On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-23 02:54:26
I don't remember exactely the tests, but basically he kept adding MND/Skill and saw no difference at all in the amount healed by C3/4.
Removed some skill/MND and, again, saw no difference.
Then he removed some more and finally the amount dropped.
I wasn't aware of there being a cap on how much skill/MND can bump up the amount healed, was there ever a cap?
Probably yes, but we never reached it.
Atm there is a clear cap and no mention of it in the notes so it's either a ninja nerf or a bug.
Granted it's not a huge nerf, but a good WHM needs to know if he's wasting inventory slots on MND/Skill items that he could otherwise use for something else like, I dunno, conserve MP maybe, or whatever else.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 311
By Asura.Cyleena 2015-07-23 03:02:53
No, Ganno performed some tests swapping in and out gear with MND and Healing Skill, and from his tests it's quite clear there's a cap on how high they can affect the amount of HP healed by Cure Spells, at least C3 and C4.
There wasn't such a cap before, either it's a ninja nerf from SE or it's a bug caused by something else.
Regardless of the reason, someone should make an official bug report (with all details and stuff) on the Official forums.
I went out in Ceizak tonight and did some testing as well. I changed up MND and Healing Skill as well like Ganno did and I am getting same results. It does seem to have a cap now or its a bug. I use glorious earring but not Janniston ring. I tried adding more healing skill and MND, taking some off, etc and it did nothing to my cures, which is odd.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-23 03:10:42
If you keep removing more and more and more MND/Skill you'll eventually notice a decrease, but the cap atm is clearly lower than intended.
I can't believe that's ok with SE, it's gotta be a bug, c'mon!
If it's not... time to equip different items for cures midcast.
If nobody makes a bug report on the OF we're not gonna get an official answer about it btw.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 311
By Asura.Cyleena 2015-07-23 03:24:26
If you keep removing more and more and more MND/Skill you'll eventually notice a decrease, but the cap atm is clearly lower than intended.
I can't believe that's ok with SE, it's gotta be a bug, c'mon!
If it's not... time to equip different items for cures midcast.
If nobody makes a bug report on the OF we're not gonna get an official answer about it btw.
I only had 13/15 merits into MND but capped gifts, so I made my MND 15/15 merits and cures stayed same as well.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Asura.Ganno 2015-07-23 04:01:13
If you keep removing more and more and more MND/Skill you'll eventually notice a decrease, but the cap atm is clearly lower than intended.
I can't believe that's ok with SE, it's gotta be a bug, c'mon!
If it's not... time to equip different items for cures midcast.
If nobody makes a bug report on the OF we're not gonna get an official answer about it btw.
I only had 13/15 merits into MND but capped gifts, so I made my MND 15/15 merits and cures stayed same as well.
ok i did more accurate tests
With 517 healing skill:
I lower MND to 279: no change in cures
@275: lose 2HP on cures finally
cap around that: with 517skill/mnd275~279
i didnt check cure formula yet to understand things more
edit: and VIT+177
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Asura.Ganno 2015-07-23 09:56:26
Ok i've read BG, there is a cap. I wasn't aware.
Power of cures caps at 700.
I swear there was no cap few months ago,
i was getting more HP healed as i added MND/VIT/skill.
my c3 for 600+
c4 for 1100+.
No cap period?
I don't know what to think...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-24 01:05:33
Ok, then there always was a cap and I wasn't aware of it.
This still doesn't explain why skill/mind was you were able to break that 700 cap before the last patch and you're not now.
Unless it's an issue related to Janniston Ring/CP2 Earring... for some reason those 2 earrings weren't just breaking the 50% CP cap, but also the 700 potency cap?
And they fixed that on the last patch?
Can't think of any other possibility to explain what happened.
By Skjalfeirdotter 2015-07-24 08:01:27
Skjalf was away from FFXI for three and a half months... :(
-Skjalf :3
No breaks allowed! Are nodes not working for anyone else?
Could not help it. Cannot play FFXI without the internet. :S
By Skjalfeirdotter 2015-07-24 08:41:54
By Fluval 2015-07-31 16:00:34
Did alittle testing for cure caps
Cure3: 573 - Cure4: 1044 - Cure5: 1263 - Cure6: 1624
MND: 263
Healing magic skill: 596
VIT: 168
MND: 272
Healing magic skill: 574
VIT: 168
Both sets got the same hp on all cures
Has anyone gotten higher numbers since update?
By FaeQueenCory 2015-07-31 17:05:54
No maths, (cause lazy atm) but those two both look at the 700 potency cap. (Skill+MND/2+VIT/4 iirc)
I don't recall any potency change recently... It's been 700 since... Basically forever.
Only thing that increases potency after that is "Cure" Potency, "Cure" Potency II, and I think the Job Points?
Actually thinking about it... I'm not sure if the JPs are subject to the 700 potency cap... They might be. But iirc they are not, so they "break" the cap.
Thanks to iLvs with all the MND and VIT everywhere, it's redic easy to reach the 500 and 700 tiers. (I think there was a 550 for some of the -gas? Idr)
So I don't think there's any bugs... Just that current gear makes things super easy.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2015-08-01 18:32:18
anyone able to help me out with some upgrade ideas? (given the set there should be plenty of options :/) Alt's whm but i havnt done much with his equip since aby/vw days. And even then it was just a single set. So im looking for a new Cure set, regen set, and refresh sets.
