Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-10-12 12:17:12
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RolandJ said: »

Also, did anyone ever get /groundtargetst to work with gearswap? I recall reading that someone was making progress with it about 5 months ago but I haven't seen anything on it since. I'd love to be able to place my geo-languor 7.5 yalms from Maju and such! Any word on that?

You've been able to move bubbles with gearswap for about that long now. Byrth fixed it a while ago. Just use the bubble from the menu, hold control, and move it with the arrow keys. Also, 6.5 away from Maju is enough assuming your tank is on the direct opposite side~

On the side of magic evasion, it's not that it doesn't help the luopan as all amount of magic evasion helps; it's just that it's fairly miniscule relative to the gains on the player. The main use for magic evasion is to cause resists which lower damage but also cause status effects to not land. Your luopan only benefits from 1 of these things where as the player would benefit from both.
Posts: 148
By RolandJ 2016-10-12 12:26:39
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You're a great help, Nocki. Thanks!
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-10-12 13:31:51
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as all amount of magic evasion helps;

not if you're floored
Server: Asura
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user: Nazantia
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By Asura.Nazantia 2016-10-13 13:49:39
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I want to play around on GEO/DNC melee style for fun; anyone know the best options for main & offhand (no Idris or Tishtrya)? Original post not helpful with this. Augmented Neshutans?
Server: Asura
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user: cicion
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By Asura.Cicion 2016-10-13 13:51:20
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Neshutans or Gadas with augs
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-10-13 14:24:47
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Nehushtans can get pretty nice augments (plus they look cool!) but they suffer from the lower skill.

Gada have potentially stronger but more random augs and provides 242 skill.
Kinda up to you, but those are sorta the best a GEO can equip.

Alas all of the nice DD-onry clubs are not equippable by GEO, which is quite a shame.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-10-13 14:31:16
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The acc from the Nehu are better than just a base 242 skill Club.

I have +25 dmg, +14 acc/attack, and +3 DA on my mainhand one, and +17 acc, +3 DA, and +2 quad attack on my offhand one. However, where acc allows it OAT Tamaxchi is the best offhand club for DDing.

(I haven't seen many posts with Gada augments, so not sure what augments they can get)
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-10-13 15:05:16
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Divinity's pretty decent
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-10-13 15:37:23
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Siren.Kyte said: »
Perfect Divinity's pretty decent
And yeah I used it mainhand for quite a while.
Lacks accuracy alas and suffers from the same 228 skill issue as Nehushtan, but for the type of content you'd be meleeing on GEO I assume accuracy is likely not too much of an issue in the end XD
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-10-13 15:39:47
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
The acc from the Nehu are better than just a base 242 skill Club.
You can get loads of Acc on Gada too (augment), and skill provides attack as well.

But again, acc shouldn't be too much of an issue for the majority of content you'd be deploying melee GEO on.

However, where acc allows it OAT Tamaxchi is the best offhand club for DDing.
Much likely so.

(I haven't seen many posts with Gada augments, so not sure what augments they can get)
Pretty much in line with the other 1h Reisenjima weapons.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-10-13 15:56:24
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
Perfect Divinity's pretty decent

was a correct statement the first time
Server: Asura
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user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-10-13 16:17:09
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Can they just add Geo to Izcalli plz
Server: Asura
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user: Nazantia
Posts: 19
By Asura.Nazantia 2016-10-13 16:17:28
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Thank you for all the replies; I appreciate it.

I don't have SR unlocked yet. I like the delay on Gada, dual Neshutans will be pretty slow, but all the attractive magic skills on it are wasted since /DNC. In the end, I think it's really only appealing as offhand for the low delay while staying 119 for trusts.

I guess I will go with Neshutan x Tamaxchi for now and consider a 2nd Neshutan or the Gada as I go.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-10-13 16:54:23
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I was doing melee GEO(without an Amboop cape) on Dho Gates crab with Tama offhand. It wasn't too bad. Going with Telchine Hat with +3 haste, Jhakri +1 body, legs, feet, Gazu bracelets, and Hasty Pinion +1 with Ionis on.
Server: Asura
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user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2016-10-13 16:55:59
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Apologies if this has already been asked (probably has), but I can't search the thread because it just times out...

