Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
By belgarionriva76 2024-10-17 19:28:36
Anyone have a full Lua available, where i can i see what i am aiming for ? ATm no Idris, but working on Coalitions, and i want my geo to be ready for sortie non the less, i been looking to the gear guides, and i am using Selindrile, but the selindile file is far from complete to use as a messure what to get, and i find the guides lacking, for instance for fast cast etc, if someone is able to share their lua that would be very helpfull
By Shichishito 2024-10-18 07:44:48
The guides fast cast set seems pretty up to date. The only thing It's missing I could think of are mostly the latest high tier mission battle field drops:
Cath Palug Hammer (7% FC) instead of Sucellus (5%) [I think you can't augment that thing?]
Malignance earring (4% FC) replacing either of the two options mentioned (2% FC)
Alternative to the adoulin (Weatherspoon ring / Weatherspoon ring +1) and voracious resurgance (Medada's ring) reward rings are Lebeche Ring for quick magic or Prolix Ring for 2% FC.
Could also go for augmented Fi Follet Cape +1 (10% FC) if you don't want to do a dedicated ambu cape.
Interesting enough the shield option mentioned in the guide isn't listed on BG wikis fast cast page, always had the suspicion those lists aren't complete.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-18 08:13:52
instead of Sucellus (5%) [I think you can't augment that thing? No you can't, but you can augment Solstice with FC+5, and since you're already gonna have a Solstice for Entrust...
Cath Palug is better but FC is capped anyway, so it becomes a matter of inventory convenience.
Also a matter of wether or not you want to go over the FC cap (to take into account situations when you're Addled).
By Dodik 2024-10-18 08:29:08
Grioavolr can be augmented up to 11% fast cast. And another +3 from clemency grip +1.
By Shichishito 2024-10-18 08:38:03
FC is capped anyway...
Also a matter of wether or not you want to go over the FC cap (to take into account situations when you're Addled).
You used to cap FC on some jobs like GEO and RDM pretty easily for a while but I think it's worth it again to take every piece back into consideration. If you can cap or come close to cap without relying on body slot it would open up Adamantite Armor and -20% DT in a single slot is pretty nice for sets like fastcast and/or fastrecast that are starving for some -DT.
I didn't do the math but I think it should be possible to at least come close to cap for GEO without body, either by relying on adoulin/voracious reward rings or when taking main and sub slots into consideration.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-18 09:12:42
No you can't, but you can augment Solstice with FC+5, and since you're already gonna have a Solstice for Entrust...
I think Gada is better than Solstice for Entrust?
By Atrox78 2024-10-18 09:15:45
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »No you can't, but you can augment Solstice with FC+5, and since you're already gonna have a Solstice for Entrust...
I think Gada is better than Solstice for Entrust?
It is With augments
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 209
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-10-18 10:19:19
Anyone have a full Lua available, where i can i see what i am aiming for ? ATm no Idris, but working on Coalitions, and i want my geo to be ready for sortie non the less, i been looking to the gear guides, and i am using Selindrile, but the selindile file is far from complete to use as a messure what to get, and i find the guides lacking, for instance for fast cast etc, if someone is able to share their lua that would be very helpfull
Every lua is a personal evolution. You’ll need the regular spam spell for solo KI-A, a MB set (don’t forget the toggle and make sure it’s working) + FC set for a magical strategy (magic strat allow for weapon swap abuse to the opposite of physical). For physical strat, you’ll need to lock that weapon mode (I recommend Idris R-15 so you don’t screw a bubble because you forget to swap back, but if you feel like you a boss then add another swap for a better melee/WS club like tish or magesmasher, I see that multiple time a week as we shout daily for 1) a melee set, WS-judgment set + another set for subtle blow (make a toggle), an OA/impact/thundara 3 set (don’t confuse that with a MB/non-MB set, it’s different)
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-10-18 13:22:14
Gada can get up to +11% duration for indi, which is roughly +18 seconds of duration vs. Solstice flat +15
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By Shichishito 2025-01-21 00:12:57
Let's discuss cloud of darkness drops, with the massive ACC stats probably all of them earn a spot in engaged sets, Null Masuqe (?) and Null Shawl for sure do for other reasons too; but let's take a closer look in terms of MACC:
1. Null Shawl vs augmented Aurist's Cape +1
50 MACC 33 MACC and 33 INT/MND
according to wiki INT guide Aurist's Cape should outdo Null Shawl in best case scenario where INT equals 1 macc. At the 1 INT:0,5 macc ratio Null Shawl should be on paar or slightly better than Aurist's Cape.
For MND the wiki doesn't go as in depth as it does for INT and I have no clue if MND scales similarly to how INT does with MACC.
