starting to get some decent gear (forged relic, etc) I'm going to have to start using Gearswap it looks like, I've been putting it off for shear lazyness.
Will gearswap handle moving stuff around in your inventory for you as well? or do you need to have it all in inventory/Wardrobe?
You can make another addon do it for using /put and /get commands but its painful and slow. ie one thing at a time not 50 so I would personally stick to inventory / wardrobe. gotcha, there a current one for changing stuff when changing jobs?
gear colector?
//gs export sets xml - copy this to Spellcast foler (make one) and name it w.e
//gc WHM
Should work fine, Itemizer does this too but uhg.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-16 20:56:10
Cerberus.Spirachub said: »From reading the jp wiki on Auspice, it seems like the whm him/herself is the only one who gets the enlight + acc bonus benefit.
source here:
Quote: ハートオブミゼリ中に使えば、パーティメンバーもエンライトや命中ボーナスが得られるかのような表記になっているが、実際に上記効果を得られるのは、『ハートオブミゼリ中である白魔道士のみ』である*1。
Loosely translates to "When used with Afflatus Misery, the blurb above(It's talking about the effect and the dmg on enlight effect and how you should confirm with your fellow pld/drk before using) implies that the whole party will gain the effect of enlight + acc bonus, but in actual fact only the white mage with Afflatus Misery active will gain these bonuses."
So if this is true then only the whm gains those effect if and only if he/she keep Afflatus Misery up(?).
Probably pretty easy to find out... if anyone cares enough XD In case it wasn't clear, it mentions checking with your PLDs and DRKs before hand because auspice overwrites enlight and endark. Which is really freaking annoying. And rather silly.
So the PLD's and DRKs have to recast every time the WHM uses auspice. -.-
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-16 21:23:00
Cerberus.Spirachub said: »From reading the jp wiki on Auspice, it seems like the whm him/herself is the only one who gets the enlight + acc bonus benefit.
source here:
Quote: ハートオブミゼリ中に使えば、パーティメンバーもエンライトや命中ボーナスが得られるかのような表記になっているが、実際に上記効果を得られるのは、『ハートオブミゼリ中である白魔道士のみ』である*1。
Loosely translates to "When used with Afflatus Misery, the blurb above(It's talking about the effect and the dmg on enlight effect and how you should confirm with your fellow pld/drk before using) implies that the whole party will gain the effect of enlight + acc bonus, but in actual fact only the white mage with Afflatus Misery active will gain these bonuses."
So if this is true then only the whm gains those effect if and only if he/she keep Afflatus Misery up(?).
Probably pretty easy to find out... if anyone cares enough XD In case it wasn't clear, it mentions checking with your PLDs and DRKs before hand because auspice overwrites enlight and endark. Which is really freaking annoying. And rather silly.
So the PLD's and DRKs have to recast every time the WHM uses auspice. -.-
Only the whm gets the enlight but Spaghett code screws PLD and drk up. Long story short - auspice is terrible.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Fosco 2014-10-17 10:53:37
Only the whm gets the enlight but Spaghett code screws PLD and drk up. Long story short - auspice is terrible. Not when you're solo. ;)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2014-10-18 03:49:52
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-18 06:10:02
By Cleric 2014-10-19 17:21:11
Aren't piety Hands +1 better for enfeebling than Lurid?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-19 18:40:40
Aren't piety Hands +1 better for enfeebling than Lurid? Lurid: INT+19 MND+33 Magic Accuracy+23 Enfeebling magic skill +18
Piety+1:INT+19 MND+33 Divine magic skill +22 Enfeebling magic skill +22
Same int/mind, so shelve that. Then 23 Macc AND 18 enfeebling skill, vs just 22 enfeebling. Lurid is leagues ahead.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-19 18:49:06
Aren't piety Hands +1 better for enfeebling than Lurid?
Read the gear and its actual stats and then read Piety, it's clearly not even remotely close. Magic Accuracy is just as good as skill, there is no difference in the end calculation to your targets resist chance.
By Cleric 2014-10-19 19:36:54
Oh, I had a dumb moment, and didn't see the magic accuracy on the lurid/lack of on the piety+1 lol.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Bahamut.Samsonxiii 2014-10-19 21:41:24
Conagh thank you for taking you time and making a guide like this.
I have a question.
I am using your GS file and my precast set works fine but when i cast any of the cure spells the Cure precast set does not seem to work. I do //gs showswaps and it only show my regular precast gear and not the cure precast set (heka, Pahtli, ect)
Please help!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-19 22:04:16
Bahamut.Samsonxiii said: »Conagh thank you for taking you time and making a guide like this.
I have a question.
I am using your GS file and my precast set works fine but when i cast any of the cure spells the Cure precast set does not seem to work. I do //gs showswaps and it only show my regular precast gear and not the cure precast set (heka, Pahtli, ect)
Please help!