In the general case, which is a larger PDIF gain? Fury or frailty?
Server: Asura
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user: Nazantia
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By Asura.Nazantia 2016-10-13 17:47:47
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I can't answer your question per se, but they have this really nice chart on BG Wiki now. You could use the values and compare mob vs party buffs to possibly determine your answer.

https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Geomancer (bottom of page)
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-10-13 18:05:08
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there may be extreme cases where it's not the case, but frailty is almost always better(and more def- puts it even further ahead, should have at least dia2 available pretty much all the time)
Posts: 45
By Trigue 2016-10-17 16:05:49
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Hello, I have a question regarding GEO that I thought I would ask in here because I can't seem to find any information on the matter. I dropped a piece of the GEO artifact equipment and I've finished the quest line and I'm trying to reset it so I can get the equipment again to be able to start the relic equipment. Problem is the NPC in Lower Jueno that resets artifact quests doesn't offer to reset GEO. T_T... So if anyone has any information on how to reset the quest it would be greatly appreciated. For all I know I could be missing something on my end so any feed back would be great. Thank you.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-10-17 16:11:30
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NPC at yahse frontier station will sell pieces you've already quested for bayld
Posts: 87
By mrlooolz 2016-10-19 03:15:38
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Hello Just wanted to say I followed this guide and I am really happy with it.

I would Suggest you mention what are the optimum augments people should work towards or which path in some pieces. New comers to the job are quiet at loss I would say.

Also, does anyone have a lua that I can use and start to tailor it fit my my style?
Posts: 194
By Gruknor 2016-10-19 07:39:24
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mrlooolz said: »
Hello Just wanted to say I followed this guide and I am really happy with it.

I would Suggest you mention what are the optimum augments people should work towards or which path in some pieces. New comers to the job are quiet at loss I would say.

Also, does anyone have a lua that I can use and start to tailor it fit my my style?

Augments for which pieces? A geo is used mainly for their bubbles. So you want a combined 900 skill. Enough pet/lupuon damage reduction and pet regen gear. You also want idle sets, refresh set, damage taken set, fast cast, cure sets, nuking sets, enhancing, ws, tp, movement speed. That will take care of most of it.
Posts: 87
By mrlooolz 2016-10-19 09:13:39
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I mean for Vanya for example which path do I go for each piece. Do i favor path D for the feet?
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Garota
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By Ragnarok.Garota 2016-10-19 09:57:18
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Ooh! I like this! I always only looked at the one on the original post from this thread.
Server: Valefor
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user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2016-10-20 11:52:23
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Can geomancer debuffs be resisted(aka bypasses magic accuracy) or immuned by any enemy? Are they 100% land rate and guaranteed?

Can geo buffs be dispelled like cor/bards?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Scwall
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By Quetzalcoatl.Commencal 2016-10-20 12:10:36
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1. Certain mobs can resist them? Correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise, no they can't.

2. No they can't. However, a luopan loses HP over time and is susceptible to damage.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-10-20 12:11:10
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Select monsters are immune to some or all geomancy debuffs. The rocks in Lebros PSC assault can't be geo-poisoned. The frog in intense ambuscade this month seems immune to all geo debuffs. There may be others I can't think of right now.

Aside from that, they cannot be resisted or dispelled. As long as the luopan(or geomancer, in the case of indispells) is alive and targets are in range, the buff/debuff is active.
Server: Asura
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user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2016-10-20 12:44:33
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As long as the luopan(or geomancer, in the case of indispells) is alive and targets are in range, the buff/debuff is active.

Also, the GEO has to be on the hate table of the monster in question.
Posts: 87
By mrlooolz 2016-10-27 02:01:34
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Hello! I was wondering if anyone was planing on updating the guide. I would like to to start shooting for the current BIS items. I think some from the guide might be outdated and things might have changed over time. Also Ambuscade cape and other items now come into play.

May someone refer me to the current BiS items or are the ones in the guide still the best?
Posts: 346
By Sidiov 2016-10-27 02:16:13
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I didnt look very close, but the guide is showing the gear from last month, I'm pretty sure its still ok. Ambuscade cape is all over it.
Posts: 87
By mrlooolz 2016-10-30 00:05:59
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Sidiov said: »
I didnt look very close, but the guide is showing the gear from last month, I'm pretty sure its still ok. Ambuscade cape is all over it.

I see. I dug through comments to find out what Augs but its good to know. Is there a nice lua out there I can work to modify. I am currently using krystals lua.
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