Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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By geigei 2019-02-25 17:19:33
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Caitsith.Mahayaya said: »
Everyone needs an epeen set though.

1.) Get max buffs with multiple one hours from buffers.
2.) WS in high variable gear until you get your highest number.
3.) Screenshot it and chop off your buffs and party members, displaying primarily the log and maybe your char doing the WS.
4.) Claim that's your average WS on that NM, and say you're not even sure you got proper buffs. And that you think there were several WSes that were much higher than that, and that if others don't get those numbers you don't know what they could be doing wrong - because such and such is easy.
5.) Profit

Holy ***did you nail the *** outta that, that is a spot on representation.

You forgot one thing though: "I outparsed my friend on (this) job, and he's superfuckingamazing"

I think there's a thread for asssura ***posting. Kindly go back.

Man, you deserve your own thread for ***talk, or could just use facebook like a normal person.
By 2019-02-26 02:26:10
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Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-02-27 13:05:52
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DRG is the next job that I want to gear but all I have right now is a Kaja Lance (from SAM).

Getting Trishula would require far more efforts than getting Ryunohige R15 for me, should I put more efforts and get Trishula or should I "settle" for Ryunohige R15?

Basically, is Trishula better than Ryunohige for general use (Dyna wave 1/2 farming, Ambuscade Intense VD, this kind of stuff) and if so, is it worth putting say, 1/2 months more worth of efforts into it.

I was going to get Gungnir R15 and call it a day but I figured I could actually bother getting a proper weapon, I'm just really annoyed/scared/demotivated/*insert synonyms* by Aeonics so if I can avoid it I will but if not, I'll clench my teeth.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-02-27 13:12:44
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Austar's sim had Trish outperforming Ryu, both R15, but not by a crazy margin. In a 3 minute zerg.

His sim didn't account for jumps, though, which likely favored Ryu before they split the timers. After the split, they certainly favor Ryu, because the auto-crit matters.

I'm going to say they're probably remarkably close, but I can't prove it due to lack of sims. And time to do the math by hand, at the moment.
By 2019-02-27 13:29:10
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Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2019-02-27 13:30:58
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
DRG is the next job that I want to gear but all I have right now is a Kaja Lance (from SAM).

Getting Trishula would require far more efforts than getting Ryunohige R15 for me, should I put more efforts and get Trishula or should I "settle" for Ryunohige R15?

Basically, is Trishula better than Ryunohige for general use (Dyna wave 1/2 farming, Ambuscade Intense VD, this kind of stuff) and if so, is it worth putting say, 1/2 months more worth of efforts into it.

I was going to get Gungnir R15 and call it a day but I figured I could actually bother getting a proper weapon, I'm just really annoyed/scared/demotivated/*insert synonyms* by Aeonics so if I can avoid it I will but if not, I'll clench my teeth.

Like Veikur said, they're really close at R15. Trish is the better overall weapon (Can't beat the STP and TP Bonus), in a longer fight I'd posit that Ryu will come out on top. I'm currently making Ryu to confirm that theory.

The base damage bump and auto-crit jumps will make the weapon a beast in fights greater than 3min.

Curious to hear your thoughts on Rank 0 vs Rank 0 for each weapon (i.e for people who haven't gotten wave 3 wins as of yet).
By 2019-02-27 13:41:13
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Server: Asura
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user: Reichleiu
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2019-02-27 14:06:54
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Ya, I think the only people still using r0 Ryu are the ones like me – people who've had it for years and are spending their Aeonic time on something else.

I'll eventually r15 it, but it's going to take a while.

Honestly... I would wait to make either weapon until after next month. With the way Kaja weapons are headed, who knows what they will look like at stage 4(5?). If they get augments or something stupid like TP bonus, Kaja Lance might be competitive.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-02-27 15:04:03
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Edit: Aeonic mercs are about 120ish mil, you'll spend that on Alexandrite alone (if you get all your alex at a good price), then you still have to afterglow and R15 Ryu.
On my server there isn't really any merc going and the very few people who can clear the 2 NMs I'm missing (Schah/Zerde, been stuck on those since Christmas, rest is cake) are usually on at a very different time than I can afford unless it's Friday or Saturday night so it's very tricky to get Aeonics (not to mention the fact that I'm mostly a dead weight with the jobs I have right now).

So while I can very well get a Ryunohige R15 by next Sunday, I can't get a Trishula for sure (picked GK) haha.

I thought about transferring for those quick 2 NMs but I haven't found any stand alone price for those and given that they are 2 NMs even if the most annoying, that I can provide pops for and have no interest in their drops (so mercs could sell them and what not to make even more dosh), I wouldn't pay a lot for them.

But this bit of info about both polearms is pretty cool, I might make Trishula second as a result.

Asura.Reichleiu said: »
Honestly... I would wait to make either weapon until after next month. With the way Kaja weapons are headed, who knows what they will look like at stage 4(5?). If they get augments or something stupid like TP bonus, Kaja Lance might be competitive.
Unless they split the final stage into jobs, I'll make it for sure for SAM alone so if SE is faster than I am to release them (they will be), I'll be fine.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2019-02-27 15:09:31
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
I thought about transferring for those quick 2 NMs but I haven't found any stand alone price for those and given that they are 2 NMs even if the most annoying, that I can provide pops for and have no interest in their drops (so mercs could sell them and what not to make even more dosh), I wouldn't pay a lot for them.

I mean, Idk if it's worth the transfer fee and all that but on Asura, it's usually 10m per helm if you just need 2 specific ones. Unless you were thinking about transferring anyway :)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-02-27 15:21:35
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
I thought about transferring for those quick 2 NMs but I haven't found any stand alone price for those and given that they are 2 NMs even if the most annoying, that I can provide pops for and have no interest in their drops (so mercs could sell them and what not to make even more dosh), I wouldn't pay a lot for them.

