Post AA/119 Sets
By Ophannus 2014-06-18 18:09:54
Let's assume you use both Spirit and Soul Jump at the start of a fight. Only buff being Haste from /RDM, assume 20% TP per hit, ~5s between swings.
You burn Spirit/Soul Jump at start. After that you're at 100% TP. Minimum of 50 seconds to get the next 200% assuming no misses/multi hits. As soon as AM3 is applied, Spirit Jump should be up, Soul Jump has another 50 seconds. 50 seconds later, you can Soul Jump and Spirit Jump is back up. Now if you Soul Jump now, it won't be back up before AM3 wears off so you can either use it for a free WS or sit on Soul Jump. The problem is if you use it now, you'll have 30 seconds or so with AM3 up left and probably be sitting at 300% with 20-30seconds left on AM3. If you spend the TP, you have 20-30 seconds to get 300% up with only Soul Jump up. If you save it, you're stuck saving 300% for 20-30 seconds. Since AM3 doesn't overwrite itself you're forced to hold 300% TP without WSing for a good amount of time until AM3 wears off or spend it and hope to get lucky on OA2-3 AM3 procs with auto-attacks. In either case, the OAT115 polearm could have been spending TP as soon as it's accrued and not have to worry about saving Jumps or holding onto 300% TP for the 20-30 seconds until AM3 wears off.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 23
By Siren.Dokuu 2014-06-18 18:29:28
And ryu would still win what is your point?
By Ophannus 2014-06-18 23:26:29
I'm asking, would it be worth it? If you math it out and accounting for holding TP/Jumps in the long run? Not to mention if you're chaining mobs you might lose chain if you're saving TP/Jumps to preserve AM3.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 138
By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2014-06-18 23:59:14
Nobody cares tbh... So anyways, new stp reqs for hit builds?
Server: Odin
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Posts: 197
By Odin.Rendra 2014-06-20 07:04:56
He's just looking for an excuse not to make a Ryu. After a few of his posts saying it's too time consuming. I worked on mine for 3 years casually. That's when everything still needed more than just yourself to complete. With the market being flooded with Alex it's not too hard to get, if you have a source of income. I believe you can solo assaults with trusts now and the respawn times for the 3 kings have been reduced.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Osaia 2014-06-20 11:25:37
I think the weapon would be fun to play with. Let me get the feel for what my Ryu gonna be like. :D
By Anjou 2014-06-20 14:56:21
Hmmm Camlann's seems pretty good! And it makes self light which is awesome! Does anyone have any suggestions for a set? I just took the fudo set from the sam forums and have been using that:
ItemSet 315770
except cizin and af+1 greaves for sam pieces
By Ophannus 2014-06-20 19:11:41
Mikinaak gauntlets(4 less str than boor but 22vit and some attack/acc), Spiral Ring(rajas' 5stp on a 1hit wont do ***), thew bomblet(or cheruski) vishap greaves+1. It does better than stardiver if you're attack starved but since it doesn have damage varies with tp, the most you'll ever see it do is around 4600-5kish with capped attack whereas with high attack stardiver is gonna be doing 7-8k at 100% and over 10k at 200-300%. If fully dispelled or something camlanns is good, might wanna also go moonshade/brutal. That 25% tp might be a significant amount of defense ignored(read +attack) and might pull ahead over 2% da and 6acc/atk. Hard to test though.
By Ophannus 2014-06-21 03:40:17
Stardiver on 117 Twitheryms as DRG/RDM with just Ionis and Curry is very random, around 3800-5600 with random 6k spikes. Camlanns does a pretty consistent 4700-5400ish on the same mobs. I'd probably have to parse it but seems like Camlanns is doing better probably due to the Ignores Defense which helps on these mobs. I'm sure I'm attack starved with Stardiver since when I Dia2 and Angon the Twitherym, my 3800-5600 Stardivers jump up to 8.6-10k but Camlanns remains roughly the same, so I must be pretty attack starved on these things. Therefore Camlanns is great for soloing or on mobs you aren't getting Minuets/Chaos Roll on.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 63
By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-06-23 22:03:00
Ragnarok.Drewbles said: »Nobody cares tbh... So anyways, new stp reqs for hit builds?
Also curious about this. I've been playing mostly Scholar since the update, what's the new STP to shoot for with the TP changes? Any 492 delay post-update sets floating around?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Allslove 2014-06-24 11:08:22
Went around whacking bees in Gustaberg with Ionis on as DRG/SAM fiddling with my old Store TP set.
