Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
By Autocast 2019-03-10 03:45:22
would try to keep MAB and Magic acc as close to 30+ and just try to roll as much INT as you can, and Mburst up to 6 if you intend to get ea+1.
Ea+1 head, body, legs, amalric+1 hands/feet, mb10 neck caps with MB6 on your grio, freeing up a ring slot for a minor damage bump over locus ring.
Right now afterglow idris/shield is +18MAB, +28magic acc, +27 magic acc skill, -16INT over your current grio/enki
non afterglow idris/shield should be close to what you have(not sure how much the lower magic damage hurts it) damage wise, club/shield should still be higher magic acc. but getting more INT/Mburst (if you need it) would prob favor the grio.
By tyalangan 2019-03-18 15:15:50
Went back a few pages to find the answer but could someone fully detail how absorb DT works on the charm?
Does it give health for 10% of the damage you would have taken?
E.g You would have taken 100 dmg without the neck but with the neck you see:
The luopon takes 90 points of damage.
The luopon absorbs 10 points of damage.
Or does it absorb all the damage you would have taken and adds 10% but only happens occasionally even though the item doesn’t say “occasionally” like the other DT absorb pieces with the hidden effect percentages?
E.g You would have taken 100 dmg without the neck but with the neck you occasionally (what %?) see:
The luopon absorbs 110 points of damage.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-03-18 15:52:09
The listed percentage is the proc rate. It fully absorbs and restores HP for the damage you would have taken.
It's worth noting that if this works anything like other absorb gear effects it likely absorbs the damage you would have taken Before PDT/DT is applied. I haven't specifically tested this about the geo neck though.
By tyalangan 2019-03-18 17:25:34
10% chance to avoid damage and actually gain HP as well as perp cost down. That’s pretty incredible. Thank you for the insight.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Malothar 2019-03-18 18:30:25
It's worth noting that if this works anything like other absorb gear effects it likely absorbs the damage you would have taken Before PDT/DT is applied. I haven't specifically tested this about the geo neck though.
Martel's right, this is the case. Most endgame content, a proc equals a full HP luopon.
By Chimerawizard 2019-03-18 18:37:43
Does the Perp cost down on the charm have an effect when equipped at precast for Ecliptic Attrition as well?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-03-18 19:27:56
Does the Perp cost down on the charm have an effect when equipped at precast for Ecliptic Attrition as well? IIRC, The perp cost- is applied upon the luopan cast. you can actually take it off afterwards and still have the reduction. It's just that the absorb is so useful.. you idle in it too.
So since the perp cost is already determined, I suspect equipping the neck during ecliptic activation wouldn't change anything. That said, I don't recall if I've specifically tested that point, and since I idle in it with luopan out, it's probably on when I ecliptic... I may have to go retest. That or look at my notes, where ever the hell I put them....
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
By Phoenix.Brixy 2019-03-20 16:53:03
By Chimerawizard 2019-03-23 04:24:27
The coding takes a lot of time so if anyone wants to post some up to date gearsets when I get to that point so I can add them that would be great. I honestly have not played geo in years lol sets huh...
full quote is too long, click the >> at the top of this quote if you want to see potential swaps, path, and w/e.
*cape: mEva, PDT, & Pet: regen.
*artsieq: path C for pdt-5
*telchine: pet: regen+3 dt-4
Likely will get the most milage out of sets 3 & 4.
However I wish I had the pdt set complete earlier tonight when I was pulling & cleaving in delve... or kept up wilt instead of swapping to vex before ads were dead at wopket.
*cape: mAcc & FC
*Merlinic: Fast Cast & if possible mAcc
*Grioavolr: MND mAcc & Enfeebling skill
*Vanya: path B
Sets 2 & 4 require the Green Wyvern Cheer (or area specific buffs) to cap haste.