I mean, Idk if it's worth the transfer fee and all that but on Asura, it's usually 10m per helm if you just need 2 specific ones. Unless you were thinking about transferring anyway :)
That would be only for those 2 NMs, I'd go back after.

That's pretty much the price limit I'd pay for them. I'm stubborn so I'll try to get them down here one way or another (I'll just have to not sleep here and there and finish JPing SMN *cough*) but if one day it comes down to it, I'll just transfer for those two, yeah.
By 2019-02-27 17:47:29
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Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-02-28 01:45:48
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So i basically finished my ws sets for stardiver completely. For acc sets tho instead of making the many many tiers i could have. I only made a super high tier that spicy shows on his guide. And as for the low/no buff set i have the set he shares as well. As for the complete zerg set. I have the pieces he shares for the max tier cept the v legs cuz i personally dont think itll be a huge damage boost from sel legs and am tired of dumping many mil into oseem. Have an alright single hit ws set thats just missing that sweet v mail with ws dam and str on it and my tp set i feel is pretty sick. All af and relic pieces made. All i am missing atm is to finish getting the dyna wave 3 clears i just started recently. As well as to finally win the lot on regal ring for once. I just wanted to share that a fellow drg is almost done gearing with you guys.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: luxxord
Posts: 15
By Phoenix.Luxxord 2019-02-28 11:20:59
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Now that the dust has settled does anybody know how a fully-augmented Aram stacks up against other polearms?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-02-28 12:41:46
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Stronger than Gungnir, weaker than the rest.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tallica
Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2019-02-28 21:28:06
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Currently making sets for drg...might be a stupid question, but I'll ask anyways. Should I still be aiming for 26 gear haste or is 25 cap now?
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-02-28 21:51:24
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Gear haste caps at 25%.

You don't always have to aim for 25% tho -- with JA Haste from wyvern and Hasso, you can cap delay with as little as 17% haste from equip if you're getting max magic haste.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tallica
Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2019-02-28 21:55:01
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
Gear haste caps at 25%.

You don't always have to aim for 25% tho -- with JA Haste from wyvern and Hasso, you can cap delay with as little as 17% haste from equip if you're getting max magic haste.
i just remember aiming for 26% haste because of some way SE rounded haste from gear.
By 2019-03-01 04:10:26
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-03-01 23:24:33
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Hey anyone notice Impulse Drive has an attack bonus or ignores defense property? I'm getting way more damage with it on WAR in ambuscade then I should be getting with the Kaja Lance, it's doing better then Stardiver which shouldn't be possible.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-03-02 01:16:21
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If you happen to glance in here Spicy, has there been a spreadsheet update? I know Braden mentioned working on it last year.

The link in the Here Be DRGs guide was last updated in 2017, but the sets in the guide don't reflect that spreadsheet.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-03-02 01:59:31
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Hey anyone notice Impulse Drive has an attack bonus or ignores defense property? I'm getting way more damage with it on WAR in ambuscade then I should be getting with the Kaja Lance, it's doing better then Stardiver which shouldn't be possible.

Does stardiver have an attack penalty similar to reso?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-03-02 02:06:07
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Nope, thankfully.
By 2019-03-02 02:37:35
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-03-02 04:48:01
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I don't think Savagery is even needed.

At 1250TP + moonshade:

Stardiver has 4.8 fTP
Impulse has 4.2 fTP

but Impulse has:
- 100%STR instead of 85%
- No need for fotia combo, so can use JSE+2 neck and Ioskeha belt
- multi-attack proc favors impulse at lower TP

Overall those things would probably triumph over that 14% fTP advantage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-03-02 09:52:05
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
For WAR, Impulse Drive will out-perform Stardiver because of your savagery bonus.

Savagery only up during Warcry and Impulse Drive was outperforming Stardiver at 1K (1250 with Moonshade) which should not happen, but it was. This was in ambuscade where our attack isn't close to being capped which is why I was thinking an attack boost / defense ignore scenario could be happening.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-03-02 10:10:11
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
For WAR, Impulse Drive will out-perform Stardiver because of your savagery bonus.

Savagery only up during Warcry and Impulse Drive was outperforming Stardiver at 1K (1250 with Moonshade) which should not happen, but it was. This was in ambuscade where our attack isn't close to being capped which is why I was thinking an attack boost / defense ignore scenario could be happening.

Outperforming hard or simply outperforming?

1250TP impulse is better than 1250 Stardiver.

1250 Imuplse with 50% WSD is 4.55 fTP ((1.5 fTP * 1.5 + 1fTP) * 1.4)
1250 Stardiver is 4.3 fTP 4 * (0.875 fTP + 0.2 fTP)

Imuplse has higher mod and multi-attack proc favors Impulse drive further. Why wouldn't it outperform Stardiver? >.>
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-03-02 10:47:12
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Your forgetting I'm on WAR, MA procs favor Stardiver and I proc MA at least once per WS along with Fotia Neck/Belt.

1.5 * 1.5 = 2.25 + 1.0 = 3.25 * 1.4 = 4.55

1.0703125 * 5.0 = 5.3515625

Yet ID was consistently beating it by several thousand, which is why I'm thinking possibly an attack boost or ignores defense component. I'll test this later in a situation where I know I'm capped attack.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-03-02 11:16:46
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MA can proc twice on ID too. And you're on WAR, so you've got a pretty good chance, despite wsdmg gear.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2019-03-02 12:15:34
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What are your stats? I can simulate both ws for warrior at several tp values and cRatios
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