Post AA/119 Sets

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Post AA/119 Sets
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Server: Odin
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user: Tyrael
Posts: 63
By Odin.Shuinam 2014-02-05 18:01:52
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Post what you tp/ws sets are.

Pretty unimpressive with 119AF.

ItemSet 308723

ItemSet 308740

ItemSet 315410
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-02-05 18:13:06
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You probably won't find this very helpful, but I'll post anyway. XD
ItemSet 281397
ItemSet 204963
ItemSet 176000
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
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By Phoenix.Dramatica 2014-02-05 18:49:03
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What would the optimal ryuno DPS set be that doesn't sacrifice defense too terribly? Using a 2-3 99 pieces on anything "hard" might put you at a good bit of risk.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-02-05 19:47:02
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That's one of my major complaints with ilvl stuff.... nearly all of it is lacking the stats that are good under AM3.. -.-;; I dream of 119 empyrean, cause the only way I'll ever get to stop using lancer body, is by switching the the 119 version.

I'm not gonna call this optimal, cause I haven't looked into it enough to say there's nothing better.

Assuming capped acc.
High buffs.
Target: Tojil
current AM3 set:1269 dps

body, vishap+1.
legs, Cizin.
feet, mikinaak R15 STR.
Back, atheling

new DPS:1262

A lot more def, and very little DPS loss.

Note. I've done all my AA fights on PLD. So I can't really say how this set would do on that kinda content. You might need more acc. I dunno.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2014-02-09 06:26:46
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I wonder if Vishap legs +1 beat cizin with +2da aug.

will +5 str beat +5% da?
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2014-02-09 09:23:36
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if you are trying to pull Double Attack from your set for Ryunohige AM3, possibly, but the rest of the time I cannot see that exchange favoring Vishap.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2014-02-15 04:06:41
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So better

than with +2 DA aug

For Stardriver set?
Server: Odin
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user: Tyrael
Posts: 63
By Odin.Shuinam 2014-03-11 20:36:26
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Is 39 STP the right amount /SAM for tp? thats what I am seeing in both of Martel's sets for delay 492. Thanks.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-11 20:53:14
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39 STP in gear will get you a 5-hit, /sam. But, you'll need 6 STP on ws, and at least 3 hits to land. If 0 STP gear in WS all 4 hits need to land.
Server: Odin
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user: Rendra
Posts: 197
By Odin.Rendra 2014-03-11 22:05:13
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I don't see Enif Corazza used at all in any tp set is there a reason for this? I just finished my Ryu and was looking at a few tp/ws sets but I don't have anything like Huginn Gambreias or the new dm earring or the +1 cizin stuff with aug crit hit.

Also on top of that I was told to drakesbane in 4/5 Mikinaak because of the extra attack so just trying to figure out what the best sets are since I don't have some of martel's stuff.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-12 00:24:04
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Consider. Enif is a non ilvl piece. It's only got acc, haste and QA.

Now, you need STP. And the best STP slots are the hands or body. Between Lancer body+2 and Ogier's, which is better? Lancer by a landslide, yes?

So, if you use lancer body, you maintain STP, and gain STR/DEX/ACC and ATK. Then this opens up the hands slot to be filled with an ilvl piece. Cizin mufflers have 3% haste(4% on HQ) so you match or surpass the haste loss from dropping enif. Then gain +5 STP. Pushing most builds into a 5-hit. Then, you get all that massive ilvl stat vomit on top of everything else. Oh, and a DA, crit, or acc augment.

Enif's sole benefit, the +2% QA, just can't match all this.

Regarding Drakesbane. No, don't use 4/5 mikinaak(I assume the head was the piece left out?), unless you're having acc issues.

Something to consider about Drakesbane. While it Needs atk, the benefits from adding atk are diminished. If you add +10 atk, you only get 8 or that on drakes. If you add +50 atk, you only get 40 of it. Damn atk penalty...