Let me have a quick look its for a mule so.....
Ah, I think I forgot to add else rules into precast... my mistake edited a few days for the Aga rule, mainly cos too lazy to make a curaga 3 macro...
I'll amend it now on Github...
Heres the code for you to copy paste.
Code function get_sets()
send_command('input /macro book 7;wait .1;input /macro set 1') -- Change Default Macro Book Here --
AutoAga = 1
Armor = 'None'
sets.aftercast_IdleNight = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1"}
sets.aftercast_AssaultNight = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Balrahn's Ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1"}
sets.aftercast_Idle119 = {main="Terra's Staff",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Gendewitha Caubeen",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Theophany briault +1",hands="Gendewitha Gages",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Artsieq Hose",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1"}
sets.aftercast_IdleDay = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Lurid Mitts",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Serpentes Sabots"}
sets.aftercast_AssaultDay = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Lurid Mitts",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Serpentes Sabots"}
sets.aftercast_Idle = sets.aftercast_Idle_noSub
sets.aftercast_Move = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Sirona's ring",ring2="Aquasoul Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Desert Boots"}
sets.precast_FastCast = {ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Nahtirah Hat",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Anhur Robe",hands="Gendewitha Gages",back="Swith Cape",legs="Artsieq hose",feet="Chelona Boots",waist="Siegel Sash"}
sets.precast_Cure = {ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Nahtirah Hat",ear2="Loquacious Earring", waist="Witful Belt",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Gendewitha Gages",back="Pahtli Cape",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",feet="Cure Clogs"}
sets.Resting = {main="Chatoyant Staff"}
sets.midcast_ElementalMagic = {ammo="Kalboron Stone",
main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",head="Nahtirah Hat",body="Nares Saio",hands="Yaoyotl Gloves",legs="Theo. Pantaloons",feet="Umbani Boots",
neck="Eddy Necklace",waist="Cascade Belt",left_ear="Hecate's Earring",right_ear="Friomisi Earring",left_ring="Maquette Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape",}
sets.midcast_DarkMagic = {main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Nahtirah Hat",
body="Nares Saio",hands="Gendewitha Gages",legs="Bokwus Slops",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1",neck="Eddy Necklace",waist="Cascade Belt",
left_ear="Lifestorm Earring",right_ear="Psystorm Earring",left_ring="Maquette Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape",}
sets.midcast_EnfeeblingMagic = { ammo="Kalboron Stone",
main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",head="Artsieq Hat",body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Lurid Mitts",legs="Artsieq Hose",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1",
neck="Imbodla Necklace",waist="Ovate Rope",left_ear="Lifestorm Earring",right_ear="Psystorm Earring",left_ring="Aquasoul Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape",}
sets.midcast_EnfeeblingAccuracy = { ammo="Kalboron Stone",
main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",head="Artsieq Hat",body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Lurid Mitts",legs="Artsieq Hose",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1",
neck="Imbodla Necklace",waist="Ovate Rope",left_ear="Lifestorm Earring",right_ear="Psystorm Earring",left_ring="Maquette Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape"}
sets.midcast_Impact = {main="Atinian Staff",sub="Wizzan Grip",ammo="Witchstone",
neck="Eddy Necklace",ear1="Hecate's Earring",ear2="Novio Earring",
hands="Yaoyotl Gloves",ring1="Archon Ring",ring2="Sangoma Ring",
back="Searing Cape",waist="Maniacus Sash",legs="",feet="Umbani Boots"}
sets.midcast_EnhancingRecast = {main="Beneficus",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nahtirah Hat",neck="Colossus's Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Theo. briault +1",hands="Dynasty Mitts",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Goading Belt",legs="Artsieq hose",feet="Piety Duckbills +1"}
sets.midcast_EnhancingMagic = {main="Beneficus",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nabu's tiara",neck="Colossus's Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Hyksos Robe",hands="Dynasty Mitts",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Olympus sash",legs="Piety Pantaloons",feet="Orsn. Duckbills +2"}
sets.midcast_BarSpell = {main="Beneficus",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Colossus's Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Orison Mitts +2",
back="Mending Cape",waist="Olympus Sash",legs="Piety Pantaloons",feet="Orison Duckbills +2"}
sets.midcast_Regen = set_combine(sets.midcast_BarSpell,{main="Bolelabunga", legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha galoshes",body="Piety Briault"})
