Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-10-11 18:36:57
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After a brief healing breath test,

For the set being used, that is full potency. 119 wep, sprit link, Ptero armet+3, Breath+10 cape, vishap brais+3. I eased off the potency on my HB set after realizing it was curing more than my max HP. Filled in with DT and HP+ to reduce deaths while waiting for HB to fire.

I may have to adjust again, or make an alt set for spirit bond up. As this was not a full cure for a low HP wyvern. Just a really big cure.
Round 2 on the DRG.

Still full potency.

So spirit bond extends the full potency HB to the wyvern with no reduction to the DRG's HP recovered. This is how HB should have always been...
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-12 00:17:45
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So for what it's worth, I decided to go make sure JSE neck PDL applies AFTER the PDL+ Traits. Because I can't actually remember if testing happened or not.

PDL Neck After Trait
113*3.725 = 420-442

PDL Neck Before Trait
113*3.7125 = 419-439

I observed multiple 440-442's, but no 419's.

So, it does.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2019-10-12 07:06:01
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Hey folks - I haven't been around in a while but will be returning soon, and noticed this. I scrolled back, but couldn't find the details. So we got +21% WSD as a trait, which works like all other WSD, and some unknown additional WSD increase from the Wyvern being out?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-10-12 07:08:32
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Leviathan.Sidra said: »
Hey folks - I haven't been around in a while but will be returning soon, and noticed this. I scrolled back, but couldn't find the details. So we got +21% WSD as a trait, which works like all other WSD, and some unknown additional WSD increase from the Wyvern being out
Actually the trait is quite different from other WSD. Unlike gear WSD it applies to all hits and is multiplicative with gear WSD.

Further the wyvern WSD bonus is +10%, also all hits, and stacks additively with the trait WSD. So +31% total.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2019-10-12 07:17:46
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Server: Asura
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user: Cronnus
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-10-12 07:27:48
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I dont play Drg. So I was wondering what kind of numbers people have seen with savage blade on naegling with the new update?
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-10-12 10:30:45
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Wait if its multiplicative does that mean we should gear ws different from normal?
Server: Asura
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user: Highwynd
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By Asura.Highwynn 2019-10-12 10:30:51
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Hmm from the screen shots posted here and people's anecdotes about not feeling like it's affecting all hits, I wouldn't have thought it affected all hits. 31% is pretty significant, but people don't feel like it's increasing their drakes and stardiver by 30%?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-12 11:05:22
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Ozaii said: »
Wait if its multiplicative does that mean we should gear ws different from normal?
No, it's just a passive 31+% buff to weapon skills. It doesn't change how we gear because it's a unique trait that we can't add more of onto our sets.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-10-12 12:16:14
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Minor addendum on Spirit Bond. The DRG's dmg taken is NOT affected by phalanx.
Server: Bismarck
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user: darcaine
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2019-10-12 12:43:25
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Minor addendum on Spirit Bond. The DRG's dmg taken is NOT affected by phalanx.

You also need to be in Restoring Breath range for your pet to heal itself. I.e., you can't stand far out of range while your pet tanks and heal just your wyvern, the action cancels. Also wyvern absorbs damage from gear doesn't magically heal you somehow with bond up, so they thought of that. And not that it seems to matter but you can transfer bond to your wyvern via Spirit Link, but it seems to have no effect if yours is canceled.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Yso 2019-10-13 02:59:38
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Asura.Veikur said: »
Ozaii said: »
Wait if its multiplicative does that mean we should gear ws different from normal?
No, it's just a passive 31+% buff to weapon skills. It doesn't change how we gear because it's a unique trait that we can't add more of onto our sets.

Where do the 31% fit in with calculations of wsdmg?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10001
By Asura.Saevel 2019-10-13 05:40:03
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Leviathan.Sidra said: »
Hey folks - I haven't been around in a while but will be returning soon, and noticed this. I scrolled back, but couldn't find the details. So we got +21% WSD as a trait, which works like all other WSD, and some unknown additional WSD increase from the Wyvern being out
Actually the trait is quite different from other WSD. Unlike gear WSD it applies to all hits and is multiplicative with gear WSD.

Further the wyvern WSD bonus is +10%, also all hits, and stacks additively with the trait WSD. So +31% total.

Where is this shown to effect all hits of Stardiver or Drakes?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10001
By Asura.Saevel 2019-10-13 05:42:11
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Asura.Highwynn said: »
Hmm from the screen shots posted here and people's anecdotes about not feeling like it's affecting all hits, I wouldn't have thought it affected all hits. 31% is pretty significant, but people don't feel like it's increasing their drakes and stardiver by 30%?

Yeah I haven't seen that kind of jump and it would be impossible to miss. We're talking 50K and higher SDs becoming common place.
By 2019-10-13 06:06:39
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Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-10-13 06:25:43
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Leviathan.Sidra said: »
Hey folks - I haven't been around in a while but will be returning soon, and noticed this. I scrolled back, but couldn't find the details. So we got +21% WSD as a trait, which works like all other WSD, and some unknown additional WSD increase from the Wyvern being out
Actually the trait is quite different from other WSD. Unlike gear WSD it applies to all hits and is multiplicative with gear WSD.

Further the wyvern WSD bonus is +10%, also all hits, and stacks additively with the trait WSD. So +31% total.

