Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Tearxx
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2018-10-02 17:22:39
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Leviathan.Andret said: »
Asura.Celious said: »
I'm looking for some help/input on mission rewards for a pocket-GEO mule.

Moonshade Earring - HP and Refresh? Acc and TP bonus for WS fun?

SoA Ring - This one I'm all over the place with:

Weatherspoon seems like a nice all around ring. This stuck me as the first pick.

Vocane Ring for ease of -DT? I've read others arguing to just farm Dark Rings or Gel. Ring +1 over this. I've never done that UNM or farmed Dark Rings, so I can't really speak to this.

The +GEO Skill Ring looks great on paper, but I don't see many people with it.


I think the Refresh earring is what I used for a support/heal only mule.

Weatherspoon if you have whm. Otherwise, I would simply use the DT ring.

Refresh earring for sure if it's just a magey mule. If you don't have idris, pet ring is a viable option since I personally still use it (for another month till Idris) to cap dt- on luo.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2018-10-04 17:39:23
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Anyone mind linking their current geo lua?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Rosamimi
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By Bismarck.Rosalee 2018-10-06 19:27:50
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Bahamut.Malothar said: »
This is from the mobile game Mobius, but pretty cool looking Geo art. Figured others on FFXIAH may not have seen it. I forgot just how skimpy female Geo AF is. Direct linking seems to provide a tiny pic for some reason. Full size picture here.

Ragnarok.Martel said: »
All I can think when I see that is 'why the hell aren't they using Idris?'

But once I finish nitpicking I notice that it's nice art.

Because for artwork, Tishtrya looks pretty cool, too. Also, in the Vana'diel Monk artwork, they have Wol using Godhands (so more aeonic there.)

Whacking things with my big purple frypan is kinda fun sometimes!
By 2018-10-12 03:08:12
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2018-10-12 03:15:45
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Asura.Gordel said: »
Is AG idris worth doing?
It's a decent (but totally not BiS) option for lolnuking with the right offhand shield, it's pretty good (probably BiS with augments? I should check...) for landing stuff like debuffs.

Not sure if you would call it "worth it". Kinda depends on how you use your GEO.
Probably best to upgrade other more important REMAs before that?
By 2018-10-12 05:06:44
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2018-10-14 01:16:18
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So I looked over the melee sets here. Without having Aeonic I assume that Idris AM3 is best route to go for TP gain? I know this next one is broad but is there a WS that is typically used more than others? I am workin on these sets for when I am in melee pt and don’t want to Mess with skillchains, Zergs are fair game I think... just want that DPS? Any sorta melee GEO guidance would be appreciated!

Edit: That picture that was posted kinda inspired me to look into melee more. It is a really amazing artwork for Geomancer. Need to AG idris now that we got the green stank and the weapon upgrade bonus I would get from it.

Played around on Ou tonight and parsed 7% because of buff duties and strange run but hoping I can get the hang of this and be more efficient with it. Seems like a nice option to have on the table for when I am bored with just bubble duties
Posts: 366
By gargurty 2018-10-14 02:56:31
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Love to see some more info on melee and ws sets myself too. For now my meleesets are onca for normal fodde, dt set and a acc set. Ws i use most is exudation for am3 and realmrazer or hexa strike.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2018-10-15 00:12:56
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gargurty said: »
Love to see some more info on melee and ws sets myself too. For now my meleesets are onca for normal fodde, dt set and a acc set. Ws i use most is exudation for am3 and realmrazer or hexa strike.

Yea man, a general outreach to current day Geo melee is my goal here. More info around the fourms the stonger the community.

Was talkin with a buddy tonight and he mentioned Flash Nova, gonna mess around with that tomorrow night and see how viable it is since GEO has no lack in magical gear.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-10-15 00:18:12
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Flash nova is dope, but you won't have the bubbles up to make it optimal.

Assuming you're going to be running melee bubbles, stick to Hexa or True Strike, not sure what's the best anymore.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2018-10-15 00:48:06
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Flash nova is dope, but you won't have the bubbles up to make it optimal.

Assuming you're going to be running melee bubbles, stick to Hexa or True Strike, not sure what's the best anymore.

Yea, I am mainly figuring this to be situational based on what type of party I am currently in but havin the options on the table is the idea of this convo and I appreciate the input. Odds are I’ll be utalizing this in a Melee set up so I can mess with True Strike tomorrow And will hopefully gain some traction on what is best use of my time here. Had some decent Hexa numbers OU this evening, and at the very least, they were consistent.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2018-10-15 02:58:38
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Assuming you're going to be running melee bubbles, stick to Hexa or True Strike, not sure what's the best anymore.
I *THINK* Hexa is the best at 1000TP, Judgement when for w/e reason you get at higher numbers of TP. Not sure what the threshold is. Of course it depends on many factors, on average it's probably going to be around 2000TP.
Exudation to keep AM3 up of course if you're going with Idris.
Realmrazer is probably even better now with the WSD stat working on all hits (is this going to stay? or going away next month though? Who knows).
Especially with Tishtrya, but I think it has something to say even without that.