I also don't have a clue in what range dINT usually can be expected but I assume it's save to say Null Shawl earns a spot in the Resistant sets for low and high tier nukes since you'd only cast in resistant set when you get resisted and your dINT is not in the sweet spot. Not sure about enfeeble sets.
2.Null Loop should be uncontested in the MACC category for GEO as the next best option is Bagua charm with 20 less MACC, it probably is so for most jobs.
3. Null Belt vs augmented Acuity Belt +1
30 MACC 15 MACC and 19-23 INT
For MND enfeebles Null Belt wins but for everything INT related it get's tricky again. In best case scenario Acuity wins but as soon as it drops to dINT ratio of 1 INT:0.5 MACC Null Belt pulls ahead.
So again Null Belt earns a spot in low and high tier nuke Resistant sets and MND enfeebles.
I think it's funny because some in the CoD thread were speculating that some of those pieces would replace other items completely, yet I'm starting to wonder if there is a need for a resistant toggle between INT/MACC and pure MACC.
By Chimerawizard 2025-01-21 00:31:22
I think about those pieces more for melee geo'ing. geo is usually worse than everyone else for ACC so those pieces should help you ride tpbonus offhand longer or bring it back entirely for some content.
sTP+10 back however I have a difficult time with. inventory+1 but nuking for TP would be worse at aminon than before. what to do?! (same issue for BLM, SCH, & RDM)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-13 22:16:00
Theurgic Focus
I noticed today that the effect wears off even if you use an Indi-spell on yourself. I feel this is a bug as the description has nothing to do with Geomancy, but rather an enhancement to elemental magic. Seems like it wears off on the next spell you cast, regardless of what it is.
Quote: Increases the power of your next applicable elemental magic spell. Casting range and area of effect are reduced by half.
Before I submit a bug report on the OF, just wondering if there's any reason it behaves this way that I am missing.
By Tarage 2025-02-16 00:25:58
Dumb question: Is it worth getting the augments for Idris or is it a waste of gil?
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-02-16 00:33:39
Dumb question: Is it worth getting the augments for Idris or is it a waste of gil?
It's bis for macc and also good for meleeing, but it depends how much you value those things.
By Shichishito 2025-02-16 02:07:21
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Dumb question: Is it worth getting the augments for Idris or is it a waste of gil?
It's bis for macc and also good for meleeing, but it depends how much you value those things. Only with aftermath up, and let's face it, barely anyone puts ergon aftermath LVL2 up for any kind of magic use. Important enfeebles in particular you try to land right at the start of a fight.
Without aftermath Idris vs daybreak is around a 13 MACC advantage for idris but daybreak should still beat it for MND enfeebles (stuff like paralyze and slow). Without aftermath Bunzi's rod beats Idris for MACC as it is, doesn't even need augments.
I'd also argue you'll see similar or better WS numbers with mainhand maxentius using black halo or daybreak using flash nova, of course you'd lose that pet -dt. Not sure how much of a advantage Idris LVL3 aftermath would be for TP generation while offhanding daybreak for flash nova compared to other multi hit weapons like blurred rod or coupled with bunzi's rod since you don't need to bother with aftermath.
I imagine in situations like sortie with all the roaming or when you're expected to land shell crusher a lot of that Aftermath would go to waste.
BTW why is there no magian multi hit option for GEO clubs? It's also been left out from kraken club, seems like they deemed multi hit off hands for GEO OP?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-02-16 02:38:39
Without aftermath Bunzi's rod beats Idris for MACC as it is, doesn't even need augments.
30 macc on Idris augment puts it ahead of bunzi even at r30 bunzi.
42 macc over daybreak and let's be honest, nobody is tracking their MND and changing sets based on the mob so it's very unlikely the MND would make up for that.
Of course, if you get AM2 these numbers are even more in favor of Idris but that's not very realistic most of the time.
I'd also argue you'll see similar or better WS numbers with mainhand maxentius using black halo or daybreak using flash nova, of course you'd lose that pet -dt. Not sure how much of a advantage Idris LVL3 aftermath would be for TP generation
As you say, the TP rate bonus from 40% DA and 20% TA is the key, not the ws damage. Throwing WS twice as often will help a lot, and GEO's TP gain sucks because gear options are extremely limited. Also keep in mind AM3 can proc on WS and lots of club WS are multihit
There's also no offhand in gaol for fights where GEO is fighting.
BTW why is there no magian multi hit option for GEO clubs? It's also been left out from kraken club, seems like they deemed multi hit off hands for GEO OP?
Kraken club was never added to any post-75 jobs, for whatever reason. Not a GEO specific question. Probably best to wear TP bonus in OH rather than a tp generating multi hit weapon, if you can afford to take the accuracy hit.
