Some initial testing from the Bagua Galero +2 that actually changes some things that we thought about luopans.
Noticeable thing #1:
Most people who have played geo for some time already knew this, but Radial Arcana is based on Luopan HP (and is magically modified by lightsday), with the hat and the shoes equipeed at 5/5 Radial Arcana I got back 541 MP !
Noticeable thing #2:
When I added the hat to my aftercast sets only, the luopan would spawn and then 500 HP would be added so it would be at 76%. After unequipping it and putting it back on the luopan would then be at 98%. This is mostly irrelevant information, as this is how HP gear with players and SMN pets works.
The more relevant part comes when you add the hat to your midcast sets. It made the luopan spawn with full HP, but it also made the luopan's HP go down by 1.5% a tick with 24hp/tick Pet: Regen Gear on. This means that casting the luopan with more HP increases it's perpetuation cost!! If I used lasting emanation after this, it would stop ticking completely. This means that the perpetuation cost is 24hp/tick with lasting. Assuming the ratio is the same as regular perp to lasting, this means that it's ticking 34 hp/tick (I have yet to confirm this exact number, I would have to mess with vorseals in escha zones, math based on the HP ratio indicates it could also be 31.)
From this information I concluded that you should or shouldn't equip the hat in various situatoins with your bubble:
You should equip the hat in midcast if
- You are going to lasting
- The bubble is bolstered
You should equip the hat in aftercast only if
- You are going to ecliptic, then follow-up with life cycle
- The bubble is blazed, then follow-up with life cycle
- You are in escha zones with regen vorseals, or you have companion's roll
Noticeable thing #3:
The hat's "augments concentric pulse" appears to increase damage by 50%, (I went from doing ~1950 to ~2900) but the skill is still garbage so...