Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2018-04-05 10:18:56
If you have Idris, just get +10 pet regen and dt-5 aug for master on ambu cape. That, plus isa belt, empy head+1, relic feet+1(+3) is already 17(19) regen. More than sufficient. Af hands to cap pet dt-. Stack master dt-/refresh/other idle things on rest.
By geigei 2018-04-05 10:19:13
So basically you wanna skip pet regen? i'm not sure i get it
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2018-04-05 10:25:41
I agree, multiple sets are possible. I'm coming at this issue from the perspective of someone who has a well geared GEO but also has a few other jobs well geared as well. (space ;)
I hesitate to call my set 'hybrid' because it covers basically every situation equally well, but there could be room for like 6 more ambu capes if I really wanted to go nuts, or maxing out refresh in certain situations with a toggle, etc. Granted that I don't have perfect gear because of lazyness and inventory space (I have 10 jobs pretty much geared up, I need to set a threshold somewhere or I would run out of space) I currently have:
Idle set (luopan isn't out. I have a mix of high level pieces with different stats for master but I mostly focus on Refresh)
Luopan set Regen (I have capped Luopan DT and all the pet: regen I could easily get. rest is tipically master refresh where available)
Master DT set (in this set I try to cap master and luopan DT, might have master refresh or pet regen in some slots but the focus is capping DT for both)
I normally use the Regen set by default. For a lot of situations I can stay in range without fear of being oneshot.
Whenever I have to get in range and I feel like the additional DT would save me from being oneshot, I use the other one.
I'm happy and, atm, have no intention to add even more sets but of course the more the merrier I guess, it goes without saying.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2018-04-05 10:53:27
Telchine you can always add Master DEF(20) or m.eva(25) augments in addition to pet regen. Not sure why Telchine is getting such a bad wrap
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Asura.Fabiano 2018-04-05 10:57:03
Not sure why Telchine is getting such a bad wrap
Because Divainy-Gamainy is a monster and he must be stopped!!
By geigei 2018-04-05 11:02:57
He's a peach compared to Oseem.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2018-04-05 11:33:59
Telchine you can always add Master DEF(20) or m.eva(25) augments in addition to pet regen. Not sure why Telchine is getting such a bad wrap At the cost of master DT-/refresh... Honestly not worth the 6 total regen you'll get from body/legs that could easily be something more worthwhile that'll keep you and others alive. Head you should already have empy +1 for bubbles, feet relic +3 are better (but +1 can be used and should also have for RA anyways), hands af+1(3) are always there with bubble out. Tell me how/why telchine is desirable.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2018-04-05 12:26:05
There's situations where Pet Regen is great and others where it's marginal/negligible. Same goes for refresh and master DT though: Geas/Ambush restore MP upon start and rarely last long enough/induce enough of a headache that you're killing your MP pool. Mage strategies and some cheesier HELM fights (like Sandworm/Eriyns) have you almost in no danger at all making master DT worthless. Even some melee strats keep you in no danger, or so little that basic DT accessories would be sufficient rather than trying to max every slot with DT.
That's not to say something more hybrid-y isn't the way to go, but you can also make a case for heavily prioritizing any of those three stats based on the content/how your group approaches it.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-04-05 12:41:20
pet regen helps you fulltime BoG/ecliptic and telchine's m.eva is still pretty competitive with player:M.eva+ augments, i would say any effective geo should at least have the set
however, if you're in a fight where you stand a real risk of dying, you're a fool to not wear a higher player DT set
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Asura.Fabiano 2018-04-05 12:46:00
I don't use telchine pre-idris and still hit pet dt- cap with 20 pet regen and decent master dt-.
Care to share your set? Without Idris or any Telchine, how are you hitting the Pet DT cap along with +20 Pet Regen?
Solstice (-4) or Sucellus (-3)
Dunna (-5)
GEO Mitaines+3 (-13)
Isa Belt (-3)
This accounts for 24-25%, still missing 12.5% to hit the cap. What pieces of gear are you using that I am not thinking of?
Lifestream cape is another -5%, but then you don't get to use Nantosuelta (though Resin could add Pet:DT-5 to it as of 2 days ago). Psycloth Lappas is another -4% but is soundly worse than augmented Telchine. Handler's Earrings only gives -PDT. Thurandaut Ring is another -3~4%?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2018-04-05 13:09:10
Solstice dunna geo+3 isa belt, yes. Psycloth (almost identical to telchine, not sure why they're worse other than 3 regen for pet?, also are free and don't require me sitting in front of an NPC for hours), thurandaut and until yesterday was technically missing 5 total DT before new ambu cape since I was using handlers and just living with it until Idris.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-04-05 13:14:32
Handler's is PDT, not DT, and missing 5 is actually quite significant due to the marginal increasing returns on DT reduction.