*Vanya: path B
*cape: INT mAcc & MAB
*Potential MB set swaps: Maxentius amalric gages +1 amalric nails +1 jhakri pigaches +2
These are my guesses for BiS (high mAcc focus), and generally what I am looking at creating for my future equipsets. I am very interested in potential improvements.
By gargurty 2019-03-23 05:01:36
good to see the love for geo :)
By sa1pa1 2019-04-09 13:56:23
So, LS was attempting Schah last night in SMN zerg. I was on GEO. I idle in Bolelabunga and have midcast and pet idle in Idris.
Group was claiming that damage was low (~half) compared to previous attempts with other GEO. So, i gs disabled main and just had idris on full time and damage was higher.
Has anyone experienced issues similar to this? Casting Indi / Geo immediately after pop causing GS to not swap to idris in midcast? I know there are issues with SMN Bloodpacts with GS where latency can create problems but i can't find anyone mentioning possible issues regarding Geo / Indi spells.
I don't use any quickcast but have capped fastcast, but from what i've read, that shouldn't matter. I should also note that the fastcast was definitely firing but can't confirm if midcast was swapped to in time.
I am unable to recreate issue where indi spells / geo spells but if this is due to a latency issue immediately after spawning specific mobs / group, it's going to be difficult to isolate this exact issue.
Edit: Testing with and without idling with idris with refresh (Geo and Indi):
jima (+6 refresh vorseals):
22/tic with idris
17/tic without
16/tic with idris
11/tic without
This was done outside the scenario i was describing regarding casting immediately after NM popping. This was just to confirm that my basic GS plumbing is correct and working.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-04-09 13:57:50
After the last update... mine wasn't working properly either. I don't know what the issue was(is).
But unlike everyone else... I verify my ***works every couple days, and it was absolutely not working properly since the previous update. (on all accounts, on all pcs) I have no idea what changed or why though.
Wasn't just idris either, dunna wasn't working too. It wasn't making the swap from sapience properly and kept casting in idle set.
Was getting the regular 6 tick refresh, can't figure out why.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Ragnarok.Neviskio 2019-04-09 15:22:27
Was wondering, are the sets in the main guide up to date? Been trying to build a geo from scratch as a returning player, it kinda helps when guides have progression sets.
I decided to ask since I saw a few posts back some updated sets making me believe the original sets are not updated?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 46
By Asura.Xavierreivax 2019-04-27 19:49:23
Has anyone tested using Maxentius/Amurappi Shield combo for higher MACC? I keep seeing people say how good grio/ambu strap is but the max/amm combo has considerably more MACC.
By Chimerawizard 2019-04-27 21:54:15
Asura.Xavierreivax said: »Has anyone tested using Maxentius/Amurappi Shield combo for higher MACC? I keep seeing people say how good grio/ambu strap is but the max/amm combo has considerably more MACC. Definitely better than grio/khonsu.
Guess I'll change the posted set to Idris/Amurappi since r15 of that has the greatest mAcc possible.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1488
By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2019-04-29 13:09:53
A set I would add to Chimerawizard's excellent list would be a drain/aspir set. I'm not sure if this is optimum, would like some feedback on it.
ItemSet 366452
Macc and drain/aspir potency augments on Merlinic. Macc/FC augs on cape.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-07 02:53:22
Can anybody 101% confirm that you can get 11% Indi duration on Gada with Fern stones?
Screenshots not necessary but apreciated.
By geigei 2019-05-07 06:36:51
Can anybody 101% confirm that you can get 11% Indi duration on Gada with Fern stones?
Screenshots not necessary but apreciated.
Thanks! https://imgur.com/a/21K9KjG
5:47 duration on entrust.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2019-05-07 07:53:23
I have raetic+1 beating gada and tempered cape+1, as well as more healing skill in waist with bishop
what kind of numbers are you seeing on cure4 with that set?
ItemSet 366558
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-07 16:32:27
Can anybody 101% confirm that you can get 11% Indi duration on Gada with Fern stones?
Screenshots not necessary but apreciated.
