Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Posts: 1505
By Chimerawizard 2021-05-24 12:56:42
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Mrxi said: »
Asura.Wax said: »

I recently finished Idris myself and started looking more into melee GEO. It seems like Nyame (even pre-augment) could change a lot of the sets in the discussion the past few pages.

Can any smart GEO's chime in on how the new Odyssey sets have been working out for them for meleeing?
Maxentius and 5 nyame augment dosent mater, engaged ambu cape other random gear, geo can do 30k black halo on bumba, thats about the only time i ever melee, im doing geo str and indi fury so dosent matter as much if luopan dies, full timing demeterialize usually only have to cast 1 or 2 times. rest of the time geo prob should not melee unless can kill it before bolster wears.
ItemSet 374808
if you're going nyame path A, you won't be haste cap'd with 5/5, hands fix that and give even more accuracy, so winning.

Personally I'd go path B and stick with jhakri. I have a few malignance jobs so my choice was made from the start.
ItemSet 363550
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2021-05-24 13:24:46
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Not sure those setups are BiS for GEO DPS.
Also a couple of Nyame path B pieces can be really nice even for TP (you get good defensive stats, decent acc/att and DA+)

With Nyame you have the problem of haste, on GEO you can realistically solve it only with 10% Haste aug on Cape instead of DA+10, I think? Most of the recent Haste+ belts don't have GEO on it.
I guess uhm... Ninurta is All Jobs iir.

Can check it yourself on the GEO DPS spreadsheet btw. It's updated with all Unity and Odyssey gear.
Posts: 1505
By Chimerawizard 2021-05-24 13:35:43
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that's true, once I'm onto nyame body & feet I'll have to swap those in for the DA+, jhakri doesn't really provide anything. I'd still keep the legs.
also I don't geo in gaol.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2021-05-24 14:14:05
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The GEOTP2 set is what I'm using as well atm but I plan to swap at least body and feet (maybe hands too? Dunno) with Nyame, for DT, acc/att and DA.

"using" is a big word though, haven't used it even once. Don't really get many chances to play DD on GEO lately.
Where "lately" is alas a long, long time.
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user: Valkyrie
Posts: 562
By Lakshmi.Cesil 2021-05-24 17:08:59
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Anyone know of a good lua to use for an Idris GEO? My Idris is almost done and looking for an updated one. Thanks :)
Server: Shiva
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user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-05-24 17:19:58
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What are you wanting a lua to do with Idris that it wouldn't do already? Just need to put Idris in your Geomancy midcast and/or Pet Idle sets.
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By Asura.Sagaxi 2021-06-05 17:30:55
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Sorry if the question have already been asnwered, I did some research, but I could not find any answer.

So, does the +Geomancy on idris/bell/SUneck stacks?

If no, what is current use of SU neck?

By Shichishito 2021-06-05 17:39:18
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they don't stack, it picks the highest value of the 3 you got equiped during midcast. SU neck has absorb damage for luopon which can be usefull for stuff like blaze of glory and 1hour, imho not usefull enough to justify that pricetag tho.
Posts: 1505
By Chimerawizard 2021-06-05 17:52:30
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Luopan Duration + is actually an on-cast poison -x%, so +25% equates to poison -6 on cast.
The 10% absorb is just a bonus.
source is way back somewhere in this thread.
By Shichishito 2021-06-05 18:21:35
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that be really disappointing as you can already sustain a bubble to the 10 minute mark with pet regen equipment and life cycle and then it will disappear anyway. i always thought it would enhance the max duration from 10 minutes to 12:30.
imho this necks perks are the macc and the absorb as it gives a BoG or 1hour bubble a slightly better chance to survive some AoE.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-06-07 17:48:21
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People also neglecting that fact that not every GEO has Idris, and Bagua Charm +1/+2 is an extremely easy way to get the next best potency for the job's core function. Really helpful for a non-Idris mule working through coalitions, for instance. Even neck +1 is better than Dunna alone, and the Geomancy+ on neck doesn't require an augment, so you could even opt to keep it unaugmented and retain the option to sell it.

Though IMHO, more useful to just augment the thing and keep it for the very helpful Luopon absorb DT stat... which remains useful if/when the GEO upgrades to Idris.

