Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 21:07:06
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I see. Thanks. The healing skill +100 must make a huge difference
Posts: 1505
By Chimerawizard 2018-11-29 21:10:04
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Could stick with Gada and get Menelaus's Ring with a slight loss in potency but a massive win for your wallet. 1000HP*(1.6-1.5)/1.5=67HP with the added Healing skill; probably more like 55HP less. (is that the right way to adjust for loss? it had the highest HP difference of the 3 I tried)
BGwiki cure formula

EDIT: healing skill makes a huge difference for single target cures. It's also incredibly useful for removing doom, so nothing lost by making a bunch of vanya path B.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2018-11-30 05:27:05
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Skill makes a huge difference for Cure I/IV on jobs like GEO that have no natural Healing skill, or any job going /WHM for instance.
On a job like WHM, RDM or SCH the impact of skill over heals is much smaller, to the point where it gets completely useless.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2018-12-05 03:36:12
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Is telchine augmented still bis for melee fodder?
Server: Asura
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user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2018-12-05 03:43:23
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I'd think Jhakri +2 would be top dog there.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-12-05 03:46:36
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I mostly use Relic+3 with Idris AM3 to make up for the lack of DA/TA. Keeps me having magic evasion and such while meleeing.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-05 04:27:51
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Asura.Elizabet said: »
I'd think Jhakri +2 would be top dog there.
Jhakri is unrealistic.
It offers decent melee stats (good stats, acc, att, a bit of STP) but it has no HP at all (which really hurts) and barely has any haste. To the point I don't think it's feasible to cap haste even with a 10% aug on cape, a 6% haste belt and Hasty Pinion +1.

It's nice for WS, even though you still lose HP with the swap, sadly.

Bagua+3 gives decent amount of Acc and ~20% Haste. You can cap with a Ninurta's Sash, or with Cetl Belt+HastyPinion+1.
That means not using Shetal Stone if you're dualwielding, and it's a big, big loss in terms of DPS.
Bagua+3 still offers less acc than Jhakri+2 if I remember, but at least it offers good defensive stats/HP etc.

My TP set with GEO atm is still with Onca Suit plus an Acc/Haste stupid head, hasty pinion +1, Shetal/Suppa, then other generic Earrings/Rings like Petrov etc.
DEX30,Acc/Att, DA+10 Cape.

I couldn't find any other combination that gave me better DPS results on the spreadsheet without sacrificing too much Acc with other items, like Aug telchine.
When I did those tests though Raetic Bangles +1 weren't available yet.
They give decent stas, really good acc and 7% haste.
With them and 4 Telchine pieces, you can easily cap haste with Hasty Pinion +1 and have 15% DA.
Or you could use Blistering Sallet +1 to remove the necessity of Hasty Pinion +1.
Or you could use 4/5 Bagua+3 for good acc and good stats, at the loss of some DA.
Or you could mix & match pieces.
Like Blistering Sallet+1, Telchine Braconi, Raetic Bangles +1, and Bagua+3 Body/Feet.

Combinations along these lines might be better than the Onca suit set I'm using atm.
I haven't personally tested it but on a hunch I think it could be really nice.

Speaking of Clubs to use:
Fully aug Idris is nice of course, fully aug Tisthrya is probably not worth it and the best offhands to use are DD aug Gada or aug Nehusthan.
Between the two I prefer the latter but both can be good, depends on the augs you get.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2018-12-05 04:40:52
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Asura.Sechs said: »
barely has any haste.

Oh yeah, that's a bummer. I forgot about that. I wasn't too concerned for the HP, I guess got hung up on the word fodder so I was thinking *** around lower clvl stuff.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-12-05 04:49:25
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Since my GEO is an alt it's not used much, can't react with DT sets as often which is why I prefer the relic+3. Mostly just use it for Belphegor, Hexa > SA/TA Dragon Kick for lulz on that one, good times.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-05 05:21:54
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Relic+3 doesn't offer DT! Altough tecnically it has good stats and larger than usual amounts of Meva/MDB, last but not least HP.
All of those help while taking damage.

Tecnically Onca Suit still offers, in addition to really high amount of Acc and 15 DA, a really nice DT-10% which I feel gets often underestimated.

If you're using your mule against something that produces mostly magic stuff/debuffs I feel like your setup will produce much better results.
If you're against something that mostly physical (or mixed) damage then Onca Suit could be a nice option that you are (like I once did as well) that you are underestimating.
If you're singlewielding and don't need DW gear, you could Use Bagua Head +3, Onca Suit and a Cetl Belt to cap haste and have a good mix of DT, MDB, MEva etc.
Could pair this with a sexy DEX/Acc/DA cape augmented with PDT -10%.
Not like Onca Suit costs money anyway, it's free!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-12-05 05:46:57
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Relic+3 doesn't offer DT! Altough tecnically it has good stats and larger than usual amounts of Meva/MDB, last but not least HP.
All of those help while taking damage.

