Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2020-10-07 13:58:12
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It works like any other piece of affinity gear. If you're already using Daybreak and Orpheus at the optimum range, it'll be about a 6.7% increase over an empty ring slot.
Server: Asura
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user: Xavierr
Posts: 172
By Asura.Zidaner 2020-10-08 02:01:49
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Can anyone repost this set that Hrohj posted? For whatever reason all the slots are blank for me ;/

This is the [Midcast] Geocolure set that I use:

Points of interest:
"Conserve MP" +104(100)%
"Resist Silence" +115
Geomancy Magic Skill +26 (909/900 combined)
Handbell Magic Skill +33 (909/900 combined)
Physical Damage Taken -53(50)%

Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-08 02:11:03
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Need to ask Hroth, he used a wrong item set number, that's why the set appears empty, it's a set that doesn't exist.
Server: Asura
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user: Xavierr
Posts: 172
By Asura.Zidaner 2020-10-08 04:25:45
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ItemSet 375955

Made my own set from what I can find info on. This comes out to 94 conserve MP in gear. If there is other gear somewhere then I have no idea what it is. If anyone has any input plz feel free to toss it in. This set also maintains the 900 skill needed with merits/master.

Adding in the 43% from job traits means you only need 57% which I overlooked entirely. Since adding it up is only a proc rate going past 100% doesn't really help.
By 2020-10-09 11:15:25
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-09 19:34:14
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Talking about ddGEO, which set is everyone using these days?
I currently have this:

ItemSet 376024
Nantosuelta has DEX+30, Acc/Att+20, DA+10, PDT-10
Telchine has DEX+10, Acc+20, DA+3

Swaps for more acc would be Jhakri Legs/feet, and Mache+1 in place of Brutal. Maybe Combatant in place of Clotharius but it's a really small gain.
Hasty Pinion+1 is useless but I'm trying to limit my inventory (for the same reason I think I'm gonna mule Battlecast Gaiters and just use Jhakri+2). Not many options for GEO, Floestone maybe?

Idris is clearly not the best MH (that would be Maxentius if physical) but it's so much convenient for other QoL reasons though.
Cath Palug is a nice OH, not sure if it's better than Magemasher +1 R15, opinions?

Would also be interested in seeing Realmrazer sets.
Should still be an okaysh physical option to use at 1000 TP when you're not mainhanding Maxentius (in which case you'd just spam Black Halo of course)
By 2020-10-09 23:10:23
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Posts: 1505
By Chimerawizard 2020-10-09 23:53:00
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Talking about ddGEO, which set is everyone using these days?
I currently have this:

ItemSet 376024
Nantosuelta has DEX+30, Acc/Att+20, DA+10, PDT-10
Telchine has DEX+10, Acc+20, DA+3

Swaps for more acc would be Jhakri Legs/feet, and Mache+1 in place of Brutal. Maybe Combatant in place of Clotharius but it's a really small gain.
Hasty Pinion+1 is useless but I'm trying to limit my inventory (for the same reason I think I'm gonna mule Battlecast Gaiters and just use Jhakri+2). Not many options for GEO, Floestone maybe?

Idris is clearly not the best MH (that would be Maxentius if physical) but it's so much convenient for other QoL reasons though.
Cath Palug is a nice OH, not sure if it's better than Magemasher +1 R15, opinions?

Would also be interested in seeing Realmrazer sets.
Should still be an okaysh physical option to use at 1000 TP when you're not mainhanding Maxentius (in which case you'd just spam Black Halo of course)
I haven't put it to the test since I'm basically never brought anywhere as GEO anymore, neither have I finished the offhand weapon's trials.
ItemSet 374808
with potential swaps of belt, & ear if you rather DA or sTP instead of DW on the back.
If you aren't worried about the enemy killing your luopan, can change the mainhand for maxentius & if offhand accuracy is too low, swap that to Magesmasher +1.
at least that's the direction I'd lean, fewer gear swaps for different accuracy ranges.
with react prep'd to swap to dt sets when appropriate.
Server: Bahamut
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user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2020-10-10 02:01:40
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I know these sets are just an item or two apart, but I'm going with this: ( shoutout to Bahamut.Lexouritis for ideas/discussion )

