Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
By Mrxi 2024-10-08 14:57:16
You have to cast with non relic head and +2 neck, can also use EA and Lasting Emanation together after random deal if its still dying.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 209
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-10-08 15:13:14
I don’t use Idris or neck or even the hands for Aminon just because of my 15 sec cycle absorb-aspir-thundara-WS-repeat so gear swap so much you can’t possibly be in any of it. Also would love to hear if anyone has tried that magemasher club, acc issues….
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1428
By Asura.Toralin 2024-10-08 15:32:16
We ride Aminon pretty close to TPing when we have crooked 11 tact/misers, I guess really that is moot you could just hold TP a bit higher on something that scales with TP and really help. This is a good conversation curious the club mentioned how it performs next to r15 idris.
We are usually getting NQ Aminon to approx 50-55% when the bard is Nitro'ing up the SV songs, Bolster wearing around 30-35%. Leaving us about 8-9 min on our SV songs when Aminon dies, which has always been enough to run kill E boss, goto G and smash him with SV still running. So I guess that seems like about 6-7 min kill time, really depends on the COR rolls?
The extra time on Aminon surely does help clear minis or maybe give time to do delves at F at the end.
Weve been pretty consistent
with DCBA-Aminon-E-G-F-H
killing botulus, all minis upstairs, and then working D order, or F Delve NMs.
By Dodik 2024-10-08 15:38:00
Yeah, if you got the dt elsewhere sure. Idris dmg is pretty good so.. no reason to swap from it for most either.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-10-08 15:45:47
I'd love to see comparisons honestly. I don't have an AG'd Idris, so I can't test/show data there. I know another GEO that uses Idris and he gets similar numbers to me as far as I can tell. I will say, his group is a bit more optimized than the one I'm currently running in (we just started a bit ago on melee aminon). There are lots of averages for him available in the sortie thread where Taint is posting their parses.
By wick 2024-10-08 19:08:19
My bubbles will last whole fight if I manually place the bubble on the dnc. If I put bubble on Aminon it always dies! I don’t idle in idris and bubbles are fine now :)
By Chimerawizard 2024-10-08 22:25:59
Can you set the bubble for 10min outside the AoE range?
Widened Compass BoG Bolster LE, wait til bolster wears and EA once WC resets it.
Don't have to worry about the bubble getting killed at all if it isn't being hit.
anyone use these at Aminon?
ethereal earring
mallquis clogs +2
hypaspist earring
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 209
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-10-09 05:21:04
You can’t pop a bubble for 10 min, GEO is less active but still active. Each bubble has a power timer then back to baseline timer. You bubble him, wait 15 sec (for debuff, dia, placement..), depop then bolster and repop. At that point you on a 3:30 timer, after that BOG, depop, repop EA de materialize and that bubble has a timer as well, if Aminon not dead by then, you should have gotten your BOG back, so do over.
I do not use any MP gear, just aspir III every 15 seconds, it’s a non dmg spell so doesn’t feed TP
People don’t realize but the GEO will break or make a sub 8 min NQ (we done sub 6 NQ and sub 8 HQ) by himself, you are support, supporting their move is your goal.
We use widened compass on H so can’t comment but no necessary on Aminon
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-10-09 06:11:08
You can BoG a Luopan during bolster, and when bolster wears you'll still have BoG potency without having to recast the Luopan. Though you do have to use Ecliptic as soon as Bolster wears since you can't use it with bolster up.
By Chimerawizard 2024-10-09 12:07:32
sel's gs will abort both actions, but you can just hit bog before bolster or delete the rule.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-09 14:15:08
I played with a Stage 3 sword on RDM last night and it was significantly closer in damage to Maxentius than people have led me to believe. I wasn't even in particularly good form for my order of Impact > Last Resort > Consume Mana > WS and hit similar numbers on my max as I do with BH. I am absolutely eye balling my damage. Grain of salt and all that. We only have 1 more rock to get for 1 person out of group left, so I probably won't have a lot of attempts to get a better comparison. So please don't jump at this and let me lead you to possible buyer's remorse.
BUT If I'm on that, then that means the GEO can Black Halo with ambu club and we can see if PLD Judgment with Beryllium Mace +1 is any good. I assume that BH would beat anything else GEO has access to with the club and I'm happy to have the increased accuracy from using a sword. Group damage is definitely more important to me than personal damage.
By Chimerawizard 2024-10-09 14:29:16
I do consider stage 3 club & sword to be a waste. They are wakey sticks when you get put to sleep. As such they cap out at stage 2. I imagine Dagda is a decent weaponskill and with such high base dmg on the weapon would probably see respectable numbers. At the cost of permanently losing a wakey stick for the jobs on it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-09 14:34:36
I do consider stage 3 club & sword to be a waste. They are wakey sticks when you get put to sleep. As such they cap out at stage 2. I imagine Dagda is a decent weaponskill and with such high base dmg on the weapon would probably see respectable numbers. At the cost of permanently losing a wakey stick for the jobs on it.
