Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2013-12-07 10:15:32
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My Node section is messed up because of too much data usage and I am locked out of editing this guide. If you would like to reach out to Rooks to fix that problem like he said he would years ago when I asked him to fix it, feel free to do so. Until then, enjoy the half fixed guide I guess?

Node 112
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Diablosword 2013-12-07 10:39:20
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Very nice guide, great work!
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-12-07 10:46:46
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Realmrazer needs proper gorget and ele. belt.

Idle should mention terra's+oneiros grip.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2013-12-07 10:59:43
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
Realmrazer needs proper gorget and ele. belt.

Idle should mention terra's+oneiros grip.

Fixed both, thanks!
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2013-12-07 11:20:49
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nice guide,
geonoob question, why no conserve mp set with all the +geo skill pieces included?
Some luopans are pretty expensive and the conserve mp trait on geo doesnt put us anywhere near the conserve mp cap.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2013-12-07 11:59:19
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If you have the inventory for Conserve mp then by all means. I am usually 78/80 on geomancer as it is lol
Added Conserve MP gear to the set for people that have inventory.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2013-12-07 12:23:37
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ok, at the moment carry around Laurel wreath, hedera cotehardie, austerity belt, and gifted earring (total +25 conserveMp).
I can't see myself justifying anymore inventory for the remaining conserve MP options.
I have seveneyes and i'm still torn on using it because of the tp reset of going back to owleyes or antinian+oneiros.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Kimmy
Posts: 65
By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2013-12-07 12:24:10
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Cardinal chant is this way, parenthesis for ra spells:
Lv25 East-Magic attack +5(8) South-Magic accuracy +5(8) West-MB bonus +10(15) North-Magic critical +5%(8)
Lv45 East-Magic attack +7(10) South-Magic accuracy +7(10) West-MB bonus +14(19) North-Magic critical +7%(10)
Lv85 East-Magic attack +10(14) South-Magic accuracy +10(14) West-MB bonus +18(24) North-Magic critical +10%(13)
Elemental celerity is Lv55 and Elemental celerity II is Lv80
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2013-12-07 12:37:49
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Austerity belt beats pythia+1 and is a good double utility piece if you are trying to also wrangle some +hmp gear into limited inventory.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2013-12-07 13:12:09
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Quetzalcoatl.Kimora said: »
Cardinal chant is this way, parenthesis for ra spells:
Lv25 East-Magic attack +5(8) South-Magic accuracy +5(8) West-MB bonus +10(15) North-Magic critical +5%(8)
Lv45 East-Magic attack +7(10) South-Magic accuracy +7(10) West-MB bonus +14(19) North-Magic critical +7%(10)
Lv85 East-Magic attack +10(14) South-Magic accuracy +10(14) West-MB bonus +18(24) North-Magic critical +10%(13)
Elemental celerity is Lv55 and Elemental celerity II is Lv80

Great info! Glad someone finally knows the effects for all 4 directions. I checked bgwiki, ffxiclopedia, and googled for a few hours and couldn't find the south bonus. It seems people just made numbers up all the current info is incorrect. bgwiki and ffxiclopedia even had west being magic acc.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-12-07 13:35:11
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Your enfeebling set seems pretty weak. You're ignoring the macc from mnd/int and erring towards straight macc/enfeeble skill. Too lazy to make a set myself, but you could add a lot more macc in even before macc hagondes augments. (looking at hands body legs mainly, probably some other things that can be adjusted too)
Server: Cerberus
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user: Natsuhiko
Posts: 194
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2013-12-07 17:38:21
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While not a bad guide, the node for my guide was open to editing by anyone when I quit FFXI in hopes that someone else would keep it updated.

Edit: And there were no replies in the thread with updates I would have added in, I'm here enough.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [46 days between previous and next post]
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 48
By Sylph.Pancakesandsx 2014-01-22 16:01:48
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I thought you had to idle in geomancy / handbell skill gear to get the potency bonus, not just cast in it. Did that change / is that misinformation? If so, that changes a ton for me.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Malithar
Posts: 396
By Bahamut.Malothar 2014-01-22 22:03:04
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It was changed, I believe with the update that added AF. Or it was just always that way and it was misinformation prior to that.