Lancer legs +2 will beat Mikinaak unless you're acc starved. Although, Cizin legs with crit+2 will situationally beat lancer legs(pretty much whenever drakes crit rate is below 23% or so. Have to keep TP in mind for this. You WS at 150% or higher and lancer will likely win again.)

For a ranking, capped acc:Lancer+2=Cizin+1CRT+2>Cizin+1>Cizin>Vishap+1>MikiR15A

The differences between CizinNQ, Vishap, and mikinakk are all pretty small here.

Huginn is pretty unreasonable to get. I spent something like 300~ mil to freaking CRAFT my own. -.-; and I leveled goldsmithing just to do it.

Can you get Hrafn?(the NQ) It can still get +9% crit DMG. Should still be superior to other options barring acc issues.

For feet, barring acc issues it'd be: Huginn>Hrafn>>MikiR15A>Ptero+1>Whirlpool

Head: Otomi>Yaoyotl. I'd like to note that unlike stardiver it is NOT worth it to use Mekira-Oto+1 on drakes bane, when latent is active.

Hands: R15A Mikinaak are pretty much best in slot here. The only time you should need anything else is if you need tones of acc.

Body.. is kinda annoying. If you don't need acc, then Phorcys will actually win whenever atk is uncapped(or just when you're hitting really really hard with that first hit. Think squishy target, like ADL.) <,< I like to use Vishap+1 to keep a good balance of STR/ATK/ACC, in my normal drakes set, then use Phorcys for specific situations.

Acc capped.
ATK uncapped:Phorcys>Cizin+1CRT+2>Vishap+1>MikiR15A>CizinCRT+2
ATK Capped:Cizin+1CRT+2>Vishap+1>CizinCRT+2>MikiR15A>Phorcys

Man this post ended up messy. <,<;; Well, I probably missed something. But feel free to ask questions.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rendra
Posts: 197
By Odin.Rendra 2014-03-12 00:45:57
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Thanks Martel. The problem I have with the Cizin pieces is I spent a ton of Gil on the double attack augs on 3 pieces and I really don't want to do it again on the +1 versions for the crit dmg. At least not at the moment. The nq Huginn I would be fine with if the hex pieces were ever on the ah lol.

Thanks for clearing this up. And I'll work on my sets.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-12 01:21:19
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Honestly, You don't have to get crit+ on Cizin+1. I just have it cause that's what I got first. <,<

While crit+ is slightly better with AM3 up, the DA+ is a lot better during AM3 down(for TP.) Overall It might have been better if I'd got the DA+. Although, I do try to minimize the time spent with AM3 down. The crit+ on legs+1 does make a good drakes piece. But I fully expect reforged Lancer legs to crush it once that comes out.

A non Cizin option for hands or legs... Aetosaur might be useful. Could use the hands(4% haste) which would let you use lancer body and any 5% haste Ilvl legs. Or use legs(6% haste) just to get away from phorcys legs. Both hands and legs have STP as well. Amount varies between NQ and HW though. Note that while these are options, I haven't actually checked them on the DPS sheet. Just a thought.

Too bad you're not on Ragnarok. I think I've still got like 25 NQ gambieras on a mule. It's just depressing to even sell them with how crappy the price is. -.-;
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rendra
Posts: 197
By Odin.Rendra 2014-03-12 02:00:20
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ok, so for AM Down and with what i have i can come up with this...
I know you posted your own sets but i'm trying to go off of what i have.

Hagneia Stone
Otomi Helm
Ganesha's Mala
Steelflash Earring
Bladeborn Earring
Lancer's Plackart +2
Cizin Mufflers +1 (no augs)
K'ayres Ring
Rajas Ring
Letalis Mantle
Goading Belt
Phorcys Dirs
Mikinaak Greaves

AM3 Up
Hagneia Stone
Yaoyotl Helm
Ganesha's Mala
Steelflash Earring
Bladeborn Earring
Lancer's Plackart +2
Cizin Muffler's +1 (no augs)
K'ayres Ring
Rajas Ring
Rancorous Mantle
Goading Belt
Phorcys Dirs
Mikinaak Greaves
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-12 02:29:45
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AM3 down:46 STP, so a perfect 5 hit. Can ws in 0 STP and only need the first hit to land.