We have a St5 and can confirm Dagda is very, very strong.
Can use elshimo pachira fruit to solve your problem, unless you suddenly end up slept when you couldn't have seen it coming. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but not often if you're playing your character and not a bot.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-09 16:01:28
I do consider stage 3 club & sword to be a waste. They are wakey sticks when you get put to sleep. As such they cap out at stage 2. I imagine Dagda is a decent weaponskill and with such high base dmg on the weapon would probably see respectable numbers. At the cost of permanently losing a wakey stick for the jobs on it.
RDM still has dagger for wakey stick, though dagger is the way people seem to be leaning heavily. I just dislike putting my galli into a weapon that is going to wall the main dps that most of us use for making galli.
By Kaffy 2024-10-16 05:29:47
There were some WS sets on the previous page, but how about some GEO TP sets? My starting point is Nyame + Gazu bracelets.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-16 07:19:40
Nyame + Cornelia's belt is your equipment haste. The acc is good on those hands if you need it.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-16 07:31:58
That kinda depends on if we're talking about singlewield GEO or dualwield geo.
For the former sure, granted there are additional waist-haste options but Cornelia is probably the best.
For the latter it kinda depends on how you want to cap dualwield.
10% on Ambu cape is very very close to cap, if you go that route then you just need to swap the cape.
If you want to go the Shetal Belt + suppanomimi route, then you're gonna be needing another option to cap your haste.
Not many options here I'm afraid. Gazu Bracelets R15 (which also provide a *** of acc), Haste aug on ambu cape, TVR haste ring.
Is there anything else? I don't think so.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-16 07:32:42
Cetl Belt > Cornelia's.
Standard rings/earrings. Neck: do you need to wear JSE neck? Maybe Combatants if not, or Lissome? Doesn't come up that often for me.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-16 07:59:12
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Cetl Belt > Cornelia's. Yes and No, in my extremely humble opinion.
Cetl doesn't get you to haste cap (very close nonetheless).
Also the DA+5% is cool but might be subject to diminishing returns if you're riding Idris AM3 on MH.
On the other hand STR+10 on Cornelia will hardly make a difference on a job like GEO.
I would use whichever generates an Inventory+1 to you, i.e. the one you are already using for other reasons.
But I'm always starving for inventory space so I guess I'm biased on that xD
As for the neck the highest numbers I was getting on my GEO spreadsheet changed according on AM3 up or not, but the best 2 options were Combatant and Lissome (followed by Asperity and then Clotharius).
In my opinion though, like you already surmised, more often than not you'll want to lock your augmented +2 JSE even if it has no DD stats, for the 10% damage absorb on Luopan.
Earwise it depends on the DW issue we mentioned above, and it also depends on AM3 on/off and wether or not you need further acc.
Disregarding Acc with AM3 on the tier was Dedition > Balder+1 > Cessance > Brutal > Crepuscular iir.
For Rings it again depends on AM3 up or not, the theoretical best pair is Petrov+Hetairoi, but I honestly suggest Chirich+1.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-16 08:05:08
Cetl doesn't get you to haste cap (very close nonetheless).
? Using which armor? Nyame set 5/5 includes 20% haste, Cetl 5% = 25%, capped.
Otherwise agree with all of your post, lots of good points. DA has diminished value, but still greater value than 10 STR and counter (nothing). I ignore matters of inventory space, people can make that decision on their own I guess. I can't imagine why Cornelia would be in your wardrobe otherwise...BLU counter set?
By Kaffy 2024-10-16 08:06:05
I was thinking about trying dual-wield with Magesmasher and Ternion Dagger (still months away from Idris), so picked up the Shetal Stone. I think /dnc would be more useful in a party than /nin so that means DW on cape and pretty much cements Gazu for hands. Thanks for the tips, can work with this.
By Atrox78 2024-10-16 08:24:55
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Cetl doesn't get you to haste cap (very close nonetheless).
? Using which armor? Nyame set 5/5 includes 20% haste, Cetl 5% = 25%, capped.
Otherwise agree with all of your post, lots of good points. DA has diminished value, but still greater value than 10 STR and counter (nothing). I ignore matters of inventory space, people can make that decision on their own I guess. I can't imagine why Cornelia would be in your wardrobe otherwise...BLU counter set?
Isn't 26% actual gear haste cap based on the way it's calculated? Not being snarky, have just always based sets on this premise and if i can get away with 25% alot of tp sets would be happier for it lol
Also, agreed regarding DA over 10 str. Lacking stp options as geo does, anything helping get to 3k tp faster is welcomed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-16 08:27:40
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Cetl doesn't get you to haste cap (very close nonetheless).
? Using which armor? Nyame set 5/5 includes 20% haste, Cetl 5% = 25%, capped. Not sure if you're trolling me or if I'm being too naive as usual and missing something.
Haste values, like pretty much everything in this game, are not really expressed in a /100 base like showed, they are implemented in the code as /1024.
This means that what shows at 25% is actually a bit below.
How much below depends on the real values of Haste behind what is showed on the item description.