1000 HP magic attack with 79 MDT : 210 damage
1000 HP magic attack with 87.5 MDT: 125 damage
A luopan with the base of 1662 hp dies on the 8th instance of the first, and the 14th of the second. It's living 68% longer on average.
Pet regen is the difference between being able to keep your blaze of glory luopan out for the full 10 minutes and not, as well, for fights with lighter damage or sustained farming.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2018-04-05 13:22:31
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »Handler's is PDT, not DT, and missing 5 is actually quite significant due to the marginal increasing returns on DT reduction.
1000 HP magic attack with 79 MDT : 210 damage
1000 HP magic attack with 87.5 MDT: 125 damage
A luopan with the base of 1662 hp dies on the 8th instance of the first, and the 14th of the second. It's living 68% longer on average.
Pet regen is the difference between being able to keep your blaze of glory luopan out for the full 10 minutes and not, as well, for fights with lighter damage or sustained farming.
I know the 5 DT is significant, and is why now with cape augments, I picked pet dt- and got rid of handlers. Of course, Idris makes all of this easier, but I've been lazy with coalition and am about 3 months out from it. So until then I deal with this set. As far as your second comment, I can't think of an instance where a 10 minute BoG would actually be practical.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-04-05 13:27:06
CP farming(drop frailty at center of camp and dia mob to activate it), omen bosses, some rei t4, master trial, gimp group vs most lower gaes fete, sinister reign, whatever else lives longer than your luopan does.. unless monster does obscene damage or has potent dot a maxed out pet regen set will negate most minor damage and keep it alive long enough to get life cycle in
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2018-04-05 13:50:42
Telchine you can always add Master DEF(20) or m.eva(25) augments in addition to pet regen. Not sure why Telchine is getting such a bad wrap At the cost of master DT-/refresh... Honestly not worth the 6 total regen you'll get from body/legs that could easily be something more worthwhile that'll keep you and others alive. Head you should already have empy +1 for bubbles, feet relic +3 are better (but +1 can be used and should also have for RA anyways), hands af+1(3) are always there with bubble out. Tell me how/why telchine is desirable.
I dual box my idris and for me the regen on a bubble makes my life easier.. Pretty much going from BoG to BoG my geo is almost the last person die during a situation gone bad. 50% of the time he is lobbing a geo bubble into the fray and staying back line 20+ so master-dt isnt a huge issue. To each and their own but I prefer the massive luopon regen
By Quizzy 2018-04-05 14:08:29
I still can't find a situation where max regen is the limiting factor on a luopan's life.
Maybe worm...
1) I'm not going to dignify CP grind as legit content =p
2) Omen: Not Kyou, Kei, or Gin. Not Ou (60%), and Fu is like tossing salt in the ocean. Kin is an option.
3) T4: Worm
4) Master Trial: This is an option. I haven't participated so I can't say for sure.
5) Geas Fete (lower): Bubble doesn't carry over between fights.
6) SR: No way =p
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 82
By Sylph.Chocobro 2018-04-05 15:47:17
I don't use a max pet regen set for much these days. Some Geas Fete fights and that's about it. I wouldn't attempt it on master trials. You'll need the refresh and as much suitability as you can get.
That being said, I'll probably still get more pet regen on an idle cape, though 10% status resist is pretty alluring as well. I'll likely end up making multiple.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2018-04-05 16:01:05
1) I'm not going to dignify CP grind as legit content =p
2) Omen: Not Kyou, Kei, or Gin. Not Ou (60%), and Fu is like tossing salt in the ocean. Kin is an option.
3) T4: Worm
4) Master Trial: This is an option. I haven't participated so I can't say for sure.
5) Geas Fete (lower): Bubble doesn't carry over between fights.
6) SR: No way =p
Ou you blow dema right before fullers, can ride BoG all the way till back up with nice regen
By Quizzy 2018-04-05 16:20:37
60% to 12% doesn't take 10 minutes though.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2018-04-05 18:35:57
It's still a good defensive pet stat. As content has gotten quicker, yeah its probably less notable. On things where your luopon might die, it's possible Regen makes the difference between recasting once or twice, or not at all. Full timing BOG is an excellent perk but not a requirement for it to be useful. It's a tricky argument to say any stat is "better" though, because the main critique of Regen seems to be that how current content is completed makes Regen's footprint un-noticeable, but you can make the same case for Refresh/Player DT (depending on the content), they just get a free pass because they're the staple idle choices for all other jobs.
Everyone's experience is going to be different based on setups and content of choice. As a multi-boxer I find it extremely useful as it means I do not have to worry about my bubble dying frequently and basically makes one less character I have to pay attention to. Players only main boxing the GEO may find it useful for similar reasons if they find they are slow to reapply dead bubbles, or give them one less thing to worry about if they also are responsible for some other off role (enfeebles/curing/status removal/etc).