ItemSet 376030

With DW on the cape as well, but this is for /DNC because being able to just macro a waltz to hit the tank is really nice to activate the bubbles, and the potential healing waltz/haste/-def/etc for added support.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-10 07:55:21
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Why no Battlecast Gaiters in your sets guys? I mean I'm gonna mule mine myself so I'm not judging you, I'm just wondering what is your reasoning.
DPS wise I think Battlecast have the potential to win, but I'm concerned about Inventory space alas, it's a huge problem for sonmeone with over 10 geared up jobs like me.

For me Idris is not just about the Pet DT but also for the QoL about MH swapping and for having simpler Luas.
If you use a weapon that's not Idris in MH you also have to handle
1) losing TP when casting a bubble
2) create systems to keep MH locked unless you're casting a geomancy spell, in that case unlock, swap to idris, then back to your favourite weapon

I mean, it's doable. I've done it.
It's very annoying and it takes away from my personal enjoyment while playing the job, honestly.

Also Chim sorry for bothering you but since I don't have a GEO spreadsheet (isn't there a WHM one? We could use that to test GEO stuff) are you sure that 10% DW on cape and eating a ~1% DW loss is gonna prove better, dmg-wise, than combinations that use Shetal Stone + Suppanomimi?
Server: Asura
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user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2020-10-10 08:30:38
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I'm lazy and dont wanna have to refarm dem gaiters sechs.
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2020-10-10 12:19:00
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Let's team up:)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-10-10 12:51:22
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Idris is a superior main hand option if you are also considering TP speed, in addition to the other things you mentioned with losing TP on recasts. Getting AM is actually pretty decent for a TP starved job, so it's not nearly as far apart from Maxentius as you might think. Wsd might be lower but it will be close due to the aftermath additional hits.

Also, I wouldn't bother using Cath Palug Hammer unless there's a specific reason for stacking those stats, especially if you have R15 Ternion Dagger+1. The low delay, huge accuracy, triple attack and WSD are going to be amazing offhand stats to pair with exudation or black Halo. TP bonus offhand is good if you don't need accuracy, but all club offhand you have to consider the long delay. Magesmasher pairs great with Idris and Maxentius, but I would be interested to see how close to R15 Ternion it is.

Imho, the purpose of DD GEO is to push out as much damage as possible before luopan dies, so you're really going to want tp as fast as possible to maximize damage during that window (dematerialize). In that case, AM from Idris and dagger offhand are something to consider since those will net the fastest possible TP gain out of every other option.
Posts: 1505
By Chimerawizard 2020-10-10 15:04:34
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1: I don't have a shetal stone.


no food active:
ATK+10 EVA+10

I muled the gaiters because I never seemed to actually use them.
Yeah, unlocking weapon just for geomancy spells, then re-locking it for TP would be annoying, and is why I would generally just TP in idris even though I often found fights most of the way over before I can even put up aftermath.
Hm, Not sure which of the two performs better overall w/ cap acc. wsd+10 vs lower delay & ta+4...
oh, also inv-1. Ternion wins!
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3363
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-10-10 17:34:41
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Why no Battlecast Gaiters in your sets guys? I mean I'm gonna mule mine myself so I'm not judging you, I'm just wondering what is your reasoning.
DPS wise I think Battlecast have the potential to win, but I'm concerned about Inventory space alas, it's a huge problem for sonmeone with over 10 geared up jobs like me.

After 20 runs on VD without them dropping. It took less time to augment telchine. Also the stones were/are dirt cheap for melee stats.

Ironically I kept tossing them when I was farming Ginsen back in the day.