Tecnically Onca Suit still offers, in addition to really high amount of Acc and 15 DA, a really nice DT-10% which I feel gets often underestimated.

If you're using your mule against something that produces mostly magic stuff/debuffs I feel like your setup will produce much better results.
If you're against something that mostly physical (or mixed) damage then Onca Suit could be a nice option that you are (like I once did as well) that you are underestimating.
If you're singlewielding and don't need DW gear, you could Use Bagua Head +3, Onca Suit and a Cetl Belt to cap haste and have a good mix of DT, MDB, MEva etc.
Could pair this with a sexy DEX/Acc/DA cape augmented with PDT -10%.
Not like Onca Suit costs money anyway, it's free!

Right. If there's a heavy physical AOE boss I'm not even going to bother meleeing on my GEO. If there's magical AOE/debuffs the magic evasion from Relic+3 can still protect my GEO, though.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: virdent
Posts: 21
By Bismarck.Virdent 2018-12-20 22:15:04
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so i just recently came back to the game and playing geo as my first job back and im on a brand new account. i understand most of the stats and gear im supposed to be trying to reach but what would be some starter sets to get me into do things that wont make me feel worthless
Posts: 1505
By Chimerawizard 2018-12-20 22:28:01
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Bismarck.Virdent said: »
so i just recently came back to the game and playing geo as my first job back and im on a brand new account. i understand most of the stats and gear im supposed to be trying to reach but what would be some starter sets to get me into do things that wont make me feel worthless
dunna / nepote bell
whatever you can get that will help push you to 900 combined skill.
indiclosure duration gear.
pet: regen
pet: damage taken or luopan: damage taken

after that: cure set, magic burst set, non-burst set, damage taken set for when you also have to stand near the enemy.

Start working on idris by keeping up with coalition tags.

edit: trying to make sets quickly.
solstice may be difficult to get if you don't have friends that can push you through that part of escha. Isa belt is also non-solo content. I'm trying to avoid harder solo's and group content from escha on. Also avoiding 1m+ items.
cape can get 10~15 pet regen, and 5 pet:dt if you don't mind sacrificing the 5 pet regen or some pdt for yourself.
ItemSet 363941

you can probably solo some easier aluvian skirmish difficulties and the leaforb & duskorb are hopefully not too expensive. Dunna has pet:DT, so mentioned in the set.
ItemSet 363943

cure sets ... vary wildly based on what you can grab to get your +50% easily.

nuking sets depend on your available gil. jhakri should do fine while you save up for some ea & amalric.

pops for king behemoth can be pretty cheap sometimes. keep an eye out for deals.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: virdent
Posts: 21
By Bismarck.Virdent 2018-12-20 22:55:22
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Chimerawizard said: »
Bismarck.Virdent said: »
so i just recently came back to the game and playing geo as my first job back and im on a brand new account. i understand most of the stats and gear im supposed to be trying to reach but what would be some starter sets to get me into do things that wont make me feel worthless
dunna / nepote bell
whatever you can get that will help push you to 900 combined skill.
indiclosure duration gear.
pet: regen
pet: damage taken or luopan: damage taken

after that: cure set, magic burst set, non-burst set, damage taken set for when you also have to stand near the enemy.

Start working on idris by keeping up with coalition tags.

edit: trying to make sets quickly.
solstice may be difficult to get if you don't have friends that can push you through that part of escha. Isa belt is also non-solo content. I'm trying to avoid harder solo's and group content from escha on. Also avoiding 1m+ items.
ItemSet 363941
thanks a lot, i have a decent ammount of gil. about 23m. had someone friends out since i had to start from scratch
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-12-23 21:55:43
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On the topic of cure sets, I was bored and looking at possibilities for a self-cure set, as GEO often finds themselves eating aoes and it can be helpful if the whm is slow or otherwise occupied.

You can(according to bg-wiki, anyway) actually get cure potency received on Telchine with leafslit stones, allowing for something like:

ItemSet 364034
(path A vanya feet, cure potency received +7% on all telchine)

I left moonlight cape and defending ring in there to ensure max HP was higher than idle HP and provide a bit of DT- in case of further damage. I also aimed to cap enmity, which GEO does not typically have much trouble with, but may be beneficial if you're tagging grouped mobs for aoe or otherwise targeted by something tanks have yet to attend to.