Hoping our relic gear shakes things up a bit. Loved Geo since I've started playing it, but with the sudden rush of 6 man content, it's taken a back seat to most other jobs. Not that it can't fill the position, it just doesn't fill it nearly as well as a Brd or Cor.

Randomish question that wasn't answered in the guide: A while back, someone reported that the AKA hat with Pet: -10% DT began working for loupons. Any other testimonies to this? Been lazy/strapped for time, but been thinking of redoing the fight to get that. Ridiculous how quickly loupons go down with AoEs anymore.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-01-22 22:21:11
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Just in here to say Bubble Trouble is quite the clever name for this guide. Kudos to the genius behind that little gem.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 259
By Sylph.Dasanuffadat 2014-01-25 22:43:02
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Has there been any testing on the Galero to see exactly what it does to Cardinal Chant? Can't find any sources.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2014-01-25 23:31:13
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Ninja: DNC is generally better than /NIN. You give up everything /DNC gives for Utsusemi.

This isn't exactly true. /NIN gives an extra tier of Dual Wield over /DNC.
Posts: 199
By minikomby 2014-01-26 00:02:56
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does precision spells give ranged Acc too or just melee acc?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 259
By Sylph.Dasanuffadat 2014-01-26 04:24:39
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minikomby said: »
does precision spells give ranged Acc too or just melee acc?

While I haven't seen any tests to confirm it, I think it's safe to assume it increases only melee accuracy. I say this due to Hunter's Roll, BRD and Ecliptic Howl. Hunter's Roll specifically states both types of accuracy, BRD has both types of accuracy on 2 different song families and Ecliptic Howl I believe was proven in 2004 to not boost ranged accuracy (it only states accuracy in its description).

Siren.Kyte said: »
Ninja: DNC is generally better than /NIN. You give up everything /DNC gives for Utsusemi.

This isn't exactly true. /NIN gives an extra tier of Dual Wield over /DNC.
A 10% increase at that!

/DNC does offer the steps and Haste Samba however which could be better for supporting the party on top of a TP based erase and heals should enfeebles present themselves. So I suppose it would boil down to being situational. PT needs that extra oomph? /DNC. PT is fine and you can focus on your own dps? /NIN.

Also, depending on the fight shadows may be nearly mandatory so that's another thing to consider. The 10% increase in DW over /DNC would be a bonus in this case.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2014-01-29 12:42:53
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Doesn't pet -DT effect luopons? Don't see a set here for that. Also /blm can be used for stuns if your stunners suck or need help in Delve lol.
Guide Maker
Posts: 3251
By Quetzacoatl 2014-01-30 12:58:08
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LOVE this! I had a good feeling /RDM was the top subjob, too. I have one complaint, though.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bitesized
Posts: 157
By Asura.Bitesized 2014-01-31 22:02:10
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Leviathan.Draylo said: »
Doesn't pet -DT effect luopons? Don't see a set here for that. Also /blm can be used for stuns if your stunners suck or need help in Delve lol.

Yes, the add on head piece helps out quite a bit and yes /blm for stunning is rather useful.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2014-02-20 08:25:59
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Currently taking a break from ffxi but updated the guide for you guys. Updated old info, added navigation to make it easier to find things, and updated all the sets with the new gear added this update. Artifact/+1/Relic/+1 quests and other info is now in the guide. Pretty much gave the entire thing an overhaul. If anything is incorrect feel free to correct me. I am going by info on forums since I have not been on to play myself.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Malithar
Posts: 396
By Bahamut.Malothar 2014-03-20 10:09:14
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Just linking this here for those who may ask in the future or don't keep up with the BG thread.