With /SAM's +15 and Gear STP +32 (Total +47), I get 201 TP returned per hit.
For the curious, I was also getting a 6-hit setup with /SAM and only +10 (+25) with STP gear.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-06-24 13:14:40
Ugh. This update was extremely annoying from a Ryu DRG point of view... -.-
Massive WS buffs all around... and not a single change for drakes bane. $#*%!
Now that Drakes is dethroned, Claymore grip loses its lead. Duplus would be the best for AM3 down, but it's near useless with AM3 up. And I try to minimize AM3 down time. So that leaves Bloodrain as the new grip.
Augments: Otomi Str/Haste. all Xaddi R15 A. Cizin hands:+1 Crit.All Mikinaak R15 A.
ItemSet 281397
ItemSet 204963
Seems like Stardiver spam time, mostly. DMG gets ridiculous at higher TP values. TP overflow is quite useful. Thus my AM3 TP set having tons of STP over a 5 hit.
ItemSet 252361
And Camlann's is now, oddly enough, kinda good. DMG isn't as High as Stardiver unless atk(and TP) is low, but with how damaging skillchains are now, the Light property can get you a decent bit of extra dmg. ItemSet 256187
Poor drakes. Fix it SE, fix it! ; ;
Server: Asura
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Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-06-24 13:31:01
Martel, there is this whole conversation on the official forums about how you can't buff DRG because mythic DRG is too OP.
***is killing me, SE is going to see this and think to themselves "Oh DRG is too OP, we will just leave it alone then".
Truth is.. Mythic DRG is no where near as amazing as it was pre-adoulin.
We need the Drakesbane fix just to keep up with Fudo spamming SAM now.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-06-24 13:50:10
Martel, there is this whole conversation on the official forums about how you can't buff DRG because mythic DRG is too OP.
***is killing me, SE is going to see this and think to themselves "Oh DRG is too OP, we will just leave it alone then".
:( Where is this? I've been reading the OF a bit, but haven't seen it. Link, if you would?
Truth is.. Mythic DRG is no where near as amazing as it was pre-adoulin.
We need the Drakesbane fix just to keep up with Fudo spamming SAM now. It'd have to be one hell of a Drakes fix for us to catch up at this point. Koga SAM is broken as hell right now.
ATK penalty removed, wsc increased, crit rate increased.
And would have to include adding a Light property to Drakes. Skillchain dmg is freaking ridiculous.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 138
By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2014-06-24 13:52:46
Martel, there is this whole conversation on the official forums about how you can't buff DRG because mythic DRG is too OP.
***is killing me, SE is going to see this and think to themselves "Oh DRG is too OP, we will just leave it alone then".
:( Where is this? I've been reading the OF a bit, but haven't seen it. Link, if you would?
Truth is.. Mythic DRG is no where near as amazing as it was pre-adoulin.
We need the Drakesbane fix just to keep up with Fudo spamming SAM now. It'd have to be one hell of a Drakes fix for us to catch up at this point. Koga SAM is broken as hell right now.
ATK penalty removed, wsc increased, crit rate increased.
And would have to include adding a Light property to Drakes. Skillchain dmg is freaking ridiculous. Can't it dark with some stuff? Given that 7th naakul might be light based would wreck it lol
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-06-24 13:58:03
Martel, there is this whole conversation on the official forums about how you can't buff DRG because mythic DRG is too OP.
***is killing me, SE is going to see this and think to themselves "Oh DRG is too OP, we will just leave it alone then".
:( Where is this? I've been reading the OF a bit, but haven't seen it. Link, if you would?
That was probably me :D Although the original meaning wasn't nearly close to what Reichleiu said. The original meaning was "If you buff none mythic DRG to a point to be competitive to SAM, it may make mythic DRG too game changing, thus the ideal solution is to buff none mythic DRG instead of DRG as a whole"
How'd I know SE would make SAM OP instead!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-06-24 14:24:17
Martel, there is this whole conversation on the official forums about how you can't buff DRG because mythic DRG is too OP.
***is killing me, SE is going to see this and think to themselves "Oh DRG is too OP, we will just leave it alone then".
:( Where is this? I've been reading the OF a bit, but haven't seen it. Link, if you would?