And if you do have Idris already... IDK, if you've already invested that much in a GEO I don't see why you wouldn't pay at least the fairly low price for a +1 neck. And with +2 down to 30-40m these days, personally I find it useful enough to be worth it, but I guess I can see the arguments that it's more of a luxury piece. Nothing else in the slot is as helpful as the luopon DT absorb (really the only viable alternative is something like Loricate for DT- on the GEO themselves), so why not use the JSE neck?
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Valkyrie
Posts: 562
By Lakshmi.Cesil 2021-06-08 02:41:42
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
People also neglecting that fact that not every GEO has Idris, and Bagua Charm +1/+2 is an extremely easy way to get the next best potency for the job's core function. Really helpful for a non-Idris mule working through coalitions, for instance. Even neck +1 is better than Dunna alone, and the Geomancy+ on neck doesn't require an augment, so you could even opt to keep it unaugmented and retain the option to sell it.

Though IMHO, more useful to just augment the thing and keep it for the very helpful Luopon absorb DT stat... which remains useful if/when the GEO upgrades to Idris.

And if you do have Idris already... IDK, if you've already invested that much in a GEO I don't see why you wouldn't pay at least the fairly low price for a +1 neck. And with +2 down to 30-40m these days, personally I find it useful enough to be worth it, but I guess I can see the arguments that it's more of a luxury piece. Nothing else in the slot is as helpful as the luopon DT absorb (really the only viable alternative is something like Loricate for DT- on the GEO themselves), so why not use the JSE neck?

As I just got my Idris, thank you for this ^^. I was debating waiting to get the +2 when I have the gil, but I'll just grab the +1 for now!
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2021-06-08 08:19:58
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Though IMHO, more useful to just augment the thing and keep it for the very helpful Luopon absorb DT stat... which remains useful if/when the GEO upgrades to Idris.

And if you do have Idris already... IDK, if you've already invested that much in a GEO I don't see why you wouldn't pay at least the fairly low price for a +1 neck. And with +2 down to 30-40m these days, personally I find it useful enough to be worth it, but I guess I can see the arguments that it's more of a luxury piece. Nothing else in the slot is as helpful as the luopon DT absorb (really the only viable alternative is something like Loricate for DT- on the GEO themselves), so why not use the JSE neck?
So much this. People really sleep on the neck's absorb effect because "hurrdurr I have idris"... but the absorb trigger has healed my luopan to full more times than I can count. A suddenly full healthed bubble is a godsend, especially when it's a bolstered-blazed one. (and even when not it's still an MP saver)

I just use the +1 since I am a spendthrift and the difference between an 8% chance and a 10% is basically nothing. Especially when the difference in price is 4M v 40M.
Posts: 4866
By RadialArcana 2021-06-18 14:04:34
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Which content has nerfs to geo spells and what is the amount?

Is it just Odyssey?
Posts: 2749
By Nariont 2021-06-18 14:31:13
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Amounts i dont have off hand but;
Think a couple ambus?

Cant recall if lilith had any nerfs
Posts: 254
By Mrgrim 2021-06-18 18:02:46
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Its been mentioned that Master trial 3 and 4 have a 75% nerf. I think someone out here also mentioned that certain HELMs have 50% nerf (Albumen?) I forgot who mentioned it. Its been ages since I read it. Then again I could be wrong!
Posts: 33
By Littleflame 2021-06-18 23:28:58
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I did some quick tests just running around with gravity up and the targetinfo addon running. For those that may not know it just lists the target's ID, Hex-ID, and the movement speed of what your targeting, which for what ever reason gets sent to the client while debuff data doesn't.

Lilith has no resistance as stated on BG, Odin has no resistance on VE but gradually will increase with difficulty up to 75% on VD. As for Dyna D, BG lists 75% resistance on all NMs.

As for Odyssey, normal enemies on Sheol C have no resistance, while the NMs either are completely immune to gravity or have such high resistance the result was floored to 0. BG says they have 95% resistance so I'll go with the latter. The Sheol C test was done on an alt without Idris so maybe that higher potency would have given a better result. Either way I still wouldn't bring a GEO over a DD or other slot given how that content is structured and with how easy it is to cap attack on most jobs with just BRD and COR buffs.
For Gaol I tested on Mboze. At V5 he showed a 65% resistance and V15 it was 75%, same as Odin and Dyna D.