ItemSet 303938
edit: he does have 4/5 telchine skirmish set
By Cleric 2015-08-01 19:59:39
For cures:
Genbu's Shield
Incantor Stone/Impatiens
Gendewitha Caubeen/+1 with cure potency augment
-Enmity neck, Fastcast neck, curepotency neck
Novia Earing
Orison Earring
Orison Body +2/Ebers Bliaut
Gende Gages, Theophany Hands
Ephedra Ring
Sirona's Ring
Pahtli Cape, Orison Cape, Mending Cape. I personally precast Pahtli, midcast Mending.
Witful Belt, Pythia Sash +1
Orison Leg+2/Eber Leg
Litany Clogs, Gende. Galosh+1, fastcast feet from valk emp v2
Slight upgrades, really easy to get pieces.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2015-08-10 09:39:43
There is a new post on Japanese side of forum that says tranquil heart is the same as equipment enmity, and together they cap at -50 :(
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Sylph.Namonaki 2015-08-13 16:49:16
Is anyone aware if the Cure Pot gifts are towards the regular cap or breaking the cap?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-08-13 17:24:57
Only cure II is over the cap, so gift is under
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Sylph.Namonaki 2015-08-13 18:34:39
Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »Only cure II is over the cap, so gift is under
Yeah I figured. I thought I read someone mentioning it went over the cap, so just dbl checking.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2015-08-14 14:41:43
Ok, was finally able to sit down and look a little bit into upgrading my alts whm equip sets. Just looking for a few basic sets (cure, refresh, regen set) Not worrying about pre/mid cast right now.
Trouble is im not a whm and i forget a lot of what i was looking at. So im looking for help filling in the blanks (or pointing out something wrong).
old set
Cure set
ItemSet 337075
interestingly enough the weapon and head piece alone reach the 50% cure pot cap.
ItemSet 337076
I have older refresh pieces but want to see about newer ones with more up to date stats. (serpentes cuffs/sabots, oneiros grip. Moonshade earring has refresh on it too)
ItemSet 337078
most empty of all
I remember there being some decent equip i was looking at before. But the hell if i can find it today.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2015-08-14 15:14:12
befouled crown from Vagary(Plouton) is a decent option for Refresh set, drop rate isn't all that bad either. Or respite cloak
By boneslasher 2015-08-14 16:38:01
I dont know a lot about the new stuff but for Refresh Id do what Calatilla says and go for the befouled crown or wivre hairpin and witching robe for Body and try for the +1 Refresh aug for a total of +3 on body, for legs maybe lengo pants with +1 refresh aug if u dont want to do Unity and u can get them off the same NM as body, Bolelabunga club and Genbu's shield are a nice combo.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2015-08-14 17:04:34
i havnt tried the new sinister fights, but im guessing the are a bit out of my league atm.
Im still trying to get vagary and delve wins. RL kinda interfered during that time. And now i dont know anyone that does them.
The Befouled Crown and Bolelabunga Club are quite nice tho.
By boneslasher 2015-08-14 17:13:46
Idk how hard it is iv been on a vary long afk duo to RL.
By Skjalfeirdotter 2015-08-20 10:50:20
The ever-versatile White Mage has even more new toys :3
This is the set that Skjalf uses in Escha Job Points Parties to pull lots of mobs and not die before reaching camp:
ItemSet 337246
Prepare with Protectra V Blink Aquaveil Phalanx Stoneskin and Boost-AGI. The Flee effect kicks in very quickly / frequently and is useful for running ahead of the mobs to cure yourself if needed on long distance pulls. The evasion helps with holding a 2nd group of mobs just short of camp while the another group is being AoEed to death. :3
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-08-20 13:35:19
Wow those Hipposocks look nice
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2015-08-21 14:25:28
I know that the English side of forums are very slow, so I thought I would share that it was posted earlier that the final weather spells will have their levels lowered in September.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 776
By Shiva.Paulu 2015-08-21 14:58:03
Does anyone know which T2 mob drops the WHM club in the new Escha?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Ragnarok.Nep 2015-08-21 15:16:49
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 776
By Shiva.Paulu 2015-08-21 21:30:37
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2015-08-21 23:08:05
Ok, was finally able to sit down and look a little bit into upgrading my alts whm equip sets. Just looking for a few basic sets (cure, refresh, regen set) Not worrying about pre/mid cast right now.
Trouble is im not a whm and i forget a lot of what i was looking at. So im looking for help filling in the blanks (or pointing out something wrong).
old set
Cure set
ItemSet 337075
interestingly enough the weapon and head piece alone reach the 50% cure pot cap.
ItemSet 337076
I have older refresh pieces but want to see about newer ones with more up to date stats. (serpentes cuffs/sabots, oneiros grip. Moonshade earring has refresh on it too)
ItemSet 337078
most empty of all
I remember there being some decent equip i was looking at before. But the hell if i can find it today.
For cure sets I found Tamaxchi and Sors shield to be more useful then the cure staff. You can augment Tamaxchi with Enmity -10 and Sors shield has another -5 for a total set of Cure Pot +25%, Cure Cast -5%, Enmity -15. Ever since the big enmity adjustment max cure isn't nearly as important as having 35 ~ 40 in enmity down.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 51
By Leviathan.Hyriu 2015-08-22 01:02:27
Took a crack at a new cure set with items from August update
ItemSet 337276
Mitra, Vanya Clogs and Rod all Path A.
Capped haste, Enmity down and Cure Potency(With 4% augment on cape) + 9% II
Node 207
Disregardhope is now also contributing to the sets on this guide.