With that said, I haven't been trying to update my melee set on GEO for a long time, but to be fair no major item viable for DD came out since then, except for the Volte set, which is okay but not exactely easy to obtain.
I'm not even sure if that would be good at all tbf, just saying it's something that came out after my latest checks and that I didn't test.

My DD set on GEO atm is the following, more or less:

main="Idris", sub="Nehushtan", ammo="Hasty Pinion +1",
head="Blistering Sallet +1", neck="Asperity Necklace", ear1="Brutal Earring", ear2="Suppanomimi",
body="Onca Suit", ring1="Hetairoi Ring", ring2="Petrov Ring",
back=NantosueltaDD, waist="Shetal Stone"

accuracy version, combine previous set with:
ammo="Hasty Pinion +1", head=TelchineHeadDD, neck="Subtlety Spectacles", ear1="Telos Earring", ring1="Cacoethic Ring +1", ring2="Cacoethic Ring"

I've only got one cape which I use for both WS and DD. (STR+30, Acc/att+20, DA+10). It's a good compromise if you wanna save inventory space.
If you want to optimize it make one for TP with DEX+30, Acc/att+20, DA+10, then pick one or multiple ones with your favourite WS mod, then WSD+10 (not sure if Crit+10 is gonna be better anymore, with the current WSD status)

Telchine has Acc+20, Dex+10, Haste+3% augments.
Nehushtan has... I don't remember, acc/att+15, STR/DEX+15, DA+3% if I recall? Something like that.
Of course I swap ear and belt when I'm not dualwielding.

Some notes on alternatives:
I tried a lot of different setups using full Jhakri+2 set.
The stats on that set are awesome but there are some things to consider:
1) It lacks HP, for a job that's gonna stay in range lacking HP completely in 5 slots is quite a hit
2) It lacks (mostly) Haste. It requires a lot of sacrifices in the waist and in the back slot (Haste+10 aug) to compensate for that, and even then you won't manage to reasonably reach 26% because of GEO's lack of >6% haste belts.

Simply put, 5/5 set is not viable. I tried to go with 4/5, 3/5, 2/5 and 1/5 but couldn't find any combination that provided better DPS results in the spreadsheet than my Onca setup I posted above.
Notably the Legs are probably the best piece of the set to use during TP, they do have >0% Haste (even if it's just 2%) and some STP. It's interesting but, again, I couldn't find a viable setup.

Other notable pieces to use are the UNM hands from the Morbol mob in Fei'yin. They have -att (which is killer for a job that completely lacks attack like GEO) but do provide decent stats and lots of acc.
Not really many other options other than Augmented Telchine (the legs are nice for instance) and the new Volte set (TH one, drops in Jeuno iir) which, as I said, I haven't tested because it wasn't available at the time I did my last test.

Wish SE would release Oncasuit+1. I hated it at first, but with time I came to like it, it was actually a nice item and a true inventory saver for jobs like GEO.

I forgot to mention Flash Nova, which is surprisingly really good, but you won't get good numbers out of that unless there's someone using malaise. If you do have malaise down for whatever reason (boosting the COR's Leaden Salute maybe?) then Flash Nove becomes a really interesting WS option, in some situations the best probably. Completely unviable without *at least* Malaise down.
Posts: 366
By gargurty 2018-10-15 03:29:03
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Yeh onca is a godsend i love it. Too bad meteor is useless lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2018-10-15 03:38:14
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I've been messing a lot with GEO DD, especially a long time ago, and during certain content it proved to be surprisingly more effective than you'd think.

In general it's in a really bad situation atm. Most of the time you'll get better results supporing your party, acting as a healer, or a nuker, or a debuffer or whatever else, rather than actually DDing.
Don't think I'm biased against it, I *love it*, it's just that I have to admit GEO DDing these days is simply in the same spot it was, like, 2 years ago more or less.
Every other job improved tons since then, GEO DD hardly did.

It lacks good OH club options (WHM is on all those, GEO isn't) and to be completely fair it lacks a good MH option as well.
Tishtrya is meh. Idris has the damage of an offhand club (things got better with the Aug version). AM3 is cool but setting it up is simply not viable in the majority of content because of the time it requires to get to 3k and the damage you waste by saving all that TP.

These are the main issues, even before the fact that GEO basically received no new DD gear recently, because that's overshadowed by what I said so far imo.
Altough this clearly is an issue as well because on a wide amount of content where you could in theory DD, you won't have the necessary accuracy levels because of lack of new gear options.