Raetic Rod would require also swapping to Lebeche Ring to stay cure potency capped, and cost some enmity. Obi and cape swap can be done straight in and don't cost any potency.
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2018-12-26 14:58:15
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How would i add the lines in lua for a selfcure set? Cos right now i only hve a basic cure set in lua.
By 2018-12-26 17:11:48
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Posts: 367
By gargurty 2018-12-26 23:06:48
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Ty ill add it to my lua and see how it goes ty.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yankke23
Posts: 91
By Asura.Yankke 2019-01-12 12:54:26
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Hand slot enfeebling set, Regal cuff!?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1430
By Asura.Toralin 2019-01-12 13:02:31
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Asura.Yankke said: »
Hand slot enfeebling set, Regal cuff!?
yes, if not then prob Geo. mitaines +3
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1430
By Asura.Toralin 2019-01-12 13:05:33
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gargurty said: »
How would i add the lines in lua for a selfcure set? Cos right now i only hve a basic cure set in lua.
Check this out:

All mage jobs have this in them

sets.Self_Healing =
sets.Cure_Received =
sets.Self_Refresh = {back="Grapevine Cape",waist="Gishdubar Sash",feet="Inspirited Boots"}
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2019-01-12 13:30:50
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ty got it working :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Esequiel
Posts: 32
By Bahamut.Lordesequiel 2019-01-16 13:35:00
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Current nuking set? For free nukes and for MB?
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2019-01-16 20:43:28
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Bahamut.Lordesequiel said: »
Current nuking set? For free nukes and for MB?
Please don't make fun of the back. I don't get to farm Ambuscade enough in general. :(

sets.MA["MAB"] = {
head = "Ea Hat +1",
neck = "Sanctity Necklace",
ear1 = "Barkaro. Earring",
ear2 = "Friomisi Earring",
body = "Ea Houppelande +1",
hands = "Ea Cuffs +1",
ring1 = "Vertigo Ring",
ring2 = "Shiva Ring +1",
back = "Toro Cape",
waist = "Porous Rope",
legs = "Bagua Pants +3",
feet = "Amalric Nails +1"}

Ea+1 has solid INT/macc/mab, and double or more of defensive stats and haste when compared to Jhakri+2, and this does pretty well all round for freenukes.

sets.MA["MBD"] = {
head="Geo. Galero +3",
neck="Mizu. Kubikazari",
left_ear="Barkaro. Earring",
right_ear="Friomisi Earring",
body="Ea Houppelande +1",
hands="Ea Cufffs +1",
left_ring="Mujin Band",
right_ring="Shiva Ring +1",
back="Toro Cape",
waist="Channeler's Stone",
legs="Ea Slops +1",
feet="Jhakri Pigaches +2",}

MBD+40%, MBDII+28~72 (depending on where you stand..) Possible to do comparable burst damage as BLM as GEO/BLM, but is positionally dependent on doing that well. If not for lacking T6, GEO/BLM would be a better MB'er than BLM itself...

As long as they stand in the right spot. <,<;;
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1430
By Asura.Toralin 2019-01-17 09:28:16
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Not sure I am in agreement on the Geo Galero+3, any testing vs ea hat+1?

This is what I am running
ItemSet 358548
+35%MBDII(excluding cardinal chant)

Using Grio b/c I have INT+15 30MAB/29Macc

It will like many of these discussions come down to a m.acc requirement.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alphus
By Bahamut.Omegus 2019-01-18 17:54:18
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Hey guys, at risk of being torn to shreds I have a question regarding indi-fury.

Firstly im using the Bagua charm +2 for now, and i have already checked im using the right set.

using indi-barrier/refresh/voidance i recieve the correct values on me and my alt, (72%,13mp/tic,107). But for fury im getting closer to 42% att instead of 53,6%.
Is there something im missing, my drk in pdt has 1750 normal and 2478 with fury. Any help would be Appreciated
Server: Sylph
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user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2019-01-18 18:39:11
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Most likely Fury and Smite apply at the same stage on your base attack.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alphus
By Bahamut.Omegus 2019-01-19 00:53:52
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Thank you that makes sence I ll try it out on few other jobs, but at 1st glance this seems correct as blm and geo are receiving the correct ammounts.
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2019-01-19 08:12:35
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Just curious but i see allot of geo nuking done with grioavolr and grip, but isnt an afteglow idris with augs and ammurapi shield better?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2019-01-19 09:06:57
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gargurty said: »
Just curious but i see allot of geo nuking done with grioavolr and grip, but isnt an afteglow idris with augs and ammurapi shield better?

People are cheap, and the difference is minor.
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