sets.midcast_DebuffRemoval = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Impatiens",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Enchanter Earring +1",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Gendewitha Gages",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Cascade Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.midcast_DebuffRemoval_Ionis = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Impatiens",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Enchanter Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Hieros Mittens",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Mending Cape",waist="Witful Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons +1",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.midcast_DebuffRemovalCaress = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Impatiens",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Orison Mitts +2",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Cascade Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.midcast_DebuffRemovalAccession = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Orison Mitts +2",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Cascade Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.precast_Stun = {main="Apamajas II"}
sets.midcast_Curaga = {ammo="Incantor Stone",
main="Tamaxchi",sub="Genbu's Shield",head="Gende. Caubeen",body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Theo. Mitts +1",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",
feet="Piety Duckbills +1",neck="Nuna Gorget +1",waist="Cascade Belt",ear2="Cmn. Earring",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",left_ring="Sirona's Ring",
right_ring="Aquasoul Ring",back="Pahtli Cape",}
sets.midcast_WCure =
{main="Chatoyant Staff",sub="Mephitis Grip",ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Gende. Caubeen",body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Bokwus Gloves",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",
feet="Piety Duckbills +1",neck="Colossus's Torque",waist="Korin Obi",left_ear="Roundel Earring",right_ear="Beatific Earring",left_ring="Sirona's Ring",
right_ring="Ephedra Ring",back="Twilight Cape"}
sets.midcast_Cure = {main="Tamaxchi",head="Gendewitha caubeen",neck="Colossus's Torque",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Theo. Mitts +1",back="Mending Cape",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",
ring1="Sirona's Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring", feet="Piety Duckbills +1", waist="Bishop's Sash",
ear2="Beatific Earring", ear1="Roundel Earring"}
sets.midcast_Helix = {main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",ammo="Snow Sachet",
head="Nahtirah Hat",neck="Eddy Necklace",ear1="Hecate's Earring",ear2="Friomisi Earring",
body="Nares Saio",hands="",ring1="Icesoul Ring",ring2="Icesoul Ring",
back="Twilight Cape",waist="Wanion Belt",legs="Akasha Chaps",feet="Umbani Boots"}
sets.midcast_Stoneskin = set_combine(sets.midcast_BarSpell,{main="Beneficus",neck="Stone Gorget",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Haven Hose",Ear1="Earthcry Earring"})
sets.Obi = {}
sets.Obi.Light = {waist='Korin Obi',back='Twilight Cape',main='Chatoyant Staff'}
-- JA Sets --
sets.JA = {}
sets.JA["Benediction"] = {head=""}
function pretarget(spell)
if spell.name == 'Cure III' and spell.target.type == 'PLAYER' and not spell.target.charmed and AutoAga == 1 then
send_command(';input /ma "Curaga III" '..spell.target.name..';')
function precast(spell,action)
if spell.type == "JobAbility" then
if sets.JA[spell.english] then
elseif spell.skill=='Healing Magic' then
if T{"Cure", "Cure II", "Cure III", "Cure IV", "Cure V", "Cure VI"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif T{"Curaga", "Curaga II", "Curaga III", "Curaga IV", "Curaga V"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif spell.skill=='Elemental Magic' and spell.cast_time < 3 then
if spell.element == 'Earth' then
equip({neck="Quanpur Necklace"})
if spell.element == world.weather_element or spell_element == world.day_element and sets.Obi[spell.element] then
elseif spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' then
if T{"Barfira","Barfire","Barwater","Barwatera","Barstone","Barstonra","Baraero","Baraera","Barblizzara",
"Barblizzard","Barthunder","Barthundra"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_BarSpell'])
elseif T{"Paralyna","Silena","Viruna","Erase","Cursna","Stona","Blindna","Poisona"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemoval'])
function midcast(spell,action)
if spell.skill=='Divine Magic' then
elseif spell.skill=='Healing Magic' then
if T{"Cure","Cure II","Cure III","Cure IV","Cure V","Cure VI"}:contains(spell.name) then
if world.day =='Lightsday' or world.weather_element == 'Light' or Buffactive == 'Aurorastorm'then
elseif T{"Curaga","Curaga II","Curaga III","Curaga IV","Curaga V"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif T{"Paralyna","Silena","Viruna","Erase","Cursna","Stona","Blindna","Poisona"}:contains(spell.name) then
if buffactive['Accession'] then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemovalAccession'])
elseif buffactive['Divine Caress'] then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemovalCaress'])
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemoval'])
elseif T{"Protectra V","Shellra V"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif spell.skill=="Enfeebling Magic" then
if T{"Silence"}:contains(spell.name) then
send_command('@wait 1;input /echo ------- Silence Landed -------')
elseif spell.skill=="Elemental Magic" then
elseif spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' then
if T{"Barfira","Barfire","Barwater","Barwatera","Barstone","Barstonra","Baraero","Baraera","Barblizzara",