Last but not least, in several content without alliance hate (the majority, these days) the GEO needs to prompty tag each and every target asap to apply the bubbles to all of them.
You can't really do that if you go /NIN or /DNC. (granted you can still singlewield DD even with a mage sub, of course, I've been there, done that lol)
Posts: 366
By gargurty 2018-10-15 09:20:13
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geo needs more love :) i still playe it aftert a 3 year break and still i find it fun and versetile to play :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2018-10-18 23:01:17
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Okay so like, I have been playin Geo for a while now, have had Idris for about 3 months. My question regards Dunna and its use in Idle sets once Idris is made, are there issues with swappin back and forth? From what I understand, AF+3 Hands-Idris caps Pet DT.... Do I need to have Dunna in Idle anymore? I have been kinda afraid to swap ranged/ammo slots and hope to get a clear answer so I can gear appropriately. TY.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-10-18 23:23:30
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It only matters at the cast, you can take it off.

Just make sure your gearswap, or whatever you use uses it when you cast again. Too many people *** that part up.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Malithar
Posts: 396
By Bahamut.Malothar 2018-10-19 00:06:46
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If you do include swaps for your ammo slot, be sure to keep //gs disable ammo in mind for any laggy content, like Dynamis. I've given up swapping Idris and Dunna in there. I've watched it not swap far too many times to trust swaps in there. Ambu, Omen, Reisen NMs, etc, are all pretty safe though.

I swear I recall a line you could include in your GS to insure something was equipped before it'd even push through a spell, but I haven't been able to find what that may be.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2018-10-19 04:23:34
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If you have Idris you don't really have to bother about Dunna though, as long as you make sure you don't swap the MH, who cares for the ranged slot.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tarowyn
Posts: 580
By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2018-10-19 05:32:22
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You'd better use the dunna unless you want half skill bubbles, lol
Server: Sylph
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user: Senshi
Posts: 142
By Sylph.Wasenshi 2018-10-19 07:24:09
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Fenrir.Tarowyn said: »
You'd better use the dunna unless you want half skill bubbles, lol
You only need Dunna while using Idris if you need to hit the skill cap the geo+ from Dunna does nothing while using Idris.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-10-19 08:35:42
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I think he means you need a bell equipped or you only get your spells with geomancy skill.

Dunna still has some uses after idris. 3% fast cast, +10 magic accuracy. Still useful as an idle piece if you haven't gotten AF+3 hands for the DT on your pet.
Posts: 67
By Excellia 2018-10-19 09:03:06
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Flash nova is dope, but you won't have the bubbles up to make it optimal.

A semi-great opportunity to test flash nova would be on the disjoined bosses. Leaden is one of the best ws on them and even though it gets nerfed, we have one of the geos put up malaise. IMO the disjoined bosses are a good place for the entire alliance to melee (whms, geos, etc!) Goes without saying that brds should be meleeing it already and everything else :P I put up a couple of geo melee and hexa sets a few pages back but never got a response on them.
Posts: 366
By gargurty 2018-10-19 09:12:43
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I did that last night on dyna d. Geo dd ftw. after the fight i saw my acc was 88%, not caped but it worked. I had great fun there. Now i wonder how geo/dnc would do there lol
Server: Sylph
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user: Bilix
Posts: 82
By Sylph.Chocobro 2018-10-19 09:36:56
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I retooled the BLU spreadsheet and came out with this Flash Nova set:

ItemSet 362296

Might be some better accessories out there I'm forgetting. Bagua +3 seems to beat out Jhakri +2 on all pieces but hands. In a magic COR party, you can put out some decent numbers. No where near Leaden, but it's respectable.

It's sad that Flash Nova is a better magic option for me than actual elemental magic. They need to do something about nukes.

Edit: Orpheus's Sash and Epaminondas's Ring from Trove will be better if you can get your hands on them.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tarowyn
Posts: 580
By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2018-10-20 02:12:24
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Sylph.Wasenshi said: »
Fenrir.Tarowyn said: »
You'd better use the dunna unless you want half skill bubbles, lol
You only need Dunna while using Idris if you need to hit the skill cap the geo+ from Dunna does nothing while using Idris.

I guess technically yes, you don't need dunna, but I really hope there's no idris geo's out there casting geo spells without a bell, lol.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2018-10-20 07:14:37
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Personally for me it's not an issue, I precast in Dunna instead of other ammo options (like the quickcast one)

To avoid lost packets and stuff I precast with Idris as well.
Friend of mine had an error in Lua and didn't use his Idris for real for months.
A couple of other friends had a similar issue with Dunna, early on.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Malithar
Posts: 396
By Bahamut.Malothar 2018-10-20 08:33:14
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I precast with it as well. That doesn't prevent it from being an issue in Dynamis though.
By 2018-10-20 08:50:00
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2018-10-20 08:51:26
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DirectX said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
Friend of mine had an error in Lua and didn't use his Idris for real for months.
A couple of other friends had a similar issue with Dunna, early on.
andddd noone would have noticed or cared, just that he had it :D
Sad... But sorta true.
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