That was probably me :D Although the original meaning wasn't nearly close to what Reichleiu said. The original meaning was "If you buff none mythic DRG to a point to be competitive to SAM, it may make mythic DRG too game changing, thus the ideal solution is to buff none mythic DRG instead of DRG as a whole"
How'd I know SE would make SAM OP instead! Well, they more or less did this already. By buffing Stardiver and completely ignoring drakes.
While strictly speaking Ryu DPS has also increased, Ryu DRG lost ground comparatively. Since we can no longer take full advantage of the drakes dmg+ on Ryu. Ryu had a farther ahead start point, but didn't get to move at all untill stardiver surpassed drakes.
And Stardiver isn't all that far ahead at 1000 TP. It pulls ahead quickly as TP rises though(Again, the reason for all the extra STP in the AM3 TP set.)
So DRG's in general got a notable buff, and Ryu DRGs got a pittance.
Ragnarok.Drewbles said: »Can't it dark with some stuff? Given that 7th naakul might be light based would wreck it lol Drakes is Fusion/Transfixion, so no.
<rant>Mythic WS not getting a level 3 property has always bugged me. Relics do, empyreans do. But not mythics.
Previously, the logic behind this would have been that Mythic WS were unlockable, and could be used on any wep. ok, that makes a kinda sense. Annoying, but ok.
But now Empy WS are also unlockable, and still have their lvl 3 properties... Soooo, what the excuse now?
Furthermore, RUN(and maybe geo?) got a level 3 property on their new Mythic(equivalent) WS.
And now, skillchains are so much more useful than before. Not having a decent property on you main WS really sucks.</rant>
Server: Asura
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Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-06-24 14:35:53
Where is this? I've been reading the OF a bit, but haven't seen it. Link, if you would?
starts on page 11 and goes on to page 13.
That was probably me :D Although the original meaning wasn't nearly close to what Reichleiu said. The original meaning was "If you buff none mythic DRG to a point to be competitive to SAM, it may make mythic DRG too game changing, thus the ideal solution is to buff none mythic DRG instead of DRG as a whole"
How'd I know SE would make SAM OP instead!
Ya, and I agree.. they need to buff DRG as a whole without breaking Ryu. As much as I would love to be the most OP thing on the planet, i'm happy just being able to play my favorite job in modern content. But DRG, even Mythic, could use a small boost. Especially since only 1% of the DRGs out there have a mythic, and maybe 1% more are ever going to make one. (I'm looking at all you crazy Gungnir owners that made that weapon years ago! God bless you.)
By Ophannus 2014-06-25 23:38:59
Because mythic weapon skills are 75. Empyrean weapon skills are what? 85? Pretty sure RUN's eragon ws is 99(assuming since the trial blade is 99). Higher level tends to mean better ws properties. Relic is an exception because it was tied to a 100-300m weapon(depending on the era you made it)
In a way it kind of balances drg with other options so its not freakin OP though koga is ridic now. Drakesbane even in macrocosmic orb fights with just madrigal and meat is doing like 3k-4k at best with AM up, meanwhile NQ samurais using Tsunaru are doing 5.5k fudos closing light for 12k. Ryu seems more about ws frequency than ws damage but our ws damage is kinda lowish. In low buff situations camlann consistently beats stardiver with AM3 up. A oat proc on camlann is getting me 7-8k while oat procs on stardiver on unbuffed content is like 6-7k. Camlann is lso doing a consistant 4.8-5.5k on most things while stardiver can lowball into the 2k's.
By Ophannus 2014-06-26 08:50:02
Also i wonder if pteroslaver greaves+1 beat whirlpool for camlann. Has 3 more str, but like 6-7ish less attack(not as important with ignores def?)
By Sieha1 2014-06-26 09:29:17
what does the level of a weapon skill have to do with it? Combo is a lv1 ws and its still doing 6-9k...
By Ophannus 2014-06-26 09:50:03
The level of the weapon skill is commensurate with skillchain properties. Martel said he doesnt get why Drakesbane doesnt have light properties but Dimidation does. Mythic ws dont get lv3 properties because theyre level 75. Merit/empyrean weapon skills do because theyre higher level and relic ws get them because theyre tied to expensive weapons. Dimidation even though its similar to mythic ws, is a level 99 ws.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-06-26 10:09:47
The level of the weapon skill is commensurate with skillchain properties. Martel said he doesnt get why Drakesbane doesnt have light properties but Dimidation does. Mythic ws dont get lv3 properties because theyre level 75. Merit/empyrean weapon skills do because theyre higher level and relic ws get them because theyre tied to expensive weapons. Dimidation even though its similar to mythic ws, is a level 99 ws. Except no.