"Barblizzard","Barthunder","Barthundra"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_BarSpell'])
elseif T{"Paralyna","Silena","Viruna","Erase","Cursna","Stona","Blindna","Poisona"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemoval'])
if buffactive['Divine Caress'] then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemovalCaress'])
elseif spell.english == 'Stoneskin' then
elseif T{"Haste","Refresh"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Boost') then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Regen') then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Protect') then
equip (set_combine(sets['midcast_BarSpell'],{feet="Piety Duckbills +1"}))
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Shell') then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Protect') then
equip (set_combine(sets['midcast_BarSpell'],{feet="Piety Duckbills +1"}))
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Shell') then
equip(sets['midcast_Enhancing Magic'])
function aftercast(spell,action)
if Armor == '119' then
function status_change(new,action)
if new=='Idle' then
if Armor == '119' then
elseif new=='Resting' then
function buff_change(buff,gain_or_loss)
if buff == "Sandstorm" then
function Idle()
if buffactive['Sandstorm'] then
elseif world.time >= (17*60) or world.time <= (7*60) then
function pet_midcast(spell,action)
function pet_aftercast(spell,action)
-- In Game: //gs c (command), Macro: /console gs c (command), Bind: gs c (command) --
function self_command(command)
if command == 'C15' then -- MDT Toggle --
if Armor == '119' then
Armor = 'None'
add_to_chat(8,'119 Set: [Unlocked]')
Armor = '119'
add_to_chat(158,'119 Set: [Locked]')
elseif command == 'A10' then -- Aga Toggle --
if AutoAga == 1 then
AutoAga = 0
add_to_chat(8,'Curaga 3 Mode: [Off]')
AutoAga = 1
add_to_chat(158,'Curaga 3 Mode: [ON]')
-- This function is user defined, but never called by GearSwap itself. It's just a user function that's only called from user functions. I wanted to check the weather and equip a weather-based set for some spells, so it made sense to make a function for it instead of replicating the conditional in multiple places.
function weathercheck(spell_element,set)
if spell_element == world.weather_element or spell_element == world.day_element then
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Bahamut.Samsonxiii 2014-10-19 23:10:33
Bahamut.Samsonxiii said: »Conagh thank you for taking you time and making a guide like this.
I have a question.
I am using your GS file and my precast set works fine but when i cast any of the cure spells the Cure precast set does not seem to work. I do //gs showswaps and it only show my regular precast gear and not the cure precast set (heka, Pahtli, ect)
Please help!
Let me have a quick look its for a mule so.....
Ah, I think I forgot to add else rules into precast... my mistake edited a few days for the Aga rule, mainly cos too lazy to make a curaga 3 macro...
I'll amend it now on Github...
Heres the code for you to copy paste.
Code function get_sets()
send_command('input /macro book 7;wait .1;input /macro set 1') -- Change Default Macro Book Here --
AutoAga = 1
Armor = 'None'
sets.aftercast_IdleNight = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1"}
sets.aftercast_AssaultNight = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Balrahn's Ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1"}
sets.aftercast_Idle119 = {main="Terra's Staff",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Gendewitha Caubeen",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Theophany briault +1",hands="Gendewitha Gages",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Artsieq Hose",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1"}
sets.aftercast_IdleDay = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Lurid Mitts",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Serpentes Sabots"}
sets.aftercast_AssaultDay = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Merman's Earring",ear2="Coral Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Lurid Mitts",ring1="Dark ring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Serpentes Sabots"}
sets.aftercast_Idle = sets.aftercast_Idle_noSub
sets.aftercast_Move = {main="Bolelabunga",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nefer Khat",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Sirona's ring",ring2="Aquasoul Ring",
back="Cheviot Cape",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Nares Trews",feet="Desert Boots"}
sets.precast_FastCast = {ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Nahtirah Hat",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Anhur Robe",hands="Gendewitha Gages",back="Swith Cape",legs="Artsieq hose",feet="Chelona Boots",waist="Siegel Sash"}
sets.precast_Cure = {ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Nahtirah Hat",ear2="Loquacious Earring", waist="Witful Belt",
body="Heka's Kalasiris",hands="Gendewitha Gages",back="Pahtli Cape",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",feet="Cure Clogs"}
sets.Resting = {main="Chatoyant Staff"}
sets.midcast_ElementalMagic = {ammo="Kalboron Stone",
main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",head="Nahtirah Hat",body="Nares Saio",hands="Yaoyotl Gloves",legs="Theo. Pantaloons",feet="Umbani Boots",
neck="Eddy Necklace",waist="Cascade Belt",left_ear="Hecate's Earring",right_ear="Friomisi Earring",left_ring="Maquette Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape",}