It works out though, telchine does have higher meva


Store TP+6

Close enough for me..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-10 18:39:23
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Idris is a superior main hand option if you are also considering TP speed
Unghh... not sure bout that.
I mean I *am* using idris, but I don't think it's the best option.
Sure once you activate AM3 it's nice, but to do that you need to get to 3k TP (wasting 2 potential WS) and then use an awful WS (Exudation) to activate the Aftermath.
...and then you lose the AM because people go afk or have to rebuff or are slow pulling the next group etc.

I mean I love it and it's the best compromise all around for me, but if you're looking ONLY at DPS, I think Maxentius MH is by far the best option.
At least for Physical WSs. If you wanna use Seraph Strike or Flash Nova I guess things could be different? I dunno, not necessarily, Maxentius has petty good magical stats too.

You're probably right about R15 Ternion+1 OH but in general I'm not a big fan of using different types of weapons from the "default" ones on each jobs. Personal (stupid) choice, I know.

I forgot about those, yeah looks nice honestly, at least for low acc setups.
I muled my Gaiters anyway, gonna stick with Jhakri+2 because of inventory issues.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-10 19:23:00
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Anyway, anybody wants to share a decent Realmrazer set? Cicion share yours!
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3363
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-10-10 19:44:26
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Anyway, anybody wants to share a decent Realmrazer set? Cicion share yours!

I'm thinking this:

Asura.Sechs said: »
Anyway, anybody wants to share a decent Realmrazer set? Cicion share yours!

I wasn't entirely sure how to Optimize it. Jhakri+1 has a ton of STR/ATK in Addition to MND along with really nice Accuracy.

ItemSet 376037

Regal/Malignance Earring if you think accuracy is ok.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2020-10-10 23:46:24
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This is what I use for Low acc melee:

ItemSet 376039

1079 base acc with Maxentius/Blurred Rod +1 (GEO/NIN)

Sorry Feet are DM augment with STP+7, DA +3% (no acc or attack), I'd use Telchine if i did n't have that DM augment.

-you'd be looking at something like 1105-10ish acc with fully augmented Telchine Feet.

Body/Legs both have STP +6, acc +20, STR/DEX +7

Cape has 10% DA, but considering making an STP one as well, since i tend to use Max/Blurred +1 more than anything else in my weapon slots.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-11 09:30:49
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Fenrir.Skarwind said: »
I wasn't entirely sure how to Optimize it. Jhakri+1 has a ton of STR/ATK in Addition to MND along with really nice Accuracy.

ItemSet 376037

Regal/Malignance Earring if you think accuracy is ok.
Pretty much what I'm using, wondering about the Ear slot though.
Given how DEX is not a mod, I was leaning more towards stuff like Brutal/Cessance.
I was also considering R15 Blistering Sallet +1 for Head.
-5 MIND and lotsa less Attack, but more STR (will partially compensate the lack of att) and DA+3%.
I don't have a spreadsheet but Sallet could come ahead Jhakri I suppose.

It's kinda, I dunno.
Realmrazer is a WS with a really high MND mod.
But it's also a WS with TP transfer properties.
For these WSs tipically Multiattack produces really good results.
But so does MND for a WS with such a high mod, so I dunno in the end.

Thanks to Cicion I noticed Realmrazer is 7 hits and not 5 like I remembered.
Meaning that Multiattack is useless if you're dualwielding, and semiuseless if you're singlewielding.
So yeah, I just answered myself, Stats/stacking all the way for Realmrazer.
And attack I guess, that's gonna help if u're not att capped. On Melee GEO it's pretty likely you won't be.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-11 12:21:29
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Ok so in the end I settled with Skarwind's set but with a few variations:

1) Regal Earring + Malignance Earring
2) Aurist's Cape +1 (which aug do you have on your ambu cape?)
3) Hasty Pinion +1 (simply because I have no better option atm lol)

It's a bit low on accuracy, but can swap earrings/ring2 for more acc if need be.

Did some tests on Apex Bats in Gates and damage is, uhm, good, but I was hoping for better.
It was pretty constant at ~14k (only self-buffs and trust buffs).
Hexa Strike had lower numbers but also higher. Average is probably around the same?
It has to be said that OverTP benefits Hexa, whereas it does very little to Realmrazer (+acc).