Where is this shown to effect all hits of Stardiver or Drakes?
Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Much like Saevel said, it's not a flat +31% WSD on all hits. For more details, Veikur put to details of how the new WSD is applied a page back.

Ok im really confused here. Veikur test DID confirm that it affect all hits >.>
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-13 06:51:44
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Two different WSD effects. The 10%(7%sub) is all hits. the 21% is not. if i understand it correctly.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-10-13 06:54:51
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Two different WSD effects. The 10%(7%sub) is all hits. the 21% is not. if i understand it correctly.
Asura.Veikur said: »
Bronze Dagger - 3(11) DMG
Levante - 95(113) DMG
DEX - 290
pDif - 3.55

Wasp Sting
fTP - 1.0 fTP
WSC - 100% DEX

Desert Spider, Western Altepa Desert

If anyone wants to do 1074801701971 samples, go for it. This is pretty conclusive as far as I'm concerned.

I mean this clearly states that both Wyvern and trait works for offhand.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-10-13 07:11:59
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Also despite what Saevel "eyeballed" here:

Asura.Saevel said: »
We're talking 50K and higher SDs becoming common place.

This is what im getting with R15 Trishula and +31%WSD for all hits
1000TP(1750 effective) 31077
2000TP(2750 effective) 43762
3000TP(3000 effective) 46933
8hits 3000TP (2xTA proc) max damage 69800

This is with:
366 STR
16 fSTR
+1.3595 hits from MA proc
Fotia belt and JSE neck+2 with avg pdif 4.566375

So no, 31% buff wont suddenly make 50k Stardivers an avg.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-13 08:58:46
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Hey, Veikur here.

The damage ranges I got via my testing was mathematically impossible to reach without both the wyvern and job trait being the same, stacking, effect. Which is further corroborated by the text (vaguely) in the patch notes and more directly by the October Digest video.

It was also mathematically impossible to reach those damage ranges if the WSD Boost trait didn't apply to all hits. This is also (vaguely) corroborated in the digest video.

Also, ya'll are eyeballing an inconsistent (y'know, multihit) weapon skill.

All that said, if anyone wants to do testing of their own, I welcome more data.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10001
By Asura.Saevel 2019-10-13 12:55:11
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There had to unblock Zweilanzer, we'll see how long it lasts (people only make it there when they start using personal insults).

So it was validated that it provided a boost to both hands, which seems promising. Lets see if we can scale that up so we can model it instead of assuming it's all the hits (including MA procs). I suspect it's likely to be on everything, but we've been bitten in the past when someone made a claim with a single test and we find out a few years later it wasn't exactly accurate.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-13 13:27:54
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Penta Thrust with a fairly weak weapon would be the best bet.

Damage ranges can be calculated for number of hits landed so you don't have to worry about save TP being annoying.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10001
By Asura.Saevel 2019-10-13 14:44:32
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Asura.Veikur said: »
Penta Thrust with a fairly weak weapon would be the best bet.

Damage ranges can be calculated for number of hits landed so you don't have to worry about save TP being annoying.

I was just thinking this earlier, low level polearm vs a mob with decent HP and a GEO present to ensure capped attack. Have as little MA as possible in gear. Should be very easy as there should be no overlap range of WSD vs <NEW DRG WSD>. Could also toss on a piece of regular WSD gear just to verify it's a completely different stat, cause who knows with SE. Then make a link out of wiki and we can call it a day.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-13 21:56:12
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Again, small sample sizes but also again, math.

Very clear, to me, that Dragoon's Weaponskill Damage Bonus Trait (and the further enhancement from it's wyvern) apply to all hits of a weapon skill.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-13 22:21:57
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Multiplicative with Gear WSD. Does NOT magically make Gear WSD apply to all hits.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-13 22:32:49
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On another note, man this would've been siiiiiiiick during those couple months of broken WSD.

R15 Ryu Drakesbane:
1*1.3*1.15*1.62*1.31 = 3.172689 fTP/hit
By 2019-10-14 01:46:46
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Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-10-14 17:48:06
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Just question outta curiousity. What is the recomendation now days for ws and weapon choice in dyna d wave 3 now.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3360
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-10-14 17:57:48
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
I suppose I was confused. Sorry about propagating bad info.

So I did a lot of content on DRG over the weekend. An aeonic run, Dynamis, Masterial Trials, Lilith, Odin, etc. DRG is extremely viable and competitive in all content now.

I will say that DRG falls behind in repeated aeonic kills because you have to use Spirit Link at the beginning of every fight, but it's still solid for the fights you have it available on (about 50%). For helms, you should have it every fight basically and you're at no disadvantage other than Vinipata which is a ***.

I was wrong about Spirit Bond. I know exactly where it fits now and the usage is as suggested by Martel. Pop SB, Use Restoring Breath, Cancel. That extra 100% full cure for Wyvern changes the game for fights like Iroha, Unafraid of the Dark, Black & White, etc. You can keep your wyvern up relatively easily with JAs / Pet DT & HP set now.

The spirit link thing is an issue though. Not gonna lie.

When my buffs are down I start out with leg sweep. The potency is rediculous on stuff that doesnt resist stun. Sometimes just stun locking gimmicky NMs while people go to town is helpful.

The first initial one is the strongest.

It is what it is though.

Actually stun locked iron side whjch was hilarious.
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