sets.midcast_DarkMagic = {main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Nahtirah Hat",
body="Nares Saio",hands="Gendewitha Gages",legs="Bokwus Slops",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1",neck="Eddy Necklace",waist="Cascade Belt",
left_ear="Lifestorm Earring",right_ear="Psystorm Earring",left_ring="Maquette Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape",}
sets.midcast_EnfeeblingMagic = { ammo="Kalboron Stone",
main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",head="Artsieq Hat",body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Lurid Mitts",legs="Artsieq Hose",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1",
neck="Imbodla Necklace",waist="Ovate Rope",left_ear="Lifestorm Earring",right_ear="Psystorm Earring",left_ring="Aquasoul Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape",}
sets.midcast_EnfeeblingAccuracy = { ammo="Kalboron Stone",
main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",head="Artsieq Hat",body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Lurid Mitts",legs="Artsieq Hose",feet="Theo. Duckbills +1",
neck="Imbodla Necklace",waist="Ovate Rope",left_ear="Lifestorm Earring",right_ear="Psystorm Earring",left_ring="Maquette Ring",right_ring="Sangoma Ring",
back="Refraction Cape"}
sets.midcast_Impact = {main="Atinian Staff",sub="Wizzan Grip",ammo="Witchstone",
neck="Eddy Necklace",ear1="Hecate's Earring",ear2="Novio Earring",
hands="Yaoyotl Gloves",ring1="Archon Ring",ring2="Sangoma Ring",
back="Searing Cape",waist="Maniacus Sash",legs="",feet="Umbani Boots"}
sets.midcast_EnhancingRecast = {main="Beneficus",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nahtirah Hat",neck="Colossus's Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Theo. briault +1",hands="Dynasty Mitts",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Goading Belt",legs="Artsieq hose",feet="Piety Duckbills +1"}
sets.midcast_EnhancingMagic = {main="Beneficus",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Nabu's tiara",neck="Colossus's Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Hyksos Robe",hands="Dynasty Mitts",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Olympus sash",legs="Piety Pantaloons",feet="Orsn. Duckbills +2"}
sets.midcast_BarSpell = {main="Beneficus",sub="Genbu's Shield",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Colossus's Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Orison Mitts +2",
back="Mending Cape",waist="Olympus Sash",legs="Piety Pantaloons",feet="Orison Duckbills +2"}
sets.midcast_Regen = set_combine(sets.midcast_BarSpell,{main="Bolelabunga", legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha galoshes",body="Piety Briault"})
sets.midcast_DebuffRemoval = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Impatiens",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Enchanter Earring +1",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Gendewitha Gages",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Cascade Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.midcast_DebuffRemoval_Ionis = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Impatiens",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Enchanter Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Hieros Mittens",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Mending Cape",waist="Witful Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons +1",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.midcast_DebuffRemovalCaress = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Impatiens",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Orison Mitts +2",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Cascade Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.midcast_DebuffRemovalAccession = {main="Yagrush",ammo="Incantor Stone",
head="Orison Cap +2",neck="Malison Medallion",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Orison Mitts +2",ring1="Ephedra Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring",
back="Swith Cape",waist="Cascade Belt",legs="Theophany pantaloons",feet="Gendewitha Galoshes"}
sets.precast_Stun = {main="Apamajas II"}
sets.midcast_Curaga = {ammo="Incantor Stone",
main="Tamaxchi",sub="Genbu's Shield",head="Gende. Caubeen",body="Theo. Briault +1",hands="Theo. Mitts +1",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",
feet="Piety Duckbills +1",neck="Nuna Gorget +1",waist="Cascade Belt",ear2="Cmn. Earring",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",left_ring="Sirona's Ring",
right_ring="Aquasoul Ring",back="Pahtli Cape",}
sets.midcast_WCure =
{main="Chatoyant Staff",sub="Mephitis Grip",ammo="Incantor Stone",head="Gende. Caubeen",body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Bokwus Gloves",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",
feet="Piety Duckbills +1",neck="Colossus's Torque",waist="Korin Obi",left_ear="Roundel Earring",right_ear="Beatific Earring",left_ring="Sirona's Ring",
right_ring="Ephedra Ring",back="Twilight Cape"}
sets.midcast_Cure = {main="Tamaxchi",head="Gendewitha caubeen",neck="Colossus's Torque",
body="Orison Bliaud +2",hands="Theo. Mitts +1",back="Mending Cape",legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",
ring1="Sirona's Ring", ring2="Ephedra Ring", feet="Piety Duckbills +1", waist="Bishop's Sash",
ear2="Beatific Earring", ear1="Roundel Earring"}
sets.midcast_Helix = {main="Lehbrailg +2",sub="Mephitis Grip",ammo="Snow Sachet",