I'm a bit torn on Cape choice for Exudation now.
It's either Aurist's Cape +1 (MND/INT+33, Acc+33) vs my Judgement Ambu Cape (no stat, WSD+10, Acc+20, Att+30).
What would you guys use?
I mean clearly the best option would be an Ambu cape with either MND or INT+30 and then WSD, but I'm tryin to pick the best option between what I have available. Don't really want an inventory+1 cape for lolexudation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-13 12:10:57
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Ok so, over the last few days I've been working on a GEO DPS spreadsheet.

You can find it here

Please note its still work in progress. Damage seems too low so I probably need to fix some calculations.
Also Seraph strike and Flash Nova calculations are wrong. Please ignore those two.

I could really use some feedback.
Can anyone let me know
1) if they catch any sort of error
2) if they notice any important gear missing

Thank you!
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3363
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-10-13 12:46:00
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Ok so in the end I settled with Skarwind's set but with a few variations:

1) Regal Earring + Malignance Earring
2) Aurist's Cape +1 (which aug do you have on your ambu cape?)
3) Hasty Pinion +1 (simply because I have no better option atm lol)

It's a bit low on accuracy, but can swap earrings/ring2 for more acc if need be.

Did some tests on Apex Bats in Gates and damage is, uhm, good, but I was hoping for better.
It was pretty constant at ~14k (only self-buffs and trust buffs).
Hexa Strike had lower numbers but also higher. Average is probably around the same?
It has to be said that OverTP benefits Hexa, whereas it does very little to Realmrazer (+acc).

I'm a bit torn on Cape choice for Exudation now.
It's either Aurist's Cape +1 (MND/INT+33, Acc+33) vs my Judgement Ambu Cape (no stat, WSD+10, Acc+20, Att+30).
What would you guys use?
I mean clearly the best option would be an Ambu cape with either MND or INT+30 and then WSD, but I'm tryin to pick the best option between what I have available. Don't really want an inventory+1 cape for lolexudation.

The dual mache's in the previous set were for extra accuracy.
For Exudation you can always use your seraph/nova cape. (I did MND+30 WSDMG+10, etc)

If using an Idris with Exudation, you might want to use a WSDMG/MND cape to get the most out of it. Especially if you R15 it for ***'s and giggles. Damage on it should be rather consistent, if anything it's the GEO version of blade shun.

Since Exudation is split 50/50, and Aurists cape gives +66 attributes that mod the WS, Let's say 5 attributes will give you something equal to 1 WSDMG (I'm probably being over generous, I'm too tired to do real math)
So Aurists would only be equal to 13.2% WSDMG ?

While an Ambuscade Cape would be:
30 MND, WSDMG+10 Acc+20 = to 16WSDMG

Also wouldn't raw weaponskill damage benefit "Exudation DMG+%" even more so than attributes?

You can always use your Nova/Seraph cape if space is an issue. You would be losing 20 Accuracy but you will get full mods/wsdmg. (assuming you went MND/WSDMG/MagicStats)

Spread sheet has ambu cape coming out ahead. @ 6808. Aurists @6470

I did swap Ref. Ring for Epa Ring as well.

I did wanna say thanks for putting that thing together, Im gonna mess with it some.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-14 02:40:42
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Ok so there's some cap that's lower than intended in the spreadsheet, but I cannot tell which.
Damage is lower than intended.
For instance I can't get Realmrazer to do more than ~12k Damage, and that's at capped attack.

Few days ago when I tried on Apex Bats in Dho Gates just with my buffs alone plus Trusts I was easily reaching ~14k and I probably wasn't even att capped.

Likewise, if I artificially add attack, I reach the cap (the point past which adding more att the damage doesn't raise any further) way too early.

I'm confident some caps are off but I can't tell which. As far as I can tell the pdif values are adjusted to the new 3,25 and 4,25 values, so I really don't know what's wrong.
If anybody wants to give it a look I'd be relly thankful!
Server: Bismarck
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user: roxya
Posts: 21
By Bismarck.Ruzaki 2020-10-14 08:08:27
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In Data, cells D158 and E158 are blank and I guess shouldn't be
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-14 08:53:18
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Aaaaah I love you!!!
Those cells weren't actually empty but yes there was an error and it was an easy fix.