Good to see proof that it actually works. It didn't at SoA launch, and it created confusion for some whether pet get worked for Luopans or not.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2014-03-20 12:20:37
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Bahamut.Malothar said: »
Just linking this here for those who may ask in the future or don't keep up with the BG thread. Good to see proof that it actually works. It didn't at SoA launch, and it created confusion for some whether pet get worked for Luopans or not.

Although I am happy to hear that more gear is now usable for GEO for Luopans, I am quite disappointed in my current predicament regarding the ToM staff.

I havent completed this trial, but it requires a pet job to deal the finishing blow. Unfortunately, the only job I have is GEO (which is not much of an offensive pet job), which means I will actually have to level a pet job to 99 before I can finish this trial completely. Either that, or aoe spam trains of mobs to 1% and then concentric pulse (and wait on cool down timer to redo) to kill monsters, if that is considered a pet kill.

And when I finally finish this, SE will release a -DT Luopan club. FML.
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2014-03-21 19:22:33
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vanir cotehardie missing from some sets.

I think mostly WS sets, probably use in Stun set too. It's also quite good for Enfeebling and Macc Nuke sets, although the Artsieq Jubbah probably beats it now for most part. However, Vanir does provide way more Int/Mnd than Artsieq.

Anyways, Love this guide. Love Geo. <3

Edit: Can also add isa belt to Luopan set.

Edit2: And andoaa earring to enhancing set.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2014-03-21 22:38:59
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Fixed. Have not had a chance to look at all the new gear all that close yet. Slowly adding in upgrades as I spot them. If you see more that I missed feel free to post and I will fix when I see them. Thanks :)

Testing potency of some of the spells for the guide. Will add stuff here as I test.
Indi-Paralysis: seems to be around 12% with 825 skill.
  • first set: 100 melee rounds/ 12 paralyzed

  • second set: 100 melee rounds/ 16 paralyzed

  • third set: 100 melee rounds/ 13 paralyzed

  • fourth set: 100 melee rounds/ 11 paralyzed

Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2014-03-22 13:54:30
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Stat spells give +23 to respective stat with 825 skill! :D
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2014-03-24 07:21:40
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Finished up a magian staff earlier to see how they would hold up against the new weapons. Magian staff falls behind on Tier 1-3, but pulls ahead on Tier 4 by quite a bit in both buffed and unbuffed situations.
The two weapons used in this test:
  • DMG: +18

  • INT +7

  • Magic Attack Bonus +12

  • Affinity: Magic Accuracy +1

  • Affinity: Magic Damage +6

  • Affinity: Casting Time -14%

Targets: Tiny Mandragora lv.-1
Buffs: None.
Spell: Thunder IV
4966 damage. 5063 damage.

Targets: Tiny Mandragora lv.-1
Buffs: Indi-Acumen(MAB).
Spell: Thunder IV
5503 damage. 5674 damage.

Targets: Tiny Mandragora lv.-1
Buffs: Indi-Acumen(MAB) + Geo-Malaise(m.def down).
Spell: Thunder IV
6325 damage. 6522 damage.

Targets: Tiny Mandragora lv.-1
Buffs: Indi-Acumen(MAB) + Geo-Malaise(m.def down) + Facing East(mab from cardinal chant).
Spell: Thunder IV
6519 damage. 6743 damage.

Targets: Tiny Mandragora lv.-1
Buffs: Indi-Acumen(MAB) + Geo-Malaise(m.def down) + Facing East(mab from cardinal chant) + theurgic focus + collimated fervor.
Spell: Thunder IV
7655 damage. 7935 damage.

Targets: Tiny Mandragora lv.-1
Buffs: Bolster + Indi-Acumen(MAB) + Geo-Malaise(m.def down) + Facing East(mab from cardinal chant) + theurgic focus + collimated fervor.
Spell: Thunder IV
--------- damage. 10197 damage.

Sometimes you just need to overkill a mandragora!
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2014-03-24 13:39:32
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Nice stuff, but are you sure Theurgic Focus works on single target nukes?

While lvling up the job I recall it didn't work on them and just did some testing in Marjami and didn't find any changes in dmg on my Stone IVs against Tulfaires on Lightningsday.
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