head="Nahtirah Hat",neck="Eddy Necklace",ear1="Hecate's Earring",ear2="Friomisi Earring",
body="Nares Saio",hands="",ring1="Icesoul Ring",ring2="Icesoul Ring",
back="Twilight Cape",waist="Wanion Belt",legs="Akasha Chaps",feet="Umbani Boots"}
sets.midcast_Stoneskin = set_combine(sets.midcast_BarSpell,{main="Beneficus",neck="Stone Gorget",waist="Siegel Sash",legs="Haven Hose",Ear1="Earthcry Earring"})
sets.Obi = {}
sets.Obi.Light = {waist='Korin Obi',back='Twilight Cape',main='Chatoyant Staff'}
-- JA Sets --
sets.JA = {}
sets.JA["Benediction"] = {head=""}
function pretarget(spell)
if spell.name == 'Cure III' and spell.target.type == 'PLAYER' and not spell.target.charmed and AutoAga == 1 then
send_command(';input /ma "Curaga III" '..spell.target.name..';')
function precast(spell,action)
if spell.type == "JobAbility" then
if sets.JA[spell.english] then
elseif spell.skill=='Healing Magic' then
if T{"Cure", "Cure II", "Cure III", "Cure IV", "Cure V", "Cure VI"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif T{"Curaga", "Curaga II", "Curaga III", "Curaga IV", "Curaga V"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif spell.skill=='Elemental Magic' and spell.cast_time < 3 then
if spell.element == 'Earth' then
equip({neck="Quanpur Necklace"})
if spell.element == world.weather_element or spell_element == world.day_element and sets.Obi[spell.element] then
elseif spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' then
if T{"Barfira","Barfire","Barwater","Barwatera","Barstone","Barstonra","Baraero","Baraera","Barblizzara",
"Barblizzard","Barthunder","Barthundra"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_BarSpell'])
elseif T{"Paralyna","Silena","Viruna","Erase","Cursna","Stona","Blindna","Poisona"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemoval'])
function midcast(spell,action)
if spell.skill=='Divine Magic' then
elseif spell.skill=='Healing Magic' then
if T{"Cure","Cure II","Cure III","Cure IV","Cure V","Cure VI"}:contains(spell.name) then
if world.day =='Lightsday' or world.weather_element == 'Light' or Buffactive == 'Aurorastorm'then
elseif T{"Curaga","Curaga II","Curaga III","Curaga IV","Curaga V"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif T{"Paralyna","Silena","Viruna","Erase","Cursna","Stona","Blindna","Poisona"}:contains(spell.name) then
if buffactive['Accession'] then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemovalAccession'])
elseif buffactive['Divine Caress'] then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemovalCaress'])
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemoval'])
elseif T{"Protectra V","Shellra V"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif spell.skill=="Enfeebling Magic" then
if T{"Silence"}:contains(spell.name) then
send_command('@wait 1;input /echo ------- Silence Landed -------')
elseif spell.skill=="Elemental Magic" then
elseif spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' then
if T{"Barfira","Barfire","Barwater","Barwatera","Barstone","Barstonra","Baraero","Baraera","Barblizzara",
"Barblizzard","Barthunder","Barthundra"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_BarSpell'])
elseif T{"Paralyna","Silena","Viruna","Erase","Cursna","Stona","Blindna","Poisona"}:contains(spell.name) then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemoval'])
if buffactive['Divine Caress'] then
equip (sets['midcast_DebuffRemovalCaress'])
elseif spell.english == 'Stoneskin' then
elseif T{"Haste","Refresh"}:contains(spell.name) then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Boost') then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Regen') then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Protect') then
equip (set_combine(sets['midcast_BarSpell'],{feet="Piety Duckbills +1"}))
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Shell') then
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Protect') then
equip (set_combine(sets['midcast_BarSpell'],{feet="Piety Duckbills +1"}))
elseif string.find(spell.english,'Shell') then
equip(sets['midcast_Enhancing Magic'])
function aftercast(spell,action)
if Armor == '119' then
function status_change(new,action)
if new=='Idle' then
if Armor == '119' then
elseif new=='Resting' then
function buff_change(buff,gain_or_loss)
if buff == "Sandstorm" then
function Idle()
if buffactive['Sandstorm'] then
elseif world.time >= (17*60) or world.time <= (7*60) then
function pet_midcast(spell,action)
function pet_aftercast(spell,action)
-- In Game: //gs c (command), Macro: /console gs c (command), Bind: gs c (command) --
function self_command(command)
if command == 'C15' then -- MDT Toggle --
if Armor == '119' then
Armor = 'None'
add_to_chat(8,'119 Set: [Unlocked]')
Armor = '119'
add_to_chat(158,'119 Set: [Locked]')
elseif command == 'A10' then -- Aga Toggle --
if AutoAga == 1 then
AutoAga = 0
add_to_chat(8,'Curaga 3 Mode: [Off]')
AutoAga = 1
add_to_chat(158,'Curaga 3 Mode: [ON]')
-- This function is user defined, but never called by GearSwap itself. It's just a user function that's only called from user functions. I wanted to check the weather and equip a weather-based set for some spells, so it made sense to make a function for it instead of replicating the conditional in multiple places.
function weathercheck(spell_element,set)
if spell_element == world.weather_element or spell_element == world.day_element then
Dude you are a total boss!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-19 23:34:06
Aren't piety Hands +1 better for enfeebling than Lurid?