Thanks! https://imgur.com/a/21K9KjG
5:47 duration on entrust. Ok thanks, and damn, now I need to spend 20000000000 Fern stones to get that last 1% more Q_Q
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2019-05-07 17:10:11
Can anybody 101% confirm that you can get 11% Indi duration on Gada with Fern stones?
Screenshots not necessary but apreciated.
Thanks! https://imgur.com/a/21K9KjG
5:47 duration on entrust. Ok thanks, and damn, now I need to spend 20000000000 Fern stones to get that last 1% more Q_Q Calm down big fella, last I played with you, you didnt even use entrust
hahaha j/k gl, use MAGA it makes augmenting a million times easier
By Chimerawizard 2019-05-08 21:49:46
I have raetic+1 beating gada and tempered cape+1, as well as more healing skill in waist with bishop
what kind of numbers are you seeing on cure4 with that set?
ItemSet 366558Tempered cape +1 is definitely better; will change.
Bishop is better in most all situations; will change.
Raetic is nice if that more potent cure is being fully utilized.
to me, not worth buying when I have a perfectly good gada sitting in inventory for other reasons already.
I'll edit the post later with cure #s.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-09 02:23:06
I don't have a Raetic and not the slighest intention of buying one either, but I'm not sure I get your point. Sounds like an excuse to avoid wasting gil on it D:
The "not sure if it would be fully utilized" logic could be applied to virtually anything in this game, if you put it that way.
Or did I misunderstand you?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2019-05-09 06:51:45
I don't have a Raetic and not the slighest intention of buying one either, but I'm not sure I get your point. Sounds like an excuse to avoid wasting gil on it D:
The "not sure if it would be fully utilized" logic could be applied to virtually anything in this game, if you put it that way.
Or did I misunderstand you? Yeah I am with Sechs in just because you dont want to spend gil on it doesnt mean its not the best. However with raetic+1 I feel like it does deserve an * because it does chew MP more than Gada, so its fair to mention, if your alliance/party is in trouble and you are out of MP raetic+1 may not be as desirable, but I have found a GEO dropping Cure4 for 1k+ really is a nice thing to have
By Chimerawizard 2019-05-09 15:58:59
Had an epiphany, I don't need bishop's sash for anything. I have a MND+10 belt already.
Don't need beatific...unless I'm willing to waste an inventory space for something like 0.2% cursna success rate. I can just use regal earring.
Don't need Sirona; stikini+1 is just as good for single target cures, better for curagas and I use it anyway for a bunch of other stuff.
what I am looking at creating for my future equipsets. I am very interested in potential improvements. Guess Raetic Club +1 isn't something I'd be interested in for my own equipsets; although, it is an improvement. The Raetic+1 cure set was already posted several pages ago; I wanted to make mine an alternative set.
*looked back, it was the last post on page 49.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Dougg 2019-05-11 20:47:18
Didn't see a solution from last page, so I tested whether Cardinal Chant's MBD is MBDI or MBDII.
Locked in a set with MBDI+41 MBDII+11 which utilized Static earring so there no other stat changes. Naked SCH made fusion on Blanched Mandragoras, and bursted fire 5.
Mob position/dmg:
Pure south:47170
Pure west: 54045
Pure west and removed Static earring: 52793
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-11 21:20:04
Previous tests showed cardinal chant not counting towards mb tier 1
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Dougg 2019-05-11 21:26:22
Sorry, I'll just say the tests are poorly documented then.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-05-11 21:26:27
6875 seems a little low for 22% burst bonus.
47170 w/ 52%
54045 w/ 74%
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Dougg 2019-05-11 21:29:39
6875 is from losing MBD+4 from Static Earring.
My Node section is messed up because of too much data usage and I am locked out of editing this guide. If you would like to reach out to Rooks to fix that problem like he said he would years ago when I asked him to fix it, feel free to do so. Until then, enjoy the half fixed guide I guess?
Node 112