Damage looks a bit more in line now, granted I still seem to reach att cap earlier than expected, but maybe I'm wrong.
Still I dunno, att cap shouldn't be something I reach with ~2000 attack on a target like WoC.

I'll check again but I'm 99% sure the pdif calculations are correct.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-10-14 11:08:12
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I'm curious about a few things on the spreadsheet? are you populating the dropdown lists manually? Also, if you were to use tables for like the gear lists, you could simplify your vlookups quite a bit I think.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-14 12:01:58
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
are you populating the dropdown lists manually?
Are you thinking about the Weapons/Shields ones? Because those are the only ones I had to re-do, they weren't working and, unlike any other drop-down list in the "Gear" sheet, those have to fill TWO conditions. The regular one used for Vlookup (or was it hlookup?) and then a second, if the field on the left is "Shields" or "Weapons", because that brings to two different tables/lists accordingly.

Also, if you were to use tables for like the gear lists, you could simplify your vlookups quite a bit I think.
I'm very ignorant with spreadsheets, but if you have suggestions that you think will improve the performance or utility of the sheet then I'll be more than glad to listen to all such optimization tips you mentioned :-D

Keep in mind this was an old 2018 spreadsheet that I fixed.
I updated formulas, fixed bugs, errors, deleted old gear, added new gear, new rules, PDL, all sort of stuff etc.
As such I have a general understanding of most parts of it but it's very superficial.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-10-14 12:21:57
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I imagine that every time you add a new piece of gear you have to manually update quite a few lists, because they are manually defined ranges. It's probably compounded by the fact that all your gear is on the same sheet. If you make each set a table, and define the table, you could eliminate the manual updates.

  1. Select the data you want to make a table. (I.E. Weapons)

  2. On home select format as table

  3. On the design tab with the table still selected, name the table (I.E. WeaponTable)

  4. On the formulas tab, click name manager

  5. Select WeaponList, and then click Edit

  6. either type =WeaponTable[Clubs] or select the range from the table and it will automatically do that when you select that entire first column.

  7. At this point, you'll never have to update that dropdown again, it will automatically do it every time you add a weapon.
    You do need to sort that column though after adding a weapon to keep your vlookups working.

Now on your gear tables for weapons you can change
=IF(ISBLANK($B3), 0, VLOOKUP($B3, INDIRECT($A3), MATCH(C$2, StatHeader, 0), 0))

=IF(ISBLANK($B3), 0, VLOOKUP($B3, WeaponTable, MATCH(C$2, WeaponTable[#Headers], 0), 0))

Now you won't have to manually update the StatHeader selection if you ever add any new columns to the WeaponTable.

Those changes would make maintenance much easier when adding/removing gear.

Edit: You could add the new vlookup to cell C3, and then use the little green square on the bottom of the cell to drag that change to the whole row all the way to U3

Edit2: You could probably get rid of a lot of lists by referencing the information in your data validation rules too, once you made all the data tables, you'd be able to get rid of StatHeader completely as well.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2020-10-14 12:42:42
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
I imagine that every time you add a new piece of gear you have to manually update quite a few lists, because they are manually defined ranges.
Nope, ranges are dynamic. It's a bit clunky if you add a new item as first item or last item in the table/list, but as long as you use "create new line" anywhere in the middle, the list/table range will also increase, and everything else related to that in the sheet will automatically update.
It's so nice! If I had to re-touch tables every bloody time it would be like hell lol

It's been like this in every spreadsheet I've worked on in the past 5+ years at least, but probably more.

Thanks for the insight btw.
And yeah I noticed there's a lot of lists/tables for data validation that are no longer used but I didn't touch any of those, was lazy.
They do not affect my work on the spreadsheet in any way, well maybe my OCD side a bit, I guess xD
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