Long story short: you need 26% if you want to be sure of being at the haste cap.
Here you can find the full explanation but I don't know why I'm telling this to you since I'm overly sure you already knew... someone reading this convo might not now it though.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I can't imagine why Cornelia would be in your wardrobe otherwise...BLU counter set? Eeeh, fair point.
STR+10 might actually be good for some STR based WS on jobs with limited options, but I guess the main selling point of Cornelia is an All jobs 10% haste option which can be a nice inventory saver, I suppose.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-16 08:30:07
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Cetl doesn't get you to haste cap (very close nonetheless).
? Using which armor? Nyame set 5/5 includes 20% haste, Cetl 5% = 25%, capped.
Otherwise agree with all of your post, lots of good points. DA has diminished value, but still greater value than 10 STR and counter (nothing). I ignore matters of inventory space, people can make that decision on their own I guess. I can't imagine why Cornelia would be in your wardrobe otherwise...BLU counter set?
Isn't 26% actual gear haste cap based on the way it's calculated? Not being snarky, have just always based sets on this premise and if i can get away with 25% alot of tp sets would be happier for it lol
Also, agreed regarding DA over 10 str. Lacking stp options as geo does, anything helping get to 3k tp faster is welcomed.
From BG wiki:
Quote: In general, the values assigned to equipment is lower than the description would indicate. Some exceptions include things like Rune Chopper (94/1024 = 9.2% Haste), which is higher. Overall, the assignment seems to generally follow the example above, with a trend towards lower values than expected. This is why people often claim you need 26% gear Haste to hit the 25% Haste cap.
Gear isn't actually a %, it's an X/1024 value so theoretically you might need 26% and some people do it to be safe, but unless you specifically know the X/1024 for all the pieces in question (unlikely) you can't know for certain that you need 25 or 26. 25 is the cap though (256/1024).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-16 08:33:55
The accessories can be fiddled with in a GEO tp set.
Cetl Belt is ok, but Windbuffet +1 can be worn by GEO as well. If you're not too concerned about your defense, you can use R15 Gazu Bracelets and that frees up the waist slot. Same for Blistering Sallet +1 for a less-defensive option. Grunfeld is a waist option that comes with some acc, attack, and da as well. Olseni Belt likewise. White Tathlum has STP, but I sold mine and use Vanir Battery or just lock Dunna (ranged/ammo slot is very minor dps anyways). If you picked Lehko's Ring, that frees up the Hands/Waist decision. You really just have to use what works best for your situation.
Personally, I prefer 5/5 Nyame as well, and then you have to use Cetl Belt, unless you get something janky like Hasty Pinion +1, but I absolutely hate negative stats on gear so I generally tend to avoid it if at all possible.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-16 08:34:47
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I can't imagine why Cornelia would be in your wardrobe otherwise...BLU counter set?
SAM Seigan/Third Eye set (is what I use mine for)
By Atrox78 2024-10-16 08:59:47
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Cetl doesn't get you to haste cap (very close nonetheless).
? Using which armor? Nyame set 5/5 includes 20% haste, Cetl 5% = 25%, capped.
Otherwise agree with all of your post, lots of good points. DA has diminished value, but still greater value than 10 STR and counter (nothing). I ignore matters of inventory space, people can make that decision on their own I guess. I can't imagine why Cornelia would be in your wardrobe otherwise...BLU counter set?
Isn't 26% actual gear haste cap based on the way it's calculated? Not being snarky, have just always based sets on this premise and if i can get away with 25% alot of tp sets would be happier for it lol
Also, agreed regarding DA over 10 str. Lacking stp options as geo does, anything helping get to 3k tp faster is welcomed.
From BG wiki:
Quote: In general, the values assigned to equipment is lower than the description would indicate. Some exceptions include things like Rune Chopper (94/1024 = 9.2% Haste), which is higher. Overall, the assignment seems to generally follow the example above, with a trend towards lower values than expected. This is why people often claim you need 26% gear Haste to hit the 25% Haste cap.
Gear isn't actually a %, it's an X/1024 value so theoretically you might need 26% and some people do it to be safe, but unless you specifically know the X/1024 for all the pieces in question (unlikely) you can't know for certain that you need 25 or 26. 25 is the cap though (256/1024).
Im definitely in the camp of better safe then sorry. Nothing more irksome (imo) then not being haste capped.
By Chimerawizard 2024-10-16 09:31:11
Cornelia's Belt fits on slip03 when on a job that doesn't use it, so like AF it's sort of inventory-0.
all hail porterpacker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-16 09:34:59
Cornelia's Belt is also good for capping haste on recasts. If you don't want a 10% Haste all jobs belt then by all means don't carry it. And if you don't want to cap haste, you don't have to do that either.
My Node section is messed up because of too much data usage and I am locked out of editing this guide. If you would like to reach out to Rooks to fix that problem like he said he would years ago when I asked him to fix it, feel free to do so. Until then, enjoy the half fixed guide I guess?
Node 112