This was mostly for fun so if someone finds a flaw they are open to point it out.
Server: Asura
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user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2021-06-25 18:15:26
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So is geo Seraph Strike/Flash Nova/Judgement WS set just Nyame path B now?
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2021-06-28 11:47:13
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im trying to add a part in my lua where i equip orpheus sash when i use geo ra spells but i can get it to work. Anyone got an idea how to do that? I use motentens geo lua.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-28 11:55:38
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sets.midcast['Elemental Magic']

If you want it just for 'ra' you have to define ra spells as different from all elemental magic
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2021-06-28 13:42:35
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i defined the spells to test:

elemental_magic_RA = S{"Fira", "Fira II", "Fira III"}

function job_post_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.skill == 'Elemental Magic' then
if elemental_magic_RA :contains(spell.english)
then equip(sets.midcast.RA)

for testing i used fota belt to see if it equips but it doesnt. midcast set is defined as:

sets.midcast.RA = set_combine(sets.midcast['Elemental Magic'], {
waist="Fotia Belt",
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2021-06-28 14:05:42
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ok i got it to work thanks to a ls mate :)

if elemental_magic_RA:contains(spell.name) then
equip(sets.midcast.RA )

end this part was needed inc:
elemental_magic_RA = S{"Fira", "Fira II", "Fira III"}
Server: Bahamut
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user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2021-07-08 09:41:31
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What does everyone's Aspir sets look like these days?

Finally got around to buying the Agwu feet and noticed my set seems a bit dated.
Server: Bahamut
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user: sairasu
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By Bahamut.Justthetip 2021-07-08 11:10:16
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Bahamut.Unagihito said: »
What does everyone's Aspir sets look like these days?

Finally got around to buying the Agwu feet and noticed my set seems a bit dated.
Its pretty much the dated set and agwu feet tbh lol. Depending on if you followed the guide as we haven't really gotten any game breaking mage stuff like melee have.
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Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2021-09-03 13:14:53
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Any up to date fast cast sets floating out there? Checked the last couple pages and didn't see any. Appreciated!
Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2021-09-03 14:03:43
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Not alot has changed, but this is what I personally use
ItemSet 381713
By Shichishito 2021-09-03 14:22:05
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Cath Palug Hammer, 7%
Genmei Shield, just for safety - don't think there is a FC alternative

Dunna or, 3%
Sapience Orb, 2%

merlinic hood, up to 15%
Orunmila's Torque, 5%
Etiolation Earring, 1%
Malignance Earring, 4%
Vrikodara Jupon or merlinic jubbah, 5%/up to 13%
merlinic dastanas, up to 7%
Lebeche Ring or Weatherspoon Ring +1, 2% quick magic/ 6% + 4% quick magic
Kishar Ring, 4%
Lifestream Cape or Fi Follet Cape +1, 10%/10%
Witful Belt, 3% + 3% quick magic
Geomancy Pants +1-3, 11%/13%/15%
merlinic crackows, up to 7%

from the new bunzi and nyame sets only Bunzi's Hat has any fast cast at all, 10% and 7% -damage taken.
if you get perfect augments in other slots you probably can make up for the 5% loss on perfect merlinic hood and replace it with the bunzi's hat for a little extra safety, other than that i don't think much has changed.

*edit* as aburaage mentioned zendik robe is a alternative to merlinic jubbah but i think it's a rare drop and imho warder of courage pops are a *** to build so i think merlinic jubbah augments is path of least resistance.

on a side note, assuming all merlinic augments maxed at 7% and geomancy pants +3, you could easily overcap 86% FC (cap is 80%) without switching cath palug hammer, genmei shield chanter's shield and dunna (saves TP) aswell as weatherspoon ring +1 (adoulin reward).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-09-03 14:29:35
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By Shichishito 2021-09-03 14:50:47
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if they'd change pet -dmg taken and pet regen to midcast instead of fulltiming then geo could get in on the melee action.

i know, it's wishfull thinking, but we geos have a lot of time for daydreaming.
Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2021-09-03 15:53:29
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For those also lookin', Shinjutsu-no-obi doubles up as a fast cast and conserve MP piece when augmented.
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