By Tarage 2025-02-16 02:41:55
Pardon my asking but how does MACC benefit GEO? Are you supposed to be casting debuffs in addition to the bubbles? Does MACC affect bubbles?
By Shichishito 2025-02-16 03:10:58
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »30 macc on Idris augment Forgot about the augment bonus from final step, my bad.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Probably best to wear TP bonus in OH rather than a tp generating multi hit weapon, if you can afford to take the accuracy hit. Flash Nova afaik doesn't benefit from TP overflow so multi hits should have been a fun offhand option for Daybreak. Daybreak has rather poor accuracy for a Ilvl weapon, coupled with lvl 75 magians and GEOs poor base ACC I'd think the ACC drawback would balance that combo for endgame content but I suppose you just can't have fun with GEO.
Pardon my asking but how does MACC benefit GEO? Are you supposed to be casting debuffs in addition to the bubbles? Does MACC affect bubbles? MACC does nothing for bubbles as they can't be resisted. Most GEOs sub /RDM due to refresh and convert to help with GEOs MP issues so they have access to enfeebles and nukes can also be resisted so it doesn't hurt to have more of it while free nuking or bursting I guess.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-02-16 04:56:32
I assumed that was a joke but yeah...GEO natively gets sleep and you can actually sleep the adds in gaol, in addition to whatever subjob debuffs you have.
If you're a bot mule geo then no, you probably don't need to r15 it or frankly even AG it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-16 08:40:31
I put exactly one swart into Idris and called it a day. The extra Magic Accuracy was never that appealing to me for the price tag. From a DPS perspective, I prefer Maxentius and R15 Magesmasher +1. Idris is something I'd consider using if I felt the bubble could constantly be killed (like Triboulex/Skamora). That's the other advantage of using Idris, is that if you need to reapply luopan you don't need to switch weapons to get full potency.
As far as melee speed goes, GEO can make a fairly respectable Occult Acumen set that grants them enough TP to was
WS almost instantly with the correct -ra3 and Sam roll, but that's limited due to MP (you might get 3-4 casts off the higher tier spells, might need tweaking to get more casts).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-16 08:41:41
Theurgic Focus
I noticed today that the effect wears off even if you use an Indi-spell on yourself. I feel this is a bug as the description has nothing to do with Geomancy, but rather an enhancement to elemental magic. Seems like it wears off on the next spell you cast, regardless of what it is.
Quote: Increases the power of your next applicable elemental magic spell. Casting range and area of effect are reduced by half.
Before I submit a bug report on the OF, just wondering if there's any reason it behaves this way that I am missing.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-16 08:50:57
I put exactly one swart into Idris and called it a day. The extra Magic Accuracy was never that appealing to me for the price tag. From a DPS perspective, I prefer Maxentius and R15 Magesmasher +1. Idris is something I'd consider using if I felt the bubble could constantly be killed (like Triboulex/Skamora). That's the other advantage of using Idris, is that if you need to reapply luopan you don't need to switch weapons to get full potency.
As far as melee speed goes, GEO can make a fairly respectable Occult Acumen set that grants them enough TP to was
WS almost instantly with the correct -ra3 and Sam roll, but that's limited due to MP (you might get 3-4 casts off the higher tier spells, might need tweaking to get more casts).
That's why they have them such a sick Aspir set
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-16 09:23:43
For sure, if it's Aspirable, you can OA spam t3s on loop for massive TP gain.
By Chimerawizard 2025-02-27 21:41:56
between these, which is best for Judgment spamming in Sortie basements?
Magesmasher +1 R15
Cath Palug hammer
Tishtrya R1 or R15
Since I go geo to sortie so much, I wouldn't even mind throwing away gil r15'ing tish.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-27 22:13:37
They actually moved this to "Working as Intended". I can't possibly see how. JA supposed to work with a certain kind of magic. Literally using any other kind of magic cancels the effect. Laziness by SE.
between these, which is best for Judgment spamming in Sortie basements?
Magesmasher +1 R15
Cath Palug Hammer
Tishtrya R1 or R15
Since I go geo to sortie so much, I wouldn't even mind throwing away gil r15'ing tish.
I use Magesmasher +1 for damage, but I also don't have Tish at all. I went back and forth about which one would be better dps. Maybe R15 Tish is better for Aminon since you can fire TP off sooner, but I usually hold my tp to like 3000 anyways since im more support.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2025-02-28 02:29:00
Last I checked on the GEO spreadsheet, Tish was surprisingly on top for Judgement spam.
You can check yourself with the gear/stats you own.
My Node section is messed up because of too much data usage and I am locked out of editing this guide. If you would like to reach out to Rooks to fix that problem like he said he would years ago when I asked him to fix it, feel free to do so. Until then, enjoy the half fixed guide I guess?
Node 112