By aigulfe 2018-04-05 20:24:22
Im sorta torn on this too. Initially I thought Pet DT -5% would be good... I could get off telchine feet, go for relic +3 feet and get 2 more pet regen... but I could just get 5 more pet regen on the cape with that aug instead. I need to examine all my options and see if there's something that outweighs that foot swap and gets me a lot more ina different slot.
As for more MEva or DT for myself, in theory that sounds great but my GEO is pretty sturdy. I cant even recall the last time it died just because it was standing next to something nasty. I have like 3 diff luopan idle sets I rotate through.. one that goes for pet regen with capped Pet DT, one that sacrifices a little of that to give me more DT if needed and one with the mallquis +2 feet if I ever desperately need MP and am taking dmg. But I basically end up never using that set.
I guess I could go crazy, make 3 different capes and go DT for me on one, pet regen on one and MEva for me on the other. Just not sure which one would end up being the "default" choice I guess.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-04-05 22:00:17
I don't see the point in wearing anything besides Telchine. At this point I only break out full DT when I have hate on something and like Carver in omen. Meva performs better for like 90% of TP moves in the game. If you wear AF+3 can keep same Meva and trade 6 pet regen for 3 refresh. Doesn't seem worth it to me unless trying to save space. As far as new cape slot I'm making 2 for +5 Regen and +15Meva depending on how troll fight is with dangerous Magic AoE/Status effects.
By Quizzy 2018-04-05 23:55:40
Because Telchine has lower MDB, lower HP, lower INT, lower MND. It has slightly more meva at max augment, but in my opinion it is overshadowed by its shortcomings.
In my idle I have 21 pet regen (which I think is an utter waste, but whatever!), 23 dt-, and capped pet dt-.
No Telchine because I think it is like wearing black socks, sandles, and cargo shorts all at the same time.
Everyone will continue to use what they are currently using, because we are all sturdy and the last people to die anyway.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-06 00:13:50
Pet:Regen is essentially more Pet:DT
It's not something you should just ignore.
But, *** telchine and random augments. That 5 extra on the cape though, <yes, please>
By Quizzy 2018-04-06 00:29:19
We covered this... luopan lack significant content where pet:regen is the reason the bubble pops.
Add this months ambuscade to the list of events where pet:regen gear doesn't really matter.
EDIT: At least to the extent of maxing the ***out of it.
By geigei 2018-04-06 01:20:24
Is it me or mages in general got fkd with this new augment? i idle in moon cape on all jobs, dat hp is godly for a mage, any thoughts?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-04-06 01:23:33
I think I'm going to spend more time in a generic idle set than a max pet regen set with this change. I had been in almost full telchine before but I think I'll be staying in a more neutral DT/refresh/pet DT/pet regen setup since there is the valid criticism that pet regen doesn't always contribute. I'll still have a set for it, but probably a little more hp/mageva/refresh as a general set now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2018-04-06 02:34:45
Because Telchine has lower MDB, lower HP, lower INT, lower MND. And lower vit/def, as irrelevant as that is.
Plus tipically less MP than most other high level options which is no big deal but annoying nonetheless when swapping gear often.
Even though in the end MP is tipically not a big issue for the majority of situations, at least from personal experience.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-04-06 02:37:52
Because Telchine has lower MDB, lower HP, lower INT, lower MND. And lower vit/def, as irrelevant as that is.
Plus tipically less MP than most other high level options which is no big deal but annoying nonetheless when swapping gear often.
Even though in the end MP is tipically not a big issue for the majority of situations, at least from personal experience.
Since we can rather easily cap Pet DT you can actually go for an HP augment on Telchine (goes up to +50) which arguably still makes it one of the best idle pieces. I think that's what I may do with my telchine legs, make them master HP and pet regen.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2018-04-06 02:53:54
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »Since we can rather easily cap Pet DT you can actually go for an HP augment on Telchine (goes up to +50) Yes, but if you do you lose the additional +Meva which was Quizzy's Premise. That is "Telchine has similar Meva with capped Augs, but lower stats" *list of lower stats follows*.
If you aug for HP you can Remove HP from the list of lower stats but then you have to add Meva.
If you use stuff like AF1+3/Relic+3 or other things, you tipically get higher stats in most (all?) of the stats in that list, not just one of your choice to put in the Snow- augment slot.
But then again I'm not particularly against Telchine, sorry if I gave the impression.
I think it's no longer the "omg BiS" idle set given the new options we received lately, and reforged Empy+3 (Fall 2019?) is gonna continue with this tendency.
I see no problem in using Telchine for people who already invested lots of time and gil into making it the very solid idle set it is.
Not sure I would suggest getting 4/5 pieces with perf augs for people who don't have them already though, I'd probably suggest those people other options less reliant on RNG.
But then again to each his own!
My Node section is messed up because of too much data usage and I am locked out of editing this guide. If you would like to reach out to Rooks to fix that problem like he said he would years ago when I asked him to fix it, feel free to do so. Until then, enjoy the half fixed guide I guess?
Node 112