Look at the SC properties of merit WS. Not a single one of them has a light or dark property(level 3.)
In fact the only WS that have a light or dark SC property are relic and empyrean WS. So only lvl 75 and 85 WS. Level has exactly NOTHING to do with this.
It's rather notable, that the only line of weapons that DIDN'T get lvl 3 SC are the only ones that were unlockable and usable without said wep equipped. So, you only got lvl 3 SC properties if the WS was bound to the weapon.
Although this is no longer the case, with emp WS now being unlockable.
And where exactly did I say I didn't get why? The only "Why?" here is why they didn't add lvl 3 properties to mythic WS in the WS update. Empyrean ws were made to be unlockable, just like mythic. With Empyrean WS usable with any weapon there's no longer any need to "balance" things by giving mythic WS weaker SC properties.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-06-27 19:00:10
Does the weaponskill damage +7% of Phorcys really outdo the multitude of STR/VIT+ on the body slot of other armor pieces (such as Vishap +1) for Camlann's? Serious question, not sure if that came off a bit snarky but it wasn't intended to.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-06-27 19:26:20
Bismarck.Ranthozyk said: »Does the weaponskill damage +7% of Phorcys really outdo the multitude of STR/VIT+ on the body slot of other armor pieces (such as Vishap +1) for Camlann's? Serious question, not sure if that came off a bit snarky but it wasn't intended to. Sounded like a sincere question to me.
And yes, it really does out do everything else. It's a single hit WS, +7% is quite notable. And don't forget that it's still got +16 STR and up tp +50 atk. I've checked various options and conditions in the spreadsheet, and Phorcys is still the best for single hit WS.
With one exception. IF you have terrible acc, AND you have mythic AM3 up, then Vishap pulls ahead. Because without the acc on Vishap, you just whiff all those AM3 multihit procs. It's almost like it's a multihit ws now. But if you drop AM3, even if acc sucks phorcys is still ahead.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-06-27 19:35:43
Ah, okay. I guess 7% is pretty substantial. Assuming you use it, do you have a drg.lua that you wouldn't mind sharing, Martel?
By Highwynd 2014-07-03 17:49:29
Camlann is pretty ridiculous for party play even though stardiver is better raw damage. For example, doing Delve with 2 MNKs in party, they're ALWAYS doing Victory Smite. I could Stardiver and do 6-8k, but what I preferred doing was Drakesbane>Victory Smite into Light, then Camlann for Double Light, or Victory Smite>Drakesbane into light, then use a jump or two then double light off it with Camlann's again. So if you're doing 6man content, chances are Camlann is gonna be the preferred WS even though Star is a bit better, just due to the whole SC thing. If you're doing 18man content and WS are going off left and right, then probably stick to Stardiver because your SC will get ganked by someone else.
Was doing a Tojil run earlier and while Stardiver was doing about 6-8kish, Camlann was doing about 6-7k with 3-6k lights. Actually AM3's procs on Camlann tended to yield more impressive numbers than procs on Stardiver at times, and Stardiver occasionally low-balled due to misses for like 3kish but Camlann was always solid when it landed which was pretty much always.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-07-07 08:36:47
Camlann is pretty ridiculous for party play even though stardiver is better raw damage. For example, doing Delve with 2 MNKs in party, they're ALWAYS doing Victory Smite. I could Stardiver and do 6-8k, but what I preferred doing was Drakesbane>Victory Smite into Light, then Camlann for Double Light, or Victory Smite>Drakesbane into light, then use a jump or two then double light off it with Camlann's again. So if you're doing 6man content, chances are Camlann is gonna be the preferred WS even though Star is a bit better, just due to the whole SC thing. If you're doing 18man content and WS are going off left and right, then probably stick to Stardiver because your SC will get ganked by someone else.
Was doing a Tojil run earlier and while Stardiver was doing about 6-8kish, Camlann was doing about 6-7k with 3-6k lights. Actually AM3's procs on Camlann tended to yield more impressive numbers than procs on Stardiver at times, and Stardiver occasionally low-balled due to misses for like 3kish but Camlann was always solid when it landed which was pretty much always.