Now, if you were willing to require 3 hits to land and ws in at least 1 stp, then you could either change goading to cetl, or Phorcys legs to your NQ cizin with DA+.

AM3 up:50 stp. Again, could use cizin legs. But under AM3 Cetl is showing as a small DPS loss compared to goading.

Or, if you prefer the reliability of a prefect 5-hit, then can stay with what you've got. The DPS differences aren't huge.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rendra
Posts: 197
By Odin.Rendra 2014-03-12 02:35:26
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ok, Thanks

and my last thing atm is Drakesbane
Thew Bomblet
Otomi Helm
Light Gorget
Moonshade TP Bonus
Vishap Mail +1
Mikinaak Hands
Lancer's Cuissots +2
Mikinaak Greaves

I tried to stay close to yours, but again i don't have Huginn or the NQ D:
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Eriina
Posts: 294
By Ragnarok.Eriina 2014-03-23 20:55:01
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Have the R15 stats for all paths been posted anywhere for the delve2.0 melee set yet? On one hand I'd like to swap the body in to rep lancer body.

On the other hand I'm hesitant to drop X-million worth of airlixiers on upgrading it when lancer body reforged will likely crush it anyway :/
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Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-25 10:27:15
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Gorney Haubert +1 is the new best Stardiver body. Has a bit more STR/DEX/ACC than Vishap, loses some attack but also has +2% DA.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-05-25 11:37:26
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Hmmm, were you checking this with capped atk or something?

For Stardiver, I'm getting Gorney+1 as dead even with R15 A Mikinaak, and 20 points behind Vishap+1(Assuming Acc capped before body.)

Gorney'd be a bit better than Vishap+1 during uncapped acc, but R15 A Mikinaak would crush them both in that case.

Now, if you cap attack, then Gorney+1 would certainly be ahead. But what relevant content is DRG gonna be capping atk on?

All in all, I'm not impressed by it. Well, cept maybe by the post augment HP+. <,<

Oh, and it sucks for drakes. -.-;
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-25 13:24:15
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I went with the assumption that on most content you're gonna have near or capped attack with SV songs and chaos roll at least dia 2 with light shot and Angon up. It's only like ~14 atk vs more str acc and 2% da. And of course it would suck for Drakes. You ask what content would drg be called attack on but I figured you're more liky to cap or come near to cap attack than acc. The only acc buffs you're getting are madrigal sushi and maybe hunter roll. Under the assumption that both acc and att are uncapped, wouldn't gorney win with its higher acc(let alone that it has more str and DA?)

14 attack is really giving you a 20 dps difference? Gorney has higher everything except for the attack. I'd think that all things equal, having higher acc would win vs higher attack(for a ws at least since landing hits affects TP return and ws dmg) Are you only checking vs like against 128 content mega bosses?. Maybe it's winning for me on my spread sheet cuz I'm accounting for Attack buffs and like ~40-50% defense down.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-05-25 18:56:06
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It was 20 avg WS dmg, not 20 DPS. <,<

But I can explain the difference now. soulvoice was unchecked from a previous comparison.

Tojil. SV on, minuet x2, chaos roll, and RCB, def-50%. With all these up, gorney+1 is ahead by 3 points of avg ws dmg. But if you add fighter's roll, vishap+1 pulls ahead but 6 points, avg ws dmg.

Even with all those buffs, atk still isn't capped. It'd still take another 115 atk to push to cap.(if you were using vishap. 130 if Gorney+1.)

I will note that Tojil may be a special case. I don't know if his stats are supposed to account for his atk- aura or not. But he's the only delve boss I have stats listed for.(Does anyone even Have stats for 128 bosses? or VD BCs?)

Anyway, I'd say SE just needs to give us 119 lancer body already, then we can just go with that. <,<
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-26 13:08:09
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Yeah but since Lancer Body already has high stats as a base piece at lv89 it might not scale as awesomely as you think?