Read the gear and its actual stats and then read Piety, it's clearly not even remotely close. Magic Accuracy is just as good as skill, there is no difference in the end calculation to your targets resist chance.
Above 300 skill, 1 skill is .9 macc, so macc is better than skill point for point.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-10-20 01:37:34
Sorry if I missed something obvious, but why no Umuthi in enhancing sets?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-20 01:46:32
Sorry if I missed something obvious, but why no Umuthi in enhancing sets? Probably because it's not really needed. There's plenty of room to hit 500 skill without it. Although, as a piece with a large skill value on it, it is a potential inv saver.
I only even carry mine if I'm not /sch. Can hit 500 skill without it, and I have alternate uses for most of my other enhancing pieces.
Like, colossus torque doubles as a healing skill+ piece. Dynasty mitts have duration+. Orison feet have a higher skill value and auspice enhancement. And piety legs+1 have their specific barspell+ in addition to enhancing.
There just doesn't seem to be much need for Umuthi cap. <,< Well, unless you want SS casting time-, but I'm already capping casttime- on that too, irrc.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-20 01:48:03
Aren't piety Hands +1 better for enfeebling than Lurid?
Read the gear and its actual stats and then read Piety, it's clearly not even remotely close. Magic Accuracy is just as good as skill, there is no difference in the end calculation to your targets resist chance.
Above 300 skill, 1 skill is .9 macc, so macc is better than skill point for point.
Undefinitive testing disproven here ~
Have a read its 1 skill ~ 1 enfeeble proven wrong years ago as 0.9
And this "300" skill soft cap was determined at 75 cap vs 75 contant so its relevance at 119~125 content is questionable even if it was correct at time of testing. you could then assume that their basic "skill requirement" to get you on the same level was lower (exact math unknown however the Calculations are only truly known to SE) this could be interpreted as an Alpha value previously in WSC. so
(skill -300)x0.9 + Magic Acc skill(this includes dINT) +300 = total Magic Hit Rate where 300 is the soft cap and level correction applies then.
Could have been the old "assumption" however it was proven there was no "alpha" value in Magic enfeebling data.
Unless there is a more up to date testing than this.. I will stick with this empirical data.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-20 01:51:42
Sorry if I missed something obvious, but why no Umuthi in enhancing sets?
I've added it because I have Nabu's in that slot however they really are not needed to cap enhancing skill, however arguably easier to get than some pieces.
I personally always use Dynasty Mitts mainly due to the enhancing time + on them and those allowing you to hit 500 skill as whm/sch so I never use Nabu or Umuthi for anything
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-10-20 02:07:19
A few of those pieces aren't needed to reach 500 with light arts if you have merits and are capped, it's still a good idea to have the highest available piece for each slot so people can mix and match with pieces they might or might not have. (Or if for whatever reason people aren't /sch or are part of the /rdm fanclub). It's also less of a pain in the butt to get than Nabu's if you have a group capable of doing Yorcia delve.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-20 02:08:56
A few of those pieces aren't needed to reach 500 with light arts if you have merits and are capped, it's still a good idea to have the highest available piece for each slot so people can mix and match with pieces they might or might not have. (Or if for whatever reason people aren't /sch or are part of the /rdm fanclub). It's also less of a pain in the butt to get than Nabu's if you have a group capable of doing Yorcia delve.
Agreed it's just not a piece you "need" to get 500 skill and not much of an inventory saver ....
Want to stress the point I'm not perfect I will occasionally miss a better piece so feel to ask!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-10-20 02:35:18
Also, think might be worth adding a little blurb about macros? Still run into a lot of people who don't seem to know about <stpt> or <stal>. It's pretty handy knowledge for a mage, especially if you don't use blinkmenot.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-20 02:40:06
Also, think might be worth adding a little blurb about macros? Still run into a lot of people who don't seem to know about <stpt> or <stal>. It's pretty handy knowledge for a mage, especially if you don't use blinkmenot.
It's being added to Tip's and tricks
its partly done but will add a Big thing about how to play without getting people killed.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2014-10-21 11:42:47
I'd like to add to the Under Utilized item's Cura III is also a great spell I like to use when in close quarters good for conserving MP at a cost of 60mp vs. 180mp on a curaga III cast:
■ Casting Cura while Afflatus Misery is activated grants a potency bonus to the spell based on the most recent damage you sustain.
■ The bonus from Afflatus Misery resets upon cast.
■ Appears to soft cap at 175 HP with a sufficient bonus value from Afflatus Misery.