This seems to be, for the most part, the direction DRG is going. I would even go so far as to say drop drakesbane out of that rotation once you got to Tojil as its easier to get impressive numbers just spamming Camlann's.
Drakes is really struggling right now which is a shame because it is easily our coolest WS. If the floor could be boosted, or maybe when empy armor upgrades come out, it might be the go-to WS again. For now though, Camlann's spam seems to be the ideal tactic when AM3 is up since it has a higher floor against any modern content.
Have done a fair number of Stellar D zergs on DRG, Camlann's spam has been the best combo of WSs in that situation. We normally go SAM SAM WAR DRG and while they destroy the parse, since their 2hours are broken, my skillchain damage is usually higher than theirs believe it or not. Camlann's ends up beating out everything else we can do at that point.
Eexample: Stellar D WS damage. (This is why DRG needs a buff.. but I digress)
Drakes: range; 800-4.5k Avg of 1.5k
Stardiver: range; 1300-4k Avg of 1.8k
Camlann's: rang; 1500-3.8k Avg of 1.7k but closes and opens light skillchains.
Comparatively, the WAR will average around 4k, the SAMs will average just over 3k for the fight. This is why spamming Camlann's to make up some of the low WS numbers as skillchain damage has become so important. I normally get off 22+ WSs to the SAM and WARs 15-17 in this fight and the skillchain bonuses are clearly very helpful.
By FaeQueenCory 2014-07-07 09:00:34
The level of the weapon skill is commensurate with skillchain properties. Martel said he doesnt get why Drakesbane doesnt have light properties but Dimidation does. Mythic ws dont get lv3 properties because theyre level 75. Merit/empyrean weapon skills do because theyre higher level and relic ws get them because theyre tied to expensive weapons. Dimidation even though its similar to mythic ws, is a level 99 ws. Except no.
Look at the SC properties of merit WS. Not a single one of them has a light or dark property(level 3.)
In fact the only WS that have a light or dark SC property are relic and empyrean WS. So only lvl 75 and 85 WS. Level has exactly NOTHING to do with this.
It's rather notable, that the only line of weapons that DIDN'T get lvl 3 SC are the only ones that were unlockable and usable without said wep equipped. So, you only got lvl 3 SC properties if the WS was bound to the weapon.
Although this is no longer the case, with emp WS now being unlockable.
And where exactly did I say I didn't get why? The only "Why?" here is why they didn't add lvl 3 properties to mythic WS in the WS update. Empyrean ws were made to be unlockable, just like mythic. With Empyrean WS usable with any weapon there's no longer any need to "balance" things by giving mythic WS weaker SC properties. So much Truth.
And to take your statement one step further...
The reason why GEO and RUN's fake!mythic WSs have T3 properties, instead of just the 1/2 light or darkness that all other Mythics have, is for the simple reason that they can't Relic or Empy weaponskill.
It's empyrean weapons all over again.
Empys were made because adding BLU, PUP, COR, DNC and SCH to relics would have been....
The *** right thing to do, but this is SE.
So to give those jobs "relic like" weapons... The empyrean weapons were born: low delay, high damage, LIGHT or DARKNESS propertied weapons.
Of course this just made everyone who already have relic access all the more better...
But that's what happens when you don't go and update ***like relics.
But it's not like we didn't come out on top... (Ochain... Durabluh... Etc)
The point is, the fake!mythics are the same MO.
RUN can't torcleaver? Make its mythic WS the "same".
GEO suffered the most, IMO... Not that it's usually gaining TP outside of solo... But having the only MP restoration option for club be moon/starlight? Smh.
They should really update the relics and empys to include all the relevant jobs... Lord KNOWS jobs like DNC and RUN could use the relic and empy access, respectively.
But it seems that stopgates are continuing to be the MO.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 158
By Phoenix.Gerrott 2014-07-07 17:00:55
Built a set that happened to be very similar to Martel's AM3 set, Stardiver spam with the massive overflow of tp is a lot of fun. Add on the +70~ STP from Samurai's roll and the Damage output is insane. Just wish Stardiver/Reso/etc could self light/dark to keep up with Sam's Fudo spam.. Damage varies with tp + self SCs is so broken at the moment.
Post what you tp/ws sets are.
Pretty unimpressive with 119AF.
ItemSet 308723
ItemSet 308740
ItemSet 315410