Could just be:
STR+30 DEX+28 VIT+32 AGI+21 INT+21 MND+21 CHR+21
Attack+16 Accuracy+16 Haste+3%
Store TP+10
Grants Wyvern Food Effect
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2014-05-26 13:10:04
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Anyway, I'd say SE just needs to give us 119 lancer body already, then we can just go with that. <,<
Can't wait for this~ Legs and maybe hands, too!
Server: Sylph
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user: feary
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2014-06-09 15:45:04
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so which af/af2 is worth updating to +1?

for nq upgrade seems to me af1 head and full sets of af2,

still sorting thru +1, wanted to know what you guys think or decided on.
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2014-06-09 15:49:22
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For 119 I just have:

AF Head
AF Legs

Relic Head
Relic Body
Relic Legs
Relic Feet

Relic hands don't look good for anything other than their augment so I just have them as Wyrm +2 still.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: feary
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2014-06-12 04:28:36
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
For 119 I just have:

AF Head
AF Legs

Relic Head
Relic Body
Relic Legs
Relic Feet

Relic hands don't look good for anything other than their augment so I just have them as Wyrm +2 still.

Server: Bismarck
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user: Ranthozyk
Posts: 63
By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-06-12 14:52:52
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So, Camlann's Torment is getting a pretty big buff in the weaponskill update:

From 60% vit to -> 60% Vit and 60% Str with a bit more of a TP bonus. Which bring me to my question.. Armor sets? Has anyone kept up with any Camlann's sets with recent statvomit 119 gear? I never ended up unlocking this since it seemed pretty mediocre, but I guess that's changing.
Server: Asura
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user: Reichleiu
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-06-12 15:01:14
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Bismarck.Ranthozyk said: »
So, Camlann's Torment is getting a pretty big buff in the weaponskill update:

From 60% vit to -> 60% Vit and 60% Str with a bit more of a TP bonus. Which bring me to my question.. Armor sets? Has anyone kept up with any Camlann's sets with recent statvomit 119 gear? I never ended up unlocking this since it seemed pretty mediocre, but I guess that's changing.

It honestly shouldn't be different than your Stardiver set, or at least not extremely different. Most of the STR gear used for Stardiver has equal or similar VIT numbers, I can't see much of a reason to change things. Since the two mods are equal focusing on STR over VIT and just accepting the VIT that is natively on the STR gear should be a perfect way to go. This would allow you to gain more attack for the "Ignores Def." part of Camlaan's.

This is what I had been doing before the update for self-skillchaining (Camlaan's to Drakes for Light). The numbers were fine then with my gear having a close to even split on STR and VIT. Will probably end up being a set that is very similar.

I would have to go through a spreadsheet to get it perfect, but using your Stardiver set should suffice for now. Minor tweaks in the future.

edit* Quickly glancing over gear, Umuthi gloves might be an upgrade simply because they have so much more VIT on them compared to STR on Mikinaak r15. I would say because of the "Ignores Def.", the pants from Ouryu, Scuffler's Cosciales, are almost a must have with 28ATT 34STR and 24VIT 2%DA, but these were already good for Stardiver.
Server: Odin
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user: shagg
Posts: 168
By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-06-13 11:43:03
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too early to say if Geirskogul will be worth building a set for and using?
Server: Asura
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user: Reichleiu
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-06-13 12:07:47
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Odin.Shaggnix said: »
too early to say if Geirskogul will be worth building a set for and using?

It will be better than it was before, but it still shouldn't beat Stardiver, Drakes, or Camlaan's.

The aftermath on it is still pretty lame too, so I can't see a situation where you want to use it outside of skill-chaining. Even then, Drakes > Camlaan's or Camlaan's > Drakes does Light. Stardiver or Drakesbane with most modern weaponskills used by other DDs will typically do Light, Dakrness, or Grav also.

Even before they let you unlock empy WSs you could do Stardiver > Sonic Thrust = Distortion back to Stardiver for Darkness self skillchain.

I just can't see a place for it.
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