■ This spell is affected by "Cure" related equipment (e.g. Light Staff, Cure Clogs)
would possibly be good to add to the healing group in GS could be beneficial. In my rotation of cures I like to use a large repertoire.
Very impressed with your guide thus far thank you for your contribution.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-21 13:14:59
I'd like to add to the Under Utilized item's Cura III is also a great spell I like to use when in close quarters good for conserving MP at a cost of 60mp vs. 180mp on a curaga III cast:
■ Casting Cura while Afflatus Misery is activated grants a potency bonus to the spell based on the most recent damage you sustain.
■ The bonus from Afflatus Misery resets upon cast.
■ Appears to soft cap at 175 HP with a sufficient bonus value from Afflatus Misery.
■ This spell is affected by "Cure" related equipment (e.g. Light Staff, Cure Clogs)
would possibly be good to add to the healing group in GS could be beneficial. In my rotation of cures I like to use a large repertoire.
Very impressed with your guide thus far thank you for your contribution.
most of this is already in the guide, minus the soft cap and the fact potency gear affects it, I guess I overlooked adding that part.
I'll also note that Cura is worked out on the same Calculations as Curaga is and buloet point it
Quote: Cura: Why would I ever use this....
This healing spell is the black sheep of the cure family. This spell is centred around the caster and hits all party members who are within 10 Yalms of the caster. Because of the nature of the spell, it can be potentially very dangerous to use, and at the same time, can also be one of the best spells possible to use in very select instances. Cura’s hard cap is very low but also has a very low MP cost as well. What makes Cura interesting is that it is enhanced by Afflatus Misery, namely by how much damage the White Mage has taken in their last hit of damage. It does not take very much damage to cap out the “Misery” potency of this spell - my own observations being that Cura III seems to cap out when the White Mage has taken around 250 damage.
You can use Potency received items on this as it hits the WHM as well and its easily the lowest MP cost Cure spells a WHM has, although its not very strong and why would you ever be close to the mob?? (Useful for Melee WHM sets but we will touch on those later)
Taking this from the last guide:
In terms of the gearswap, because cura is worked out like Curaga and I used tables it's incredibly easy to add it:
Code Cures = S{'Cure','Cure II','Cure III','Cure IV','Cure V','Cure VI'}
Curagas = S{'Curaga','Curaga II','Curaga III','Curaga IV','Curaga V','Cura','Cura II','Cura III'}
Lyna = S{'Paralyna','Silena','Viruna','Erase','Cursna','Stona','Blindna','Poisona'}
Barspells = S{'Barfira','Barfire','Barwater','Barwatera','Barstone','Barstonra','Baraero','Baraera','Barblizzara','Barblizzard','Barthunder','Barthundra'}
Turtle = S{'Protectra V','Shellra V'}
Cursna = S{'Cursna'}
Regens = S{'Regen','Regen II','Regen III','Regen IV','Regen V'}
Enhanced = S{'Flurry','Haste','Refresh'}
Banished = S{'Banish','Banish II','Banish III','Banishga','Banishga II'}
Smite = S{'Holy','Holy II'}
Reposed = S{'Repose','Flash'}
Potency = S{'Slow','Paralyze'}
Defense = S{'Stoneskin'}
Literally just add it in the Curagas as above and it would do it for you ~
Added these tables as it was more concise and if SE adds say Holy III it's 1 amendment and then it works in your sets, sorta like plug in and go!
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 593
By Sylph.Auria 2014-10-22 23:35:47
One note, Starter pack armor set for cure potency lists matamata shield. Which WHM can't equip.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-23 00:09:22
One note, Starter pack armor set for cure potency lists matamata shield. Which WHM can't equip.
Sors Shield is on now: Not idea why Mata was on (Probably locked like Genbu's... meh fixed) thanks for the catch
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2014-10-23 21:51:45
Guide is coming together extremely well.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-23 22:08:15
Guide is coming together extremely well.
Thanks, pretty much everything up until Melee stuff is done, melee sets are going to take a bit of thought (started with some TP sets which I posted as an idea for people but really gotta get a feel for what people actually intend to solo on WHM).
I've added Motes Geraswap.
Added mine and pushed an update for it to include:
Auto Curaga 3 rule (changes cure 3 to Aga 3 good fir Dual boxing)
Auto Sublimation depending on your MP with a Chat Alert after every spell to keep you appraised of your mp (easy to just glance and miss your mp).
Rules to stop JA running if in Midaction ie a Fast Cure/spell situation.
Rules to stop JA (mainly for sublimation) to try and be used if timers are down.
Added Melee rules and tested Gearswap is fully functional.
Added an AshitaCast for those users on Ashita 2
Node 207
Disregardhope is now also contributing to the sets on this guide.